
Magical World:Extraordinary Life

Waking up from his dream in the middle of the night, Lu Fei came to a different world and became an elf! The world is filled with races and chaotic forces, including knights, adventurers, elves, dragons, demons, and gods. The roar of the beast frightened and overwhelmed him. He is just an ordinary high school student. Survival in the wilderness is truly impossible. Fortunately, a "kind" caravan found him and not only gave him food. He also brought him to the city and gave him a legal status: slave! Because she was so good-looking, she was bribed by a powerful lolita. Sure enough, even Loli couldn't resist his charm. Lu Fei thought he was guilty... Originally, I planned to be stubborn and eat soft food. But he awakened the talent [Nature's Beloved] (all elemental attributes, full level elemental affinity) [Analytical Eye] (analyze all things, go straight to the root, reproduce, gain insight, break illusions, detect...) Lu Fei: I want to stand up and call the shots!

Frozensnow · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Insignificant Weakling

In the room, Lu Fei was left alone, disheveled in the wind.

He didn't say anything, so why did she run off like that?

He just wanted to establish a good relationship...

Putting on his clothes, he then stepped outside the door. Looking at the spacious corridor, Lu Fei suddenly realized that he didn't know where the study was!

Helpless, he could only explore on his own.

Walking on and off, Lu Fei arrived outside.

Green grass and various flowers were neatly planted in the garden, and a faint floral fragrance wafted through the breeze.

"It seems like I've come to the back of the estate."

Seeing the scene before him, Lu Fei muttered to himself.

He hadn't encountered anyone along the way, otherwise, he could have asked for directions.

Continuing in one direction, he heard shouts in the distance.

"It looks like there are people over there." Lu Fei was pleasantly surprised.

He followed the direction of the voices and approached.

Before long, he arrived at a place similar to a training ground. They should be in the midst of a duel now, as the shouts were coming from the people around.

"No wonder I couldn't find anyone; they're all here watching."

Saying this, Lu Fei didn't stop walking and went straight to the stands of the training ground.

Finding an empty spot, he began to watch.

This was his first battle since arriving in this world.

He should be able to gather some useful information from them.

He wasn't just here to enjoy the spectacle.

On the field, two people clad in light armor were locked in combat, their swords shimmering with a faint silver light.

As their swords clashed, a sound of clashing metal rang out, and sparks flew.

Their figures intertwined, moving agilely like interweaving lightning.

"Hey hey hey, is this really a duel and not a fight to the death?"

Every move targeted the opponent's vital points; a slight mistake could be fatal.

Watching this, Lu Fei's heart pounded, and his scalp tingled.

At this moment, as one person stepped back to evade, the opponent found an opening, and their sword blade turned around, directly thrusting towards the opponent's face.

Breath seemed to stop at this moment; there was hardly any protection on the face, and there was no way to dodge this sword. Was someone about to die?

Lu Fei's pupils dilated as he watched in astonishment.


It sounded like iron striking against rock; no one was injured or bleeding.

As the retreating person appeared, a yellowish-brown barrier appeared in front of him, blocking the sword blade.

The sword was blocked, and the person showed no surprise. With a smile on his face, he said, "Owen, it seems your swordsmanship isn't stronger than mine."

The person called Owen had a hint of dissatisfaction on his face and a slightly aggressive tone. "Kade, although my swordsmanship may not be as good as yours, my overall strength is definitely stronger than yours."

As he spoke, a blue light emanated from Owen, causing the surrounding air to churn.

A sword strike from Owen compressed the air, and the sound of breaking wind filled the air.

A huge amount of energy was released from the sword, heading towards Kade.


A loud noise came from the ground, as if an earthquake had occurred. Even though Lu Fei was far away from them, he still felt the ground shaking.

Dust flew up, covering the entire training ground, making it impossible to see what was happening.

Then, a gust of wind blew, dispersing the dust into the air, and the training ground became clear again.

