
Malron Awakening: The Demonic Curse System

[Greetings, The Damned One] [You are in agreement to be part of the Demonic Curse System] [Please perform your duties until the end] [Hell always awaits you] The evil demon named Malron accidentally forges a binding pact between demons and humans involving the innocent teenager named Kieran. Thus the Demonic Curse System is born. It is a system that reduces Malron's power along with his demonic nature, and replaces it with Kieran's natural gifts. Malron can't escape his oath; he forced protect Kieran to death. Or until Kieran releases him from the demon's service. Little does Malron know that Kieran plays a pivotal role that jeopardizes his life. Whether he like it or not, Malron must ensure Kieran's safety for the ultimate goal: becoming the world's Supreme Priest. #noharem #noromance #system #sidekick #villain #demon #reverseoverpowered

Lifebegin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


Kieran sat huddled in the diner booth, looking distressed and not even touching his food. Malron paid no attention to the young man's seemingly excessive behavior. The demon was still chatting with the diner's owner, Gemma, a 75-year-old woman who had once been a member of a dark cult.

They had been talking for over half an hour, and Gemma had provided at least some information. 

"So you think it's the Summoners who are still bringing the old demons into the world?" Malron asked.

Gemma chuckled. "Aren't you the one?"

"I'm not old, I'm extraordinary."

Gemma's lips curled as her head tilted slightly from side to side. "Yes, fair enough. You're not like the other demons."

Initially cautious, Gemma sensed something different about Malron as a demonic being. Malron didn't want to hear the good Gemma felt, those words made Malron allergic.

"You're like..."

Malron cut her off immediately. "Don't say anything bad to make me hear."

"Evolve," Gemma corrected.

The demon was stunned to hear that one word from Gemma.

"Old Demons, Great Evil, Darkest Fiend, all these names have the same traits." Gemma sighed softly. "They are so cruel and so meticulous. One small mistake and it will endanger the leaders and the summoners."

"Like what happened to your comrades before?"

There was a slight nod from Gemma. She took a long breath and exhaled quickly. "That's the most horrible memory, one that won't leave my mind."

There were many epithets for the 13 greatest demons, and Malron was one of them. In fact, Malron's position was in the top three of this list of demons. Summoning the Stygian Lords (one of the names for these 13 demons) was extremely difficult, complicated, and risky.

Anyone who summoned them had to be prepared that their soul would belong to the demon forever. There's no undoing the spell or cancelling the deal. Once done, it is done. 

Summoning the Stygian Lords was so difficult that it took decades to succeed.

Malron came to the world about 40 years ago, serving a rather famous singer in the 80s. However, his fame didn't last long, only a few years, and the singer decided to end his life.

It was certain that his soul belonged to Malron.

Lesser demons often came and went in the world because they were easy to summon. So when Malron heard that many great demons had arrived, he wondered.

Were there really talented people who could make summoning easier? Or did the great demons lower their summoning standards, like a Ouija board?

"How many demons do you think have come to this world?" Malron asked.

"One or two, about two days ago, on the way to Albuquerque," Gemma glanced at the TV. "They must be the ones causing the havoc in the chapel, right?"

Malron nodded. "But only one, the others are lesser demons."

"Have you met any of the Stygian Lords?" Gemma's eyes widened.

"Yes, I met Nesses. But she has returned to her habitat. Perhaps she is repairing her broken whip." Malron grinned. "And her pride."

"I think you should leave here soon, Lord," Gemma pleaded. "They won't stop hunting you."

"I know."

Malron nodded, then stood. The demon stretched his body, suddenly feeling old at the loud sound of bones.

"By the way, do you know about the High Priest?" Malron asked.

Gemma, who had also risen from her seat, remained silent for a moment, blinking her eyes. The old woman seemed confused by Malron's question.

"What about the High Priest? Do you know about them?"

"I need to know who they are, Gemma," Malron insisted.

Gemma wet her lips and looked uncomfortable. "The High Priests are figures appointed to ensure the continuity of the community and maintain peace in the world. They are everywhere, not centralized in one area."

Malron nodded quickly, understanding what Gemma meant.


Gemma's suppressed laughter could be heard. "Not quite like that, Lord."

"They are numerous, all over the place. What makes them distinct from chicken or burger restaurants?"

"Just different," Gemma said firmly.

Malron grunted. "Okay."

"The High Priest leads a large congregation called Heaven Tree. I've been a member of Heaven Tree for twenty-five years."

"When was that community founded?"

"I think it was almost forty years ago, but I'm not exactly sure."

No wonder Malron had never heard of this community, although it wasn't important anyway, as it certainly had nothing to do with demons.

"Do you know where I can find one of the High Priests, in Pennsylvania for example?"

Gemma shook her head slowly. "Solomon Dreymon has been gone for a long time, after his son and daughter-in-law were killed. He died in suffering and internal wounds."

Malron never expected to hear such a tragic drama, which he didn't really need to know. Gemma was just a lonely middle-aged woman who might like to talk.

For some reason, Malron couldn't bring himself to interrupt Gemma's overly verbose words.

"Solomon had two other sons, a boy and a girl," Gemma continued.

"Where are they now?"

Gemma just pursed her lips downward. "I don't know. They disappeared when Solomon's oldest son was killed."

"Killed along with his wife?"

"Uhuh," Gemma nodded.

"All right," Malron concluded. "I must leave now. Thank you for your information, Gemma."

The old woman nodded briefly. "Safe travels, Lord Malron."

Malron hurried over to Kieran, then gave the young man a hard tap on the shoulder and gestured for them to leave immediately. As Gemma approached from behind, Malron turned his body.

"I have to do this, Gemma," Malron said in a determined voice.

Malron's palm opened and a reddish light moved to form a circle around Gemma. The old woman jumped in surprise and looked frightened. Seeing this, Kieran grabbed Malron's arm and panicked.

"What are you doing?!" Kieran shouted.

"YA – Khozyain Vechnogo Ognya moyego mira, i ya proshu tebya osvobodit' iz svoyey dushi vse vospominaniya obo mne, vkusivshiye t'mu. Obladaya etoy siloy, ty ne podchinyayesh'sya moyemu prikazu, no ty gotov sdelat' eto."

(I am the Eternal Fire Master of my world and I ask you to release from your soul all memories of me that have tasted darkness. With this power, you are not subject to my command, but you are willing to do so.)

Symbols appeared within the circle, and within seconds Gemma was staring blankly ahead. Then the red circle instantly disappeared. The old woman blinked.

"Oh, hi. Are you filling up?" Gemma asked as if they had just met.

"I already gave you the money," Malron simply nodded.

Gemma reached into her pocket and looked surprised. "Oh, you're right. I'm sorry, just a moment... I'll get your change back."

"You can keep the change," Malron replied.

Malron hurried out of the diner, followed by a frightened looking Kieran, who had seen Gemma apparently brainwashed. As Malron got into the car, Kieran immediately grabbed the demon's arm.

"What did you do to the diner owner? Did you hypnotize her?" Kieran asked, breathing heavily. "Didn't I tell you—"

"I erased her memories for her own good. Do you understand?" Malron interrupted.

"You can do that?" Kieran looked confused. "Who are you really? Don't you want to be honest with me, Lord?"