
Malice of Truth

As time continuously diverts through and our era has been consistently changing with progressive summation and division of cultural development covering the entire grasp of this world. Ones and foremost remains a mystery in the circulation of genuine time for the peak conclusion no one posses. Holding never-ending capabilities of answers pointing directions to uncountable measures of enhanced educated assertion in the revolution of limited seconds. One must hold and conclude the title of "Malice of truth" inheriting divine prowess that upholds heavenly miracles production of information that corroded and forgotten during the genuine time in comparison even Greater king of the world (one that has the backing of the authority of all living beings) couldn't surpass in every aspect. Krezo took the voyage on land to gather hints, clues, to decode the mystery of his past and to gain the truth keeping his mental restraint on hand, slowly eradicating a portion of memories of misery and devoured happiness on an adventure of comradeship together breaking the chain and setting on each other behind equal freedom of achieving their dreams, ambitions, and intentions. As they pick up all the puzzle piece creating a lead, the massive amount of truth embedded into their mind with twists they never expect with midway developments on their selves and as each other's comrade propagating a story of morality, truth, nature, embracement, and dreams propelling their decisions derive to their destiny.

Reiju_Eclipse0307 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 10:Tint of an Ideal

Concluding a verge to this struggle, Krezo marches his way up to the first floor solely having a singular purpose in mind, to excavate the truth in Nimanso and to search for additional indications that may be useful in finding the existence of whom or who spread the "Kansabo Literature Book".

"First off Vincento probably knows the Kansabo Book of Literature, interrogating him before finishing his entirety might be a bright idea," said Krezo in a timid whispery voice.

Sensing multiple barks of contumacious soldiers of the moon, blocking the sunlight thus creating a solar eclipse, near the exit sprout plenty of chatters inhibiting the atmosphere of the first floor circulating only one topic, gossiping a certain prince who mysteriously vanishes without trace unable for them to locate and end it's life still not cutting the bloodline of the royal family who led Nimanso before the colonization of Vincento.

"You know, I heard from somewhere that our majesty Vincento unsuccessfully finish the prince, Is that true?" a single soldier asked.

"Oh yeah, I know the rumors too that the previous king's son is still alive somewhere on the hide" another has replied.

"You two are overthinking that matter too much. This is Vincento we're talking y'know? It's out of character for him to let a mouse on the hide and give a small piece of hope to Nimanso citizens, that's a bit cruel." the muttering continues.

"But what if king Vincento really let the brat escape? Think about this for a second, Our king is a skeptical hypocrite in nature. Maybe before he commenced the colonization, he planned out from the start that one person must remain. Naturally, he will create assumptions such as "What if the product has more to it than display? And only the secrets are kept inside the royal family and passed down through generations?" said a soldier making an impression of Vincento.

"If that's true then it's obvious that Vinceto is a God"

"Or he is just a cat who plays around with his food before eating it," said shortly after a false claim of a worship attempt. Krezo has piqued his interest in this prince desiring to personally face him despite the situation but also prioritizing the defeat of Vincento, approaching the soldiers like a gigantic wall not letting any soldiers pass him intending to ask a few questions.

"Oy! where can I find the castle from here?" scarcely grinned by Krezo.

"You see I don't really believe in rumors but that prince might become an important asset to my journey, I will search for him and prioritize his safety. If Vincento wants to assassinate him, then I'll kill him of course"

Soldier of the gloomy dungeon has frozen from their position deliberately move back an inch of a step after they've taken a look at a brain-wrecking grinning face of an egoist mercenary that develops a threatening vibe to their conversation and their overall formation, reactively pull their silvery thin average size swords from their low-quality made leather upon the unexpected encounter sharpening the endpoint through Krezo's monstrous face of a dauntless berserker who they saw as the major hazard of this cell coming from their initiative called "fear".

" Wh-who are you?! From the looks of you and your body full of tainted bloodstains, bruises, and cuts. Are you an escapee?! How did you get out from your cellar?!" blurted out a soldier with an enormous amount of nervousness on his face.

" Wha-what?! I-Is this even possible? Even in our non-stop 1.5 years of training, no one has successfully escaped from this prison in our monthly escaping practices, let alone the one prison in our kingdom is much easier but none has seized it successfully " supported by another soldier.

