
Magus' Showtime [Kiseki/Trails Fanfic]

Even the smallest of things can change the course of the story. How will the wretched fairy tale proceed if a forgotten clan of magi made themselves known? Well, it's their showtime! [A Kiseki/Trails AU of the Erebonia Arc starting in CS3]

UdoninMontmart · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 5 || On The Run

// The Geofront, Crossbell City | December 27, S. 1205 //

Lloyd Bannings leaned against the cold frame of the wall, trying to catch his breath as sweat poured down his visage. His legs felt numb from running around the whole day and avoiding every Imperial guard they came across. Despite the numbness he felt in his lower half, he assured himself he had enough energy to fight if needed.

Why? How did things turn out this way? All he wanted was for Crossbell to gain their freedom and independence, yet now the city he loved and protected with his whole heart was annexed by the Empire. He just wanted to do all he can to liberate Crossbell, yet the barriers he needed to overcome had grown to be too much this time.

And now... He was running away from the authorities as a wanted fugitive.

"Are you all right, Lloyd?"

The detective lifted his head and faced a man with long navy blue hair, his piercing brown eyes looked at the young man with concern. It was the Divine Blade of Wind— Arios MacLaine.

The brown-haired officer flashed a weary smile, nodding his head at the older male. "I'm fine, Arios. Just taking a little breather..." He sighed and parted with the wall, patting his chest before looking at the swordsman with gratefulness in his eyes. "Thank—"

"Not another word, Lloyd." The Divine Blade cut him off, yet his tone was soft. "You don't need to thank me for helping you escape. I'm simply doing what I must after what you and the S.S.S. have done for me and my family." He looked down, clenching a fist as guilt overwrote his expression. "I know this might not sound believable coming from me, but I'm not letting you get falsely arrested by the Governor General."


Lloyd was stunned speechless. Their history left the two having an awkward atmosphere at times, but the detective still respected the man. He would be lying if he said there wasn't a tiny shred of resentment in him for what happened in the past (no matter how much Lloyd ignores the negative side of him), but he would also be lying if he said he wasn't touched and happy at the Divine Blade's words. He was truly grateful to receive Arios' help after being branded as a fugitive this time around.

Rubbing his neck awkwardly, Lloyd chuckled before bumping his fist on the man's left arm. "Fine, I won't say it. Though, I hope you know how much you're helping me out by being here."

The swordsman simply smiled as he looked forward, the two of them heading towards the next sector. "Of course."

The brunette cracked a grin before concern flashed across his face. "But are you sure it's okay for you to leave Shizuku?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Shizuku would be upset with me if I didn't do anything to help." He chuckled under his breath, causing Lloyd to chuckle as well before the swordsman's face turned grim. "What about you, Lloyd? Was it really wise to reject your friends' help? You know full well they would help you without a second thought."

Lloyd clenched his teeth before giving a nod. "I know... But if they helped me, they'll likely be branded as fugitives too! I couldn't let that happen!"

The memory of his best friend's outburst was still fresh in his head. It took so much convincing and reassurance that he'll be fine and didn't need the others to involve themselves with the Imperial guards. Lloyd refused to give the Governor General reasons to arrest his friends. Even when they were apart, he could sense their turmoil over his predicament.

He didn't want them to get arrested because they helped him run away from the authorities, but he knew deep down they were still going to help the detective in their own way. The locked door ahead suddenly opened as if to prove a point, Lloyd's lips curling into a faint smile. Thanks, Jona.

Arios swooped through the small mobs with a single slash of his tachi in order for Lloyd to conserve his energy. The two made their way to one of the many entrances of Geofront's X Sector. They would be able to arrive in the Harbor District where there were the least amount of Imperial guards.

As they traversed through the underground area, Arios signaled Lloyd to come to a stop by holding out his left arm. A scowl was etched on the swordsman's face as Lloyd grimaced, hearing footsteps and the sound of clapping getting louder.

