
Maito Gai's DxD

The story of how the Noble Green Beast of Konoha, finds himself in a new world, a place he does not completely understand but appreciates much more than anyone will know. Follow him on his adventure through the Universe of DxD.

Grayfian_Forever · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

"YOUTH" Needs To Be Directed

I'll give you guys the short version for why I didn't post for such a long time.

Travelling. Moving houses. Getting Infected(Covid). Extended Isolation. Numbing Headache.

Before any of you say why I am using 'Might Guy' instead of 'Maito Gai', its just for my own ease in writing. But I think just for hardcore fans , I'll use Maito Gai.


Belzard and Elsha look towards the Red Dragon of Domination who just spoke.

Elsha then asks "Draig, he, a 17 year old boy, was able to defeat the Strongest red Dragon Emperor in a fair fight, there is something that we don't know here. Defeating Belzard isn't something a school going child can do. Even Pseudo Ultimate Class will have a hard time going against Belzard, but this child defeated him without taking a single hit. What is he?"

Draig replies "What or rather who he is, is something that I think I would rather show you, than say it."

"Show us?" asks Elsha.

"Yes, you see I have had the privilege of seeing the memories he has of his past life. If you want I can show you all as well, who my partner really is." says Draig.

"What do you mean memories of his past life?" asks Elsha, first looking at Draig and then looking at Issei with a confused expression.

"Explaining it sounds like too much of a pain, how about I just show you?" says Draig. Without waiting for a reply, Draig raises his wings and begins to release a visible red aura. The red aura envelopes everything in the mindscape in the matter of a few seconds.

Everyone finds themselves getting pulled into his memories. They all experience his experiences. His wars. His struggles. His Happiness. His relationships. His willpower. The people he killed. The loss he felt. His bravery. His selflessness. The people he respected. The people that respected him. The training he did to become what he was. The power he could exercise. The man feared as the Strongest Fighter by the Elemental Nations, the title given to him by a 'GOD'. The sheer tenacity he could exhibit. What they were being shown was a not any ordinary man.

He was a warrior, a ridiculously strong one at that, someone who despite being born without any prodigious talent went on to become one of the world's strongest. Despite everything that could hold him back, he pushed forward, every obstacle larger than the last, yet didn't stand for too long in front of him. A being of sheer will. Not some chosen one who got ridiculously powerful by the usage of some external power, but someone who trained like there was no tomorrow, and made himself comparable to Gods. This was a human who could challenge gods. This was MAITO GAI.

Nobody knew how much time had passed since they started watching his memories, Gai himself was thankful for a chance to look at his life again. Draig, even though was seeing these for the second time, could not help but imagine what would've been the result of his fight with his rival during the great war, had he trained like Gai did. would he have won? well, he'll never know.

Everyone was in a trance-like state after the viewing of Gai's memories. For Elsha and Belzard who had seen warriors all their lives, were not able to say anything but just looked at Gai, with curiosity and respect. After observing the expressions of Belzard and Elsha, Draig had a smirk on his face, he knew, Gai was someone who could very well make the name of Red Dragon Emperor, something that could instill fear in the hearts of the enemy on the battlefield at the mere mention of it.

Draig then turned to his partner and said "Gai, after looking at what you were capable of, and who you are, from your own eyes, I have grown to respect you, a human like you is someone I can proudly claim as my partner. Also, which is why I want to give you a offer."

Gai asks the huge dragon "A offer Draig?"

"Yes, you see, I would like to have you become a part of my race. Mostly I offer people to give away their body parts in exchange for momentary burst in power. But as I have come to respect you, I offer you, no, I request this of you Gai, become a Heavenly Dragon, although I won't force you, but I hope you will accept my offer." said Draig with hopeful and nervous eyes.

Most people would pounce at this chance, but Gai was someone who worked for every ounce of power he had, he would probably be pissed knowing that that body he was in was a servant of a devil. But this wasn't something that was important to Draig. Draig knew that if Gai really wanted to he could find a way out of that, but right now, in so many centuries, he finally had a host who could be a worthy successor to his legacy. His own strength was something that would put him at the pinnacle of humanity, but if he was to be a part of his power, he could very well stand at the top of this world. But the reason for nervousness was because he might want to build his strength with his own body, rather than taking his hand, and Draig wasn't sure if he will find a host like Gai ever again.

Gai looked at Draig, to see if there was a attempt at fraud of some sort, but there was nothing but dignity and sincerity in his eyes, Gai looked at the floor for a second,

'hmm, his energy is a lot less sinister than what I have and the being a member of his race should be fine but...."

then looked at Draig and said "Draig, that will depend on your answer. Tell me why are you in my body?"

