
Make Voldemort Handsome Again

What if one day you have to make the most famous villain in a novel...become the most popular character? Cecily Florence, an 18-year-old Harry Potter fans, a teen with the dream of becoming the best makeup artist of her era, one day meets a strange make-over system. Eh? The system transported Cecily to Harry Potter world? She needs to make Voldemort handsome again?? Wait– she also has to make that bald, no-nose man become the most popular character in Harry Potter?! No, no, impossible!! Unfortunately, Cecily can't go back to Earth before she finishes this noble mission with the reward of becoming the best makeup artist in her era. Can Cecily approach the villainous Voldemort, give him a full-body transformation using her makeup skill and finishes her mission despite being a muggle? Will she be able to come back home? _____ "Lord no-nose– I mean Lord Voldemort, I swear on my eyeliner that you will be the most handsome man in this world!" "...off with her head." PS: I don't know when I'll continue this story so if you like my writing style, please search Zehell2218 (author) and read her books. This account is an alt of that one. ^^

Rosemary_2218 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

"Diagon Alley" 

"Is...it possible to visit a fictional world?" Cecily asked softly even though she had just doubted it. 

There's no way it could be true. If it was, then this so-called world saviours company might be God or witches. 

[It is possible. In the first place, the company's main job is to accept quests regarding saving individuals or worlds that are completely fictional.] 

The board answered with a slight nod. It didn't look flustered or shocked by Cecily's question. 

Seeing the reaction, Cecily had the urge to faint. 

So...it is true! This company can make me go to another world, and a fictional world on top of that! Oh gosh…

Are they not the devils? Even if they aren't...they are unbelievable. They can't be understood with mere logic! 

Cecily's mind was in a mess, but she tried to look calm. The girl gripped her pyjamas trousers and once again spoke, 

"Then...the missions...I need to do those two missions, right? Is there any deadline for the test?" Cecily pointed at the board's body. 

At the moment, the panel was still showing the content of the missions to do. 

[There's no deadline. You may stay in that world as long as you need. But remember. If you die there, you die for real.] 

Cecily subconsciously shuddered. She hugged her arms while slowly opened her mouth. 

"And...why is that? I thought this would be like...virtual reality game?" 

[Virtual reality game? This is not a game. Your real body will be transported to that world. Thus, everything is real. You will feel pain and any other things that your five senses can detect.] 

The board shook slightly as if laughing at Cecily's naive question. 

[Remember. The world you are going to visit is not a game. If you treat it as a game, you will die, weaklings.] 

Cecily flinched. The girl was silent for a few seconds. Her mind was still chaotic as ever, yet one thing for sure. 

This trial would be dangerous. 

How could it not be? She would come to Harry Potter World and had to interact with the most dangerous villain there, Voldemort. 

She might even die before meeting that man due to her muggle blood. 

"Uh...I...am a muggle, right? Can I enter the wizarding world and meet Voldemort? I thought it's impossible?" Cecily tried to ask the board. 

She wished that the board just gave her the wrong mission. 

[Ha. Who do you think I am? Wizard this or that– I can still transport you to the wizarding world. You just need to be careful not to expose your identity as a muggle.] 

The board snorted at Cecily until the words on its body almost flew away. 

Cecily was once again hit with despair. 

So...I still need to go there. I have to keep my identity a secret since if it's exposed, I might die or get kicked out of the wizarding world. 

If that happens...I'll fail this trial and the punishment…

Is death, right? 

The world death made the girl shudder even more. Her eyes grew hot, and she felt like crying. 

Yet the board didn't care. It just looked at Cecily with its flat body and snorted. 

[Right. In order not to mess with that fictional world, your memory of Harry Potter books will be erased. You will only remember the characters and some important places or rules.] 

"Wait– I thought knowing the plot would be my advantage? Else how could I– " 

[You will have your phone there. You can use the internet to search for things about the Harry Potter world.] 

Cecily couldn't refute anymore. That advantage of being able to use the internet sounded decent. With the internet, she could even find out a lot of facts about Harry Potter Novels that she didn't remember anymore. 

"...alright. I get it. But about the mission...if I want to make Voldemort handsome again, I...I need my makeup tools." Cecily looked at the board with shaky eyes. 

Screw it. Now that I'm in this bizarre trial, I only need to survive and get out alive! 

[Your makeup skill will be added as an invisible skill. You know, like those skills in RPG games you mortals play. When the time comes, you will know how to use it.] 

Dang. So I don't need my makeup tools, huh. 

Cecily instantly understood what the board was saying. One way or another, it means she would have 'magic' related to makeup skills. 

Quite fair. But…

'I don't think I can make the villainous Voldemort handsome with just makeup skills. Doesn't he need plastic surgery?' 

Cecily wanted to say that, but afraid that the board would get mad. Thus, the girl just nodded obediently. 

"Alright. I understand. Thank you for the explanation." 

So the thing is...make Voldemort handsome, make him the best selling character among the Harry Potter Fans, and survive without dying. 

Right after sorting out her thoughts, only then Cecily dared to ask the last question. 

"Then, when will I go to Harry Potter World?"

[...starting now. I'll also accompany you along the journey. Only you will be able to see me.] 

Once the board's surface changed with these words, a blinding light suddenly shone underneath Cecily. 

The girl instantly looked down with fear reflected in her eyes. 

"Wait. What?! Now?? But I haven't changed my clothes– " 

[I'll change your clothes to those used by wizards. Don't worry.] The board drew a smirk on its body as the light became even more blinding than before. 

The light slowly penetrated Cecily's body, and hot sensation burst inside her heart. 


"Ah!!!" Cecily screamed as she arched her body out of pain. The hot, burning sensation inside her heart, it felt like the fire from hell. 

Hot! So hot!!

Bit by bit, the light consumed Cecily's body, and a few seconds later, her figure vanished from the silent dorm room. 

Only the cold voice of the board could be heard, for the first time and the last. 

[Welcome to Harry Potter World.] 

[Your first destination is…] 

[The Diagon Alley.] 

To be continued...