Juan, died in a very tragic way and reborn as cell in dragonball! Watch him dominate the entire dragon ball series and make saiyan and frost demon race submit and be loyal to him! As well as rule the universes with his New Race that he will build! English is not my first language so correct my grammar or spelling if I'm wrong! credit to the author of db series.
Me: 'Now, i should find No. 21, i mean, Dr. Vomi, and then make her my loyal subordinate by giving her a good offer. Or should i just use mind manipulation on her? hmmm... Nah, i don't need that.'
After i left the restaurant, it's now evening. I should go back to our base to check how my Guardian Cells doing.
Landing outside my base, i transform to my original appearance then the Guardian Cells quickly move out to greet me after sensing my power.
Guardian Cell, 1: "Master! Welcome back!"
Said the Guardian Cell 1 then bow. When the other Guardian Cell saw what he did, they quickly bow too and said in unison -
4 guardian Cells: """" Welcome, my Lord/ Master! """"
Hmmm.. What is happening why they acting like this? And there seems to be a leader, the Guardian Cell that i first created.
I looked at him and ask: " What, happened while I'm gone? You seems to be the leader of the Guardian Cells now! I acknowledge it! "- then smile appeared in my face because it seem like when I'm gone they explore and learn something themselves.
When the Guardian Cell 1 saw my smile that look like a scary smirk, he bow a little and said -
Guardian Cell 1: " I- , Yes, Master! While you're gone, we explore and learn how to communicate properly even just little bit by our selves, and then compete with each other who is the strongest! We don't know this feeling and can't get rid of it, feeling that we just want to fight and know who is strongest among the Guardian Cells, Master!"
Oh? They changed a lot, as expected of my powerful race! ho ho ho ho! The feeling of just want to fight the stronger? I guess it's because of our saiyan part.
Me: "Alright! Now lets rest even though we don't need to for our body. But tomorrow i will assign your first mission!"
all the Guardian Cell: """"" as you wish! Master/ my Lord! """""
-Next Day-
Me: "I will tell you now your first mission!"
Me: " I want you to find this person, her name is Vomi who just graduated from college and the best scientist right now!"
After I said that, I gave them each the picture or Vomi that i got from news paper yesterday.
Me: "But before you all go, i will give each of you a name"
The Guardian Cells seem to be confused because they get use to calling them by their number.
I name them from Guardian Cell 1 to 5 ; Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Membrane, Ribosomes and Cytoskeleton respectively.
Me: "Now, Go!"
While alone, I just focus my mind fighting Goku in his super saiyan 3 in my full power. To practice my movements against strong opponent.
- End of POV -
( note: Guardian Cell = GS )
- 5 Hours Later -
Nucleus(GS 1): " Did you guys find any clue? "
Membrane(GS 3): " No! "
Ribosome(GS 4): " No! "
Cytoplasm(GS 2): " No! "
Nucleus(GS 1): " How about you, Cytoskeleton? "
Cytoskeleton(GS 5): " Yeah, I have a clue where is she right now"
Nucleus(GS 1): " Good, Tell us and let's go there at the same time to confirm it, then tell our Master!"
The Guardian Cells share each other their intel using Telepathic ability that they discovered while exploring themselves yesterday. They can use this Telepathy along with Madara, whatever the distance is, as long as they are alive. This is akin to what Yamato did in Naruto Shippuden using mokuton clone with beans.
- At Madara's Base -
Cytoplasm(GS 2): " Master! We find where her laboratory is"
Ribosome(GS 4): "Lord, she is at the abandoned building in Southwest Bells Village. She made it her secret laboratory."
Madara: "Good! Now Let's go!"
After they found Vomi's secret laboratory, They quickly sense the qi of every individual inside, and it's only one person.
But this person's qi signature is by no means weak because in Madara's estimation, it's power level is not a lot weaker than him , but still a lot stronger than the Guardian Cells!
In Madara's knowledge about this strong being, is lacking. He quickly guess that this power level is from Vomi or now majin Android 21!
And I'm thinking of manipulating her before, I mean, can i even do that, now that our power level doesn't have a big gap!
Madara: "F*ck! I didn't expect she would experiment on herself so soon!"
Madara: "How and where did she even get Majin Buu's cell?!"
Madara: " I should get ready to fight! "
Madara is very excited to his first ever real fight in his second life, he then instruct all the Guardian Cells to stay put.
To Madara's surprised the qi is still increasing continuously, though, not a lot but if its continue, this qi can rival his own power in his base form! Though he can't tranform now, but still!
Madara quickly move where the powerful individual are, he saw a beautiful and gorgeous woman with pink skin and outfit like Buu.
Wait, is that her? She is hotter than i imagined, No! I mean, I know that in the future she can rival Super Sayain God Blue in just her base form, but that's only in future after she consume more stronger foe. I guess she got some of Divine being's DNA and make it on her own in the original story and become God herself. Maybe from G.O.D or Kai? Is it the divine qi and flesh of the late Supreme Kai that Buu absorbed? Though, even without it, its still ridiculous power with just some of Buu's DNA!
After some monologue, I ready myself for expecting battle.
19B... 19.000001B... 19.000002B... 19. 000003B... 19. 000004B...
her power level is still rising by 1,000 every 30 seconds.
A minutes had passed, she still not moving her body and her eye is closed. Why is that?
Is she on hybernation state or some sort like how frost demon born? I know that the longer a frost demon thaw, when they born, they will be more stronger, such as Frieza with a thawing process of over 200 years.
Speaking of Frieza, i still have a years before he born from thawing.
Another half an hour had passed and she still not moving, then something come out of her body that look like a super sticky saliva? No, more like a spider web and it's started to cover her body.
I guess she and the frost demon have the same process that's why in dbz she didn't show up. The difference is that she is not covered with ice but a cocoon.
Looks like i need to practice more before she wake up or beat me up after regaining Buu's full power.
Me: " Guardian Cells, come here! "
I command my Guardian Cell to lift the big cocoon and carry it to our base, so that no one accidentally open it.