
Malron Awakening: The Demonic Curse System

[Greetings, The Damned One] [You are in agreement to be part of the Demonic Curse System] [Please perform your duties until the end] [Hell always awaits you] The evil demon named Malron accidentally forges a binding pact between demons and humans involving the innocent teenager named Kieran. Thus the Demonic Curse System is born. It is a system that reduces Malron's power along with his demonic nature, and replaces it with Kieran's natural gifts. Malron can't escape his oath; he forced protect Kieran to death. Or until Kieran releases him from the demon's service. Little does Malron know that Kieran plays a pivotal role that jeopardizes his life. Whether he like it or not, Malron must ensure Kieran's safety for the ultimate goal: becoming the world's Supreme Priest. #noharem #noromance #system #sidekick #villain #demon #reverseoverpowered

Lifebegin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


The framed glass door swung open from the outside, and Malron and Kieran entered the station. The building was magnificent, resembling a great hall, with the interior still retaining the station's original charm. 

Of course, there were some restorations, such as marble-covered cream-colored walls and matching floors.

Kieran marveled at the plaid ceiling with khaki tones and dark brown circles in the center, resembling a box of chocolates. 

In the center were rows of wooden chairs, stained and polyurethane-coated. All the chairs were empty; no one was there but the security guard.

The guard hurriedly approached Malron and Kieran. "Hello, the first train doesn't leave until six in the morning."

"We weren't planning on buying tickets," Malron replied casually.

The guard was taken aback. However, he was unaware that he had fallen under Malron's influence. 

Malron's eyes briefly glowed red. "We just want to sleep. If you don't mind?" he added quietly.

The guard nodded obediently. "Of course, sir."

Kieran looked at Malron in disbelief as they were not ejected from the station. Instead, the guard escorted them to the seats that were a favorite passenger spot.

"We have no pillows or blankets; I hope you'll forgive our poor service, sir," the guard said.

Malron just waved his hand arrogantly. "Go."

Kieran nodded awkwardly at the guard. "Thank you, sir."

The guard retreated quickly and returned to his post. Kieran seemed reluctant to lie down; instead, he stared intently at Malron.

"Did you do something to the nice man?" Kieran whispered.

"What I do is none of your concern." Malron, sitting across from Kieran with folded hands, responded coldly to the young man's gaze.

Kieran's fingers made a gesture as if casting a spell. "Hypnotizing someone."

"Idiot." Malron was instantly offended. "Do I look like a magician to you?"

Kieran shook his head. "Not really."

"Stop your nonsense."

"Oh, oh! But I've seen people who can influence or suggest. Mentalists," Kieran nodded. "Yes, that's what they're called."

"No. I'm not an entertainment clown." The demon's eyes glared. "Sleep, now!"

"Okay, Sir Malron."

Malron felt the presence of a lower-level demon, and his eyes immediately turned to the large windows near the ceiling. 

A fireball entered and moved leisurely toward the bathroom. Malron rose hastily, leaving Kieran in his place.

With hurried steps, Malron glanced at the restroom the fireball had entered, labeled 'Women.'

"Damn!" Malron muttered in frustration.

But no one was there. So Malron pushed open the door and entered to catch the fireball. The hovering fireball jerked in front of the mirror as soon as the door opened.

Fireball Demon, as it was commonly known.

"Admiring your beauty? Your form remains the same, nothing special," Malron sneered.

In an instant, the fireball tried to escape by breaking through the wall, but Malron was much faster. The great demon chanted mantras to trap everyone in his trap.

When the fireball hit the wall, its body bounced and fell near the toilet door.

"Your name and clan?" Malron asked firmly.

The fireball just hovered low, not answering.

"Oh, I forgot, you have no lips. Your clan should find a more communicative form when they come here."

The fireball demon gestured up and down, confirming.

"Do you serve humans in this world?"

The up-and-down gesture indicated yes.

"How long have you been here?"

This time, the Fireball Demon moved from side to side, which meant short.

"What is the human's purpose in summoning you?"

The Fireball Demon bugged.

"Oh, forget it... I don't want to play guessing games like this," Malron sighed.

Suddenly, the low-level demon stood up, and its tongue-like fiery tail stiffened. Malron also felt an unusual aura. 

A group of people were coming towards the station, but one of them, Malron, couldn't guess it.

That was dangerous.

"Someone is coming, right?" Malron guessed.

The up-and-down movement of the fireball demon made Malron immediately alert. Without hesitation, Malron rushed out of the bathroom and ran toward Kieran, who was almost asleep.

Malron's hand grabbed Kieran's arm, causing the young man to fall to the floor and be dragged by the demon.

"What's going on?" Kieran whispered in fear.

"We have to hide!"

They both pushed through the door leading to the platform. Malron's legs leaped onto the tracks, and he ran for the fence, Kieran following awkwardly.

"Quick, jump!" Malron ordered.

"I can't..."

Malron grabbed Kieran's waist and threw the young man down effortlessly. Kieran's body floated in the air, and he screamed in terror.


Kieran closed his eyes as his body was about to hit the pavement. Suddenly, Kieran felt his neck being strangled as Malron grabbed the back of his shirt collar. 

Malron crouched down on the fence, then released Kieran's body from underneath.

A low 'thud' was heard. Kieran landed on the ground in a crouched position.

Malron sighed; he quickly climbed down, looking at Kieran with disgust. "Get up, hurry."

They were in a large area with several wooden huts, possibly a workshop or a warehouse. There wasn't much light, so Malron could easily sneak into one of the huts. And no one would notice.

"Rest here," Malron ordered as they entered the dark hut.

Kieran just nodded, his hands feeling their way forward. The young man found a pile of old boxes, which he folded and arranged as a makeshift bed. 

Kieran's eyes were drawn to the figure of Malron, standing by the window, looking alert as he looked out.

"Aren't you asleep, sir?" Kieran asked.


Hearing Malron's cold voice, Kieran didn't want to ask, only what was necessary. The young man whispered softly, recited prayers, and closed his eyes. Soon after, Kieran fell into a deep sleep.

Kieran didn't know that Malron was secretly reciting hidden chants so that their presence would not be detected, not by humans but by beings that might pass by.

Something had been bothering Malron ever since he met Kieran.

The people who came to the station were connected to the sect that had summoned Malron. 

Whether they were looking for the perpetrator of the massacre, Malron, or perhaps a lost child, Kieran. 

If they were looking for revenge, Malron would gladly confront them. But if their goal was to find Kieran, why? What was so special about Kieran?

Malron glanced at Kieran, who had fallen into a deep sleep by the sound of his soft snoring.

"Sooner or later, I must find out your true role, human," Malron whispered.