"W-we can't beat him. What do you want from King Vincento?!" another has added


Hesitated in frustration, they choke their anxiety devouring pessimistic thoughts and digesting it to a fully grown diet of courage, proceeding to fight the wall of heavenly heights unseen from beneath.

"I don't care, we just need to win right? then let's collapse this monster!"

"Let's go!"

Krezo seeing them run full of dopamine and reasons to fight smirked it fully till the lengths of his smile nearly reached the last point almost near the ears due to the satisfaction of gaining victory into a fight both releasing their maximum is a blissful moment for him.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! That's right, give your fullest, exert all of your energy and squeeze all of your logic, it's useless anyway. It's a good fight if both fighters are in their prime not bothered by limitations. Now I'm completely thrilled, let's go!" said Krezo backing himself up with a gigantic amount of adrenaline patterned with his permanent grin.

On the stir of desperate withdrawal and starvation of potential truth of a fledgling flying the sky of an infinite plane, another on the shady side of the city has commenced his plan as a catalyst to strive all the lower parasitic ticks to be on hopeless sanity as its host will be executed in front of them changing their home from a dog to a more nutritious human whom they didn't like the taste.

"Look at yourself, you're a child who seeks for their parent's love while crying on the ground like a hopeless kid that abandoned by the same people who you always seek.

How can you lead this city with a childish immature spoiled brat image of yours? Let me lead this wonderland and submit yourself to me like a wholesome child letting anyone be his foster parent." said Vincento into Deverra, who has damaged his body into a mid-critical state, with a persuasive tone of a professional manipulative shadow of right hand who doesn't know the principles of fidelity.

"I will give you a chance, be one of my subordinates after telling me the entire capability of the product or meet your demise and easy road to hell? Hah, ha-ha. HAHAHAHAHA" said Vinceto harshly looking down at Deverra with a creepy laugh.

As Vinceto tries to capture Deverra's collar, as if the prided narcissist prince got drawn away from his beautiful face but in truth just got highs up too in its head celebrating too early, Deverra's hand virtually made off a dense cyan marble reinforcing his kinesa into a concentrated blue-greenish color like a waterfall of an ancient miraculous city blooming nature-like blissful color attempts to punch Vincento's decapitated hand.

"ANATOMICAL DISTORTION!" intensely shout Deverra.

A reaction time and precognition on par to a wise man who always goes to train manages to dodge a potential risk-delivering punch but missed out on his control onto his momentum directing the force of Deverra's ability to two of Vincento's fingers altering it to an insect-like individual that keeps moving even after the shock has transported.

"Dammit I almost got him!, it's indeed true that his speed and reaction time is not to be underestimated," said Deverra on his mind slightly biting his lips in disappointment.

"Humhumhmmmhumhum-HAHAHA, what an interesting ability. Refusing amidst of the pressure, what an unbelievable persistence " said Vincento, towards a pitiful state of Deverra, cracking up finding his power unique while complementing Deverra's vitality.

"Not to boast or anything but the people who I controlled, ... I can read their mind. Modifying their thoughts into a pleasing action and speech that gave a positive impact on my name. Rumors that spread not by communication between speakers but multiple individuals who equally think the same, that rumor is their hope for this suffering. And that is... your existence. They think you're alive and will be back someday to reclaim your throne like a vengeful prince who travels a hundred kilometers on a crusade" said Vincento with a formal tone stating the determined mind of the citizens of Nimanso.

"So and this comes to my point. To end this calamity I will end the cause right? And of course, evident. I will set you into a public execution two hours from now to display their hope being demolished and the people will now fully submit into my empire, isn't that masterful of a plan? HUWAHAHAHAHA" said Vincento with no consistent tone from serious formality to a menacing laughing source while carrying Deverra on his collar up into the air.

The prince of near-devasted wasteland cries resulting in recollecting a shattered piece of memory of the past hearing his father's voice for the first time in two years.

(A core memory of a flashback of Deverra)

"What a handsome young man. A face of a polite respectful prince that one day will be sitting on this throne and will lead the citizens of Nimanso. "Era of Development" We will name you Deverra(Dev=Development, Era=era)"

Images of Nimanso city with a diverse green environment with every kind, species, and type of trees are existing while him sitting on the middle stairs of the castle.

"La Nature Bourgeon, this is the name of an ability I gained during Klayto De Vairrere's occupation. Every day, I transcend my limitation and continuously produce immense energy for all the trees you see from here. Someday, you will be the one who will be responsible for this eye-pleasing nature to protect from the evildoers. I expect a lot from you, Deverra." said his father smiling at his face slowly walking returning to the beautiful inner garden he always treasure.

