
Maiden Thieves

When impoverished, bastard twins of New York City, Vyn and Von, were forced to move out of their country, they find themselves on a island where things take an interestingly eerie turn. ———————————————————————— Erotica with actual plot? Updates 1-3 chapters daily. More support = Better story, better prose, more chapters.

Lord_Lewd · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

My Seducing Stranger

Vyn swaggered through the streets, head mildly bobbing. His surroundings were quite developed compared to the embryonic woods they had traveled through to make it to the kingdom.

People were up and down the streets—a street mainly made out of cobblestone. The material saw to an overwhelming prevalence here.

There were carriages, wheelbarrows, and mounted men walking down the Cobblestone paths that weaved through the kingdom.

While wandering through these streets, Vyn took a curious left, and walked down an alley.

"I already love this place," he muttered to himself.

He was about to summon his grimoire when his eyes met a woman. A woman on her knees in a yard, scrubbing the stone floor beneath her.

Her countenance lingered poignantly but almost waded completely when she saw Vyn. She parted her lips as she looked at him. Turning her face from the time he'd flashed a smirk.

Vyn kept his smirk for long, for this elf woman was the most beautiful thing he'd seen in his entire life. Long silky blonde hair, blue mesmerizing eyes, little pink lips and a conspicuous bust.

Vyn's smile dipped after he thought about not having his phone on him. The pilot didn't let him take his belongings to the island.

Now, he had seen many beauties in his lifetime. Too many to count. Unfortunately, they were all stuck in a phone screen. And Vyn couldn't get a picture of the elf to ... use later.

Nevertheless, after 'much thought' (which was precisely three seconds for Vyn), he started toward the woman with a smile on his face.


Alva remained crouched down, scrubbing the floor. She certainly did not like her status at all. But how could she dare oppose her master? A man she hated through and through. A man for whom she still held fear.

Many would consider herself lucky, especially after the Elf Onslaught that took place three years ago. Lucky in that she wasn't being sexually abused by her master like many elvish women considered the worst thing possible.

He was a man of many wives, this master of hers. He had not the time to trifle with her given this. Two was, most definitely, better than one. However, at times, she had noticed little glimpses at her most profound body-parts on his end.

The sizable breasts she'd grown to loathe since they were but huge impediments, always flinging about when in motion. Her attractive face and pointy-ears that caught eyes like man-made light would catch flies at dusk. Her behind--curvaceous and large--that made her spell a striking disparity between her upper and lower body.

Her master did abuse her in all other ways but one. Nevertheless, she was quite lucky she'd managed to her virginity through it all.

"Pssst," a loud hiss from above, "hey ..."

She looked up. It was a young man sitting upon her master's fence, feet dangling. He had an arrogant smirk to his face as towered over her while she worked.

She scoffed and looked away upon acknowledging his presence for a good few seconds. Some newcomer who's already perverted, she thought. He had to guts to dally about her master's property so calmly.

Vyn's smirk grew wider. Let's see what the incubus in me could do, he thought.

"I'm talking to you, elvish sugar!"

The woman scoffed. "Could you not have gone with a better line at least?"

"Ahh, she speaks," he said, "so she moans."

"I'm sorry ... what was that?"

"Ahhhh, nothing," he dropped down into the yard; soft thud as his feet touched the ground. "I'm just checking you out," he started toward her, "you're quite a sight after all."

She stood. "I am dearly sorry, good sir, but I'm not inclined to take those compliments."

He continued toward her. "When I saw you, I felt my whole fucking body go numb. Has anyone ever told you just how ethereal you are?"

She clasped her hands behind her back, frowned, and averted her gaze. Her face rubescent. She never got compliments, never got intimacy. She had always felt as though she was the sole person in her own world.

"Ah, is that a blush I'm seein' there?" He smirked.

"It's not!" she snapped.

"Got a temper too," he tittered. "Keep that fire for when we're in bed."

She began to retreat slowly as he neared her with apparent malice. "You're in the lands of Nicholas Kinswine, I suggest you leave promptly or suffer the consequences."

"I just wanna suffer you, princess," he said, still approaching her. Her eyes suddenly began to glow a bright pink.

"Well I'm no princess," she said, "I'm a ... a slave."

