
Malaikat Penakluk Hati

Fiksi Realistik
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  • 2 Chs
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What is Malaikat Penakluk Hati

Leia o romance Malaikat Penakluk Hati escrito pelo autor Adinda_Febriana19 publicado no WebNovel. Sekelompok Pembunuh bayaran yang tidak dikenal nama organisasinya kini merajalela melakukan aksi pembunuhan, pemerkosaan, jual beli manusia, perdagangan miras, yang membuat warga penduduk risau dan ke...


Sekelompok Pembunuh bayaran yang tidak dikenal nama organisasinya kini merajalela melakukan aksi pembunuhan, pemerkosaan, jual beli manusia, perdagangan miras, yang membuat warga penduduk risau dan ketakutan,polisi sudah bertahun tahun melacak keberadaannya tetapi tidak pernah ditemukan. Salah satu anggota Pembunuh bayaran tersebut yang akhirnya ditaklukkan oleh Malaikat Penakluk Hati. WARNING!!! (ADEGAN KEKERASAN,BUNUH DIRI,DARAH,PEMBUNUHAN)

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The Betrayed Dragon

"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together" -Marilyn Monroe On the night of his 12th birthday, Lucas was destined to die. Friends and family murdered in front his eyes, If one could see his eyes, they could see the hope being drained and the pain replacing it. All he could do was watch as flames burned through his palace and its inhabitants. By midnight only he was left, he stood there and waited for this dream to end. The year was 786 and the day was the 10th, Prince Lucas fell with his palace, his family and friends. Or so that's what everyone thinks. The blood of royalty runs in Lucas's body. He has the power to escape, he just doesn't know it.. yet. The royalty bloodline gives Lucas the ability to become berserk, which gives him the benefits to become resistant to all elements. Which means he's alive him this raging fire. But the ability lasts only 5 minutes, which is more than enough for him to escape. Lucas escaped fate and now, now he is determined to get revenge, revenge for his family, revenge for his friends, and revenge for his broken heart. Will he get revenge and repair his shattered heart? Or will he suffer the same fate as his friends and family. Only time can tell. But that's for another time. Right now his emotions control him, he'll need to learn how to control his emotions and learn how to fight. He'll need to quickly accept his fate and get revenge or else, the fate he once escaped will come running at him once again. Adventure with Lucas and experience his hardships and life threatening battles. Hi, this is my first ever novel as well as my first time on this website/app. Please point out grammar mistakes, plot holes, etc. Feel free to also give tips and uh yeah. Have fun reading this novel :). Cover Art link https://weheartit.com/entry/350589954

MessiahHehe · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating