
Not Again!!

The rest of the afternoon was a blur as Melvin zoomed through his work, Courtney always at the forefront of his mind. Her face peered back at him as he reviewed numbers on the computer screen. Her smile perked up from the memos sitting on his desk. Her supple bottom, an image that brought a guilty but exciting thrill, roamed about the reflections in his office windows. She was everywhere, in every thought.

Hours ticked away quicker than usual, and just when Melvin thought he would make it through the day unscathed, the dreaded Mrs. Olivia Crabapple paged him. He glanced at the clock and was shocked to see that it was nearly nine o'clock; everyone in the office would have left hours ago. He couldn't believe he'd lost such track of the time, and what could Crabapple be wanting with him this late?

"Melvin, my office," her voice squawked from his speaker phone. Groaning, Melvin stood up from his desk chair and stretched. His body was stiff from several hours of inactivity, and his eyes were bloodshot from staring at the glare of the computer monitor for so long. He didn't know how he could get so lost in his work, but numbers were just something that always clicked for him.

He loosened his tie, straightened his glasses, and opened the door to his office. The floor was dark and quiet. Everyone had gone home. The only light came from behind the closed blinds of Crabapple's office windows and a soft yellow glow from under her door. Melvin scratched his head as he headed towards her office. It was unlike her to be here so late; he'd figured that he was the only one on the floor who didn't have any life and filled his spare time with work. Probably, she needed Melvin to explain some of the graphs she'd taken from him.

Melvin closed his hand around the doorknob and pushed his way into her office. Then he stopped, dumbfounded. His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped at the sight before him