Draig, without wasting anytime started explaining "You see Gai, if I am to explain what I am, I will need to start quite a while back, the Great War to be exact. A few millennia ago, a great war took place between the three biblical factions, that is Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils. They all fought, in a battle of supremacy, and all lost. During that war, Dragons opted out of the war, but me and my eternal rival, we fought each other, but the destruction we caused, was too much to overlook for the three factions, so they stopped their war, and came for us, killing us. Later, the God of the bible decided to create tools for humanity, to help them protect themselves, naming them Sacred Gears, there were varying types of Sacred gears, along with those, God used my soul and sealed it inside this gear, thus creating a Longinus Grade Sacred Gear with the name of 'Boosted Gear', which had the power to double the strength of the user every 10 secs. Hence, my work for millennia has been to protect humanity, but that depends on the user, as I am just a parasite, who latches onto the soul of a human, I can only help them, I cannot make decisions, I guess that is my punishment for not thinking properly and causing all that havoc all those years ago. Now that you know Gai, what is your answer?"

Gai had been attentively been listening to Draig explain the reason of his existence, then looked down in thought, then looked back Draig, with a expression oozing with seriousness and replied

"Very well then.....Draig, to protect the 'Youth' of this world and the smiles of little children, I, Maito Gai, no, Issei Maito Hyoudou, accept the offer made by Red Dragon of Domination, Draig, and give the responsibility to turn me into his kin to Draig, I accept all consequences that come with being a heavenly dragon. I will uphold the honor and power of your race, never again will the world look down upon the name of Heavenly Dragon, and you my partner, will accompany me on this journey, not as a power source, but as a friend, as my teacher, because there is a lot I am unaware in this world, and I am also unaware how a Heavenly Dragon should be like. So Draig-sensei, I look forward to my time with you."

Draig widened his eyes in victory and started laughing loudly. He was genuinely happy. Draig then looked at Elsha and Belzard who had a approving look. Both of them along with everyone else had seen what Gai was capable of, and how solid his character was, it wasn't that surprising. But for Draig, this was a first someone had treated him with such humility, and respect and although he had taught multiple humans, no one ever called him sensei. He felt happy.

Draig said "I also look forward to my time with you Gai, however for the conversion, this is not the right place, so I think I will do this when you sleep. For now, you have been sitting long enough on the Trash bin, you should leave."

Gai then remembers that he still had to attend school, so he quickly retracts his consciousness from the mindscape. As he looks, its already afternoon, thinking he just missed his first day in school, he starts thinking if something could be done, but he then realized nothing he did would change it, being the person he is, he decided to apologize to his parents.

He left for home, and walked through town. He reached home, and then without even being questioned as begged his parents for forgiveness, but his parents were just worried if he was okay or not. Having such a caring family only further solidified his resolve to protect humans like his parents. Smiles like these needed his protection, and no one had the right to take them away. He promised he would never miss school. And they were happy with the sincerity of their son.


Issei was walking towards school, while reading a schoolbook with one hand and eating a banana with the other. Some kids of the same school were surprised to see the leader of the perverted trio actually studying. Noticing the stares, he looked around, and other students were looking at him curiously, then he looked at a girl and then looked at her uniform. The skirt was abnormally short, he knew this fact, or rather 'Issei' knew this fact, but nobody said anything about it, this was something which rather stepped upon the innocence of the girls. He walked up to the girl he was looking at and asked

"Miss, my name is Issei Maito Hyoudou, however, you may call me Issei, I am sorry to disturb you during your morning walk, but would you mind answering a question of mine?" asked Issei.

The girl and her group, along with the people around them who heard Issei way of talking were surprised, the brash, unrelenting, shameless pervert was talking like dignified noble. To satiate her curiosity about what this changed Issei was going to ask her, she said warily

"Yes, what do you want?"

"ahh nothing to serious miss, I just wanted to ask, why is it that you all never complain that the skirts that you are made to wear are so short? Or are these considered to be appropriate according to societal standards?" asked Issei.

The girl and her group were gobsmacked. They looked down at their skirts, they were indeed quite short for school skirts, but nobody ever stressed it, so they went with it, but now that it was pointed out, they did indeed agree.

Noticing the look on the face of the girl, Gai understood, and just bowed slightly and left. The girl were just standing, not because skirt but because it was the pervert who seemed to be against having abnormally short skirts.

Reaching the school Gate, he decided to deal with this matter first, so he headed to the principal's office directly. Reaching there, he knocked on the door. He was allowed to go in, where he met the principal. The principal had a similar reaction to the pervert trying to get the skirts of the girls to be longer, but thinking of it as if he was trying to turn over a new leaf, which made him happy, and the principal personally agreed with his suggestion. So he said, he will discuss it with the student council and the board of directors for this change. Issei thanked him for his consideration and left for class. The Principal gave him a slip, for reaching late for class, which the teacher later accepted.

