
Magical Armor Vawln

Sixty-four years after the Great War and the establishment of the Union League. The Elves of the Valzak Empire, still bitter from their loss, have created a machine to rival the human war machines. By combining their magic with human technologies they created "magic armor". With them, a single soldier could fight on the same level as the great sage. Feeling the rising tension, several HAFF generals decided to start their own magic armor development project. Two prototypes were made, Fulst for soldiers with magic capabilities, and Vawln made for normal human soldiers. After failing to get a test user for the Vawln, 17-year-old trainee Ames Ennard was chosen. And when the base they used for testing became the ground zero of a new war. Ames and the crew of Valfreyja will have to fight their way through this war.

Stobeni · Ficção Científica
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14 Chs

Race to the Border ①


Chason Base, Palmian Kingdom. AU 64 

HAFF Magic Defense Force, Valfreyja special research team


"I got a call from General Mayhew from HAFF HQ. My statement before was the HQ's decision." Lyto groaned

Listening to his vent-like reports were Ames, Nensa, and the professor. Nensa and Ames were listening to what the captain said, but Linde who was deep in her own world didn't even look at the man.

"Eh? When are we leaving?"

"As soon as possible, and because we finished bringing in all the cargos we needed, we will leave after this."

"So soon!?" Ames cut between Nensa and Lyto.

"I know, I tried to ask them for more time but... Anyway, I want to tell you how the meeting went."

"I... Understand."


Just after Ames and the others left Valfreyja's bridge, Lyto was called by one of the crew that there was an incoming call directly to Valfreyja's system. Lyto already knew a call would come, but he didn't expect it to come to Valfreyja's system directly.

What he thought would happen was HAFF headquarters calling the Chason base to contact him, not the flying fortress. While having that thought, Lyto answered the call.

On the other side of the call was one of the high-ranking HAFF army generals, Gen. Mayhew. The first words he told Lyto explained why he called the fortress directly and not the base.

"Valfreyja Special Research Team is to leave the Chason base immediately." was what he said.

Lyto had planned to leave the base once everything in the base were back to normal. For that a couple days of standing by was what he intended. Even if he excluded the base's situation from his calculation, the Valfreyja itself had trouble leaving that fast.

"Sir, I'm sorry. Leaving now would make Valfreyja vulnerable. Pvt. Ames who is the user of the AMK-X0 Vawln was still being treated at the moment and needed rest. The rest of the squad had disobeyed an order and was now being punished in a cell. Without magic armor, we're too vulnerable."

"Then you can just release the others and keep Pvt. Ames from fighting."

"But, sir-"

"I don't want to hear any excuses! Capt. Lyto, once again I order the Valfreyja Special Research Team to leave the Chason base immediately!"

"Ugh, Yes, sir." Lyto who was outranked by the general relented.

"At the very least can you tell me why, sir?"

"Haah... I knew you would ask. I cleared it with the others, but don't let the truth go outside the research team."

"Yes, sir!"

The reason for that decision was information that the intelligent team of HAFF got.

The intel was about the movement of elves around the Chason base. The elves that were retreating because of Ames were planning on attacking again. From the report, it seemed like these elves, whoever they were, were going to attack as soon as the next morning.

"WHA! Another attack!?"

"Yes. It looked like you guys are their main objective."

"Then... does that mean?"

"Yes, Capt. Lyto. You are as sharp as the rumors said."

What the two are getting at is the reason why Valfreyja needed to immediately leave.

If the research team was the elven goal, by leaving they would be more safer. After all, their safety could change how humanity's future warfare would go.

Another aspect to consider was by moving the team away from the base, hopefully, they could divide the enemy's power and use Valfreyja as bait. For that reason choosing The Kingdom of Misr to escape was also the right idea.

"Then we'll be going east to the Kingdom of Misr?"

"You catch on quickly captain. That is correct, you are to go east and drag the enemy along with you. Reinforcement for the base will be coming from the west, hopefully, they won't be intercepted."

"If that is the plan, I will accept the order."

"All right, it will take you longer to reach HQ but your role will certainly help us. Also, please continue developing the magic armor for non-mages."

"Yes, sir!"

"I know I put a lot on your plate. I hope you understand that this is the best way for us."

"I understand, sir. I really do."

After that conversation, General Mayhew was the one to end the call. The meeting stressed Lyto, but his logical side thought that if it was up to him, he would do the exact same thing.

The next thing on Lyto's mind was he needed to tell the magic armor pilots about their new assignment.


"With our new route, there is a 100% chance that our enemies will try and intercept us. That means you and the other pixies would have to fight more."

"I see..."

"I understand you are supposed to be only a test pilot and not a fighter. But please would you help the HAFF to protect humanity." Lyto lowered his head to Ames

"AH! O- of course I will! stop lowering your head!!"

"Thank you."

Lyto then moved facing Nensa and Linde.

"As for you two, please continue Vawln development."

"You don't have to ask. Nensa let's go back to my office."

"Yes! Bye again Ames!"

"Ah! Yes, bye!"

