

The Mage World is nearby. Pete found the entrance to Magepolis. He met a friend and supporter in a cruel world. Will he perish or will he rise in the battle of mages, vampires, werewolves, dwarves, orcs, and elves? He met two beautiful girls. Will he choose a vampire or a human?

Andrew_Oak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

The Summoner's Guild

"I'll show you the way to the Summoner's Guild. Come."

Pete looked up and saw his guide beside him. It was a huntress. The young girl was dressed in a leather suit. Knee-length boots tightly encased her long legs. The pants and jacket had no fringes or other embellishments. They emphasized the excellent figure of the girl. The lacing on the chest, which formed the decollete, attracted the eyes. The deep neckline opened the view of the breasts. The beautiful view was hidden only by the tight lacing. She quickly threw her hood over her head, and Pete didn't get a good look at her face. But one look was enough to convince him of her beauty.

They walked along the edge of the street. Pete dared to ask a few questions,

"Tell me, who has the right to walk in the middle of the street?"

"The residents of this street and the honored guests of the street." The girl answered.

Pete pondered. The answer did not bring instant clarity. Every street is inhabited by citizens. And only they have the right to go comfortably about their business. That makes sense and it shows respect for the townspeople. But what about horses? And how does traffic pass?

"Tell me, how does traffic move down the street?"

The girl was quiet and didn't answer right away,

"There is no traffic in Ark. This is a city of mages. There are portals for moving large loads and special groups."

Of course! How could he forget about portals? It's elementary. It's like Diagon Alley. No horses, no traffic. Pete coughed out a sudden sense of discomfort. It is right the wise men teach that a silent man can appear to be a clever man. He who speaks is bound to show his ignorance or stupidity.

The houses of the street were a high of two stories. But in this city, people liked space and rooms with high ceilings. So the buildings were of sufficient height. The pair walked on the shaded side of the street. Pete felt calm and good again. The silence was interrupted by a lady companion,

"You have a strange costume," she said. "What city are you from?"

"I'm from Toledo." Pete couldn't say the name out loud. He didn't like the new topic of conversation.

The girl took a few quick steps forward and turned around. She walked confidently with her back to the front and carefully regarded her companion. Pete, too, looked at her with pleasure. Her head was covered by a hood, but it allowed her features to be seen. Her eyes were devoid of negativity, which pleased him. The girl decided something for herself and walked next to the young man again. She did not hide her conclusions,

"You are a mysterious wanderer. You are calm and well-controlled. You have attracted the attention of the Silver Rose captain. You have been assigned to the Guild. And you smell delicious."

The last phrase rang in the young man's ears. These mages made very strange and unusual observations. They were making very strange observations. Pete didn't want to seem rude and responded to the compliment,

"Thank you for your kind words. It's a pleasure to be around you. Your costume is perfect. It accentuates your personality perfectly. I can't help thinking you're not a hunter."

The girl turned her face toward him and pulled back the edge of her hood. Her eyes quickly changed color. They seemed to be brown but now glittered a distinct scarlet color. The corners of her lips lifted in a slight smile and she answered,

"I'm not a hunter. I'm a vampire."

Pete Harrison was a typical student. He knew a lot about vampires. He spent dozens of hours observing vampire life. "Interview with the Vampire", "Twilight", "True Blood" and "The Vampire Diaries", "Hellsing Ultimate". Pete was an expert on the vampire issue.

He was walking and the strange feeling was swirling in his head. Strange things and events were happening all around him. He had never experienced such miracles and unexpected adventures in his entire life. Now he is walking down the street of the city of mages next to a charming vampire girl. And he is as calm as Buddha on the relaxation music channel.

Suddenly there was a clear understanding in his mind. He smiled and thought that Tranquilizer was an inappropriate name for a furry little friend.

They came to another crossroads, and the girl stopped. She nodded toward the sunny side to a tall one-story building of light stone.

