
Makings of a King

After dying and being reincarnated into a new world, gifted with a system. Follow Leon on his journey to become one of the greatest in the world. (REWORK).

Tommy_Yang_7392 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 1 Rebirth

Early in the morning. Leon, a normal peak high school boy, driving on his way to his last day of high school. Today was his graduation day at least. Driving in a handy down car, Leon was driving to school leisurely as he began to reflect the past 18 years of his life. He survived the long but quick high school years of finding and learning the ways that society taught him. Whether it was making friends or deciding what he wanted to be when in the distant but fast approaching future. Learning how to balance social, work, and home life, he was at the stage where he can at least leave part of his life behind as he had got accepted to a school far from home but close enough to visit if home ever called him. 

After today ends, he can finally feel like an adult, no longer burdened by home chores or having to listen to his parents lectures all the time. This is the moment where he get to make his own life, pursue his own goals and dreams, became a whole different person. 

Looking around he can still see the small children on the sidewalks walking to their school, thinking about how far he has come in the short 18 years. 

"After today, I can finally make my own choices without being questioned by my parents." 

Just a few blocks away from school, he began to make his way behind the school as this is the area where parents drop off their kids or other kids privileged like he was, was able to get a car at their last few years of high school. 

Finally just when he was turning the street and approaching the designated area, something caught his eye. 

He spotted a small group of children running across the street leaving their parents behind. They had an excited face as kids their age was when the idea of school was fun. Leon smiled brightly at their faces and thought, 'oh, must be nice to be so young.' However, he also saw a large truck, speeding through the opposite lane. He noticed that the truck was going too fast to stop in time for the kids to cross. 

Leon immediately honked his car horn to signal either the kids or the truck to at least attempt to slow down. Unfortunately, both sides noticed too late. 

" Ahh f**k, here we go." 

With his beat up car, he knew that it stood no chance against the larger vehicle. But his chance of surviving this head long collision would still be higher than the kids surviving the crash. 

Leon, pressed his gas pedal, intercepting the roadway, and blocked the path of the truck as he took one last look at the kids and the panicked parent's faces. 

With a sad, but relieved smile he said in a soft voice, "Well... there are worst ways to go" 

'boom' The collision soon occurred. On the last day of high school, Leon passed away with his last thoughts as his consciousness quickly faded away was thinking if the kids made it out okay. 

It was then that he heard a sudden voice announce, "interesting". 

It was this voice that he seemed to woke up as a was met with a bright flash of light and with a deep and heavy headache, like someone has just pulled on his head hard. 

The first thing that Leon saw was a large person staring at him just over his head. 

? " Congratulations, your highness, it is a boy!" 

A bright smile came from the person that held him. 

" Boy? Of course I am a boy. Did the crash mess me up so bad that it was hard to tell?" 

The person, no, the large man seems to have held me and walked me a few steps towards another direction as I continue to stare hard at this man. How strong is he to lift a grown adolescent man so easily. 

But that soon left my mind as I was soon in the arms of a beautiful female person. She was just beautiful that struck blew Leon's mind and made him interested. It was the fact that her ears were had long and pointed ends. 

She looked beautiful and exhausted as sweat was coming down her face as she held me. As if she has just gone through a strenuous task or exercise. 

? " Ah, my beautiful boy." 

After admiring me for a short time she looked towards her side and said, " Honey, look at our son." 

Hearing her voice I also looked towards the side but stiffly as if my movements was somewhat hindered.

Leon soon saw a larger man with strong handsome features and a beard that went a bit lower than his chin. Deep blue eyes and white clean skin. There was a light scar that ran across his nose bridge. 

" What... what is happening." 

Leon began to start taking things in more quickly as he glanced around. Quickly at the beautiful woman who held him and at the larger man that was standing next to her. He then glanced at the room slowly and carefully. As this was not the normal hospital that he knew of. He then began to think long and hard about what was spoken and what the passed events had just occurred. 

' Was I... was I just isekai'd?' 

His thoughts were disrupted as the large man picked him and looked at him tenderly. He then soon shouted with a loud voice. 

?? " Our son. Ah Mary! Our SON!! You gave us a baby boy!" 

Mary " haha darling, settle down. You are going to scare him." 

Trying my best to move out of the embrace that I was in. Not trying to believe what had just happened. But soon enough, Leon knew the inevitable. he had just been reborn. Seeing as he did not recognize anyone. It was a going back in time kind of thing. No, looking at the beautiful woman's ears. He was not even in the same world. 

It was then that Leon, thought back to his previous life. Leon thought 'Ahh I just got out of a restricted home. I was just about to start my own life and journey out into the world. Now I have to go through another painful 18 years if anything.' 

Leon started to cry on the spot as the next few years maybe just pure torture or whatever may come. 

Mary saw the crying baby and laughed lightly and weakly, " See you startled him with that loud voice of yours." 

