
Male Spy at an All-Girls School!!

Rin Grayson, Male Agent and Code name "Ant" of the Brotherhood Secret Service. He has one mission, protect the daughter of the Headmaster from all the inevitable danger that is directed on to her but there's a catch... He'll have to do it in disguise... as a girl at an All-Girls School!! "If it's cute, it's not gay!!!" - a certain Chameleon Author's summary: Basically, Boy crossdresses and disguises himself as a girl at an All-girls school for his Agent assignment in protecting the daughter of the headmaster and at the same time, forging friendships and bonds with his new classmates along the way. The Male lead is definitely a bad-ass in this story. He is both trustworthy and kind to his friends and the people that he loves and holds dear. At the same time, he is also shown to be ruthless and cold-blooded, showing no utter bullshit to his enemies, depending on the transgressions that they have done, most especially when they have acted upon his friends and loved ones. He also has his perverted moments, grinning like a lecherous old man having lewd thoughts to his female friends. He can be also quite dense, his knowledge sometimes is outside of the norm due to him being exposed mostly in his Agent duties much to some of the girl's displeasure. So many funny misunderstandings also await in here. The story is set on the fictional country of the Twilight Kingdom, a country where the Queen rules prosperously and is your typical modern one, with some exciting twist. Most especially, a certain place where only the criminal and lawless live... The Underworld. It is a forsaken place that will showcase a string of events that will definitely shake the heart of the very kingdom itself as webs of intrigue and plays intertwine with our MC, his friends, and allies being at the center. Male Spy at an All-Girls School not only deals with the story of our Male lead but also among others, showing how their lives are interconnected with one another in a single thread of fate, ultimately leading to an epic finale where everyone showcases growths in their physical and mostly emotional aspect with the MC leading on the top. In short, there will be cheesy moments, drama, comedy, romance, and definitely, action. It is a Spy story after all, with a harem, dark, comical twist. (Cover photo not mine. CTTO)

redmitte2x · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 66: Mania's request!!!

Inside the Underworld, in the familiar hideout of the Death Sisters and the Black Wyvern, we find Mania to be sitting on the couch, leisurely occupied on her smartphone as she browses for the latest fashion trends and tips.

Out of her red gothic-lolita dress that is used during operations, the girl is seen to be wearing her casual attire of the usual black shirt that has a print of a green heart and a checkered black-red skirt. Her footwear, consisting of a pair of black-red timberland boots complimenting the blackness of her high knee socks.

The seemingly angelic red-haired girl could only groan in boredom shortly after, the pout that is evident on her cute face spoke volumes of it.

Yup, she is currently in a rather foul mood, thanks to a certain emotionless redhead sister of hers.

"That meanie Mors!!" Mania grumbled under her breath a bit loudly as she thought annoyingly of her younger twin sister. "How dare she left me alone here without inviting me to the New Moon District, opting to merely leave a note while I was still asleep, being our day off and all."

Indeed, it was generous of the Revolution's leader, Anira Moonfall as she gave the Death Sisters and by extension, Kayle Faragus, the 2 days off that they truly deserved. Meaning, they can do whatever the hell they want during their free time period as they personally see fit. Being the generous Great Leader that all of her subordinates greatly respect and worship, it's of no big deal and nothing of consequence if she treats her men with a reasonable and fair amount of treatment as what a good leader should be doing.

After all, the Death Sisters and Kayle, together with some of the other men have performed a spectacular job during their manhunt in the Warehouse, decimating the ranks of the other criminal group with masterful skill and prowess in the act of murder.

In short, the three have been doing a pretty good job so far, much to Anira's utter delight.

Even when the Black Wyvern somehow manages to lose 1 out of the 5 drugs that he has been tasked to retrieve.

However, that is for another story...

And speaking of the Great Leader, the woman herself is also now staying together with the three, as moments later, she was seen emerging outside from the showers as her mesmerizing model-like figure came into view.

Clad with only a white bath towel that is wrapped around her enticing body, remnants of the bathwater can be seen dripping down on her flawless, white skin as her sweet smile graces forth upon seeing one of her beloved underlings relaxing in a carefree manner.

