
Chapter 3 Camilo's Illness Acts Up

Alaia felt Camilo's burning body pressing against hers through the thin fabric. She was a virgin, and she didn't have a clue about sex. Her entire body immediately trembled.

Camilo was stunned. He stared at the young woman in front of him with his scarlet eyes. Although she was ugly, her skin was very fair. He left meaningful red marks on her skin, even though he only exerted a bit of strength. Because she was shy, her cheeks and exposed skin turned rosy, which made her delicate and eye-catching. Even the red speckle on the tail of her eye was charmingly scarlet, and there was a trace of stubbornness in her misty eyes. She was now no different from a cub.

He was intrigued.

"Let go of me!" Alaia struggled to get up, her body rubbing against Camilo.

Camilo's body immediately tensed up. His eyes were bloodshot, and he lost all sense at once. He was like a fierce beast waiting in the night, and Alaia was his prey.