The metal door before them opened as several Imperial soldiers rushed in with weapons at the ready, a man with long blonde hair entering with them. The man wore a similar outfit to his old one but with a color scheme fitting his new position as the Governor General. His navy blue cape fluttered with every step he took, his electric blue eyes staring down at the two with amusement and authority.

"I must admit, Detective Bannings, I never would have thought the Divine Blade of Wind himself would assist you in fleeing from us." Rufus Albarea applauded the two with a smile. "However, it seems this is the end of the line for you. I'll give you one last chance, though."

He held out his hand.

"Will you come with us peacefully without resisting?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Lloyd whipped out his tonfas, standing his ground defiantly as he glared at the Governor General. Who does he think he is for assuming he would even consider complying after being falsely branded as a fugitive! Arios smirked for a second before he assumed his combat stance, delighted by his decision.

Rufus released a disappointed sigh as he shook his head before turning his attention to the Divine Blade. "And what about you, Arios MacLaine? Are you still willing to help Detective Bannings, even knowing that I could brand you as his accomplice?"

"That's right. My decision won't change that easily." The older man replied with conviction.

The blonde-haired man hummed, closing his eyes. "I believe you have a daughter—"

"Don't even go there, Governor General," Arios spat, glaring at Rufus. "Believe me when I say that I'll show you the true power of the Divine Blade of Wind right here and now."

His cold glare was accompanied by the pressure of the Divine Blade of Wind's aura, sending the Imperial soldiers to their knees as Rufus glanced at his soldiers.

"Well, I have no desire to use such petty tactics when I know you can cause tremors strong enough to bury us alive here." He smiled slightly and shrugged before taking out his court-fencing sword. "Apprehend Bannings. Leave Arios MacLaine to me."

"Understood, Governor General!"

"Here they come!" Lloyd exclaimed as the soldiers charged.

"Don't let your guard down, Lloyd!"


Sheathing his tachi, Arios fired a blast of wind pressure to knock the soldiers off balance before using Gale to lunge toward Rufus, Lloyd following up the swordsman's support with an attack as he disarmed and knocked down some of the soldiers.

Blades clashed against each other in a series of furious blows. Arios wasn't giving Rufus any time to counterattack, forcing the noble to block or parry his swings. The winds roared with every swing of his tachi. Rufus should have never provoked the swordsman. Now, he was showing the Governor General a glimpse of the power of an enraged Divine Blade.

As Arios fought with Rufus, Lloyd busied himself with knocking down as many soldiers as possible. Things were looking bad for the detective though...

Their numbers were starting to overwhelm the brunette, his stamina gradually depleting the more he tried using hard-hitting attacks to knock them out. Just how many soldiers did Rufus bring with him?!

One of the broadsword wielders managed to take advantage of Lloyd's blindspot, forcing the detective to block. The swing of his broadsword was strong enough to send one of his tonfas flying across the room.


"You're done for! Your resistance is futile!"

The orbal gun users rain down bullets at the detective. Lloyd did his best in blocking and deflecting the projectiles, but he couldn't avoid getting hit completely.



"Don't look away from your opponent!" Rufus thrust his sword at the Eight Leaves practitioner.


Arios manage to block the attack. But with his momentum lost, Rufus started his onslaught of attacks, swinging and thrusting his sword, preventing the Divine Blade from helping the detective.

Lloyd gritted his teeth and held his bleeding left shoulder. His other tonfa was too far away for him to reach, and the soldiers were closing in on him.

Was this... really... the end for Lloyd?

Was he really going to let himself be captured like this?

"N-No...! I can't! Haaaaaaaaaah!"

Lloyd let out a battle cry as orange energy surrounded his form before dispersing. A surge of power and energy flowed through him as he spun his remaining tonfa before drawing it back.

"I'm not going down just yet!"

With another battle cry, Lloyd threw himself at the soldiers as he barraged them with punches and kicks, leaping back as his aura shifted into cyan.

"Tiger Charge!"

