
Majesty's Journey 2: Natasha's Symbiote in Marvel

an earthling dies in our universe. but fortunately for him, an Omniversal being who was bored without having anything to do for who knows how many years, decided to reincarnate him with a few wishes! but Ali's{the Majestic one / Majesty} wishes weren't normal. he didn't wish to be a Saiyan. he didn't wish to a Kryptonian. he chose to be... a SYMBIOTE with unlimited evolution and growth! and his host? his host will be the one loved by all, the one and only, black widow, Natasha Romanoff! but he also wished for something more. to have his soul turned to pieces and sent to different multiverses in the unending Omniverse. such as the douluo dalu multiverse and Yu-Gi-Oh multiverse while this Ali was sent to marvel. but one day, they will all unite, and they will complete the puzzle that is their soul. and on that day, he will become one of the strongest beings in all of the omniverse! ------------------------------------------------------------------- I just wanted to warn you all and clear some misunderstandings: 1: This story is being rewritten because I wasn't satisfied with how I wrote it originally. you may have seen a review here and there that states that MC says that he was from another multiverse to others. that was the case before, but it was the reason why I'm rewriting this story. so you don't need to worry about it anymore. 2: This story was originally supposed to be just in the MCU, but I decided to make it happen in the normal Marvel. 3: love interest: in case you didn't know, I didn't know if I should make this a harem or not before I wrote it. so I gave the choice to the readers. And harem got more votes. so it became a small harem of two, Natasha and Wanda. but since this story would be pretty boring if it was just the movies, I changed it to the normal marvel. BUT, you see, this story wasn't going to be THAT deep and complicated. It was just going to be a mcu movies universe, so I was okay with making it a harem of two. But now that the story is in the real marvel universe, there are a lot of pretty girls. So I have been thinking about it and having headaches about it. If I make it like that and have the mc get all the beauties, it would be just like any other story with mc taking girls like they are pokemons. And so, I decided that this story is a sole love interest with Natasha as the love interest. Cause you see, the reason why I made the mc a Symbiote, wasn't just about them being cool. They were unique, like no other. They aren't the strongest race there is, like Kryptonians or Saiyans. But they have one unique trait that made me love them and want one even if it could drive me crazy. A Symbiote isn't just a powerful alien, it is a partner. A best friend that you can trust with all your heart and mind. A being that is just for you, a bond that is just with you two. A being that will stick with you through thick and thin. Making this a harem, will take away the reason why I love the symbiote race. 4: MC will sleep and fuck other girls, but he won't get into any relationships with them like Ghost Spider (Gwen Stacy), Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), etc. Natasha will be okay with it because she will also fuck them like a guy since Ali can make a dick for her. So it will basically be double penetration. Ali and Natasha will also NTR some people and fuck their wives or girlfriends, like Invisible Woman (Susan "Sue" Storm), Jean Grey (Phoenix), etc.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime e quadrinhos
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53 Chs

CH 18: Ali and Natasha P5 (Rewritten)

<Do you know what kind of people I seriously fucking hate? Complainers. Listen, I get it that my story isn't perfect, but you're seriously pissing me off at this point. Let me give you an example of how it is:

It's like a fat guy watching TV, with chips and cookie crumbles all over him, saying that :"Oh I can definitely do it better." When watching someone pull off a move that clearly needs months or even years of training.

Do you know why I'm saying that? Because every fucking asshat that has complained either doesn't have a single story, or has just started writing but already feels like he or she is some big shit.

Listen, I seriously don't give a shit about the feelings of you bitch ass complainers, but you're seriously starting to piss me off now.

Anyway, this chapter is the rewritten version of chapter 18, because I wasn't that satisfied with it and wrote the original one where I was seriously tired.

Also, this is the same for about a little as the original before I changed it. One more thing, Ali wasn't able to go into his Symbiote Mode till chapter 27, that's why it was explained only in that chapter>


<Guys, I've decided that instead of both Felicia and Jean, it will only be Felicia. I honestly don't know anything about Jean, and only know that she's pretty, my only reason for adding her.

I don't care about powers. Why would MC care when he can literally evolve infinitely and can also copy his powers to his hosts. That's why, it will only be Felicia from now on.

