
chapter 1

It took a few moments for Percy's vision to come back. The lightning was so bright he feared it would be the last thing he ever saw.

As his vision slowly cleared he crawled his way out from the flipped car, and saw what was before him clearly.

And suddenly he wished he could go blind.

The smell of his mother's singed hair hit him first. They fell around her head like waves. He registered how her gaze was lost in the distance. Her bright eyes filled with life now blanker than a canvas.

Disturbingly her hands still gripped the steering wheels like it was her lifeline.

But mortal strength could never hold onto that line for long. It was a fleeting thing, always needing to eventually relent, to let go so the fates could get to their heartbreaking task. Only Percy wasn't ready to let go.


The words left Percy's lips as delusions settled over his mind like a thick fog. "Mom come on we got to go!" He exclaimed crawling back inside to her side.

A roar echoed in the distance.

"Come one mom get up! Please get up!" Percy begged shaking her shoulder.


It was Grover, his voice broke out shakily as he untied himself. He fell on what was now the roof of the car. Thankfully he wasn't hurt as he grabbed Percy's shoulders.

"Come on we got to go!" Shouted Grover over the rain.

"No I can't leave her!" Screamed Percy clawing at the car as Grover barely manage to pull him away, the very metal of the vehicle caving under Percy's grip. It was like battling the tides, as Grover undertook the soul crushing task of convincing his best friend that his mother was gone as he took him away. Gone to the Fields of Elysium, that's the absolute least a woman like her deserved.

But Percy was deaf, too heartbroken to even question Grover's statements. Or to even notice the blood thirsty beast as it charged towards them.

Grover did, he hauled Percy away harder ignoring the various hits his friend gave him as he tried to run back to his mother.

"We have to get to the hill!" Shouted Grover as they reached the tree line.

He turned around just in time to see the Minotaur lift the Camaro above his head, throwing it away still sniffing for it's quarry.

The Camaro exploded showering the clearing in a ball of fire. The flames illuminating Percy's horrified expression.

The scream of pure wrath and suffering that exploded from his lungs would forever be branded in his mind.

Grover ran away dragging Percy with him. The ground rumbled as the beast grew closer. Grover saw the hand of the Minotaur close in towards him. Without thinking he shoved Percy aside, the strike meant for his friend caught him in the chest sending the satyr flying into a tree. Knocking the wind out of him.

Grover groaned in pain barely catching his breath as he looked up. The beast stood at nearly ten feet tall hunched over. It's razor sharp horns aimed in his direction.


The Minotaur turned to Percy who stood only a few feet away from the hill. Lightning flashed across the sky as Percy stood right in front of Grover realized was Thalia's tree. He tried to scream for Percy to get behind the tree, but only a weak gasp exited his mouth.

His heart sank. His history was repeating itself. We're every demigod he tried to guide bound to suffering and death?

In his mind Where Percy stood was Thalia Grace ready for her last stand. Bleeding and bruised her pupils dilated as she held back beasts and monsters from hurting those she loved. She looked tired and afraid.

She looked ready to die, but Percy didn't look ready to die. No he looked ready to kill.

"Come and get me!" He yelled in defiance.

Grover watched on in horror as the Minotaur changed target and ran straight for him. He tried to gain the Monster's attention, but it was too late.

Rain hammered against his head as he stared, his eyes hurting from all the water. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the scene despite the pain.

His eyes widdened further as Percy lept over the monster using its lowered snout like springboard. His movements unbelievably fluid compared to the somewhat clumsy boy he knew.

He landed on its back as the Minotaur rammed head first into the three. The bright impact against the magical barrier melting in with a flash of thunder.

Under Grover's flabbergasted gaze Percy gripped the horn and pulled with all his might.


The horn broke in half Percy flew off the monster's back from his own force. Grover saw his head bounce off the ground. His blood ran cold as Percy remained motionless for a second before he shakily got to his feet.

Grover followed his example his limbs trembling with fear as he took a few steps before freezing again.

Now even more blinded by rage the Minotaur sped towards Percy. Using its hand to gain more momentum like a gorilla he didn't try to grab Percy. It's only intent was to painfully skewer the child for his offense.

Taking advantage of it's now lone horn Percy side stepped slightly to the left. Plunging the broken horn into the Minotaur's throat.

The monster stopped dead in it's tracks. Carried by its own momentum it slid to the ground slowly turning to golden dust.

Grover limped towards Percy. His hands were shaking hard.

It's then that Grover noticed it, a gash came from the not fully severed horn. Going from Percy's ribs to his upper right shoulder.

Grover swallowed down his panic and wrapped an arm around Percy. Percy grabbed his shoulder with a death grip, as if his friend was about to disappear as well.

With each steps Percy grew heavier. It's then that Grover noticed the side of his head was bleeding profusely.

Head wounds bleed a lot, that's normal. Grover told himself as some form of reassurance. Grover marched down the hill towards the big house overlooking the valley.

Only to be stopped short by a group of armored teen. "Where's the monster!" Eagerly demanded Clarisse Larue brandishing her crackling spear not even sparing a glance for the injured demigod.

"Percy killed it." Stammered Grover "he needs help!" The child in question was barely conscious, his head limply hanging on Grover's shoulder.

Clarisse let out a groan of disappointment earning a shove from Luke Castellan.

Without a word he grabbed the younger demigod and ran away at superhuman speed to the infirmary. The jostling loosened Percy's grip on the horn.

A dissapointed son of Ares eagerly kneeled down to take it. Only for Clarisse to smack the back of his head so hard his helmet flew off.

"That's not your kill! Your really going to embarrass our name by claiming a spoil of war you didn't earn?!" She questioned dangerously holding her spear inches away from his chin.

He vividly shook his head. Clarisse relented "good, now back to bed no bloodshed tonight." She grumbled a sentiment shared by her siblings as they trudged back to their cabin complaining.

Grover reached for the horn intending to keep it for Percy. Only for a new hand to claim it. Grover opened his mouth to shout, but stopped. It was just Beckendorf.

He inspected the horn under the ambient light of the big house.

"That's not a clean cut, your telling me that scrawny kid ripped off the horn of the Minotaur with his bare hands?"

"Grover can recount the triumph later child. Back to bed." Came Chiron's gentle command. Beckendorf shrugged and chucked the horn back to Grover. "Ask the kid if he wants a weapon made out of that."

Grover stumbled, but someone held him up.

"You okay?" Asked Annabeth as she steadied the Satyr.

Grover's eyes filled with tears. "His mother." He couldn't go further his voice breaking. Chiron let out a deep sigh before ushering Grover inside.

There was much to speak of.

Annabeth looked at the horn carefully clutched in Grover's hands and back to the direction Luke had taken.

"He might just be the one."

By all the gods in all the mercy they may or may not have, he hoped Percy wasn't.