
Magi: Merlin The Magus

Merlin escapes from his tower but ends up in a new world, that is run by dungeon capturers and djinns. His emergence changes the whole fate of the world. The place where Merlin, the Magus of Flowers, is must not be a hell, but a land filled with hope.

ChaosExceed · Anime e quadrinhos
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1 Chs

The Strange Man

Kicking down the door, Morgiana entered the prison.

Ignoring the exclamations coming from the prisoners she said

"It's time to escape. The keys are in this bag."

Dropping the bag of keys onto the floor, she watched as the prisoners released themselves from the shackles holding them in place.

Now they were free, just like her.

Returning Nadja to her parents, Morgiana smiled as she saw them hug, breaking down into tears.

Suddenly, a familiar voice called out to her.

"Hey lady, are you the one from that day?"

Morgana looked back, spotting a small figure, with medium long blue hair and bangs that stop at his eyes. He had large blue eyes, and a long, thin braid that extends down to his back. On his head was a turban with a ruby located in the middle.

The boy smiled.

"I knew it, it really was you!"

Morgianna stared at him blankly.

"But I thought..."

The last time she had seen the boy, it was in the dungeon in Qishan, which was captured by his friend Alibaba. So she naturally assumed the boy would be with him.

"Hey Aladdin, do you know her?"

Morgiana turned towards the prisoner who asked Aladdin the question, finally noticing his presence.

The prisoner wore a robe woven from the finest fabrics, and even though he was covered in dust and dirt, it couldn't hide his handsomeness. He had a attractive face, with charming purple eyes and long white hair that ran down his shoulders.

"Yah, of course! It's the powerful slave lady I told you about."

Morgiana bent down on her knees, making eye contact with Aladdin.

"I don't understand how someone as powerful as you would be captured like this."

She had seen him use his own Djinn, Ugo, with her own eyes and knew how powerful it was. Dealing with a few slave traders shouldn't be a problem for him.

Aladdin moved his hands in the air as if reenacting the scene.

"They dropped huge boulders over our caravan as we passed. I guess in all the confusion, I just passed out. When I came too, I was like this with everyone else."

He then said

"But it wasn't all bad. I made some new friends, just like you and Alibaba. Brother Merlin has been teaching me about magic, and it's been lots of fun!"


Morgiana realized who Aladdin was referring to, and looked at the white haired prisoner who talked to Aladdin earlier.

The man in question, Merlin, grabbed Morgiana's hand and kissed her knuckles, which startled her.

With a refreshing smile on his face, he said

"Nice to meet you, beautiful lady. Most refer to me as the grand caster or the court magician, but someone as beautiful as you, can call me Merlin."