Launching himself off the ground, Lloyd charged at them while his body was surrounded by the spectral manifestation of a tiger's head. It mimicked a crushing bite as Lloyd activated the discharge of his tonfa, shocking and knocking back a few of them before he reached for his other tonfa.

Just as the detective grabbed the other half of his weapon, he fell to one knee, clutching his wounded shoulder.

"This is bad. I overdid it..." Lloyd grunted as he turned toward the soldiers, a few already getting up.

He knew a discharge attack from one tonfa wasn't enough to fully incapacitate him. With his shoulder injury, he won't be able to make use of his recovered tonfa and defend himself properly. Arios would have been able to help him if Rufus wasn't keeping his attention.

As the detective slowly got surrounded by the Imperial soldiers, Lloyd forced himself to get back. This was his last stand.

"Apprehend the boy!"

"I don't think so!"

A voice unfamiliar to them echoed throughout the sector. Before either one could react, a cloaked figure fell down from above, startling the soldiers before one of them felt something as hard as a rock crash onto his face.


The force behind the impact sent the poor guy flying across the room before being planted onto the wall. The other soldiers snapped their heads toward the assailant to see its fist clad in a rock-like gauntlet stretched out.

"What the fuck?!"

"Did it just do that with a single punch?!"

"Who are you?! Are you associated with Lloyd Bannings?!"

"Hmph. You lot don't need to know my name!" A male voice came from the cloaked individual as he raised his foot, a strange yellow-colored circle appearing beneath it. "Terra Firma, come to life! Infernal Steel!"

As the cloaked figure's foot crashed onto the steel floor, metal spikes shot up from below, piercing through the soldiers. Their blood stained the floor as Lloyd stared at him in horror.

"W-Why did you just kill them?!"

"Relax, Detective Bannings. They're bleeding, but they're most certainly still alive. I avoided hitting their vitals. They won't be dying from blood loss." The male under the cloak gave a dismissive wave. "Check them yourself if you don't believe me."

The detective frowned before limping toward the nearest soldier, checking his pulse before breathing a sigh of relief.

"Told you."

The detective just gave the man an annoyed glare, which was ignored by him as Arios returned to Lloyd's side, covering him protectively.

"Who are you? Why are you helping us?"

"Indeed. Are you acquainted with Lloyd Bannings?" Rufus added his own query as he pointed his sword at the cloaked man.

"Heh. Well, if it's the Divine Blade of Wind and Jade Rook asking, then I guess I'll answer."

Rufus narrowed his eyes dangerously as his power began to rise. "Hoh? So, you even know that alias?"

"Oh, I know a lot about you and your shitty group! And to answer your question, no, I'm not acquainted with Detective Bannings. I'm just some busybody who likes to meddle with the plans of the Ironbloods." The man cackled as he pulled down his hood.

The man's lavender locks fell on his face, bangs parted in the middle. A slash-shaped scar was etched across his left cheek. His cyan hues glared menacingly at the Ironblood, cracking his neck as he stepped forward.

"I'm Reinhardt Marshal. The one who's going to crush Osborne and his damn Ironbloods!"

"I don't believe we have even met before. What could we have possibly done to earn your hatred?" The Albarea noble raised a brow curiously. "Ah, are you a citizen of Crossbell? Or a citizen from another country the Empire annexed? If that's the case, then it would make sense why you're giving me such animosity."


The scarred man began to cackle once again, his laughter boomed throughout the sector it sounded more like howling. The unhinged laugh sent shivers down the Crossbellians' spine before Reinhardt directed a fierce glare at Jade Rook, flaring his aura.

Lloyd trembled as he fell back to his knees at the pressure the mysterious man was displaying. It felt akin to the battle aura of Arios back in the Azure Tree. It was dense, intimidating, and powerful. This time it was mixed with the intent to kill. The brunette shot a look at Arios, his eyes widening.

Crossbell's Divine Blade of Wind... was sweating profusely.

He looked visibly strained by Marshal's presence.



"Whatever you do, do not engage that man in combat," Arios warned, keeping his guard up. "I don't think you or I will be able to match his skills and survive unscathed if he directs that killing intent toward us."

