
They Don't Ask For Much For A Bed And Breakfast, Do They?

After a few moments of red-faced struggling, we got ourselves untangled, and I re-covered myself and sat back on the bed. At this point, we were both blushing and looking at the ground.

"I think that was Demcin. He is always trying to find a way to stop the dark machines," Kade said timidly, "I think I will go look to see if he is ok." She left with that last comment. I could still see her blushing as she walked out of the room.

After Kade left, I sat up but then laid back down. I was still tired from the shaping. When I had shaped before, it took no energy or effort, but now every time I write a spell in the book, it feels like the magic is taking a part of me with it.

'The word is just a word without the instructions you give it when you shape the spell. The word needs to be able to mimic what you did, so it takes that part from you. You are not losing anything physical, rather the energy you used to create the magic is taken to be stored in the word as a guide for the magic.' -Meso.

'Where have you been hiding?'

It did make sense and would explain why I got tired after.

'I never leave. I am always with both of you. Though, I spend my time in the place in between when I am unneeded. -Meso.

That was fair. People would look at us strangely if we walked around with a floating book. Just then, I could smell the food wafting in from the other room.

Putting Meso out of my thoughts, I got myself dressed. They were not the same clothes I had worn here. There was a light blue tunic with billowing pants and a long white robe. The robe had lines running down the arms of the coat with the same blue running down both sides of its opening. The thing made me look very extravagant.

I walked up to a mirror and took a look at myself. My hair was a matted brown mess. As I was looking at my hair, I noticed that over my shoulder, there was a blue feather on the robes back. It was identical to the one's Stell and I had on our arms.

Finally, getting my wits together, I headed over to the other room. When I got there, Stell was sitting in a large chair, and there was a smaller one on the other side. My friend was grinning.

'What did you undoubtedly do to that pretty little girl dak? Her lovely face was on fire, haha!' -Stell.

Even Stell's thoughts came as laughter, echoing with it, and still grinning broadly.

'Nothing, you big oaf, the explosion scared me out of my bed and wits. I had to make an emergency cover-up, and we ended in close quarters.'

I scowled fiercely at him because he started to laugh out loud this time. Stell was no better than the book! That thought made me even smile a bit.

I took a second look at my friend. Stell was my massive twin, how cute. He was wearing the same blue tunic and robe that I was.

"Very nice clothes you've got there." Stell joked aloud as if he could tell what I was thinking.

Stell was weird like that, always picking up on my thoughts before we became psychics. He had a couple of minor faults like that, but I ignored them because they weren't really faults. Honestly, I had more flaws than he would ever have, and he never complained about them—a true friend.

"So, what do you think of our new destination?" I asked Stell out loud. "Also, our friend Kade can speak with her mind like us. I am unsure if the others can but for now, let's talk in the open."

"The place is beautiful, Dak. They have a treetop canopy system with rope bridges connecting them. The people here seem very friendly, and they look to us as gifts from their gods. How are you feeling?" Stell asked me."You passed out right after you let the wall go."

"I am fine, the little episode in the bedroom had me a bit flustered, that is all"

"You should be eating," and he pushed a plate of food towards me.

The dish consisted of bread and butter that had a slight sparkle to it and some jam of some sort that shimmered as I spread it across the bread. The flavor was exquisite.

The bread tasted similar to our bread that my mother would make, but it was a bit sweeter. The jam, though, the red sweetness felt like it sparkled in my mouth. It was sweet like a watermelon and the tart red taste of cherry.

After I ate some more, Stell and I started to talk about this strange new place. As we did, Kade and two males walked in. They had a solid look to them, with row after row of glittering crystal necklaces.

I noticed Kade wore a single necklace this time with a large blue colored stone as a pendant. It pulsed a soft blue light, and I could hear the gentle sound of a peaceful melody. The two men introduced themselves as Idrodan and Xandut, The elder trees guardians. We touched hands with them in their custom and sat down on cushions.

"Kade tells us that you can use the word alone to shape spells. She saw your big friend do it after you shaped it the first time," Idrodan said.

'What do I say?'

'Whatever you want.' -Meso.

The damn book was as helpful as ever. I turned to Stell and motioned to him.

"We are brothers, and we are looking for ways to change the world," Stell told them, and before anyone could get in a word, I said.

"We teach each other spells, and we use a book as mediums to record and cast the spell, but it takes the first one of us to learn the spell to share it. Once shared, the spell is known forever."

They seemed to be satisfied by that, so I went on asking, "What can we do to help you fine folks for all the generosity that you have provided us in my time of need?"

They looked at each other and then turned back to me.

"We need to stop the Dark-Eyed-Ones." They said in unison.

'They don't ask for much for a bed and breakfast, do they?' -Meso.

"What do you mean by stop?" Stell asked.

"They are planning something and attacking forest communities across the continent, stealing gems stones for their machines. The main problem is that we can't get anyone close enough to the towers or mines to see what is going on. Hard to plan a defense from an enemy that you have no idea what they will throw against you next. We need information." Said Xandut.

I looked at Kade, and she nodded at me. She had seemed to get over our past embarrassment.

"If we go, we will need a guide. It is sure to be a long a dangerous trip, and someone to instruct us in this new landscape would be the greatest help. Would you be able to supply us with one and some travel rations?"

"Of course, Great Ones, we shall send Kade with you as a guide. Before you protest, know this, she is as able and fit as either of you, and she is the best guide we can offer regarding the landscape. She will be your best choice." Idrodan replied. I looked over to Stell, and he shrugged.

'Why not?' -Stell.