
Mai-San Doesnt Give Up On Love Before 30!

In the bustling metropolis of Tokyo, Mai Hajima, a socially awkward yet wildly successful erotica author known by her pen name "Ai Tenshi," finds herself trapped in a year-long hibernation after the bitter sting of two failed relationships. Secluded in her upscale apartment with only her cat Miso for company, Mai's world revolves around her laptop and the steamy worlds she creates within her novels. However, Mai's life takes an unexpected turn when her book agent, Sora, and her editor, Hikari, barge into her apartment, begging her to step out into the real world and get some groceries. Reluctantly agreeing, Mai embarks on a journey that leads her to a fateful encounter with Gojo, a charming romance author with a hidden sadistic streak. As Mai navigates the complexities of re-entering society, she finds herself drawn to Gojo's enigmatic personality, even as she struggles to conceal her own secret identity as Ai Tenshi. But with each passing day, Mai's carefully constructed walls begin to crumble, revealing vulnerabilities she never knew she possessed. Amidst humorous mishaps and cheeky flirtations, Mai and Gojo's relationship blossoms, fueled by their shared passion for writing and a mutual desire to explore the depths of desire. Yet, lurking beneath the surface are insecurities and past traumas that threaten to tear them apart. As Mai grapples with her fear of intimacy and Gojo confronts his own demons, they must confront the ghosts of their pasts and learn to trust in the power of love. With the support of quirky friends, meddling coworkers, and the unwavering bond between a woman and her cat, Mai-san embarks on a journey of self-discovery, passion, and laughter, determined not to give up on love before the age of thirty.

AiTenshi · Urbano
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2 Chs

Wake Up Call

two days earlier1

The persistent knocking at the door jolted Mai Hajima from her sleep. She blinked groggily, squinting at the sunlight filtering through her curtains. With a tired sigh, she dragged herself out of bed, her steps slow and heavy with sleep.

As she made her way to the door, the knocking grew louder and more insistent. Rubbing her eyes, she muttered under her breath, wondering who could possibly be bothering her at this ungodly hour.

With a resigned sigh, she reached for the doorknob and pulled it open, only to have her book agent, Sora, and her editor, Hikari, stumble inside in a flurry of urgent whispers and frantic gestures.

"Sorry to barge in like this," Sora began, his voice a hurried whisper. "But we couldn't wait any longer. We need to talk to you."

She blinked in confusion, her mind still foggy with sleep. "Talk to me about what?" she muttered, her annoyance growing with each passing second.

Hikari shot her an apologetic look as she stepped forward. "We're worried about you, Mai. You've been cooped up in here for far too long," she said, her tone gentle yet firm. "It's not healthy, and it's certainly not good for your writing."

Her irritation flared, her sleep-addled brain struggling to process their words. "If you're here to lecture me about getting out more, you can leave," she snapped, her patience wearing thin.

But Sora and Hikari refused to be deterred. They pleaded with her to at least venture outside to get groceries while the weather was nice, their concern for her well-being evident in their eyes.

"Mai-chan, come on," Sora pleaded, his usually upbeat tone tinged with desperation. "You can't live on instant ramen and konbini delivery forever!"

Hikari nodded vigorously, her expression earnest. "Seriously, Mai. It's time to step away from the laptop and get some fresh air. Your characters can survive without you for an hour, I promise."

Mai rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She couldn't deny the absurdity of her situation—being lectured about her diet by her literary agent and editor.

"Fine, fine," she relented with a dramatic sigh. "But only because you two are worse than my overbearing parents."

Sora and Hikari exchanged amused glances, their relief palpable. "We'll take that as a yes!" Sora exclaimed, already moving towards the door.

Following her lead, Mai quickly shooed them away, a hint of stubbornness in her actions. As Mai watched Sora and Hikari disappear down the hallway, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. Maybe they were right—maybe it was time to break out of her self-imposed isolation and embrace the world outside her apartment walls.

Turning away from the door, Mai made her way back to her desk, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. Her loving British Shorthair cat, Miso, making a bed out of her lap. She glanced at the clock on her laptop—it was already 8 am. The thought of venturing outside to get groceries today seemed daunting, but then again, maybe she could muster the courage to go in a couple of days.

With a determined nod, Mai made a decision. This Friday, just two days from now, she will go get groceries by herself. It would be a small step, but a significant one—a tangible sign that she was ready to face the world again, one grocery store aisle at a time.

Mai's anxiety about being perceived and judged because of her past relationships weighed heavily on her mind like an invisible burden she couldn't shake. The scars left by her previous romances ran deep, leaving her wary of opening up to others and fearful of being branded as damaged goods. 

She couldn't help but wonder if people saw her as a cautionary tale, a woman who had failed at love not once, but twice. The thought of facing the scrutiny and judgment of others filled her with a sense of unease, causing her to retreat further into the safety of her own solitude. Yet, despite her fears, Mai knew that she couldn't hide from the world forever. Deep down, she longed for acceptance and understanding, yearning to be seen not as a victim of her past, but as a resilient woman who refused to let her heartbreak define her.

With that thought in mind, Mai turned her attention back to her laptop, her fingers abandoning Misos soft fur and hovering over the keyboard. The words were still elusive, but for the first time in a long while, she felt the familiar tinge of inspiration.

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Next Chapter Release 2/6 12PM CST

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