A huge crater appeared there, as if a meteorite had fallen.

Kade had a blue energy scythe floating around him. Although he had no injuries, his face was a bit pale.

Cracks appeared on the ground under his feet, spiraling outwards.

"Is this really something that humans can do?"

Only by seeing it with his own eyes could he comprehend such shock.

It was as if he had returned to when he was a child, looking up at the towering mountain for the first time.

He truly understood his own insignificance.

Like an ant.

He wanted to gain power; perhaps that would give him some sense of security.

No one could understand the fear buried deep in his heart.

Alone, he inexplicably arrived in another world.

Fear, anxiety, fear, sadness, longing, and other negative emotions had always been suppressed deep in a corner of his heart.

He knew that in order to survive in this strange world, he must abandon these negative things.

Otherwise, sooner or later, he would be engulfed by these emotions and tread a path of destruction.

He had to find a way to integrate into this world and naturally become one of them.

He had always acted rationally.

But the negative clouds wouldn't hide away because of this, disappearing forever.

They were always breeding, affecting Lu Fei, making him even more insecure.

The extraordinary power in front of him made him yearn for it; he also wanted to be as strong as them...

Closing his eyes, he silently recited.


Looking at them again, information appeared in Lu Fei's eyes.

[Name: Owen Ralph]

[Age: 37]

[Gender: Male]

[Species: Human]

[Occupation: Guard]

[Rank: High-level Knight]

[Strength: 67]

[Spirit: 19]

[Agility: 24]

[Charisma: 9]

[Intelligence: 8]

[Talent: Gravity (Earth-type variant)]


[Name: Kade Ebbner]

[Age: 41]

[Gender: Male]

[Species: Human]

[Occupation: Guard]

[Rank: High-level Knight]

[Strength: 62]

[Spirit: 23]

[Agility: 32]

[Charisma: 8]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Talent: Sever (with Cleavage attribute)]

Seeing their information, Lu Fei couldn't help but think of the delicate and petite figure of Lori.

Perhaps because of the comparison, it made him more aware of how terrifying Lori's strength was and how outstanding her talent was.

The two on the field fought again, no longer clashing with swords, but with various energies roaring and intertwining, with flashes of blue and yellow light.

He didn't understand what the rank of Saint Mage meant, but from the data, it could be seen that it was a more powerful existence than a high-level knight.

The two high-level knights in front of him were already capable of causing mountains to collapse and the earth to crack.

If Lori was even stronger than them, what else could she achieve?

The battle between Owen and Kade gradually intensified, and the field was already in ruins.

The entire foundation had sunk several floors down.

Their figures were moving at extreme speed, and Lu Fei's vision was struggling to keep up.

He could only vaguely see two black shadows.

With more focused eyes, Lu Fei tried to chase after their figures.

His azure eyes slightly illuminated, Lu Fei was surprised to find that the speed of the two on the field seemed to have slowed down.

"No, it should be that my insight has become stronger."

The flying gravel and their slow flight paths made Lu Fei realize this.

Reaching towards his eyes, just as he thought, his Analytical Eye still had many abilities waiting for him to explore.

Since the Analytical Eye could enhance his insight, could it help him replicate others' skills?

Thinking of the anime he had watched from NARUTO, which depicted many eye techniques, Lu Fei decided to try it out one by one to see if he could unlock similar abilities.

With that in mind, Lu Fei began to experiment.


The target was no longer people, but the abilities they displayed.

Like a stone sinking into the ocean, Lu Fei felt empty.

It failed, but it didn't disappoint Lu Fei. Instead, it felt like he had found a direction, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Although the analysis just now didn't give me any feedback, it gave me a feeling of getting closer to the target."

"Perhaps if I enhance my output, I can get some feedback."

Concentrating his mind, Lu Fei completely converged his spirit.


The indigo light emitted from his eyes became more pronounced, and what he saw in his pupils became clearer.

