
Chapter 3

Rahul comprehended the gravity of the situation and vowed to assist Mopo Kafo in neutralizing the power of the malevolent Kaliponioak Lia.

Mira, with a burst of realization, interjected, "That's precisely why you sought help from humans—because human abilities cannot be nullified by those stones. Only alien powers can be affected."

Mopo Kafo nodded in agreement and advised them to remain focused on their task of transporting the stones. He emphasized the dire consequences that would befall them should their true identities as humans be exposed. Together, they diligently carried the stones to Kaliponioak Lia.

As the evening descended, Mira ventured into the backyard, where a vibrant display of ice flowers greeted her. The remarkable sight intrigued her, prompting her to inquire about them from Mopo Kafo.

"These flowers are meant for consumption. Just as you earthlings relish ice cream, we aliens indulge in ice flowers. The distinction lies in the fact that while you create ice creams, we cultivate these frozen blooms," Mopo Kafo explained.

Rahul found himself astounded by this revelation, while Mira reveled in the enchanting surroundings. It all seemed like a dream, akin to the stories they read in books. Never did she imagine that one day she would journey to such a magical place.

After relishing the beauty of the ice flowers, they retired indoors for the night.

Days turned into weeks, and they adhered to their established routine. They toiled diligently during the day and found solace in the ice flowers' embrace during the evening.

One day, Rahul and Mira witnessed an alien retrieving a stone hidden behind a pink tree and rubbing it. Within moments, the alien ascended into the sky, departing from the planet Mars. Filled with curiosity, they hastened to Mopo Kafo, seeking an explanation.

Mopo Kafo disclosed that the stones possessed magical properties, enabling the aliens to soar through space and facilitating breathing in oxygen-deprived environments. The alien they witnessed had departed for Jupiter.

With a spark of excitement, Rahul exclaimed, "Jupiter is my favorite planet!"

Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, resembled a star that never attained the necessary mass for ignition. Swirling cloud stripes enshrouded its surface, accompanied by colossal storms like the Great Red Spot, which persisted for centuries. Jupiter, a gas giant lacking a solid surface, likely harbored a solid core akin to Earth's size. Faint rings encircled the planet, though they remained inconspicuous.

Mira proposed a plan: transporting all the aliens to Jupiter, where they could confront the evil Kaliponioak Lia. However, Mopo Kafo chuckled and cautioned, "If it were that simple, we would not have sought aid from you earthlings. Kaliponioak will never permit the aliens to leave the planet, and he possesses formidable power."

Resolute in their mission, Mira and Rahul resumed their work. They found solace in the serene landscapes, relished the icy delicacies, labored alongside the aliens, and slept peacefully in the embrace of Mars.

Days turned into weeks, and their routine persisted. However, unbeknownst to them, an alien grew suspicious of their true identities and clandestinely trailed their every move. Witnessing their human nature, the alien reported their secret to Kaliponioak Lia. The following day, Rahul and Mira were apprehended and brought before Kaliponioak Lia.

The situation appeared grim, with no apparent means of escape. However, Rahul, known for his mischievous nature, conceived a cunning and plausible idea.

"Hail to the mighty and esteemed fighter Kaliponioak Lia! I have heard tales of your incredible strength and power from my dear friend, Mopo Kafo," Rahul proclaimed with calculated deference. "He suggested that it would be wise to aid the great new king in obtaining these powers. So, we have come to assist you in acquiring them and witness the glory of the occasion when you attain them."

Kaliponioak Lia pondered Rahul's words, skepticism etched across his face. He questioned how he could trust their intentions.

Rahul, quick-witted, replied, "We diligently bring these stones daily so that the great fighter can amass the powers necessary to rule over all of Mars." His words resonated with Kaliponioak Lia, eliciting a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes.

Intrigued and pleased by Rahul's proposition, Kaliponioak Lia made a promise to appoint them as his trusted bodyguards with handsome salaries once he had harnessed the complete power of the stones.

With their roles established, the trio resumed their work, diligently fulfilling their duties until evening fell, signaling their return home.