
Malron Awakening: The Demonic Curse System

[Greetings, The Damned One] [You are in agreement to be part of the Demonic Curse System] [Please perform your duties until the end] [Hell always awaits you] The evil demon named Malron accidentally forges a binding pact between demons and humans involving the innocent teenager named Kieran. Thus the Demonic Curse System is born. It is a system that reduces Malron's power along with his demonic nature, and replaces it with Kieran's natural gifts. Malron can't escape his oath; he forced protect Kieran to death. Or until Kieran releases him from the demon's service. Little does Malron know that Kieran plays a pivotal role that jeopardizes his life. Whether he like it or not, Malron must ensure Kieran's safety for the ultimate goal: becoming the world's Supreme Priest. #noharem #noromance #system #sidekick #villain #demon #reverseoverpowered

Lifebegin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


They reached Albuquerque in the morning. Malron just looked cynically at Kieran, who was always energized when exposed to sunlight. Malron, however, didn't like excessive sunlight. 

No, it's not that demons shun the sun and prefer the darkness. That's more associated with legends like vampires. However, sunlight offers hope and positivity to humans.

Demons gnaw at people from the inside, spreading darkness, anger, despair, and other harmful things. When humans got a boost from sunlight, it annoyed the demons. 

So Malron preferred to wait in places that were dark enough. He looked at Kieran, who was busy chatting with station staff. The boy thanked him and made small talk.

According to Malron, using his trident and eliminating the station staff would be more practical. Quick and efficient.

Kieran rushed over to Malron with an energy that radiated positivity. "Sorry to keep you waiting, sir. Let's go to my home."

Then they left the station. Malron felt relieved not to have to make long, small talk. 

They walked along the sidewalk, and the street atmosphere was quite deserted. It wasn't a city with chaotic traffic and busy, individualistic people. Even the downtown streets were just a little narrow.

Most buildings were three to five stories high, with some taller structures, but only in some places. The weather, however, was indeed hot and dry.

Kieran's humming could be heard, making Malron sleepy. Malron's human body began showing signs of earthly needs - fatigue and hunger, and the demon wished to lie on a bed.

"Is your house far?" Malron asked in a hoarse voice.

"Quite," Kieran nodded. The young man glanced at Malron. "Are you all right? You look tired, sir."

"I just don't like the sunlight."

"Sensitive skin?"

"Something like that."

"Does your skin burn easily, sir?"

Malron gave a brief, sarcastic look. "Do you think I'm a vampire?"

"No." Kieran shook his head quickly, then looked down. "Although your skin is ashen," he continued.

There was no reaction from Malron, just a lazy smirk.

"By the way," Kieran cleared his throat. "You haven't said a word since last night."

There was a sarcastic look as Malron's answer.

Of course, Malron didn't want to talk about the letter. The demon was too disappointed and had despaired of himself for a moment. Malron felt incredibly stupid, even though he was one of the most intelligent demons. How could he have made such a fatal mistake?

Malron's self-esteem felt like it had been gambled away.

So Malron distanced himself from Kieran and quietly burned the letter in anger.

"What was in the letter, sir?" Kieran asked.

"Ta polá lógia íne ftóhia," Malron replied.

Kieran blinked in surprise. "That sounds really cool. What does it mean?"

"Silence is gold."

Two fire engines drove past them with loud sirens.

Kieran swallowed, feeling very guilty. The young man thought that his words often disturbed Malron. As loud as a fire engine siren.

"Forgive me, sir," Kieran said quietly.


Kieran jumped. "What is it, sir?"

Malron's index finger pointed at the fire truck. "We should have hitched a ride. No need to walk so far."

Kieran's eyebrows furrowed. "It's impossible for us to do that."

Malron shrugged. "I know," he replied nonchalantly. "Why else are you apologizing?"

"I feel like I talk too much. I make you uncomfortable, so I'm apologizing. Actually, I—"

Malron's index finger gestured immediately. "Ta polá lógia íne ftóhia."

"Alright, sir!" Kieran nodded in understanding.

The golden-haired youth said nothing more; he just enjoyed the ride home, humming. As if Kieran's life had no problems. Although he was starting to sweat and his breathing was getting heavier.

Kieran's life was full of hope.

Malron only looked at him occasionally with a sense of wonder. What kind of human was Malron dealing with? 

In the old days, many humans had great hopes. Even if they weren't the masters Malron served. Mostly, those steadfast humans died quickly.

"Is it still far?" Malron joked after they had walked for nearly forty minutes.

Malron's body began to sweat, especially since he was wearing all-black clothing under the scorching sun. It stimulated the demon's emotions, especially when his stomach felt strange.

Yes, Malron was hungry.

"Just another bend ahead, sir," Kieran pointed.

Malron noticed that they had already passed the downtown area. The houses there were spread out. A few new homes were being built along the roadside, but it was a small development. Just one to three houses.

If you want a peaceful life far away from annoying neighbors, New Mexico might be the place for you. Especially if you want to avoid or hide, Malron thought.

"How long have you lived in New Mexico?" Malron asked.

Kieran seemed to remember. "Three or maybe four years. I almost forgot."

"Not too long?"

"Not yet, sir."

Malron nodded briefly. "Where did you live before?"

Malron didn't like having to ask about this new master of his. But Malron couldn't see the past, anything that had to do with Kieran. That frustrated the demon.

"We moved around," Kieran replied.

"Oh, is your uncle a fugitive?"

"Please, sir." Kieran's lips pouted.

Malron grinned, then chuckled softly.

It was the first time Malron had laughed because he found it amusing.

"We're almost there," Kieran said, changing the subject.

Suddenly, Malron sensed something strange; a crowd could be heard before they reached the bend. The hearts of the people sounded so clear.

There was also a mixture of fear, sadness, and anxiety in their auras.

By the time they reached the curve, about a hundred yards ahead, people were gathered, police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks. Malron looked up and saw the gray smoke thinning. The demon guessed that the fire seemed to have been out for about twenty minutes.

"What's going on?" Kieran's eyes widened.

Kieran ran as fast as he could, but Malron followed. As soon as the humans looked at Kieran, they stumbled and were shocked.

"Kieran!" A woman immediately approached and hugged the young man, crying uncontrollably.

"Mrs. Guasch, what happened?" Kieran looked confused.

"Your aunt and uncle, they... they..." The Latin woman's cries grew louder, and she stopped what she was saying.

Malron took the initiative and stepped forward, pushing through the crowd. There was a police line that no one was allowed to cross. Even the police were still going in and out of a half-burned house. Besides the smell of soot, Malron could faintly detect the scent of demons.

Kieran immediately screamed as he ran towards the house. "Auntie!! Uncle!!" He shouted in panic.

Malron immediately grabbed the young man in his arms. "Stop, Kieran!"

"Nooo...!!!" Kieran cried sadly. "Nooo...!!!"