

In The One Piece (D&D) if you are interested, please take a look.

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When Kreegan entered the dojo, everyone had the number 0 on their heads. He focused on this number and tried to see if something like a stat screen would open, but the only information he got was that this number represented level.

He wandered inside the dojo to find Master Koushirou, but he was not there. He had gone down to the village to shop, and Kreegan was very curious about his level. He was about to leave the dojo and head towards the village when he saw Kozaburo slowly approaching the dojo. He had the number 2 on his head and a grayed-out skull. Since he was wondering what that skull was, he focused on it, and information started flowing into his mind.

The skull represented that the person was three levels higher than Kreegan, but Kozaburo's skull was grayed out because old age or injury could cause the person to be unable to show their actual level. In Kozaburo's case, it was both because he had a disabling wound and was old, too. So, his level was downgraded to level 2.

Kreegan thought in his hay days, he must be a really strong warrior, or he could be only level 3; I couldn't know.

As Kreegan was running down the road leading to the village, he saw Master Koushirou. He was coming back from the village, hands full of bags. When he saw Kreegan, he called out to him and told him to help carry the bags, but Kreegan's eyes were staring at the top of his head. Master Koushirou had a white skull on top of his head, which meant he was at least level 3.


After a month of playing around with his spells, Kreegan was starting to incorporate his spells into his swordsmanship. He wasn't ready to show his magic, so he went deeper into the forest for training. Today, he had started his regular practice session when a noise came from the bushes. He immediately turned in that direction and said,

"Who's there?"

But no one answered, and the voice in the bush was getting louder. All of a sudden, a black bear charged at him from the bushes.

He felt like running away for a moment, but knowing that he couldn't escape a bear by running or climbing, his only way out was to fight. His eye immediately fell on the number above the bear's head, and it was level 2 with a grayed-out skull. It was around 10 meters away from him and getting close fast. He couldn't use daze, and it wouldn't work. Ichinami was under one of the trees behind him, and he only had a wooden sword in his hand, but since Ichinami was his bounded sword, he could summon it to his hand if it was within 10 meters.

He summoned Ichinami to his hand and remembered something about most animals: their nose was their weak point, so he cast an acid splash to this bear's face. The bear was a little startled by the green liquid that suddenly appeared, but it was furiously changing and couldn't change direction. It had to protect its territory from this intruder. But as soon as the green liquid touched its face, its nose and left eye began to burn. It wasn't unbearable pain, but the bear couldn't open its left eye. Seeing this, Kreegan took the Ichinami to his left side and switched to his Iai stance. Then cast a jolt spell on his blade.

"Ittoryu Iai: Shishi Sonson (Lion's Song)"

like a wind, he charged toward the bear's blinded side and cut the bear's left side really deep. Unfortunately, it was not dead. The jolt couldn't stun it because of the level difference, but the spell managed to cause a flinch. It was all Kreegan needed, and he used an upward slash to cut the bear's left side of his neck. The beast voiced a painful growl, and blood was coming out of its wound like a fountain. Then the big beast fell to the ground and took its last breath.


That day decided to tell everyone he killed an adult bear with his sword. Thanks to this, maybe Kreegan could get Master Koushirou's blessing and leave here. He had begun to see this person, who taught him the way of the sword and cared for him for so many years, as a kind of father figure and did not want to leave without his permission.


Master Koushirou and the other villagers were quite surprised when they saw the dead animal's carcass and how a 13-year-old boy managed to kill this big bear. Master Koushirou inspected the carcass and saw a long straight cut at the side of the animal and thought it must be Shishi Sonson that caused this cut, and then he must have used an upward cut as a killing blow. At this moment, his attention came to the animal's face, and he saw that the left side of the animal's face seemed to have melted a little. He turned and asked Kreegan.

"How did you cause this wound?"

Kreegan thought for a moment whether he should tell the truth or say that this wound was present when the animal attacked. Then he decided:

"A month ago, I found a weird fruit in the woods, and I was curious how it tasted, but it tasted like shit. After eating it, I started to develop some powers, and I was able to create a corrosive liquid."

Then he cast an acid splash onto the beast, and its fur started to melt a little bit."

Everyone around started to exclaim in surprise. Kreegan thought it would be easier if people thought of him as a devil fruit user than trying to explain his real powers, to him, it would be too much of a hustle.

"So, you can use corrosive liquid, then can you change your body into that liquid?"

"No, I can't, and I can use other things too."

then Kreegan started shortly explaining his spells as devil fruit power.