
Magic N’ Blade Online

Philip a 14-year-old boy is awaiting the release of an ARMMORPG Magic N’ Blade Online (MBO). As soon as the game releases he goes to a game store and has to wait a long line to buy both AR (Augmented Reality) headset and MBO. However, something unexpected happened.

StarKingMelody · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

December 25, 2025 humanity was able to develop the true Augmented Reality (AR) Headset. Other AR headsets were only room-based or stationary but now. A man named Dr. Kirk and his company Digital Reality created an AR headset capable of bringing fantasy into reality. Of course with an AR headset, it was obvious that it would be used for both medical and gaming purposes. With this in mind, Digital Reality and Dr. Kirk made a game that would blow people's minds. Magic N' Blade Online or MBO for short is set to release on August 1, 2027. Of course, our main hero will try to get their hands on the game. Though will he ever get it?

At the Gomez Residence, I scream at my computer screen, "Seriously!" I kick my bedroom wall, "He got there before me!" I take off my headphones as I throw my chair across the room. "Philip! Will you stop throwing things in your room!" My mother called me out downstairs. "Sorry," I embarrassingly said as I checked the date on my phone, "Today should be August-" I panicked as soon as I realized today was MBO's release day. I ran downstairs, said bye to my mother, and went outside wearing my joggers and jacket. "Awe man out of all the days I could've forgotten this is the one!" I got my black and blue bicycle from the garage and rode down the road toward the nearest game store. As I was riding my bike I stopped at the red stoplight only to slip and fall to the ground. I look up and see my bicycle lying and I feel a sting on my knee. "Damn," I cried trying to get back up. Then I see someone's hand. "Need help?" A girl asked, "Uh- y- yeah," I stutter grabbing her hand, "T- thanks!" I said. The girl nods and walks away. I picked up my bike as I thought to myself. She was cute, then continued my journey toward the game store. As I got inside the game store there were many people in line. I see people with the digital code to download MBO go outside the store as I wait and wait for hours to get the game. As soon as it was my turn, the store employee said, "Sorry, sold out maybe next time!" I groaned and left with disappointment. I looked at the street watching people passing me by with AR headsets. I turned around and grabbed the handle of my bike. I heard a loud honk coming from a truck which scared me. Then I saw people shouting and screaming, "Somebody save that kid!" a woman shouted, I turned my head as I saw a classmate of mine crossing the road. I hear a truck nearby swerving recklessly. Out of shock I instinctively ran toward her and pushed her out of the way. Only for me to get hit. I black out and I hear an ambulance, then doctors, then a 70-year flashback almost as if. Life was flashing before my eyes. Am I dead? That was the question I asked myself. Where am I? I wondered through the endless void. Then I saw light and it spoke with a soothing voice, "Hello Philip, I know this is big news for you and you aren't even sure what you're feeling." It said, "You are dead I'm sure you're aware of that right?" When he said that I couldn't believe it like me. Dead! That shouldn't be it but deep down I knew that light was telling the truth. I want to go back to my mom, my sister, my dad, and everyone I love. "Let me introduce myself then I'll you something you want to hear." It said, "Something I... want to hear?" I looked deeply into the light as it formed a shape. A human shape then, I see his face. An angel, "I am Gabriel a messenger of light. I have sent a message for you to receive. One who saves another will save all." Gabriel said, "You are the one who saves another to save all. You are the hero that we need in their world." A hero that they need in their world? What does he mean by that? "What do you mean?" I asked, "You will be reincarnated into another world, seek your true power, and save their world, yours, and others. By saving these worlds. Defeat the Demon King who seeks to destroy all worlds including yours." Gabriel raises his hand then a beam of light.

