
The light in the sky

Samuel awakes from his sleep mad at Talia. How dare she?! Samuel goes to get up but he can't move its as he has been glued to the floor. Talia comes barging in hands full of what looks like apples but rainbow in color. He thinks man this is one strange place indeed. He demands talia to free him. Now! She just throws him an apple and says eat i want to show you something but you must eat and get your energy up. He thinks oh lovely now, what but she is such a beauty he eats his apple he notices these apples have no cores . After he is finished Talia releases him from her spell. Now came I want to show you something. She taps her lower back get on we are flying. Samuel hesitates but decides to listen he doesn't want to sleep.Talia doesn't listen to well. As soon as he gets on her back he grabs a hold of her hair and off she goes high into the sky. The sky is now covered in a vivid colored sky. Light comes from every which way likes orbs of light floating all around. Wow Talia this is amazing such beautiful place. Talia gleams with excitement. I am so glad you like it i was hoping you would. they begin flying . Talia says, "hold on you don't want to fall." Samuel believes her. This maybe a beautiful sight but I am not a fan of heights. He leans in closer to feel her warmth. Man it is cold out here.Talia notices samuel shivering all of a sudden her hair grows thicker. There samuel is that better. Yes, thank you. Samuel thinks to himself great now im stuck in her hair but on the plus side she is so warm. He lays down then, a nap. Talia is happy to see he is comfortable. It is like they have become one she feels closer to Samuel even more now. They reach a big pasture full of soft land its like sitting on a cloud. Talia decides to rest with samuel. For nothing could be more bonding. Samuel wakes and he sees that Talia is fast asleep. He slowly backs away as not to wake her. Just as he gets far enough then, he begins to run as fast as he can. Faster,Faster I must go faster. Exhausted and parched he stops at a glowing puddle he quickly drinks some of the liquid. Feeling fatigued he sits behind a near by tree and passes out from exhaustion. Hours later he awakens to two voice talking in the distance. Quickly he makes sure he is out of sight. They are fighting over a fresh bird they have captured for dinner. Eventually, they share the meal.Then they fall asleep. Samuel stomach begins to growl.He sneaks over and takes the last of there food. After he has gotten to a good distance he finds what looks like a cave. Samuel sits inside the cave and eats his fill. Looking up at the cave roof he sees crystal light illuminating the cave. It is such a beautiful sight. Samuel thinks to himself those would be nice to take home. He then grabs a big rock and throws the rock. It hits the crystals and nothing falls. He wants to try again so he walks farther in to see what he could use to break off a crystal. When all of a sudden the whole cave begins to shake and he runs to get out of there. Just as he reaches the trees. Samuel looks back and sees a dragon in the sky . Oh my that was close. The dragon hurles fire at samuel.He runs for his life just as he thinks , "I am home free." He trips tumbling down a hill. where he lands in hole ....

To be continued...