Lloyd couldn't believe what he was hearing. Did they seriously stand on the chance against the mysterious man if he becomes their enemy? Not even Arios was certain he could put up a fight against the guy...

Reinhardt looked over his shoulder and gestured the two toward the door at the end of the room.

"Leave this bastard to me. You want to liberate your Crossbell, right?" Lloyd stared before he bit his lower lip, closing his eyes as he nodded his head resolutely. "Then scram and get outta here!"

"...! Thanks!"

Giving a thankful nod to the lavender-haired man, Lloyd and Arios darted in the direction of the exit.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that!"

Rufus enchanted his fencing blade with bright jade energy, swinging at the Crossbellians. His blade, however, was met by a pillar of steel instead of flesh. He tilted his head to the mysterious man, who flashed a wild grin.

"And I'm afraid *I* can't let you do that!"

Reinhardt charged at Rufus with a gauntlet raised. The noble brought his sword to the front, blocking the strength as he gritted his teeth.

"What... power...!"

"You haven't seen nothing yet!"

With a stomp, pillars of steel rose from below as they surrounded the two. Lloyd and Arios took the chance to escape. The detective glanced back only for a second and mutely thanked the stranger.

Rufus surveyed the steel prison with an analytic gaze before heaving a frustrated sigh, much to Reinhardt's delight. There was no gap or space he could use to escape. He could only test whether brute force would work on the metal.

"You have a rather interesting power: bending metal to your will." He commended him. "Are negotiations truly off the table?"

"That depends. Are you willing to disclose Osborne's plans for the Empire?" The lavender-haired man shot back before scowling. "And I don't mean potential annexations and political schemes. I'm talking about the otherworldly kind."

"How unfortunate. I thought we could come to a comprise, but your conditions aren't favorable for me." Rufus shook his head with feign disappointment, letting his strength slowly rise. "I suppose I will have to cut you down before you become a true threat to His Excellency's plans!"

"Haha! Then I'll just beat the answers out of ya!"

The two threw themselves at each other as fist and sword collided.

Even when they were at a distance, Lloyd and Arios could hear the intensity of the fight between the Governor General and the man who called himself Reinhardt Marshal. After witnessing a glimpse of what the mysterious man was capable of, the detective decided it was best to leave him alone with Rufus, or else they might get dragged as casualties.

Despite his conflicting feelings regarding his brutish methods, he was still grateful for the lavender-haired man's assistance. The brunette could only imagine his fate if Reinhardt didn't come to his rescue earlier. The two continued their pace, taking out the small mobs that got in their way until they eventually reached the exit.

As Lloyd opened the door, the fresh breeze of the sea kissed his face. He breathed a sigh of relief as he and Arios stepped out of the Geofront. They were finally in the Harbor District.

"Hmph. You're late, Bannings, MacLaine."

A deep voice startled the two, making them reach for the weapons until they saw the owner of the voice.


"How did you find out we'd arrive here?" Arios asked his old friend with furrowed brows.

The chief detective of the First Investigation Division pushed his glasses and huffed softly. "Sacred informed me about your escape route." He explained simply before glancing back at the district. "I manage to rid of the Governor General's dogs by placing my own men here. I already arranged a ferry that'll take you to Altair. Use this chance to leave Crossbell."

"What...? You know I can't just leave Crossbell—"

"Then where will you go, Bannings?" Dudley interrupted the S.S.S. leader with a stern glare. "The Governor General has branded you as a criminal, and as long as you're around Crossbell, he will find you."

"But...!" Lloyd looked down, clenching a fist tightly his knuckles turned white.

Arios gazed at the young detective with a soft look, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"He's right, Lloyd. You'll be in constant danger if you choose to remain in Crossbell. I'm not one hundred percent certain, but Michel said the Governor General has eyes everywhere." He reasoned. "You want to liberate Crossbell, don't you?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then you know what you need to do," Arios said with finality. "I won't let any harm come to your friends and Cecile. I swear it."