"A slave? Poor thing," he stopped. "Doesn't that mean you've lost your virginity?" He sighed. "Well, I'm out." He turned around.

"Wait," she said softly heaving.

He looked over his shoulder at her, hands jammed into his pockets.

Her eyes were aglow and her breaths were quickened. She stood, cheeks flushed and neck tinged.

A smirk stretched across Vyn's face as he turned to face her. His grimoire manifested, flipped through its pages and displayed information to him.

[Victim is affected by: Lust Trap (Active)

[Lust Trap: If there is low emotional abstinence in the mate being courted, said mate falls under the spell, becoming sexually aroused]

Vyn rushed toward her as she paced backward down the alley up until she reached the back of the building, his eyes glowing pink.

When they were at the back of the house. Vyn clutched a hand to Alva's subtly warm neck and slammed her into the wall.

[Status: Slave]

[Relationship status: Unmarried (Maiden)]

Alva wore the slave apparel of the lowest ranking slaves. A plain white shirt with clear buttons sewn a few inches off the colar and running down, and a short black skirt that reached her upper thighs.

Alva unbuttoned her shirt--one button at a time--in deliberate yet desperate manner. Her warm breaths were loud. Her heart throbbed relentlessly.

Vyn felt her warm breaths upon his face. Seducing. He heard her heart as if it were his. He peeled his eyes to her as she slowly unbuttoned her shirt.

When she was finished with the last button, she held either end of the shirt and pulled them together. Her face crimsoned. She was shy. She had not done this before ... never. She never came close to a sexual act. And yet, here she was.

She suddenly felt a surge of embarrassment, as she rounded her shoulders, and held her shirt together, curbing her lust from stemming the revelation of her breasts in skin to stranger.

Vyn looked her in shy eyes. And their eyes met. The three seconds of eye-contact was enough. For when she finally looked into his now silver, lust-filled eyes she felt ... compelled.

She kept either side of the shirt clutched and subtly widened her arms, revealing her braless, untethered breasts.

Vyn had almost gasped. They look better in person, he thought. They were roundish, lustered and lush yet chaste. They called to his name, these two well-fleshed lots of subtly pendulum breasts.

He inched a hand toward them exuberantly. She quivered, dithering a trifle as the hand neared her bust.

The hand rest upon her left breast, his fingers between her cherry-like pert yet rosy nipples. He cupped his hand and squeezed them firmly.

A slight groan escaped Alva's throat as he proceeded to squeeze harder. After caressing her breasts, he drew his head toward them, placing his frigid lips upon her warm nipples.

[Contact with a Maiden]

[+0.5 Mana Level]

[Mana Level: 2]

As he suckled on her nipples, she felt a surge of pleasure flush through her.

He squeezed both her breasts in hand and kept pulling on her nipples with his wet lips awhile. He then released her right breast, and deliberately swept a hand down her abdomen, belly-button but before he could get slower than that ...

"Hey!" A middle-aged man snapped, rushing toward Vyn with a garden hoe.

Vyn placed a hand on Alva's chin. "I'll see you around. Next time, I want a kiss and a little bit more ... time with you."

"That's my slave!" The man pitched forward.

Vyn sidestepped a swing, ducked another, and darted off. He rushed straight for the fence from which he came. He went to his toes mid-sprint. He leaped. He caught himself, and mantled up and down the fence.

"You intruder, I know your face now! You're dead!"

Vyn thudded down to his feet, landing on the other side of the fence with a smirk on his face. Gotta tell Von, he thought, sprinting off again.


Alva had her back against the wall. She slowly slid down until her behind met the floor. Her legs were akimbo, and her breasts lingered untethered.

Is this ... love? She thought, heaving. What is this feeling? This sensation ... I feel it in every part of my body. What have I done?

"Vyn ..." she muttered.

It was a name she'd never heard before yet she was able to speak it so seamlessly. Though she was certain the stranger hadn't introduced himself.

"My seducing stranger ..."

Hope you enjoyed the erotica in this one. There's much more of it to come. Just two things. 1) The story is only just beginning so you'd need an iota of paitence. 2) Don't assume it's merely senseless erotica and harem .... all of the sex scenes contributes to the plot. I PROMISE.

Also, please, vote your stones.

Lord_Lewdcreators' thoughts