The class started and Issei was excited as hell to study so many new things. Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English, Accounts, History, Economics, etc. There was a abundance of knowledge and he wanted it all. To the teacher's surprise while almost the entire class fell asleep, Issei was raising his hand asking doubts he had. It was the same for every class. PT period was a surprise for everyone in the school ground. The pervert had completed 500 push ups, then 50 laps around the field, and that too at fast sprinting speeds, and then he went on to do 500 pull ups on the tree branch. Once the PT period was over, all the boys went to the changing, what they saw ,filled them with a sense of awe, Issei squeezed his shirt, and filled a plastic glass of water with his sweat, but his breathing was very even.

During the break, Matsuda and Motohama, the other two perverts came to Issei,

"Hey Issei, lets go peek at the Kendo Club while they are changing!"

"Yeah Issei Lets gOOOOOO!"

Gai snapped at this! Someone who plans to defile the youth of little girls should be punished!

But resorting to violence just at the start would be wrong and to some degree, when Gai took over Issei's body, he took upon the sins that came with it, so saying otherwise would sound hypocritical, from his memories, he knew that these two were irredeemable, so he elected that ignoring them would be best course of action. Perverts or not, they were Issei's friends, and as a shinobi who fought multiple times while putting his life in someone else's hands, he understood the true meaning of friendship, and other than perverted activities these 2 were great friends, but he didn't want anything to do with them anymore. So he got up and walked away. But before leaving Gai looked back and said "It was nice knowing you two, I don't wish to be friends with you anymore, I hope you two become youthful."

The class was stunned! The rumor that the perverted trio had broken up spread like wildfire. Attending all classes and downright impressing the teachers with his insights and solutions, he was packing his bag when suddenly the girls of the class started screaming


The Energy was very much familiar to his own, so he knew it had to be a devil, and staying in school all day had made it clear, that a quite a few devils were present on the premises. Yesterday night, Draig had further explained to him his circumstances, and why he wasn't human anymore, Gai was angry to say the least. The devil walked close and said

"Issei Hyoudou?" asked the devil.

Gai looked up to see the prince of kuoh calling him, so he replied "Yes, that I am, may I know what I can help you with?"

"My name is Yuuto Kiba, I am sure you have heard of me." said kiba.

"No, I haven't ,but you didn't answer my question." said Gai.

"Yes, in fact you can help me, my president wants your presence in the Occult Research Club, so if you would, then please follow me." said Kiba.

"I am sorry, but I am busy today, also is this president of your a teacher or something?" asked Gai.

"No." replied Kiba.

"Then why is she trying to order around people to meet her, if she feels the need to talk to a fellow student, she should come and talk by herself, she is a student as well." said Gai with a annoyed expression, he hated people who thought it was okay to abuse power in this manner.

Kiba got angry at this person insulting his master, but right now, he couldn't find a reason or argument to retort, he very well couldn't say that she was his master now could he.

Kiba tried pushing it by coming in close and trying to drag him by the arm, but ended in a arm hold with his face under Gai's shoe. Gai just non-chalantly asked "So what's the big idea of suddenly grabbing my arm, if I took actual insult to that, I would have ripped your arm off." And what he said was true, in the shinobi world, people would flare their chakra to let other people know they were close, if you suddenly approach a person and get injured due to the retaliation, it was not the former's fault.

Everyone was surprised to the point that a girl dropped her bag on the floor. The prince of kuoh who was known to have been way more powerful than the national level kendo team, was just put under the hold of one of the despised people in the school, and that too no one saw it happen, even though everyone was looking at Kiba and Issei, it was just that fast.

Gai took his foot Kiba's face and left with his bag saying "Kid, know your place."

Being a teacher in his previous life, he had seen entitled clan kids who thought that they could have anything because they had backing. But for a warrior like Gai, the only people he would bother with were either the ones who showed him respect, or the ones earned his respect.

Today was to be a special day as it was tonight when Gai had agreed to complete the transformation to a Heavenly Dragon. Draig had told him to eat a lot of food as a lot of energy would be used in order to complete the process. the process was to be 8 hours long, and full of excruciating pain, but Gai was no foreigner to pain, so he didn't have any problem with it.

He reached home, where ever since a few days, the mood of the house had been much better, Issei had been spending a lot more time helping out in daily household work, talking to his parents, overall just being a much better son.

His parents didn't have any complaints with him, he was studying deligiently, helping them out in the house, and trying to better himself, what more could a parent ask for.

After dinner, Gai went back to his room, and started on his homework, he kept having problems due to languages like English being completely foreign to to him, but still he tried and was getting better at them with each hour.

Once that was done, he got prepared for bed, but today he put down plastic sheets on the bed to contain any sweat or blood that seeps off his body during the transformation.

"Draig-sensei, I am ready when you are." said Gai.

"Good, Gai, Grit your teeth, its going to be a long night." said Draig.

Gai puts a rubber guard in his mouth and readies himself. and then its starts.

"HNGHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!" muffled screams could be heard even outside the room.


Hope you liked the chapter, see you soon.