Lu Fei seemed to have found something, and his body trembled violently, his pupils widening involuntarily.

The yellow-brown energy sphere gradually disintegrated into elemental shapes, interweaving and intertwining with each other, sometimes condensing together, sometimes dispersing into loose sand, constantly merging and dispersing, as if demonstrating the principles to Lu Fei.

He somewhat understood why, but was still somewhat confused.

Wanting to delve deeper, Lu Fei suddenly felt a headache, as if thousands of needles were piercing into his head.

"Ah!" With a cry of pain, Lu Fei fell to the ground.

Not only was his head in pain, but his spirit was also unusually exhausted, as if he hadn't slept for several days. If he relaxed a little, he could easily fall asleep.

His cry attracted the attention of others on the stands.

Even the two fighting on the field stopped and rushed over.

"Hey, isn't this the elf Miss bought at the auctions?" Owen, after seeing Lu Fei's face clearly, exclaimed in surprise.

Beside him, Kade nodded. They were both present at the auction and were guarding the door of the box.

"Is there anyone who can heal? Come and see what's going on. This person is very important to Miss," Owen said to the people around him.

For a moment, everyone looked at each other, but no one came forward.

At this moment, a girl walked through the crowd and came to Lu Fei's side. She was dressed in a platinum-colored robe, exuding a holy aura.

Squatting beside Lu Fei, her hands emitted a pure white light.

Lu Fei felt like he was basking in the warmth of the sun on a cold winter day, and his exhausted spirit seemed to be revitalized. He felt relieved, at least he wouldn't faint.

Although the stabbing pain in his head persisted, it was much lighter than before, barely within his tolerance.

"Don't worry, he's not seriously injured, just exhausted from overusing his spiritual power. I've already treated him, and he should be fine in a while," the girl said gently to those around her.

Hearing the girl's words, the people nearby breathed a sigh of relief.

The tense atmosphere relaxed.

"Irlyan is really amazing. She can solve any problem."

"That's right. Miss Irlyan is a holy person specially invited by the Earl. Her abilities are absolutely amazing."

"... "

The praises around didn't change Irlyan's expression at all. She still had that gentle smile, making people feel as if they were bathed in spring breeze.

Kneeling on the ground without caring about the dust on the ground, Irlyan gently lifted Lu Fei's head

 onto her lap, and her fingertips emitted a soft light, massaging his temples to ease his pain.

By this time, Lu Fei had already improved a lot, and his senses had returned.

A faint, serene fragrance reached his nose, like a white rose growing in a desolate mountain valley, causing his nose to twitch.

Opening his eyes, he saw a beautiful, gentle, and holy face.

With a peaceful smile on her lips, it felt as if he was a child in her embrace, feeling the soft warmth.

"Th-thank you," Lu Fei said weakly, his face pale.

Irlyan looked at Lu Fei affectionately and shook her head. "Don't force yourself to talk. Just rest for a while, and you'll be fine."

With that, she reached out a hand and gently stroked Lu Fei's head.

With each gentle stroke, Lu Fei's fatigue seemed to peel away layer by layer.

"This person is so beautiful? Is he really a man?"

"Yes, he's a man, a male elf bought by the Earl at a high price."

"Miss Irlyan is really beautiful. She shines like a star."

"Irlyan let him sleep on her lap. I'm so jealous..."

Whispers from the surrounding crowd, some curious, some admiring, watched them.

Seeing that Lu Fei was fine, Owen waved to the crowd and said, "Alright, alright, let's disperse. There's nothing wrong here. Let Miss Irlyan watch over him."

With that, he turned to Kade. "Today's match didn't determine a winner. We'll continue next time."

Then he walked away first.

Kade chuckled. "He's already this old but still so immature, like a little kid."

Then he looked at Irlyan and said, "Miss Irlyan, I'll trouble you to take care of him. We'll leave first."

Irlyan didn't turn her head, just nodded gently.