"That is the building of the Summoner's Guild. What's your name, wanderer?"


The girl turned and walked quickly away. He stood there thinking that she hadn't said her name. It was okay, he didn't need an acquaintance who liked his smell.

The young man walked to the tall double doors. He pressed on one flap and it opened with ease. He saw a large room that he immediately liked.

The young man entered and closed the door behind him. There were silence and tranquility in the Guild room. It was daytime outside, the weather was fine and the sun was shining brightly. But in this room, all the windows were covered with dense curtains. Along the walls were tables and chairs. On the tables glowed magical light sources with multicolored lights. To the right of the entrance was a round table at which two mages sat. One of them interrupted a conversation with a colleague and turned his head toward the visitor. It was an elderly woman, and she was wearing a robe of dark cloth. This robe could be called a mantle.

Pete nodded his head and introduced himself softly but clearly,

"My name is Pete. I am sent by the captain of the Silver Rose Squad. I am a novice summoner."

"And who do you summon, young man?" the man who sat facing the door asked in a low bass voice. In his voice, you could hear a note of amusement and irony. The question sounded without mockery, but with a hint of impertinence.

"I am a humble novice. I've had enough of my first summon." Pete replied. He wasn't touched by the attention of the Ark mages. He wanted to register and get his minimal support kit.

"You have to tell me who you summoned." Said the woman.

"I summoned a dracat." Quietly said Pete.

"Who? What are you mumbling about? Did you summon a cat? Modestly. It's classic. Simple and tasteful. Congratulations, my young colleague. Now we'll fill out the paperwork and you can rightfully consider yourself a member of the Guild."

The woman stood up and walked to a table against the far wall in the center of the hall. She paid no attention to the newcomer. The woman sat down at the table and moved a large, thick book toward her. She opened the book to a blank page and took a long and thin object from the table. This artifact resembled a pen and served as a writing object. The woman began to make a note and spoke aloud,

"On the thirtieth day of the third month of the year 2021, a magician named Pete is registered as a summoner of the city of Ark."

The woman put the pen down on the table and closed the book.

"You are now registered. Do you need a book for a novice summoner?"

"Yes, I need that book," admitted Pete.

"No problem. The Guild is always willing to help novice peers. Just wait a little while."

The woman stood up and walked to the bookcase next to the brown curtain. She picked out a small book and turned to the young man. Pete understood everything and walked over to the master.

He thought the situation was not quite right. He doesn't know literacy. A book is useless to him at this stage. Should he confess his ignorance? No! He would be called a savage and a useless barbarian again. His thoughts were interrupted by a man with a juicy voice,

"Do you have a special question for the members of the Guild?"

Pete picked up the book and turned to the man,

"Yes, Master. I want to know some important information. It has to do with food for my little friend."

Suddenly Pete realized that these people were not taking him seriously and he was misbehaving. Why did he start making excuses and acting like a loser? That's enough! He feels the hunger of his kitty. For a while, they held out on his sense of satiety. But now they are both hungry. More than anything, the Summoners' Guild resembled something like a medieval restaurant. The thing was, the setting and atmosphere were old-fashioned. There were cups and pitchers and trays and dishes on all the tables. On the trays were ceramic pots and metal vessels for food. Now Pete was paying close attention to the portions of roast meat on the plates of the two summoners.

Pete Harrison asked the question clearly and firmly,

"My pet is a dracat. Perhaps it requires special food?"

The woman was walking to her chair at this moment. She turned sharply and looked at the young man like Naruto at ramen.

"You summoned a dracat? How long ago?"

"Today. Maybe an hour ago," said Pete.

The man also got up from his chair and came closer,

"You managed to summon a dracat and you haven't fed it yet? Summon the pet now!"

The man stepped to the side and walked to one of the cabinets. He took a small jug and a deep bowl from the shelf. The master returned and stopped in anticipation. The woman was silent and her silence expressed shock at such profanity.

