
Magical Cube Controler

This story is about a boy named Leon, who suddenly entered a new world decorated with various Magic powers and unique creatures. He was destined to control the magic called is Magic Cube, which is one of the strongest types of magic in this world. With that powerful magic cube, now Leon must go on an adventure to explore a new world filled with enemies who are ready to confront him.

Rizki_akbar · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


That same night, Leon also relaxes in a warm bath to relax his mind.

But even so, Leon still thought of that slave girl who looked tortured and also very shabby.

"Sheila, what do you think about that girl?" Leon asked as he looked up at the ceiling from the roof.

"What do you mean, my lord? Don't tell me you want to help that beautiful girl. " Sheila teased while holding back her laughter.

"I can't imagine that if there are so many young girls like the villagers here, they will become the material for their emotional outbursts."

Sheila explained to Leon that there were hundreds of slaves in this village; most of them were employed as woodcutters and mineral stone miners. They are given a place to live in a cold cave like an animal.

Leon was also very surprised by the treatment of the slaves, which was very inappropriate. If no one stopped him, then there could be many sick slaves and it could become a dangerous plague.

After finishing bathing, Leon then ventured to meet the village head, who was relaxing in his private house. The village head's private house is located near the wheat fields as well as the farm.

When Leon arrived at the house, he was immediately intercepted by the troops carrying rifles.

"Why did you come here?"

"I have a meeting with the current village chief."Please give me away. " Leon answered with a glare at the faces of the two guards.

The two guards did not want to look for the disease because they already knew the strength of the boy in front of them.

The two guards then ushered Leon in, towards the village chief's room.

When the village head saw the boy enter his room, the village head's face was both annoyed and angry.

"Why is this brat here? Who permitted him to enter?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but this kid is still trying to get in even though we've stopped him." One of the troops uttered a deceptive defense.

"I need you right now!" snapped the boy, who immediately approached the table with the old man.

"Woah-Woah... calm down kid, please sit down and tell me what's your problem," said the village head, who was a little scared of the boy.

Leon then said that he didn't want to stay here long.

Leon just wanted to find a young girl who had been humiliated by the village chief's subordinates.

Hearing this, the village head immediately rang the bell to summon his servant.

Leon was surprised when he was reunited with a young girl named Eris.

"Hey young man, your taste is good too, huh? Do you want to have it now? "

Leon then took out some diamonds from his pocket and gave some of them to the village chief. "Hopefully, that's enough to free the young girl!

The village head immediately took the diamond and then checked its purity. "I don't know how infatuated you are with that woman, that you are willing to pawn this diamond."

"You can now take the girl away. I also don't need it now," the old man said while looking at the beauty of the diamond.

Leon then brought the young girl to live with him at the inn that this village provided for free. Leon also felt that this was a reasonable price so that he could get complete information about this village.

On the other hand, the guard feels suspicious of the boy because he suddenly wants to buy the girl at the expense of an expensive diamond.

"You don't have to whisper like that, because I already have plans for them," said the village head with a smile.

--Leon's Guest Room--

When Leon arrived in his room with the young girl, he ordered the girl to take a shower and also give birth first so that her body could feel fresher.

After the woman had gone to take a bath and give birth, Leon again talked to the little fairy.

"Hey, Sheila! Do you think they'll be spying on us? "

"You need not worry, my lord. "I will arrange everything for your safety," answered Sheila, who immediately came out of Leon's body.

"I'm counting on you, Sheila. I hope you don't let me down this time," Leon said with a hopeful face.

After an hour...

The young girl, named Eris, came to her master's room wearing simple clothes like a villager and looking elegant.

Leon then invited the woman to sit across from him and said, "There are many things I want to ask about this village, and I hope you can answer all of them well."

"What do you want to ask, master?" asked the girl with a soft and polite chant.

"Can you tell me about the state of the slave camp in this village?" Leon answered with a smile, ready to listen.

Eris then told Leon about the encampment of the slaves...

The camp in this village is divided into three important parts.

A Level One camp is located outside the cave, where the average worker is a woodcutter. In the first camp, how many camps can be used as a place for them to stay and shelter from the cold nights?

Meanwhile, the second-level camp was located in a cold cave, and there were no tents at all standing in that place. The slaves there were ordered to mine mineral rocks.

And lastly, there is an isolated camp, and in that place are people who may have high magic power, and also some of them have tried to escape from Morgan Village.

"Do you know anyone in the secluded camp?" asked Leon, who revealed the face of the young girl.

"Jansen and Barrow were both former commanders of the Wesley Kingdom who had once staged a rebellion. Two months ago, I checked their condition and they are still fine."

The girl's answer made Leon feel very relieved, because this way there was at least some hope of dissolving this slavery.

"Thanks for the information. For now, you just rest here because I still have important business, "said Leon, who immediately stood up and walked out, leaving the girl.

"Wait, sir! What is your real purpose in freeing me from the hands of the village head? " Eris said it in a loud voice.

"Unfortunately it can't be mentioned at this time, but I need a lot of information right now." After Leon said that, he immediately locked the door of his room and then left the inn.

When he arrived at the terrace, he again met with Sheila, who was guarding the entrance to his inn so that no strangers could hear his conversation.

He then asked Sheila to point out the existence of the slave camp that Eris was in. The elf then asked Leon to follow him to go to the slave camp.

--Slave Camp--

When he arrived at the garden area close to the slave camp, Leon saw that there were many guards on standby in this place. At this rate, Leon should not just enter, because he might provoke a big battle that will take a lot of victims.

"Is it true that you want to help them?" "Logically, they are none of your business, my lord," warned the fairy sitting on Leon's shoulder.

"I can't bear to see them being treated like that, even though they are none of my business, but as a great magician I can't just let them go." "I will help them get out of here and find a new home," Leon said, looking at the slaves who were still working in the cold night.

"So it's like finding a purpose in life in a new world, isn't it, my lord?" continued Sheila.

Leon just replied to the fairy's words with a smile.