Lloyd stared at the swordsman with the most conflicted expression he had ever shown. The adrenaline from their battle earlier and all the running had cranked his emotions to the maximum. He didn't want to leave, but if he wanted to move freely and make a change...

The adrenaline pumping in his veins gradually died down as Lloyd inhaled deeply, his gaze turning to the bodies of water. "...Please look after them for me."

Arios gave him a nod before Lloyd addressed another issue that came to mind.

"Just go to Mishelam. There's a way you can get to the Empire through the marshlands. I'll come with."

Dudley took off his orbal gun from his holster as the door of the X Sector opened. "Identify yourself!"

"Calm down, four-eyes. I was the one who helped these two escape."

"That voice..." Lloyd gasped as he saw a dim glow of cyan coming inside.

Reinhardt revealed himself to the three with his arms raised, flashing a grin. No signs of any injuries were laid on his body.

"Is what he saying true, MacLaine?" The Divine Blade nodded as Dudley clicked his tongue and lowered his gun.

"It looks like your battle with the Governor General is over. What happened?"

The lavender-haired man's expression turned sour as he crossed his arms, huffing. "That jackass got away before I could even question him! I knew I should have broke his legs!"

Dudley narrowed his eyes, glaring at the strange man. "That's a bold thing to say. How do we know you aren't lying?"

It was natural Dudley wouldn't easily trust Reinhardt. Hell, Lloyd and Arios couldn't blame the older detective since they didn't fully trust the man as well. He was too much of an enigma for them to put their whole trust in. The two's only foundation of trust was Reinhardt assisted them in their escape, which was still a possible ruse to deceive them.

Sensing what the green-haired officer wanted, the man with a scar tossed him something that sent their eyes growing wide.

"Bastard tried to stab me before leaving. Heh, he really thought he could land a hit on *me*? That is a souvenir from his poor excuse of an attempt."

Dudley picked up the proof of his statement as the Crossbellians turned their gaze at it, utterly dumbfounded.

It was a piece of Rufus' blade.

Dudley was no weapons expert, but he was a detective. He possessed an analytic eye that was capable enough to detect whether the evidence was fabricated or not. The green-haired cop scrutinized the piece of steel before scowling at the mysterious man.

"What did you use to break apart a piece of the sword?"

Smirking, Reinhardt showed off his rocklike gauntlets. "I use these bad boys."

The older detective examined his equipment, eyes darting between the piece of steel and gauntlets, sighing after a few minutes passed.

"He's telling the truth." Dudley conceded, taking off his glasses as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "If he is as strong as he claims to be, then it's plausible to break a piece of a sword with his hands alone. From what I can tell, you held the sword in a tight grip until it broke apart."

The smirk on the lavender-haired man's face had widened at his observation and assessment. "I gotta say, four-eyes, you have quite the eye. It is just as you said: I held his blade and tore a piece by gripping it hard enough to break." He turned to Lloyd, holding out a hand. "Now that you know I'm telling the truth, how about we get going to Mishelam before Albarea and his dogs return here? I'll lead you to the path in the marshlands that leads to Erebonia."

Before Lloyd could pipe out any form of response, Dudley once again chimed in. "Think about this carefully, Bannings. Just because he told us the truth doesn't mean he is trustworthy."

Arios didn't nod or shake his head at the older detective's statement. He just gave the leader of the S.S.S. a knowing look.

Lloyd clutched his chest with a conflicted frown. He stared at the lavender-haired man's eyes with a scrutinizing gaze. He couldn't see any deception or kindness in them. He couldn't read him at all, but his gut was telling him there was only one answer.

"Are we taking the ferry there or what?"

The detective swore he almost saw fangs in Reinhardt's smile. "We'll still be taking the ferry. Don't worry about anyone recognizing you, I have something that'll help disguise you."


Dudley sighed deeply at Lloyd's answer while Arios nodded his head in understanding. He made his choice, and all they could do was support his decision. The Divine Blade of Wind handed the young detective a small bag.

