
Magic, Acrobatics and Flying kicks!

Left in a newly opened dojo while her parents embark on a mission, Kaimmy, a shy girl who dreamt of following her mother's footsteps and becoming a mage, is suddenly introduced to the world of martial arts. Amazed at what she saw, her new goal is to merge her knowledge of magic with martial arts, aiming to become a master in both!

StormBlade_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


[Kaimmy's POV]

Today, I woke up with a heavy head. I couldn't sleep well last night as I kept thinking about everything that happened yesterday. Still feeling sleepy, I began my morning routine. There's still a bit of the weekend ahead, and I have nothing planned for the rest of the day. Hmm, where should I start? Yesterday, I got a bit carried away and completely forgot to study magic, so I think I need to make up for it today. A faint blush crept onto my cheeks when I remembered the 'experiments' I conducted to explore the new limits of my body. It was quite a... unique experience, to say the least. It turned out that my body became quite flexible, so I was quite impressed with myself. I got so immersed in it that I forgot everything else. Being honest with myself, it seems like I've found a new hobby. Certainly, a peculiar one to call a hobby... What will others think when they find out about it? They'd probably label me as eccentric, maybe even bizarre... I think I'll keep this new hobby of mine a secret, at least for now.

Lost in my contemplation of recent events, I began to plan my day. After the usual interaction with Hiroshi and Ayako at the breakfast table, I headed to the courtyard to start my training. Yuki remained quiet throughout the meal; I guess he's still a bit shaken. Maybe he just needs some time... I'll avoid bringing up the subject for the time being.

So, how should I train today? Since I want to become a master in both magic and martial arts, I suppose I should start combining the two, right? How about... if I do this?

Raising my right foot high above my head, as I discovered I could do yesterday, I began to focus my mana on it for a few seconds. Visualizing a blade of water coming out from the tip of my foot, I swiftly brought my leg down in a simple kick, which, just as I had planned, released a crescent-shaped water burst that crossed the courtyard and hit one of the training dummies.

I did it! It came out just as I imagined! I could feel my eyes sparkling with excitement, and my mind started steaming with new ideas, some involving more kicks, and I'm even tempted to mix in some acrobatics. Hmm, there are so many possibilities... for sure, that will be my focus for today!

Ayako: "Look at that, that was a great move. Mmm, yes, it seems all the effort I put into helping you during the last training paid off."

Crossing her arms and wearing an expression of complete satisfaction on her face, she began to offer me some tips and ideas about what to do. Once again, I had a beautiful demonstration of her skills, and, as always, her movements looked like an acrobatic dance that left me in awe. I can't wait to try and add some of these moves to my own repertoire!

I tried to imitate her in any way I could, and even coated my legs with lightning mana in the process.

Ayako: "Very good, now all that's left is to add a bit of aura into the mix, and it will be perfect!"

Ah... I think that will be the challenging part... manipulating aura while using magic... Buuut, of course, I'll give it my best shot!


[Yuki's POV]

Leaning on the balcony overlooking the courtyard, I watched the two of them train. They are so incredible... I had no idea Kaimmy could use magic so well, and Ayako is so agile that I wouldn't believe a person could perform those kinds of moves if I didn't see it with my own eyes. After spending some time admiring them, in a moment of realization, I noticed someone's presence behind me. When I turned, I found Hiroshi staring at me, as if he were assessing me. A brief silence hung between us until he finally broke it and said:

Hiroshi: "So, are you just going to stand there and watch?"

Yuki: "Huh? Oh, no... I was just thinking about some things..."

"Hmm, I understand. It's natural to be confused about what to do now. You know what? Let me tell you, channel all that chaos you're feeling into a goal." You said you want to become strong, right?"

I took a few seconds to think. What is my goal? To save my parents? To become powerful? Yes, I definitely will save them, and I won't spare any effort for that, but I won't stop there. What do I want to do after that? Help others? Become an adventurer? It sounds like a very vague and straightforward goal... but you know what? That suits me just fine!

Yuki: "Yes... on the day I ran away, I promised I would come back to save them. But I won't do it just for my parents; I'll do it for everyone else I find needing help as well."

Hiroshi: "Great, it's good motivation. So, are you ready?"

Yuki: "Ready? For what...?"

Hiroshi: "For training, obviously. I promised I'd make you strong, didn't I? If you just stand there, Kaimmy is going to leave you in the dust real quick!"

He's right... there's no point in feeling sorry for myself now. I have to use all this anger I'm feeling to drive me and train harder. That's the only way I'll gain the power to do what I want. No more standing still, it's time to act!

Yuki: "I'm ready, let's go!"

And with that, a long day of training began.

Today we have a slightly shorter chapter, but it's necessary for character development. I hope you enjoy it.

That said, I'm looking for someone willing to create cover art for my story. Please contact me via inbox if you want to know more details about it.

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