Because I've had a crush on her since I was a kid when I saw her in Spider Man 1994. No, I'm not that old. Spider Man 1994 was just a masterpiece, that's why I've watched it.

So it will be Ali (Majesty) x Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) x Felicia Hardy (Black Cat). Again, this isn't a harem, it's polygamy, meaning that there's no "head" in the relationship, everybody loves each other.


"So what brings you two uptown? By the way, nice to meet you, Nemesis." Luke greeted after they had taken care of the gang members. Ali came out of Nemesis' shoulder as he smiled and a hand came out of his side which was held up for Luke to shake :"What's up? The real name is Majesty, but you can call me Ali, my earthling name. Nice to meet ya too, bud."

Luke nodded and shook his hand with a polite smile :"Nice to meet you too. The name's Luke Cage, but people also know me as Power Man. Thanks for the help, you all."

Nemesis nodded calmly :"You're welcome, it was nothing. We, me and Ali, were just swinging around when we found a guy shot. So after taking care of the people who shot him, we took care of the bullet before bringing him to the nearest hospital for treatment. And you know the rest."

"Good work shutting down the drive-by." Luke thanked and Spider Man chuckled nonchalantly :"Eh, it was nothing. I reached the party a little late though. These two didn't bother to invite me. Wanted to hug the fun all to themselves."

Nemesis rolled their eyes and Ali shook his head in amusement as Luke spoke up :"I've been chasing these guys around all day. You see any more, you shut them down."

"I'll do what I can." Spider Man nodded and Nemesis shrugged :"That's what we're best at." Luke nodded :"Good, thanks for the help. Spidey, please look for me in the park later. Bye for now."

Nemesis and Spider Man nodded before they all went their separate ways. While swinging around, Natasha heard Ali's voice inside her head :"(Hey, since we're already here, why don't we check out the park too? It would make for a nice picnic, no?)"

Natasha chuckled as she swung towards a building and stuck to it :"Are you asking me on a date, my dear partner?" Ali's head emerged from her shoulder as he smirked :"Yeah, why not? Not like it'd be the first one anyway."

With her back to the building, Natasha folded her arms under her chest as the mask disappeared and she smirked teasingly :"Oh my, Ali, you're going to make me misunderstand if you keep acting like this."

Ali tilted his head and raised an eyebrow with a smile on his demonic face which Natasha had gotten used to, and had even begun to think of as cute :"Misunderstand? About what? Is it another thing about humans? You're going to explain more."

Natasha's eyelids got lower as a seductive look appeared on her gorgeous face :"Well, humans go on dates with those who they consider to be dating material. Do you think of me as the same~?"

Ali hummed softly with a teasing smile :"Then since we have already gone on a few dates, does that mean you consider me dating material, my dear host?"

Natasha snorted softly with an amused smirk :"I was the one who asked first, so it's only natural that you answer first, no?" Ali shrugged and gave a tilted nod with a calm look :"Fair enough. my answer is, yes."

Natasha stood silent for a few moments, a little surprised at how straightforward he was. She folded her arms with an amused raise of her eyebrow :"Well aren't you just straightforward?"

Ali shrugged nonchalantly with a neutral face :"Yeah, I am. You know that I just speak up what's in my mind." Nat nodded, and wanting to have a more comfortable position, she jumped up and sat on the edge of the rooftop.

She placed her elbows on her thighs and put her chin in her hand with a curious and interested look :"I'm flattered, but why? Like, we are two completely different species.

I would've understood if that was just it, but there isn't barely a hint of resemblance in our physiology and body. Like, Thor is an alien, but he still walks on two legs and looks like a human.

But you're definitely not that. So it kinda doesn't make sense for you to have any attraction to me, who has nothing in common with you."

Ali sighed as he shrugged :"I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea myself. I just want to. That's all I can say. Just like you said, I don't have any reason to be attracted to you or any other human. But I just do."

As he stayed silent, Natasha breathed through her nose with a neutral look :"So your abilities aren't the only things that are weird.

I guess it's normal for other humans to be attracted to me considering my looks, but that doesn't apply to you who knows just how much of a mess I am inside..."