After a few moments of crying, Leon began to fall asleep once more due to exhaustion. 

Starting First POV 

After spending this long four years of sleeping and surviving on breast milk, I began to digest the information around me and learn as much as I can. 

This world seems to be a fantasy like setting as there are many types of races here. This is a world of magic and swords which, to be honest, makes me quite excited. So far, I have seen several normal humans wearing maid-type clothing and other human like people who had pointed ears like my mother and I, walking around and taking care of me and the place that I lived in. 

Both my father and mother of this world were royalty, making me a prince in this strange country. 

From listening to my mother of this world, there are several races of the world. She was a high elf. While my father was human. Between mixed races, one would inherit either side of the races, based on how pure one's bloodline was, it would dominate the other. I mostly inherited my mother's features, allowing me to have a slim and beautiful look. I resembled a simple pretty boy look with blond hair but pointed ears. 

I have an older sister. She is about three years older than me and does not have the same ears as my mother of this world. However, I did. Her name is Leona, she follows me and plays with me daily besides her studies. She is quite beautiful as other than her ears, she inherited my mother's looks of blond hair and clean white skin. She is the type of sister that spoils you and gives you everything that you ask for. 

Today, in my room, she is standing right behind me while combing my blond hair. 

Leona, " Baby brother, it is your birthday today. Today you will receive your blessing. I wonder what you will get. Hopefully you will get something strong like me." 

Blessing. It is a ceremony in which we stand by an alter that helps awake our innate gifts that we were born with. The altar is something special made out of a stone that awakens a person's innate abilities of physiques. However, not everyone receives something. Some are just gifted with a stronger ability. Some go through this process, and nothing happens but, it awakens later on their life. Some just have their body strengthen in the process. Overall, it is random but those who awaken a strong ability have a stronger chance of passing down their gift or physique to their children. With a few exceptions of a job title that gives random benefits. 

My sister, Leona, awakened the ability of lightning magic. She inherited this from our father who was a powerful lightning user. 

I looked in the mirror and saw my sister still combing my hair and fixing the collar of my shirt while humming a happy tone. 

" I know sister, I hope I get something amazing too." 

Soon she finishes up tidying me up, grabs my hand and walks us out the door who we soon see my mother and father looked at me with a tender look. 

My father was called Leo. He was a king of a medium sized country with about 6 large cities under his rule. In this world, the more city under your rule determines a kingdom's strength. He was known to be a rank 9 lightning magic swordman, who specializes in dual wielding. 

He had a large stature, standing at around 6'4 (196 cm) and a muscular build. He always carries two swords both on his left and right side and wears medium armor. 

The level of ranks goes up from 1 to 9 and then the highest rank, saint. I was told that there are only a few saint ranked warriors in the whole continent. 

Mary, " Son, are you ready for the ceremony?" 

" Yes, mom. I am ready." 

Leo smiled and said with a deep but kind voice, " Are you excited son?" 

I nodded my head once again.

Our little family was dressed in bright and colorful formal clothing as walked towards the exit of our home. Soon we reached the gate that borders the house as a carriage pulled my horses and soldiers riding on horses both heavily armed at the front and back of the carriage. 

Soon a strong looking man came at the front and clasped his hands together and bowed slightly, " My king and Queen, the royal carriage is ready for your departure." 

My father nodded and thanked the man as we got into the carriage and set off. 

After about 20 minutes of riding in the carriage, we reached the entrance to a large cathedral church building where we were greeted by several men dressed white robes who bowed slightly and welcomed us. 

Entering inside the cathedral church, there was an altar located at the far end center as light shone from the windows on the spot, further illuminated the presence and prestige of the altar. 

Before the altar several rows of both grown adults and their children alike. Several has also come for their ceremony, and some has come to just watch what gifts the children will receive. 

Everyone stood up as we entered the building and bowed slightly as we approached the reserved seats that we had. 

Soon enough, after a few greeting words to both nobles and powerful families alike, the ceremony began. 

The children who had reached the age 4 lined up and was called up one after another. 

Some received their perspective elements of fire, water, earth, wind, light and dark. Lightning magic was a rare and powerful element that was rarely seen, hence making my father and sister strong and desirable. These abilities were announced by the head priest, wearing a white robe and a pointed hat, who read off the ability gained. 

Soon enough it was my turn. 

I walked up towards the altar, hoping and nervous that I will receive something cool and powerful as it will likely determine how I would move forward in life. 

The high priest smiled and said, " Little prince, all you need to do is place your hands on the stone altar, close your eyes and focus." 

As I followed the instructions, I was bathed in light and mana that happened just the same as the other children that went before me. 

Soon enough, I felt something enter and at the same time empower me. 

At the same time I heard a voice resonance in my head, " Congratulations, you have been chosen as the role of the Saint and have been gifted the King-Maker System."