
Hell's Parade

Death... A Parade of Death...

In a mysterious room somewhere in the middle of Paris, all the people from the Auction House were magically teleported to a cage. Jamp packed in a tight metal cage, the civilian people screamed at the top of their lungs.

"Help someone help!" (Civilian)

"Where are we?!" (Civilian)

"Help us!" (Civilian)

"Are we in a cage?!" (Civilian)

"It's so dark!" (Civilian)

"I don't want to die!" (Civilian)

Women, men, young adults, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, they all wailed on the bars. The hundreds of people trapped inside, with the never ending darkness around them.

And from the darkness came a tall looming man in a white suit, with a white mask. He held a white flower and an intricate playing card, a Jester of Clubs.

He tossed the Jester of Clubs into the middle of the cage.

"Help! Get us out of here!" (Civilian)

"Help us!" (Civilian)

He just stood there staring, with his white cloth mask covering his masculine face.

He smiled as their magic slowly drained from their bodies. Flowing through the air as the playing card floated higher and higher. Draining and sucking, soon all of the people in the cage were run dry, the life in their eyes going dim.

And he just smiled.


Meanwhile at the Attacking Teams hideaway. All nine of the Second-Class Sorcerers stood over the Turquoise Masked Man...

And to everyone's surprise, with just a few powerful attacks he was defeated in seconds.

"Captain. He was surprisingly easy to beat." (Caleb)

The Turquoise Masked Man coughed out blood as his body laid back pierced and damaged by countless magic spells.

Marry stepped up. Her face furious with anger.

"I will make you pay for what you did to Williams-" (Marry)

He spat blood at Marry, hitting her perfectly white suit, and staining it. He then started chuckling under his breath.

"My life is meaningless! My deal had already been made. And now the plan is underway. Everything he said came true. And even more. And soon the time will come, for the end of the Magic Force!" (Turquoise Mask)

"What is he saying?" (Francisco)

Marry turned away pissed.

"Tie him up and restrict him with magic. We're taking this lunatic in for questioning." (Marry)

He continued laughing as five Sorcerers including Francisco stepped up to restrain him.

"It's already too late! The seeds have been set. The day of reckoning! The day of the end! The end of the Magic Force! The end of the Magic Force!" (Turquoise Mask)

He pulled out a small dagger.

"Quickly! Restrict him!" (Marry)

All the Second-Class Sorcerers jumped to get him, but he was quick, way too quick. Before anyone could even touch him, he had already slit his throat.

And as his neck bled across the soft empty room he reached into his pocket pulling out an intricate playing card, the Jester of Hearts. And then he died. He died with the card in his hand, with his ideal plan never to be seen through his own eyes. But with his death, he brought about the beginning of the end.

"He's dead... But... What's this?" (Francisco)

Francisco grabbed the playing card from his hand as the other five Sorcerers checked his body for anything mysterious.

Francisco fliped the card around, he looked at all it's edges, it's designs. Then he felt a sort of magic, a feeling of misery and death.

"This is... Sinister magic?!" (Francisco)

He then felt his head getting lighter, his magic getting weaker. He felt his magic being consumed by the card.


Qway ran from hallway to hallway, looking for any human, but they were all gone, disappeared.

He ran back and forth, running for his life. The pain he felt. His arms turning black and deathly. His limbs growing. He could feel it kicking in. His magic kicking in.

"Why now?! Why now of all times?!" (Qway)

He ran back and forth. Hitting his head from one side of the hallway to the other. He stopped at a dead end.

His fingernails growing long. He felt his mind wander, turn, switch, he slowly morphed into a monster, a demonic monster.

He then felt a presence at the other end of the hallway.

"This feeling... He's close by..." (Qway)

He looked down at the other end of the hallway.

Purple eyes...

"You...!" (Qway)

"We meet again my test subject. I've come to extract your essence. To complete the ritual." (Frankenstein)

Qway had fully morphed into a demon monster. His voice had changed to a deep and dark pitch.

"I'm guessing you want my blood back, and I'm also guessing the other Elixer is here as well?" (Qway)

"Yup. Yup. Yup. Also so on top of things Qway. I switched out the Demon Elixir backstage. See it's right here." (Frankenstein)

He dangled the bottle back and forth.

"This whole game. This whole show. This whole parade. It was all a distraction. To get what I really wanted. To get the final pieces all in one place." (Frankenstein)

"So then why did you make me! Why did you inject that demonic essence into me! You monster! You made me this way! And I have been searching for you, but here and now..." (Qway)

He looked at his monstrous palms.

"I feel lucky, too lucky!" (Qway)

"This isn't luck my little test subject. This is all my plan. All destiny. All colliding into the future she saw. All for me." (Frankenstein)

"She saw... Your plan... I don't care! I don't give a shit unless your dead!" (Qway)

His body was tall and long, like a demonic demon, he had two large horns that spun in circles, with his pitch-black skin pealing and burning. His eyes red and tilted. He grew taller and taller. With his head and back pushing against the ceiling, he started to stomp forward.

"Ahh... Demon Magic. One of the Five Great Magics, from one of the Five Greatest Sorcerers that ever lived. But it's funny you know..." (Frankenstein)

He snapped his fingers creating a spark of light.

"Reverse!" (Frankenstein)

Qway slowly began to morph back into a human.