Anira as well noticed the scowl present on the redhead's cute face.

Slightly curious by Mania's predicament, the Great Leader asks. "Is something wrong my dear Mania? You look awfully sour today."

Mania's violet eyes widen a bit at hearing her leader's voice.

"Great Leader!" The red-haired girl gasped as she turns around at Anira's direction in an instant, seeing the leader almost naked. Then she chuckled nervously. "Ehehe, I almost forgot that you are here."

"Hmm, I see." Anira merely responded with a sweet smile. "My question still stands my dear. That grimacing look present on your beautiful face does not suit you one bit."

"Oh, you flatter me, Great Leader!" Mania grinned as she scratches the back of her head. Then she crossed her arms, marveling her ample chest as the redhead now pouts, directing her frustrations against her twin sister. "To answer your question, that meanie, Mors, ditch me a while ago!! Since it's our day off, that robotic sister of mine decided to venture alone in the city without me!! I felt betrayed, Great Leader!! I sincerely thought that we are sisters!! Heck, I even had the concern due to my ever caring sibling heart to invite her during the last time when I decided to go out to the mall!! Oohhh that Mors, when she gets back…"

Anira merely chuckled lightly as she saw Mania rambling like a spoiled child, amused by the teenager's comedic antics. "Fufufu, it seems that you love your dear sister that much."

Mania turned her head around with an indignant harrumph. Although, if you look very closely at her face, one could see the small blush present on her cheeks.

Anira was definitely entertained by the sight. "If you are so concern about your twin sister, then why don't you go after her?" Anira suggested.

"Hmph!! Why should I follow that meanie!?" Mania answered as she stomps her right foot comically. After a short moment, the girl rubs her chin, pondering if she should really go out or not.

"Oh, I will go out alright!!!" Mania finally declared as she raised her left hand in triumph. "I will definitely enjoy this day off, even more so without that meanie and her killjoy lack of emotions!! Just like last time!!!"

"Ah, it seems that you are wise to heed my advice." Anira nodded in satisfaction.

"N-no." Mania stuttered on her response, the blush on her face turning even clearer for Anira to see, much to the latter's mirth. "I am in no way concern of that meanie sister of mine!! I, uh… have some important business to attend to. Ah yes!!!"

Mania remembered something as she pulled out a business card from her pocket, the one that was given to her by an Idol Agent Representative of Stellar Entertaiment Inc.

"I've been meaning to ask you this for sometime oh Great Leader but I could not find the right timing." Mania pleaded as she handed the card. "For a long time, it has been my lifetime dream of becoming an adorable idol revered by the crowd."

"Singing, dancing, acting, performing!!" Mania added as she imagined herself wearing a cute gothic lolita outfit as she performs in front of the whole people on the big stage. "I just can't help myself!!!"

Then Mania went down on her knees as she begs the violet-haired beauty. "Oh, please, please, please Great Leader!! I would be forever in your eternal debt if you would graciously allow me for this once in a lifetime opportunity!!!"

Anira stared the business card handed to her, contemplating what response is she going to give to her subordinate.

Sure, it would be unwise to agree with such unnecessary endeavors as what Anira's thoughts dictate. Being in the criminal business, one may find it absurd that the redhead in front of Anira would still find the desire to enter the entertainment industry.

Still, Anira somehow considered the redhead's proposition. It perhaps may be the sign that she was looking for, a catalyst that she perhaps needed in furthering her ambitious plans.

Besides, I guess its time for their little group of mischiefs to now be proactive in their grand conquest.

"Very well." Anira in the end, agreed as she offered a smile.

"Really?!" Mania's eyes gleamed in enthusiasm.

"Of course…" Anira replied. "In one condition though."

"Anything!!!" Mania yelled with utmost glee, compliant at whatever her Great Leader's commands are.

"Fufufu, good…" Anira said, her voice turning intrigued as she licks her lips in anticipation, looking forward to a bright and magnificent future for all of the Kingdom to witness.

All except for that wretched Queen that is…

Anira felt vomiting on the mere thought of that despicable woman.

Now it's time to think of what Mania's stage name would be...

Thanks for reading!!!

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