
Magic Farmer Dara - 2nd Edition

The second version. Agriculture is a very interesting activity. Like the sale of products. Not to mention the cooking, healing cooking. The development of tourism. All this will be in this novel. Perhaps the continuation of the first novel, but not a fact. What is the story about? The story of a graduate student who decided to become a farmer. He sold his apartment and started to run his business with the money he received. Farm, online shop, farm shop. Decided to sell organic food. Who is this guy? Former student of the Faculty of History. His relatives are historians and artisans, scientists. Great-grandfather Farmer. Grandfather - oriental sweets manufacturer. His ancestor ... Dara is the hero of another novel "'Jiang' Magic Coin" ... What happens to him? He finds magic coins that have already become a magic entity, he has an all-powerful system. The main character does not immediately use it ... Why should I care? It is interesting. But not at once. Not from the first pages, there is interesting historical information, there is an understanding of everyday life, traditions, oriental subtleties of doing business. Almost reality but in a fantastic wrapper. Pros - good content, many different historical facts about the Silk Road, Eastern Trade, Household reflections on politics and economics, there are interesting ideas for organizing your own business in tourism and farming. Cons - bad form, that is, the text of the novel is rough, grammar and syntax is lame. There are mistakes. Overall assessment of the story if to be objective: Writing Quality - 2 stars Stability of Updates - 4 stars (3-4 times per week from 500 to 3000 words for one chapter) Story Development - 4 stars Character Design - 3 stars World Background - 3 stars Overall result: Who wants to learn new things about farming and about the world after the Cold War, who is interested in the first place content, can be sure that he/she will not waste his/her time in vain. Whoever likes the good form of the syllable, he/she can immediately leave, having pulled his hat, striking his/her horse sideways with spurs, plunge into the depths of the prairie. Tags - Farming, Cooking, Health, Folk Medicine, Magic, History ----------------------------- This is a work of art. Any resemblance to real people or real events is purely coincidental.

Gourmet_DAO · Realista
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205 Chs

Forbidden Gorge

Dara, woke up, to his surprise, he was not lying on the bed, but on a talus of small stones that cut his sides.

"What is this incomprehensible place? Where am I? Sleep? Reality? And, damn it, I don't want to deal with all this, I'll sleep some more "! Dara, mumbled sleepily. Closing his eyes, Dara plunged into the world of Morpheus, he didn't care where he was and what happened to him, he mastered the technique of managing sleep so that he was not afraid of any surprises.

After sleeping some more time, he opened his eyes again, but the place remained the same. Small stones, cobblestones, large boulders, high rocks rose from both sides, so much so that it was impossible to see the sky from above. He looked around. Graystones, dark blue rocks. There is practically no grass.

"What should I do? Let's see where we are "?

"System"! "Status"! "No shit in return ... doesn't mean a game? Not a dream? Reality"?

"It starts to me, I don't like everything." But the answer was only an echo. "What to do? Probably, first of all, to look around, where, what we have, is there a source of water and food, fuel "? "

How did I get here, why did I get here, how do I get out of this place"? "Perhaps all these questions can be left for later." "So you can go crazy, talking only to yourself."

Dara examined himself, he was in sweatpants, slippers on his bare feet, a T-shirt, in his pocket he had a bottle of Vietnamese "Golden Star" balm, matches, a bottle of alcohol, two sweets. On his wrist was a smart, but cheap Chinese-made watch from a little-known company.

A crumpled plastic bag. And on his hand is a wristband. Penknife. All. Fuck! All he could say. Well, the situation is not very enviable, frankly. Fuck, knows where you are? There is no food, from household items, just every little thing, no weapons, no money or valuables. "

Well, the logic doesn't work here." "All there is to say." Looking around he saw that the bottom of the place where he was lying was covered with gray stones and white bones, there were many of them. The whole gorge was strewn with them. Bones, white and yellow, fawn and brown. Often there were skulls with a punctured surface. Skulls with long teeth.

Here are the materials for making weapons. Although, there was not much sense in this. Since Dara, did not possess the skill of either fencing, or cutting, or controlling a spear or halberd. The average graduate of a state university. From weapons he could only shoot from AK-74 and AK-104, Dara, passed military training.

