
chapter 17: Madara's Awakening and new Form?! (Super Seru)






Chocolate Madara: 'Is this the end? No, it's not!'

As Madara forcing himself to break the chocolate seal, time seemed to slow down as image of his life flash before his eyes, the current and past life.


His death...


Meeting the *TRUE GOD*...


Granting his wishes...


Creating Guardian Cells...


Training until their mind collapsed...


Beating King Cold...


Becoming the new emperor of Universe...


And now meeting his *fated* woman...


But for Madara, this is not enough...

Going beyond his limit, something within him and his body snapped...

While Vomi's attack travel towards them, chocolate Madara *looked* at his Guardian Cells that giving their all to resist the upcoming attack.

Chocolate Madara: 'If i die here, my own people will die and my hard work will go waste! I need more strength!'

At that moment in Nucleus hand, the chocolate that he's holding vibrating strongly.




Vomi's attack land on them...

It cause a massive explosion, crater and a big debris of the arena to scattered...

Good Divine Vomi: "huuu, it's finally done. Even though i feel bad for them, I can't let them freely roam in this universe!"

Evil Divine Vomi: "hmmm! You know, if you didn't stop me from eating my snacks, this will be over soon!"

Good Divine Vomi: "Whatever. We should go n-?!"

Before Vomi could finish her words, inside the smoke she just caused, she sense something unbelievable. Even Vomi who don't know how to properly detect PL before, can still sense something stronger than her inside that smoke!





Vomi stood in front of the massive smoke as she looked at the emerging figure.

Divine Vomi: 'Ho-how did he survive my attack?'

Vomi tensed up as she looked again who is the person and felt a form of apprehension that she has never felt before.






The smoke alongside the debris vanished around the big creater.

Vomi's eyes widened as she saw what and who it is. To her surprised, it's the enemy she made chocolate before.

Right now, Madara finally achieved his new form that he intended to unlock on planet Yardrat, which he didn't expect to unlocked here and now.

Madara's current appearance seems to be combined of his original form, Super Piccolo (DBS SH) and Frieza's in his true form.

The Original black carapace that cover his chest is now extended to his abdomen and ribcage. His skin Color is now similar to that of Super Piccolo which is yellowish green. While his carapace forehead (mask), knee joints and elbow joints is now a purple bio gems like Frieza.

As Good Vomi looked over at the figure across from her, for a moment she felt she made a drastic mistake.

Good Divine Vomi: 'I should have eaten him when I had the chance before!'

Evil Divine Vomi: 'You only realized that just now!'




Across from her, Madara was inspecting his body.

Madara: "How much these Saiyans and Frost demon handle this after newly unlocked?"

While Madara's power increased far beyond, that does not mean his body is able to contained all of these power even after gaining his latest form like frost.

Just like a Frost Demon, he cannot control his full power just yet, that's why they create a new transformation. But thanks to his insanely fast regeneration, he can stay in this transformation as he wanted to and not feel much threat despite it's strain. His only concern now is his control over it.

Madara: 'I feel as if there are massive weights over my body...'

Lifting his arm, Madara noticed that his body felt heavy but as the same time full of energy that he doesn't have before.

Madara: 'Even with perfect ki control that i inherited from Piccolo and others, I still need to train more to get use to this amount if power.'

Madara then looked at Vomi.

Madara: ' And the only way to achieve that is to test and get use to my new power by fighting her.'




Vomi notices the absentminded Zero and plan to escape while distracting him.

She planed to make a swift and precise moves as she close the distance between the two of them in an instant and then escape after making him a chocolate again even for a little short amount of time to make him busy and distracted.

Evil Divine Vomi: 'This is my chance while he still spacing out! Having him caught up to my tricks many times now, he's guard still low despite his immense strength! Base on my own knowledge and experiences from this fight, in the middle of battle, you should never allow your focus to waver! or else your opponent could use that against you to launch a devastating blow! Just like now! Fufufufufu! What an idiot!'

At the same moment, Vomi's right index finger lit up with a dazzling purple lighting as she concentrated it to the direction of Madara.

However, she didn't know that even Madara's senses enhanced greatly.


Madara looks at all of this through his bored eyes.

Madara: 'Her movement seems too slow for me...'

Madara could see every detail of this attack as if it was played in slow motion in front of him, from her hair movement, to the grin or smirk that was creeping onto this girl's lips while firing her attacked.

Madara: 'Ho ho ho! She's so sure of her plan would work, huh!'



When the attack near him, he vanished...

While Madara travel at the very fast speed towards Vomi, even her can't see a glimpse of his shadow just after she blink ones.

Concentrates his ki into his hand creating something akin to a saw that Cooler's right hand man used. Madara sliced through Vomi's arm separating it from her shoulder.


Divine Vomi: "Ahhhhh!!! My ha- hand!"

Madara: "That's the payment for what you did to my Guardian Cells..." -He then looked at his Guardian Cells location.

Even after regenerating in instant, the pain still assaulted Vomi due to being shocked to death and for the first time feeling it.

Divine Vomi: 'Wha- What just happened? Im- Impossible!' -she thought while holding her now new arm.

These words replayed over and over in Vomi's head as she tried to understand what just happened to her. Despite her new arm emerged, the throbbing pain still woke her from her thoughts as she looked to her side while stepping one step backward.

Divine Vomi: 'Can i still escape from here?! But thi- This is too much?!! Are you kidding me?! not only they're still alive, but this big guy's power skyrocketed again and this time a lot more times than before!!'

Battling for so long now, Vomi understand and learned how to sense power level properly. But not thankful as she should be after gaining new knowledge, this just made her more tense after sensing Madara's power 120x or more stronger than her current full power!

Divine Vomi: 'Is this the power caused by similar to that *Ki-o-ken* but a lot more stronger?! If so, I'm hoping i can copy it too just like before! '

When Madara appeared besides her while she's having a monologue, he didn't do anything other than told her something...

Vomi couldn't or chose not to react after Madara appeared next to her. She felt like something was stopping her to make another move!

Madara: "I know what you're thinking Vomi. Unfortunately for you, you can't copy a transformation. Just like me...hmm..."

Madara said that while inspecting his body and power next to Vomi by checking his arms, legs and torso, as well as clenching his fist back and forth.

Madara's demeanor also changed. From being carefree to being serious.

Just like Cannon Goku's SSJ 3, his voice is now very deep, but his power Multiplier is a lot stronger compared to SSJ3 multiplier.

This power Multiplier is insane even for Madara's own perspective. He assumed it's because he seemed to unlocked all the next form of the races that part of him at the same time!

Not just his appearance went through a lot changes, but also his power level!

This new form multiplies Madara's base power level by staggering 500x!

He has now 3.25 Quadrillion Power Level in this current form!

While his new base power level after gaining constant zenkai boost from fighting Vomi and most of all from her last qi attacked, was now 6.5 trillion!




At this time Madara still ignoring the tense Vomi.

Madara: 'hmm... What should I name this form?...'

Madara: 'If Saiyan and Namekian just add the word *Super* to call their next form, then- '

Madara: " I will call this transformation a Super Seru! "












(Author: I called it "Super Seru" because just like Super Saiyan and Super Namekian, they just add the word Super )