"Yes, Father," said Deverra

As the symbol of the conqueror walks through the path of goodwill, Deverra vaguely saw three people, one to the king's left, one to his right, and the other is directly aligned to Deverra synchronously bow to him and the king.

A week has departed, peaceful and glimmering sunlight waked up snoring Deverra. As he open the door to have some breakfast and a little bit of exercise the unexpected shout surprised him to the guts.

"Happy Birthday Deverra!" comes from three people, the same three that bow to the king and himself, seemingly wearing individually different wardrobes offers him a wonderful surprise.

Deverra alongside these three chitchatting while walking towards the main throne room of the king to commemorate and to celebrate his 8th birthday unknowingly expecting any such changes.

"Happy Birthday Brat HAHAHA. You're already eight years old, you're already a man" said Aego laughing out smiling while patting Deverra's back.

"Stop it Aego, anyways happy birthday Deverra," said Canna wholesomely smiling.

"I'm happy for my student to have a wonderful growth. I'm looking forward to all the achievements you will gain in the future" said Rijin with a timid facial tone contradicting his true intended emotions.

"Boo! Boo! smile for once Rijin" said the two at the same time.

"Shut up"

After a moment of genuine laughs and chatters, henceforth facing the king while lowering their head slightly after they arrive in the main throne room.

"Good morning Father"

"Good morning and happy birthday my son.

You're here now to listen to me as we are now commencing our royal family's tradition.

Multiple seconds have prior, a sensation of deja vu through the blowing breezy air, felt like a century has enacted but keeps revolving in the same realm of the time cycle, Deverra realizes that this is the symbolism of his maturity and he must be responsible for being an adult from now.

"As the first son of Castrou royal family turns eight years old, from that day he will be experiencing administered enhanced strict guide of the three greatest soldiers of his father nurturing his education, fighting skills, and enhancement of durability in will and body."

Three shadows coming from the side outspeed Deverra's senses.

"We are here now, our king," said Rijin from the back of Deverra paying respect to both of them.

"I know you're not surprised, From now on these three will be your counselors in every aspect," said King ending his speech about the royal tradition.

( Rushing through dimensions, ignoring the universal law of time. Two years have passed, Deverra is now a 10-year-old boy who knows basic argumentation skills, skeptical nature, philosophy genius, and basics of martial arts.)

"Negate the air of Atlantis, free the treasures hidden beneath"

"I still can't comprehend that quote. I'll strive to find the answer while I'm training in the forest" said Deverra with the burning will to learn more.

He then enters excavating for vacant space to comfortably train as well as to find available camping area for the night, clicking his lips seemingly forgetting something.

"Shit! I didn't ask for permission. Oh well, I'll just apologize tomorrow.

Deeper and deeper into the woodland as the vision of the trees around darkened he lit his lamp with available matches. The lamp seems to be useless as an unknown blue light has flashed Deverra's eyes slowly cutting the distance between this source of light, an unexpected shock electrocuted his body through all of his veins knocking him unconscious.

"It's not storming and this is not lightning, then what kind of elemental hazard is this?" said Deverra on his mind while asleep into the ground.

Later as hours have gapped, with eyes half-asleep Deverra woke on a blanket and a body full of newly attached bandages feeling slight headaches and a few uncomfortable stretches.

"You seems awake now Deverra," said Canna showing her elegant cute smile to injured Deverra.

"Hurry up and come here we just pre-"


A sudden punch out of nowhere startles Deverra throwing himself into a tree, inhaling and exhaling fastly as of having not enough stamina to stand.

"Hoyyy! Kid, why are you in this forest. You didn't even tell us you'll camp dumbass you even made Canna cry" said Aego furiously lecturing him.

"Shut up Aego I didn't cry"

"Ye you do liar"

"No, I didn't"

"Stop it you two, Deverra stand up from there and eat with them Canna just prepare some soup and meats. Warm and protein goods are good after all" said Rijin seating up on the tree branch while hanging a forces thumbs up.

As Deverra attempts to stand up noticing a wound on his chest, his quick-witted mind and a few common sense screams into his mind "Don't try it, Your wound will open"

The reaction of a hesitant face tremble him left shaking reaching his chest with his hands trying to cast a miraculous act of instant regeneration

"Please heal, I need to get stronger. If I became an injured person I will be a burden to my family and this kingdom. Please heal, please heal, please heal, please! please heal, please heal...."