"Wha...! What did yo-" (Qway)

"With just a little bit of tinkering, I was able to fully control that Sinister Magic.

"Wait! No... I... Put me back to-" (Qway)

"It's so funny. All this running around. Fighting X-Class Monsters. Monsters killing humans. Playing games. Life and death... When it's all so meaningless... All I had to do was talk to their boss a little and he was fully convinced. Humans are so simple. All they want is power. for the world to end, for a new age to begin. It's, all the same, every time, every year, every generation. But me...? Well yes, I am still mostly human... But... Deep down... In my heart... I am the most selfless human alive!" (Frankenstein)

Qway ran at him, swinging his weakened fists, trying to punch. But Frankenstein quickly dodged to the left, swiping out his legs, and making him fall face-first onto the metallic floor.

"In the end, they will all die. All those Magic Force Sorcerers will die. All those High Tueurs will die. All the humans will die. But me...? I don't give a single shit about any of them! No more Magic Force. No more order. Only fighting and chaos. Everything, everywhere, death, fighting. I don't give a shit! I DON'T CARE!" (Frankenstein)

Frankenstein turned angry. He pinned Qway down and pulled out a syringe, sticking it right through his heart.

"They can believe whatever they want but this plan is messy and trash. Too many faults in the cracks, too many loose ends. What if that Colt fellow steps in. Then everything is turned to ruin. What if the X-Class Monsters don't cooperate. Then everything is reverted. It will all become lost in translation... But my plan... It's perfect! A Hell's Parade! All for one goal. For her!" (Frankenstein)


On the other side of the city.

Everyone inside the cage had turned to dried up skeletons. Their magic and energy was all used up, all used to power up the floating card that spun in circles, faster and faster. Spinning into black and white. It spun until it created a hole, a rift. A Black Level A Rift.

The White Masked Man disappeared.


Francisco quickly dropped the playing card onto the ground the second he felt his magic being drained.

"What is this...!" (Francisco)

Marry immediately felt that something was off as well, so she quickly grabbed Francisco, Caleb, Fin, and George.

"Get away from that!" (Marry)

Five of the nine remaining Second-Class Sorcerers immediately fell forward, unconscious, dried up, in seconds.

"Shit! You four out of this building now!" (Marry)

She pushed them out of harm's way as the Jester of Hearts began to spin and spin and spin, faster and faster.

"You four find help, I'll take care of this!" (Marry)

The remained four Second Class Sorcerers left the building as Marry stood a good ten feet away from the card that slowly spun into a Black Level A Rift.

"So I used the magic from my Sorcerers... How much magic did it need? Five Sorcerers... That's enough to power a nuclear powerplant." (Marry)

A hand reached out from the rift...


The end began...

The rifts rose... The new age of Magic and Monsters began.

It all began with these two Black Level A Rifts, it began with the deaths of hundreds and thousands.

To bring a new force into this world.

The force of the X-Class Monster.


Francisco, Caleb, George, and Fin were the last Second-Class Sorcerers alive in Squad Marry. They all watched from down below as explosions and lighting struck in and out of the building. They watched as the building slowly turned into layers of glass.

"What the fuck is happening?!" (Caleb)

"This is really bad!" (Fin)

"What should we do Luietenant?!" (George)

"Trust the Captain. She's the strongest First-Class Sorcerer that's ever lived. Even if she were to face an X-Class Monster, she wouldn't lose. So for now we should help out the others. George find the locations of the Infiltration Team!" (Francisco)

"Yes, Lieutenant!" (George)


In front of Red, Jack, and Emma. A single playing card. The Jester of Diamonds.

Suddenly Jack felt his magic draining. He felt his life-force disappearing.

All the magic from the Green Masked Man's body flowed into the card. But that wasn't all the Monsters inside Red's Torii gates were being consumed as well. Their fleshy bodies slowly turning into dried dust.

Red quickly grabbed Jack and Emma, tossing them off the stage.

"Get out of here!" (Red)

She felt the card consuming her quickly, taking her magic at lighting speeds. So she crossed her fingers into a triangle and summoned her greatest Torii gate.

"Gate of Love!" (Red)

The Jester of Diamonds spun and spun...


Frankenstein walked out from the Auction House with two vials of Demon Essence. He laughed as the night turned red. As the monsters came from hell and heaven to wreak havoc on the world.

"That man's magic... It is definitely one of a kind. Able to turn playing cards into rifts through space and time. Truly a one in a million. It's sad that I won't see him aga-" (Frankenstein)

The White-Masked Man appeared from a playing card right before Frankenstein's very eyes.

"Oh speak of the devil. I was just talking about you." (Frankenstein)

"Be quiet. The show is starting." (White Mask)

They watched the sky turn from black to red to black again. The lighting sticking across, the lights rising high in the sky. They watched as the rifts opened one by one, death all around, the city in shambles. The Hell's Parade.

"You want to make a bet?" (Frankenstein)

"No, I do not." (White Mask)

Frankenstein ignored his refusal.

"Wanna bet on who you think is going to win? All the big players are here. Who will win, the First-Class Captains, The High Tueurs, or the X-Class Monsters?" (Frankenstein)

He looked with animosity.

"The Tueurs will win." (White Mask)

"Nope! Wrong answer." (Frankenstein)