
Malron Awakening: The Demonic Curse System

[Greetings, The Damned One] [You are in agreement to be part of the Demonic Curse System] [Please perform your duties until the end] [Hell always awaits you] The evil demon named Malron accidentally forges a binding pact between demons and humans involving the innocent teenager named Kieran. Thus the Demonic Curse System is born. It is a system that reduces Malron's power along with his demonic nature, and replaces it with Kieran's natural gifts. Malron can't escape his oath; he forced protect Kieran to death. Or until Kieran releases him from the demon's service. Little does Malron know that Kieran plays a pivotal role that jeopardizes his life. Whether he like it or not, Malron must ensure Kieran's safety for the ultimate goal: becoming the world's Supreme Priest. #noharem #noromance #system #sidekick #villain #demon #reverseoverpowered

Lifebegin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


Kieran continued to look at Malron. "I think there's something you should tell Mrs. Guasch, sir." 

The emphasis on 'sir' made Malron reluctant to say something he despised. "I'm sorry, ma'am," the demon said, feeling compelled.

"Oh, that's all right, Kieran," Mrs. Guasch waved her hand dismissively and blushed slightly. "You must be exhausted and hungry. I understand sometimes people get emotional, especially regarding stomach matters."

Mrs. Guasch stood up. 

"I will prepare some clothes for you and some food. You better take a shower," she continued half commanding.

Hurriedly, Mrs. Guasch entered one of the rooms closest to the kitchen and dining area. Malron sighed softly, took a cookie from the plate, and devoured it greedily.

"Mrs. Guasch is a kind woman; she helped my aunt and uncle a lot," Kieran whispered, glancing at Malron. "I know you're tired, sir... but please, be kind to her."


"I've been a lot of trouble to you already, sir. If you have business to attend to, I will not force you to stay. You must have family waiting for you."

The cookie in Malron's hand fell to the ground. "Say that again..."

"What do you mean?"

"Say that you don't want me by your side!"

Kieran blinked. "Oh, I didn't mean that. In fact, I'd be thrilled if you stayed with me, sir. Even though I might bother you."

Disappointment washed over Malron as he picked up the cookie from the floor and shoved it into his mouth.

"You better take a shower. Your body smells!" Malron commented, half annoyed.

Kieran sniffed at himself, and then, without further ado, the young man stood up. Kieran's footsteps sounded soft on the floor as he approached Mrs. Guasch and called out to her in his soft voice.

The sound of Mrs. Guasch and Kieran talking in the room reached Malron's ears. The demon sighed softly.

"Counsel," Malron murmured softly.

[Greetings, The Damned]

[How may I serve you?]

"Show me the Chronicle."

[Your Chronicle, The Damned One]

[Demonic Power: +998]

[Trident Flame: +999]

[Wrath: +998]

[Temptation: +999]

[Cunning: +998]

[Malice: +998]


[Angelic Power: +1]

[Sword Eternity: -999]

[Patience: +1]

[Sincerity: +1]

[Compassion: -999]

[Benevolence: +1]

[Is there anything else you wish to ask?]

"How can I return to the demon world?" Malron asked.

[Finish your duty thoroughly]

"I don't want to lose my demonic powers. How can I rid my system of anything that has to do with angels?"

[That is your curse. Only you can withstand the curse or accept your fate]

"Goodness, what kind of system are you?" Malron gritted his teeth in frustration.

[Is there anything else you wish to ask?]


Mrs. Guasch and Kieran left the room together as Malron finished his conversation with the system. Mrs. Guasch's face was beaming as she approached the demon, carrying bright orange clothing with floral accents in her arms.

"I think this will do for you. It belonged to my son, but he no longer lives here. You may wear it," Mrs. Guasch said.

Malron accepted the shirt, half shocked. "Don't you have something plain black?"

"Unfortunately not, but you'll still look good in this shirt," Mrs. Guasch replied with a smile. She looked at Kieran. "Isn't that right, dear?"

"It looks good," Kieran nodded.

"Well, I'll prepare dinner. You two can shower and freshen up while you wait for dinner to cook," Mrs. Guasch said briskly.

Kieran immediately followed Mrs. Guasch into the kitchen and chatted briefly before heading for the bathroom. Meanwhile, Malron stared at the absurdly patterned shirt with colors he thought were terrible.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Mrs. Guasch exclaimed.

She hurriedly retrieved something from a cupboard in the kitchen, pulled out a box, and took out two black lumps. 

She handed one to Kieran while whispering, and they both giggled.

This made Malron suspicious.

Mrs. Guasch approached Malron and handed him the other lump.

Malron's eyes saw only the thin, tissue-like fabric. Confused, he looked at Mrs. Guasch. "What is this, ma'am?"

"It's disposable underwear. You didn't bring any spare underwear, did you?"

Shit, Malron cursed inwardly, annoyed.


Dinner went on peacefully, and now Malron sat at the table with Kieran and Mrs. Guasch. The demon continued to eat the cookies Mrs. Guasch had baked; for some reason, they tasted delicious to Malron's palate.

Although Kieran still looked worried, Mrs. Guasch continued with the morning events. She had not noticed the fire because she was still asleep. Oddly enough, the house had burned considerably before the fire alarm rang.

Malron, listening in, felt that someone or something had stopped the alarm from turning on.

"By the way..." Mrs. Guasch seemed to remember something but stood up without finishing her sentence.

Kieran and Malron exchanged looks.

"There's something I want to give you, Kieran," she continued, her voice sounding severe.

"About what, Mrs. Guasch?" Kieran asked.

"Two days ago, your aunt left something for me. I thought she was panicking because you were missing. So I just complied with her request."

She walked over to a bedside table near one of the rooms. Mrs. Guasch opened the bottom drawer and took out a wooden box. Not too large, it resembled a jewelry box, plain with no engravings.

Mrs. Guasch handed the box to Kieran and sat down.

"Your aunt said to give it to you when you return," Mrs. Guasch's words sounded mysterious. Then she sighed softly. "I don't know if your aunt felt a bad omen, Kieran."

"A bad omen?" Kieran tossed the box around, his expression puzzled.

Mrs. Guasch looked into the distance. "Well, try to remember... the last thing she said was that if anything happened to her, your aunt, I mean, you should return to your true home."

"My home?"

"Your aunt said everything you're looking for is in that box. But who knows... you should find out for yourself," Mrs. Guasch replied.

Kieran held on to the box. "All right, Mrs. Guasch. And thank you."

Mrs. Guasch's attention shifted to Malron. "Would you like another cookie, Malron?"

The demon just nodded, enjoying the sweet taste of melted chocolate.

"Thanks for keeping Kieran company, Malron," Mrs. Guasch commented. "I'm curious, though, where did you two meet? How did you agree to take Kieran back to New Mexico?"

Malron swallowed the cookie he was chewing. His body immediately tensed. "That..."

Reflexively, Malron glanced at Kieran, who was so close to getting an answer from the young man. It was as if Kieran had just awakened from a long sleep and realized that Malron had always been at his side. What Kieran needed to learn was who Malron really was.

"We met somewhere," Kieran interjected, still looking at Malron. "Sir Malron saved me when I was in danger."

"Yes, something like that," Malron replied.

"He was like an angel to me. Right, sir?" Kieran stared at Malron intently.

The demon just nodded briefly, and he gulped.