But they fired only 5 times. Since each cartridge costs $ 3. Therefore, they were allowed to shoot only during tests, 15 rounds each. There was no need to talk about any accuracy. But as a child, with their cousin, they terrified housewives in the countryside, breaking windows and slate roofs with steel balls

A couple of times they were caught and they got to taste the uncle's belt. However, the cousins ​​could hunt for sparrows and pheasants themselves, making themselves a delicious meal. A cousin, a villager, taught Dara to understand edible plants and roots, medicinal plants, and clay. Some clay could be eaten. On this, Dara's combat experience was limited.

The experience of survival was minimal, he somehow in a second-hand bookstore, bought an old and shabby book for parachutists, how to survive in the wild. Dara, read several methods of obtaining water from nothing and how to cook the hind legs of frogs and lizards, you can also fry locusts.

They contain a lot of protein, which is necessary for a person to obtain energy. Without experience, weapons are of little use from him, more likely to bring harm. But as a stick, for the support, it will do.

"We also need to prepare a place, the base camp. Everything in my head immediately gets in the way. "

"There is no system, but then an action plan is needed!"

"Examine everything, but first prepare a place for rest, sleep, stock up on water, prepare weapons for hunting, find food, a walking stick."

Dara cleared the area and laid out his small supplies. From a bag and bones, he constructed a primitive device for collecting water, covering it on top with his black T-shirt. In theory, in 1 hour, this device would have to collect a mug of water. But here the climate conditions are incomprehensible. So it remained to rely on the will of luck.

Among the pile of bones, which he scooped up while clearing the area, he found a small bone with a "Y" shaped branch. From the fabric, pulling the hand, pulled out the rubber band and built a primitive slingshot. And there were plenty of round-shaped stones at the bottom. Took a pocket full of them. I wanted to carve a comfortable stick out of the bone for walking, yes, I wanted to drink. And there was no water yet.

Then, Dara just decided to sleep so that the thirst would go away, to save energy. He lay down on small bones and stones and fell asleep. When he woke up, he was surprised to find that his Chinese got hot and their display was glowing. The clock itself pulsed. Dara, afraid that they might explode on his hand. He wanted to take them off, but nothing worked. The hour seemed to have grown into his skin. "Fuck! What the hell"! Dara closed his eyes, pulled his hand forward with the clock, and covered his face with the other hand.

Nothing happened. Only in my head came an unpleasant, crackling voice, speaking with a strong accent, in the language of the second great northern empire.

"Stupid master, stupid master, the system is activated, you can give your request."

"Stupid master, in the initial form the system has a limited set of functions."

Fuck! Dara swore again, out of surprise. His wrist was immediately shocked, from which he began to swear again and again received an electric shock

"You idiotic master, swearing is strictly forbidden," the system barked again in a disgusting voice. Dara, I thought, well, all these systems are traps for fools, so that after fulfilling their requirements, it turned out that the one who follows the instructions of the system is only an experimental mouse, which they then want to eat.

"No, you fool master, I am not such a system, I am a crafting system!" "If my master is a fool, it does not mean that I am a fool"!

"Oh, you have a gender orientation - feminine"?

"Yes, all crafting systems are ladies!" "So what are the possibilities? How did a smart Chinese watch become speaking?

"This is a crafting system, stupid master, the system was activated thanks to the highest spirit stone, of which there are a lot of them in the gorge."

Wow! "So what are the functions?" "Look and find out," said the system.

Nothing was heard in the gorge, not bird voices, not howl of the wind, not the sound of water. Absolute silence, not counting his steps over the bones. He did not know that the region where he arrived was a forbidden territory for 5 generations of highlanders.

Only rare adventurers dared to enter this territory so that they would never return back. A solid barrier hung over the territory, it was possible to enter, but it was impossible to get out, it was necessary to unravel the formation or have a powerful magic tool "burglar".

The bottom of the gorge has been the resting place of spirit animals for thousands of years. The entire bottom for many hundreds of meters was strewn with bones, shells, magic stones, the cores of monsters of various strengths and sizes. They sparkled in the sun. But Dara, did not see them, he was fixated on finding water.

The gorge was a serpentine road, only the bones were below, and on the sides were dark blue turning into blue rocks, there was not even moss on them. It became difficult to walk, my head began to spin, cold sweat dripped from my forehead, my arms and legs began to tremble, my left leg was cramping.

New arc about crafting

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