"Here, Lloyd. This should provide some help to you while you're in the Empire. It is some mira and quartz for your ARCUS unit."

"Arios, I can't possibly—"

"Just take it, Lloyd." The Divine Blade said adamantly.

Seeing no room for persuasion, the brown-haired man sighed as Dudly stepped forward this time.

"I can't say I agree with your decision to go with a suspicious man," Reinhardt protested with a 'Hey!' "But I won't try and stop you. Keep this with you at all times." The older detective grabbed his younger counterpart's free hand, handing out a small transceiver.

"Isn't this a military-grade transceiver?" Lloyd asked, shocked at how Dudley possessed such a thing.

"That's right. I'll keep you updated through that transceiver."

Lloyd nodded just as the ferry departing for Mishelam arrived.

"I guess that's our cue to leave."

Reinhardt grunted in agreement as he took out a cloak. "Wear this. It's a special cloak my little sister made; it'll help hide your identity."

A little skeptical, but the detective complied as he put on the cloak. Surprise appeared across Dudley and Arios' faces.

"How...?" Dudley breathed out with narrowed eyes, perplexed.

"Um, is something wrong, Dudley?"

The older detective took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes before putting them on again. He sighed, annoyed. "MacLaine, show him his face."

Nodding, Arios fished out his orbment, flipping it open as he showed the detective his appearance.

"W-What happened to me—?!"

The detective's brown mane had been dyed a shade of black. His eyes received a similar treatment as brown hues became dull green. His face, too, now looked older that it bore some resemblance to his late brother from a distance.

Reinhardt slapped a hand over the man's mouth, glaring at him, annoyed. "Keep your voice down, dammit. You'd be fucked if I didn't cast a sound barrier around us." He grunted with a harsh whisper, pulling his hand away. "I'll answer any questions you have once we arrive in Mishelam. We need to go now."

Lloyd bit his inner cheek before nodding. He turned his attention to Arios and Dudley. "I'll leave the others in your hands, you two. Please watch over them for me."

After receiving a sign of confirmation from the bracer and detective, Lloyd looked back at Reinhardt, determination filling his eyes.

"Let's go."


// Valflame Palace- Training Hall, Heimdallr | December 27, S. 1205 //

Flames scattered across the training hall as steel brushed against each other with fierce swings. Cedric Reise Arnor grunted as he dodged another slash from his training instructor. His exhaustion didn't make him lose his smile as he eyed the form of the Ashen Chevalier.

"Can you keep going, Your Highness?"

"Ahaha, of course, I can." The blonde teen chuckled before igniting his blade in flames. "And I told you to call me Cedric, Rean!"

The black-haired swordsman smiled sheepishly before narrowing his eyes at the charging prince. Rean assumed the Morning Moon stance, evading the strike before knocking Cedric back with the blunt side of his tachi.

The prince grunted in discomfort. Even while holding back, Rean was still vastly stronger than the boy. That didn't discourage Cedric, though. It motivated him to strive better and reach his level.

'He doesn't have any blind spots I can exploit... As expected from the Ashen Chevalier.' He mused, frowning faintly. 'I guess I will just have to make one!'

Cedric drew his saber back. Flames began gathering around his blade as he swung thrice.


Three consecutive flame arcs shot out from his saber, heading straight toward Rean. The Eight Leaves swordsman's tachi lit up its own flames as he slashed through the flaming crescents. Cedric took the opportunity to invade his mentor's flank, thrusting at him.

"You'll have to do better than that, Cedric!"

Rean parried the saber in time as he followed up with an upward slash to his saber. Cedric lost strength in his grip, sending his weapon flying out of his grasp.

Cedric released a breath he was holding back and promptly fell on the ground, panting. "So close! I almost had you!"

Chuckling, Rean sheathed his tachi. "It wasn't a bad strategy." He said, sitting beside the panting prince. "Your utilization of fire in your techniques is better than mine. You should take advantage of that talent and disarray your opponent with more complex techniques. Mine aren't flashy enough to cause much distraction."