Seeing the slightly sad expression that appeared on her beautiful face, he couldn't help but want to comfort her. His body slowly started to morph.

His body, which was just a head and a neck, started to grow. A torso appeared, then arms, hands, stomach, waist, hips, knees, and then legs. He sat right next to Natasha before he side hugged her :"Yeah, I know. But that's probably the real reason I love you."

She smiled sadly as she looked away :"Love? Love is for children... And even if it wasn't, it's not something that I deserve..." Ali didn't let go of her, and neither did he get mad.

He just side hugged her gently as he comfortingly rubbed her arm :"Why do you say that?" Hearing how the ever so emotional and short tempered Symbiote was acting so gently, she couldn't hold back the boiling emotions inside.

She really would rather if he just acted nonchalantly and ridiculed her for saying something that he didn't like. Or just act like he didn't care. But how he was comforting her, how he was acting with so much care towards her, how he just wanted her to speak up, was doing something to her.

She didn't know what. Among the many things that she had felt in all of her life, all sorts of pain, physical torture, mental torture, forced killing, she had never felt the care of someone else.

She clenched her hands and gritted her teeth :"Because I'm a terrible person. I don't deserve to love or the love of another person with the things that I've done..."

"And who says that?" Ali gently squeezed her arm while looking at her calmly. Seeing him so out of character for HER sake, Natasha couldn't help but get angry.

Not at him. But at herself. She turned to him with a mix of sad and angry look in her eyes as she nearly shouted :"Because it's the only logical thing! I don't know how to love!

And I-I don't deserve to know how to nor how it feels like to be loved! All I know is how to suffer or inflict suffering upon others!

With how many jobs I was forced to take in the Red Room... How many people I had killed... Innocent people who had barely done anything... Who had just gotten on the Red Room's bad side...

I can't forgive myself for all the things I have done... Nobody else will either. Even if they did, I don't deserve forgiveness, nor can I forgive myself... It's what I am now..."

She wasn't angry at Ali for caring for her. She was angry at herself because her self loathe wouldn't allow her to let other people enter her heart. Wouldn't allow others to care for her.

Whenever someone tried to care for her, it was like this. She would unconsciously enter a fight or flight mindset. She hoped that by getting mad at him, he would give up, or get mad at her, like how he would always do.

However, when he just looked at her with nothing but care and gentleness, her resolve was slowly getting chipped away :"It's the only logical thing? Who decides that?

Natasha, you didn't do all of that because you wanted to. You said it yourself, you were forced to kill. You only did it to survive. If you didn't, you would be killed instead.

Why would you hate yourself for trying your best to survive? In my eyes, you only did the right thing. The only logical thing."

Natasha looked down at her hands on her thighs as she almost whispered :"But just for my survival, how many people died? How many people lost their loved ones?

People who they really loved and cared for. They all died just for me, an empty shell, to survive... Just for an emotionless murderer to survive and live a worthless life..."

Ali's hand came up as he gently guided her head to lean against him as he comfortingly caressed her head :"I won't say that you did the right or wrong thing, because I don't have the same moral sense as you humans do.

However, I can assure you of one thing, Natasha. You are not worthless. You aren't a murderer, you're a survivor. You didn't kill for fun, pleasure, or for profit.

You just wanted to live, like every other being in the Universe. And you aren't alone either. There are countless other beings who just want to survive, myself included.

So know this, you aren't worthless for trying to live. If you were truly worthless, would I stay with you? Aren't you the person who sees how I ridicule those people who r*pe, steal, kill, and do many other things just for their own profit?

That's why, please believe me, you aren't worthless. You are the most precious to me. Not just physically, but that I truly care for you. You deserve to love, and deserve all the love."

Natasha thought that he didn't notice, but how could he not notice the few tears that left her eyes? As the tears slid down her eyes, she leaned against him with an almost broken voice :"Really? Can I really love? Can I really be loved? Do I seriously deserve to live and love?"

Ali's body became shorter as he placed his head on hers with a gentle smile :"Yes, my dear. Yes, you do. Even if not from others, you will always have my love."

<... The fact that writing an angst chapter has been the easiest kind of chapter for me to write concerns me a bit... I think I need a Symbiote myself...>