A surge of energy from within his body flows like a windy breeze, Rijin noticed this event and a sudden light beam of realization whack his head up.

"Hmm. What happened Deverr-, acckq," said Rijin.

"I see, so the source of your injury comes from this? It's crazy to think that a saken-tout can randomly spawn in this area. I guess I'll add more training routine to you Deverra, prepare for it" said him on his mind shockingly knowing that Deverra obtained a rare ability.

"What just happened? Did my wounds instantly regenerate?" said Deverra showing obvious question marks

"Congratulations Deverra, you just got what you called a Kinesa ability. A rare ability that can be obtained after absorption of a saken-tout to your body. Base on what happened, we can assume your ability is related to something to your body that will lead to answering why did you heal instantly. We can train after you fully rest Deverra" said Rijin happily offering him congrats.

(Another two years have gone by and currently, Deverra is now a 12-yrs old average kinesa ability user on which he named his ability "Body Reconstruction".)

" Go for the chance! Deverra!" told Rijin

as his enemy is in the near downfall.

Deverra rushes for the opportunity but lacks the required battle IQ in a fight, got baited into his enemy's plan, their position switches as the current "strongest swordsmen" in Nimanso city ended the match with four individual cuts to the chest.

"I surrender," said Deverra while hanging his two hands on the air.

"You're so good, Sir Zike. How can I even best you" said Deverra toned of exhaustion.

"My father really gave me a difficult task.

"Before your graduation and receiving your reward, you must show result and defeat Sir Zike who has strong feats that even continents covered by volcanic ashes are just a warm-up for him," he said but I'm just a sugar cane compared to sir Zike, No.., I'm literally just a sugar"

"Climb the heights of this world, train your mind and not just your brute and someday even mountains are just a tiny stone to you," wisely said Sir Zike encouraging Deverra like his own student.

"Yes! Sir Zike"

The weekly duel has embarked and the result is obvious as, in comparison like a little kitten against a ferocious wild dog, Deverra pursues the trail of enhancement and remains in the main yard inside the castle as his training ground.

As Deverra revises his sword technique in mind and kinesa control while meditating at the same time, distracted by chaotic noises of iron clanking and ground vibrating of the soldier guards on uniform marching towards the main throne room. Running nervously with intent to tell something gigantic to the king, Deverra secretly follows them.

"Our majesty! a couple of invasive soldiers keep nagging the entrance, please command defense measures," said the leader of the group of soldiers.

"Alarm all the citizens to evacuat-" said the king cutting his command as another has cut his arm.

"Wha- huff, huff, what are you doing? Do you know what crime have you done?" said the king while trying to stop the blood flow.

"That's your fault, my king. If you didn't help me during your invasion and just ignore me like trash. You wouldn't have experienced a betrayal from your subject" said the commander of the soldiers.

The commander then cuts all of his troops leaving the king behind alive.

"I'm Don Juan Castrou, The king of Nimanso City. I have experienced several chaotic stupid wars such as this. The betrayal of a comrade is one of the most fearsome experiences I could have imagined and empirically experiencing it for the first time cuts my heart into pieces losing it in the battle resulting in the realism of solitude or rejecting the idea of memories and neglecting it all resulting to more sensical justified victory. I can't let my feeling be situated on this, I will kill you, and your owner like you, filthy dog, will be beheaded by the king of Nimanso and the sole enemy of your master." said king deciding to fight the traitor.

"And I'm your pesky snake, Solvenie, let the great massacre commence," said Solvenie, the lecherous traitor.

Blows of equal clashes of sword style negate the gloominess in the room, creating blood-lustful and restoration waves all out scattered from a healthy living snake against a wounded lion.

"No Arthritis yet? Old man. Must have been struggling to don't have your royal dogs right? Those three, I mean. Don't worry, they will not bother us because we're inside. How is it feel to be assassinated without anyone witnessing your heroic attempt?" said Solvenie who's on equal footing of sword technique but obnoxiously better in agility like a slithering snake he is.

"Don't make a foolish joke. I order them to assist my son in his lecture. It's either they're focused on their training or them looking out guarding their pose as it is their original job and not guarding me you fool. Also with or without my kinesa energy, I surpass their combined strength tenfolds" said king Don Juan, slightly having more raw strength than Solvenie, with an intensified stare truly deserved the title of a king.