The fatigue in his face was washed away by a wave of sheepishness. A wry chuckle left the blonde. "Ehehe... You noticed?"

"It was a little hard not to..." Rean rubbed his neck. "You used the Scarlet Sky form as a base for your attack earlier, didn't you?"

"...I'm sorry for using a form of the Eight Leaves when I'm not even an official disciple." Cedric hung his head in shame.

"Whoa, whoa! I'm not upset, Your Highness!" Rean quickly assured him, waving his hands. "It's only natural for you to pick things up from my swordsmanship since we've already been training for a few weeks. It wasn't like you were using the exact form, but there was a semblance of it in your attack. If I'm being honest, I'm more impressed than upset."


"Yes. It's not easy to implement characteristics of the Eight Leaves into different fighting styles, but you were able to do it in only a few weeks! I'd say that's a grand accomplishment."

"T-Thank you, Rean! That means a lot to me..."

A bit of pride swelled in the Crown Prince's chest, happy to hear such praise from his mentor.

The two took a moment for a breather with Rean eventually breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry if I'm overstepping my bounds, Prince Cedric, but can I ask you something?"

Hearing the seriousness in his tone, Cedric ignored the addition of his royal title and nodded at him to continue.

"Why did you choose me to become your mentor? I don't mean to sound ungrateful or rude, but wouldn't someone else like Rufus Albarea be better suited as your mentor? You both use court fencing as your style of swordsmanship. He'd be able to bring out the latent potential in you better than someone like me."

Logically speaking, what Rean was saying was sound. If Cedric wanted to become a strong and skilled swordsman, Rufus or another expert in court fencing would have been a suitable mentor for the prince. But the blonde derailed from that line of logic for a reason.

Cedric scratched the back of his head. "Promise you won't judge me?"

A little surprised, Rean nodded nonetheless.

As he took a deep breath, Cedric began his explanation. "In all honesty, I'm not exactly comfortable with the idea of Rufus or anyone being my mentor, even if they are an expert court fencer. Heck, even if I get the opportunity, I don't think I'm comfortable with having Chancellor Osborne be my mentor either!"

Shock painted Rean's face. He didn't know what to say. The black-haired man was aware of how young Cedric saw the Blood and Iron Chancellor, and the amount of respect he possessed for the man. For the Crown Prince to admit his discomfort... Rean wondered what in the world happened.

Noticing his confusion, Cedric continued with a bitter smile as he held his head. "I'm not exactly sure why I started feeling so uneased at the thought of Chancellor Osborne or any of his Ironbloods, but I started feeling uncomfortable with their presence four months ago."

He scowled as he remembered the creeping sensation of something... unknown yet familiar to him.

"I don't know how to explain it, but whenever they're near me, my gut would tell me to stay away from them and run." The blonde prince sighed before looking his mentor in the eye. "Pretty pathetic, right? I get so intimidated by someone's presence it makes me want to run..."

"Does anyone else know of... what you're feeling?" Rean finally questioned after a moment of silence. He received a negative shake of the head.

"You're the first one I opened up to regarding this matter, not even Alfin or Olivert know about it."

"I see... Thank you for trusting me enough to share something that brought you discomfort, Prince Cedric." Rean bowed his head a little.

The young prince chuckled and shrugged dismissively. "I told you not to be so formal with me, Rean. And I don't really mind. Actually, it felt kind of good to get that off my chest. Thanks for lending an ear."

"It's no problem." Rean chuckled back. "Oh, you haven't told me why you picked me to be your mentor?"

Another sheepish look crossed his face. "Well... I respect you just as much as Chancellor Osborne, and I feel much more comfortable with the thought of you teaching me. I believe I can become a better swordsman if I train under you."


Rean was once again left speechless. But soon, his lips curled up into a smile as he patted the boy's head.


"I'll try to meet your expectations, but I think you're giving me too much credit," Rean said wryly, scratching his cheek.

The Crown Prince laughed as he plopped back down on the ground. "Ahaha! I'll be in your care!"