I wake up in a soft bed feeling strangely nostalgic as if I knew this place. No, I lived in this place. "Good morning Master Philip!" a maid smiled, she looked pretty young and beautiful, "Hello Helena," I said as I felt very familiar with her. "Would you like a cup of tea Master?" Helena said, "No need to call me master every time Helena," I said She nodded and asked, "Yes, Philip would you like a cup of tea?" I nodded and said, "Yes, and uh you can call me Phil." She bowed and left the room. I get out of my bed and I analyze the room and everything that has happened to me then instinctively change to a school uniform. I mumbled, "First I died, second I met Angel Gabriel I mean that's the only explanation right?" I shook my head, "Welp, never mind that cause third-" I paused as a memory came to me like a spark. "This place feels familiar like I grew up here, in this-" a memory comes back to me, "Academy and my father gave me a servant to go along with." I walked towards the door from my left and opened it. "Helena!" I screamed in shock, "Phil you scared me!" Helena said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to," I scratched my head in embarrassment, "How about you join me for tea right now." Helena nods. A few minutes later in the private home dining room, "I want to refresh my memories since I seem to have been forgetting things recently," I lied (Well I kinda lied I guess?), "You've been forgetting things? Like what?" Helena asked, "Well my father's name is Mark right?" I said Helena nodded, "Mother is Genesis, my best friend is Joseph, and my main servant or maid. Is you Helena am I right?" She nodded, "Yes but have you been experiencing something like that before?" I nodded, "Then it might be because you just reincarnated." She said, "Well you're right about that." I said there was no point in lying about something since I feel like I can trust her. "Fascinating!" she said, "I've never seen a reincarnated person before!" She smiled which then faded, "So you remember your previous life but not your current life? You forgot everything we did? As kids?" Her face became gloomy, and then a memory sparked and I remembered everything of my childhood and one particular memory. "I remember, it's just. I think my current and previous life memories are overlapping." I take a sip of tea. "It's giving me a headache every time I remember something from my current life." Helena held my right hand which I rested on the wooden table. She releases her hands from mine as we both hear what seems to be the assembly bell. "Alright Phil, it's time for you to go," I said goodbye to Helena and left the house.

I go through a semi-familiar path toward the Academy, I examine the many trees, plants, and flowers I see on the way. I wondered to myself how beautiful nature was in this world. Then I feel a headache as another one of my other life overlaps with my memory of this world. "Seriously, why am I the chosen one to go through this?" I groaned as I remembered Gabriel saying, 'One who saves another saves all'. That has to be some joke right? That is at least what my mind is telling me. I arrived at the academy entrance, the entrance was a big arch as I entered the buildings were like castles and there were lots of trees and many plants you normally wouldn't see like the school was for rich kids. "Sup, Philip," a boy who seemed to be the same age as me stood before me. I looked up at him cause he was tall, "Hi-" I paused as I searched for his name, "Joe! Sup.... man... ?" I awkwardly put my hand on the back of my head. Joe at least from what I can remember from my overlapping memories. Was like well like me? We were both born from a wealthy family. Well, that's nice. He grabbed me by the shoulder and then pushed my back, "Let's we'll be late man!"

Startled I nodded, "O- Oh o- ok!" Then we walked together to the place where the assembly would be. We got to a soccer field which seems to be the right place since there is a stage on the right side of the field. "ATTENTION!" A man screamed through a microphone, "Dude sounds like a general," Joe said I nodded, "I agree." Joe and I went to the front row since apparently I was number one and he was number two in line order. I panicked as I was used to being in the middle not the line leader. "Today we will go on a little field trip," the man announced, "I, Instructor Holmes will be leading you." After that, everyone bowed, and I followed with a slight delay. Which I guess is a formal way of understanding. Everyone scattered to find their respective Instructors who will be following Instructor Holmes. I follow Joe to find our Instructor who apparently is Instructor Holmes. As soon as everyone got to their Instructor we all formed a line and marched. We followed Instructor Holmes outside of the Academy toward a path leading to a forest. "This is the infamous enchanted forest of Gale Academy, a place where the founder Anthony Gale met his wife. At the time the Elves and Humans were at war." Instructor Holmes said, "But of course as all of you know Anthony and his wife ended the war." I looked around as everyone nodded though, in the corner of my eye, I saw Adam however, it was just my imagination.

Hello, Everyone I am no longer publishing this story on Webnovel and I have considered to forfeit from the contest however, I will be continuing the story but not on Webnovel.com

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