As the lurking flaw challenged the administrator, the three shadows teleported in one of the three chimneys standing initiate a tactical meeting.

"This situation is much larger than expected," said Canna printed a neutral expression just like the two.

"I already advised Sir Zike to guard the front gate entrance of the castle. So, what did you find out Rijin?" said Aego, as Rijin calls out these two for him to deliver a piece of extreme information that strongly threats the safety of the citizens.

"You're right. I called you here because I've secretly spied the group of soldiers outside since it's near my guarding post" said Rijin shocking the two.

"Ehhhhhhhh!!!" said the two.

"That's too risky Rijin, what if you've been noticed by them, and since we don't have any clue what are they. They might be strong too" said Canna strongly agreed by Aego.

"I know but I care more to the safety of Nimanso than myself. This is why I've discovered and what I overheard is the true power of their leader" said Rijin with a few splash of anxiety on his face.

(Few moments before the tactical meeting of the three strongest soldiers of the king, a piece of memory of Rijin encountering a major hazard to the city.)

While on an excavation of potential outsiders invading the city, he unexpectedly saw two soldiers drinking, feeling like they're dillydallying.

"The soldiers of our king is more than capable of, we're no need. Let's just slack in here and drink some grape wine" said the drunk soldier.

"Is this okay? I know our king is more than enough but this is punishable you know?" said a newbie who got dragged by an old man who always ducking.

Rijin continues his eavesdropping until he discovered the truth rushing back to his post with an uncomfortable face.

"No, no, don't worry. Just because our king's power is..... we don't need to worry" said the drunken old soldier.

(Returning in the present time)

"Their leader can control people widespread this city in few seconds, I don't know how but we need to be careful. Always be on your guard" said Rijin calmly neutralizing all scarcity.

"Don't worry Rijin, we're the chosen three of our king, we're the strongest amongst the local soldiers in Nimanso. And you have your own ability right? try to use it efficiently. Okay?" said Canna with affirmed voice.

"That's right Rijin, stroke them your own fangs to know who's the superior glide," said Aego.

"Ah!, The meeting is over, let's go!" said Rijin

instantly runs to their posts and prepare for the worst.

(30 minutes have flow in the medium of the tremendous reached peak of time)

The conclusive strike will fall in any minute ending the king's life by his venomous troupe and entitling him like his distanced son.

"The last laugh seems to be mine, what do you think my king?" said Solvenie preparing his sword on the air towards the direction of the king.

"Don't call me king you sick of motherly grace misfortune" said the king, with heavy breathing on the verge of blood loss, not expecting any factor to change his or the whole city's fate.

Stroking the handle of the sword downward not reaching the neck of the king due to a misplaced virus infecting the streak of luck of Solvenie.

A stab from behind cut deep down across his abdomen rapidly ending his life, a wonderful life-devastating wound stroke by Deverra who witnesses the entirety still refuses to interrupt the fight that would have dirtied the name of the family silently waiting, as he saw his father on the ground helplessly and emotionally-driven cry has forced his body to swim the blade cowardly killing Solvenie.

"What a blossoming twist, it truly exists. The cowardly assassination of a filthy devil spawn. You hypocrites....-" said Solvenie dissing Deverra before his fall down dying with a body neither facing them nor exactly facing the ground, falling sideways.

"Thank you, my son"

"HUH!?" shockingly gasped king sensing robust animosity in the entrance.

"This seems to be my final fight, Deverra listen," said the king with a serious tone of a high priest.

"You will carry the will of my pride and the citizens of Nimanso, you must surpass this heavyweight problematic chaos and liberate this city one day from the hands of the intruder. I sensed the erasure of the kinesa aura of both Aego and Canna and I can't locate Rijin's but don't worry, I know my son is intelligent independent in nature. I will now set the trust in yourself, disperse your emotion, and keep moving forward!, I love you, my son." said king Don Juan saying "I love you" for the first time in 12-years of Deverra's living.

"ILLUSIONARY FOREST!!!" said king Don Juan casting an ultimately hidden move of trapping an individual to a forest at which both exist and do not exist at the same time.


Revealed betrayal is better than being betrayed hidden without a clue to be given.

Reiju_Eclipse0307creators' thoughts