After Nensa and Linde left. The captain also left to start commanding the fortress to start taking off and leave the base.

While Ames understood that the decision was made for the best, it still felt strange to leave the base so suddenly like that.

Several hours after he was left alone in the infirmary, Ames still wasn't able to sleep. Then the fortress started shaking, and along with that, an announcement about the fortress taking off could be heard.

There was nobody that Ames got close to within the time he spent there. But still, some lingering attachment to the base itself was present inside Ames's mind. But there was nothing that he could do, in the end, he could only ready himself for what coming his way.



Several km off of Chason Base, Palmian Kingdom. AU 64 

United Palmian Mages Movement


"To think that they intercepted both the air support squadron and the bombing squadron at the same time. Our intel said they only had four magic armor. Maybe the report was wrong."

The man that was speaking, was seated at the head position of the oval table that the elves used for meeting. From that alone, it was easy to recognize the young man as the leader of the elves in the room.

The people present there were a part of an organization that called themselves the United Palmian Mages Movement (UPM movement).

These people were the ones behind the attacks of the Chason base that Ames and the others had repelled splendidly.

The man leading them was the same one who was speaking, the crown prince of the Palmian Kingdom, Prince Deuva.

As the HAFF thought, the goal of the attack on the Chason base was to destroy the Valfreyja which was the place where human's magic armor was born.

"AMK-X0 Vawln huh... Somehow the human just luckily found someone that's able to use it despite not being a mage."

"That is what the intel said right? Is there a chance that the pilot was actually a mage?" One of Deuva's subordinates asked him.

"No... I trusted the intel, it came from Dant. If anything, he is a hard worker, there's no way he made a simple mistake like that."

"I see, I'm sorry for my rudeness."

"Nah, it's fine. We're all comrades here."

Hearing that words came out from the country's next leader was reassuring for these people. Enough that they were all left speechless from it. Almost all of them at the very least.

"Even if the intel was untrustworthy, there was no reason to deploy the Vawln if a mage pilots it."

One of those who didn't was the man who was wearing a mask.

His view was correct. Putting a mage in a magic armor specifically made for non-mages would do the HAFF no good.

"What about propaganda? They're trying to trick us." Other members questioned the masked man.

"It's one thing if we're already at war. But the HAFF is now focusing on development, meaning they wouldn't do that."

"I see! You're sharp as always False!" Deuva praised the masked man.

"That aside, what are we going to do now? The member who was like the masked man, seated at the closest spot to Deuva, continued the main topic.

"Our main goal is still to stop that magic armor development. Whatever happens, we can't let the human utilize their strength in numbers. If we let that happen, we are almost guaranteed to lose this war."

"Does that mean we're going on a chase with that flying fortress?"

"That's right, Nemo. I'm hoping you would go with me chasing them."

Deuva grabbed the man's shoulder while he expressed his wish. The man he just talked to was Nemo.

Nemo was a young elf who had been friends with Deuva from their childhood. Because of that, it was not an exaggeration to say that Nemo was the man that Deuva trusted the most.

Next to Nemo, Deuva also trusted False, the masked man, more than other members. Although, it was a different base than Nemo. Rather than their friendship, Deuva trusted False on the base of False's proven capabilities.

"Wait, Deuva! You're going to chase them by yourself?"

"No, I was thinking of bringing small elite magic armor users to intercept them. The newest intel told me that they are going to escape the border immediately, so a big army won't be able to catch up with them right?"

"I mean, why would you yourself go? We can send the soldiers and a commander. There is no need for you to put your life on the line."

"I understand your view as someone who knows me from childhood, Nemo. But right now, I'm not a prince that needs to be protected, I'm a member of the movement that will fight for what I think is right!"

Nemo was shocked at the impromptu speech that Deuva started. But having dealt with him for long, Nemo understood that there was no backing back once Deuva got fired up.

"Ugh... At the very least, me and False will be the ones choosing the member and deciding on the tactics we will use!"

"NO! I have another task for false." Deuva rejected Nemo's wish.


Everyone in the room was shocked. Everyone had assumed that the three would go together, but Deuva seemed to have another idea.

His idea was to let False took charge of the rest of their force that was left to attack the Chason base again. The idea was by attacking the base they would be able to smoke out Valfreyja to leave in haste.

As a side note, kicking the HAFF from Palmian soil was also a big goal that the UPM movement had since day one.

"That is a great idea, leader. But why me? are you trying to test me with this task?" Surprisingly, False was the one who had a problem with the plan.

"What? Oh, come on! why would I test you? Although our main goal is to take down the fortress, most of our forces will remain here, right? I don't think I can leave them in anyone's hands but yours you know!"

"Ah is that so? Then I'm sorry for my doubting self."

"It's fine. So? Any other question about the plan?"

The discussion then continued normally, making the plan official.

The rest of the meeting was spent planning the specifics of both of the plans. Chasing the Valfreyja and attacking the Chason base were both a great task that would require well-thought-out plans.

In the end, the details of the plan were decided. What was left for them was to wait for the right time to attack the base.
