
Malron Awakening: The Demonic Curse System

[Greetings, The Damned One] [You are in agreement to be part of the Demonic Curse System] [Please perform your duties until the end] [Hell always awaits you] The evil demon named Malron accidentally forges a binding pact between demons and humans involving the innocent teenager named Kieran. Thus the Demonic Curse System is born. It is a system that reduces Malron's power along with his demonic nature, and replaces it with Kieran's natural gifts. Malron can't escape his oath; he forced protect Kieran to death. Or until Kieran releases him from the demon's service. Little does Malron know that Kieran plays a pivotal role that jeopardizes his life. Whether he like it or not, Malron must ensure Kieran's safety for the ultimate goal: becoming the world's Supreme Priest. #noharem #noromance #system #sidekick #villain #demon #reverseoverpowered

Lifebegin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


"I don't remember us ever being in the same school," Malron paused, "Nesses."

"Ouch... that hurts my feelings. We spent time together, Malron."


One of the thirteen most powerful and feared demons. The female demon had enslaved many souls, the result of seducing masters. The whip she wielded was extremely dangerous, capable of drawing anyone into the darkness of her own creation.

In the demonic world, Nesses didn't have many demonic warriors behind her. However, the female demon was close to other powerful demons. Nesses was an excellent communicator. But not with Malron.

"I'll get right to the point, let's end this and let me deal with that pitiful human," Malron pointed at Kieran. "The human you slaughtered in the chapel, that's your business with the angels."

Nesses raised an eyebrow, making her demon face even more intimidating. "It doesn't work that way."

"I have no problem with you. So I guess we'll settle this unnessesary thing and be at peace?"

The female demon chuckled quietly. "Peace? Oh dear, your lame joke always amuses me."

"Look, it just rhymes with your name, doesn't it?"

"I prefer to call it," Nesses looked sharply at Malron, "Matters."

"So do we consider this settled?"

Nesses cracked the whip hard against the tiled surface. "It's not that simple, Malron. It is my duty to bring the child to my master."

"Kieran is my responsibility," Malron replied casually. "So you must face me first."

"I don't think we've come to an agreement," Nesses nodded diplomatically.

Behind Nesses, more demons emerged, and from the tops of the buildings, immediately surrounding Malron. Malron was trapped, separated from Kieran and Mrs. Guasch, who were still unconscious.

If they were awake, Malron could have ordered Kieran to take Mrs. Guasch and leave, but they would surely be hunted by other demons. Like it or not, Malron had to face his own kind.

Malron's trident appeared and slammed into the tile surface. Its low hum filled the air, and Malron's human form transformed into a terrifying demon. 

A dark-skinned demon, tall and muscular, with a truly terrifying grin. Malron let out a demonic laugh that would make anyone flee in fear.

"I don't care if you bring thousands of demon soldiers with you, because I will defeat them all," Malron said defiantly.

Nesses made no response, only tilting her head with a mocking look in her eyes. The female demon gestured at Malron with her index finger, and the demons moved to attack.

Malron spun his trident, then thrust it at each demon that approached, advancing at the same time. Each demon that tried to get close, Malron easily parried and broke. 

The sound of clashing sharp objects, coupled with the rain of arrows from above, made his ears hurt. Malron looked up, then swung his trident, unleashing a wave of fire and wind.

Malron's foot kicked the demon in front of him, sending its body somersaulting backward, one hand resting on the shoulder of a distracted demon. 

The slash of Malron's trident, now behind the demon's back, decapitated several heads at once.

Malron quickly jumped to the opposite wall and unleashed his fiery power, "Hellfire Rupture!"

His body swung gracefully, then anchored itself to another wall in the narrow alley, relentlessly charging at each demon with tremendous force.

It was the first time Malron had to fight fellow demons in the human world. Fights were common in the demon world, especially over bets. However, in the human world, demons never fought each other because they had tasks to perform.

What happened now seemed like someone was deliberately inciting the demons to destroy each other. Not only that, but whoever was responsible was inciting a war with the angels.

As Malron saw for himself, angels were being destroyed by demon attacks. In Malron's observation, demons shouldn't have the power to destroy angels. 

It sounded cliché, but only the Creator could defeat angels, and the loss of human belief in powers greater than themselves.

The relentless attacks of the demons overwhelmed Malron and pushed him away from Kieran and Mrs. Guasch.

"Kieran! Idiot!!" Malron yelled. "Wake up!! You goddamn idiot!"

Malron felt incredibly busy having to fight low-level demons, but when their numbers were enough... they were still a nuisance. Like being swarmed by mosquitoes.

It turned out that Mrs. Guasch was awake, she groaned softly and became aware of her surroundings. The demons no longer hid their presence in the midst of battle, so Mrs. Guasch's eyes caught a glimpse of them.

"Oh, Lord!!" Mrs. Guasch exclaimed in disbelief.

Mrs. Guasch shook Kieran's body, shaking with panic and fear.

"Kieran! Wake up! Kieraan!" the middle-aged woman sobbed.

Consciousness approached Kieran, and he opened his eyelids weakly. "Mrs. Guasch?" Kieran called out weakly.

At that moment, Nesses saw that Malron was busy and felt that this was her chance to take Kieran away. The female demon whipped her tail, which immediately shot out and wrapped around one of Kieran's ankles.

"No!!" Mrs. Guasch screamed.

Kieran's body was dragged closer to Nesses, but Mrs. Guasch managed to grab both of the young man's hands. Kieran was fully awake now and tried to break free of Mrs. Guasch's grip.

"Leave me!!" Kieran shouted.

"Never!!" Mrs. Guasch insisted.

"Get out of here, Mrs. Guasch! It's dangerous!! Don't save me!!" Kieran repeated.

Mrs. Guasch shook her head and grabbed Kieran's arms tighter. "No one's taking you away from me, son!"

Nesses clicked his tongue lazily. "Such drama..."

Mrs. Guasch's eyes flashed with intense anger as she released her grip on Kieran's hands and bravely approached Nesses. The female demon blinked and glared at Mrs. Guasch with tight lips.

"Release Kieran, you evil woman! The Creator will punish you! For your demonic deeds!" Mrs. Guasch shouted.

"Well, a brave woman," Nesses muttered.

The female demon's palm opened, and Mrs. Guasch's body suddenly levitated and flew toward Nesses. Mrs. Guasch's neck was caught in Nesses' grip, and she writhed in pain.

"God will punish you," Mrs. Guasch hissed in a choked voice.

"I know Him better than you do," Nesses replied coldly.

Nesses' grip tightened even more.

Without mercy, the female demon immediately crushed Mrs. Guasch's neck bones.