Pete withdrew his hand from his chest and sat down. He put his hand to the floor and called out,

"Baby, show yourself. You're going to eat now."

The black fast beastie jumped out of hiding and made a demonstration. He stood on his hind legs, his wings opened, and the beastie let out a demanding,


He balanced deftly with his tail and looked very unusual.

It was as if the woman had changed from a venerable lady to a young girl and squealed with delight,

"What a precious one!"

The man showed mastery and professionalism. He squatted down and placed the bowl on the floor. In the bowl, he poured a white liquid from a jug. Just then he looked at the young man reproachfully,

"Unicorn milk. I recommend it for your pet."

Pete nodded his head and suddenly felt wonderful and great. The feeling of hunger dissolved and was replaced by a rush of energy and bliss. The man looked at the pet and set the jug on the floor. He stood up and shook his head,

"A wanderer this is a diagnosis."

The woman didn't bother paying attention to the man. Her attention was consumed by the little black pet.

The man returned to his chair and took a seat at the table. He took a goblet and sipped. Then he took one of the pitchers and filled one of the goblets.

"Young man. Keep me company. Your pet will be busy for a while. We have much to talk about."

The young man walked over to the table and sat in a vacant chair. He wasn't bothered by the fact that the seat had been occupied by a woman earlier. She seemed lost to the world. Pete took the goblet but was in no hurry to drink. The master appreciated the delicacy and raised his goblet,

"Greetings to a young colleague."

Pete smiled and took a sip. Juice! Delicious and made from an unknown breed of fruit. The man began the conversation, his bass sounding pleasant and solid with a touch of the importance of the subject,

"This is the Summoners Guild. We are called summoners for many reasons. The most important is that we can reach out with our summons to the unexplored and mysterious planes of infinite existence. We can summon rare and amazing helpers. Congratulations to you. Your good fortune has smiled upon you. Your friend is a great rarity. You have an interesting and amazing life ahead of you. There is one more important point, colleague. The summoner constantly uses the summoning of his pet. To put it another way. Every pet needs a comfortable place to develop. Every pet needs a special place to exist. Example! I call a manticore. My beauty has a large body, though she can fit in this room. But she does not accompany me at all times! She lives in a place that is comfortable for her. When necessary, I summon my babe. That makes me a summoner.

Now I want to go back to the beginning of your career, to your first steps on the path of a summoner. For a while, you can keep your baby around all the time. He is still small and not uncomfortable.

The guild is ready to provide you with food. Don't count on unicorn milk every day, but pegasus milk is guaranteed for you.

Let's get back to the issue of place for the pet. This is a question of money. You need a decent amount to buy a portal. You will read the subtleties of the journey in the novice's book. In any case, the summoner searches for the plan of being together with the pet. Strong magic helps them find the most comfortable place for the pet to dwell."

The man paused and took a sip from the goblet. Pete caught a faint whiff of light alcohol. The young man was not distracted by it. The master's story was very important and full of useful information. Pete noticed that the woman had added milk to the bowl and stood up. She took the jug to the cabinet shelf and walked over to the table. Pete rose from his chair, but the woman waved her hand,

"Sit down, Pete."

She took the goblet from the table and took a sip. Then she laughed and her laughter was filled with happiness and joy,

"Ark is a great city and great wonders are possible in it. I did not expect to see that black beast within the walls of the Guild again. The last dracat left the city two hundred years ago. He was a pet of the great Rakast. The old summoner died. And his pet flew away. It was the great protector of the city."

The woman placed the goblet down and folded her arms across her chest. She continued her conversation and her tone lost any warmth,

"The Guild must show decency. Ark is no place for the weak. You must learn to overcome troubles, young man. Only by doing so will you and your pet become worthy of eternal glory.

But now we're talking about the eternal problem of any newcomer. I'm talking about money.

There are obligatory expenses for any summoner. The first is the Guild fee. You are required to pay one thousand gold coins. In return, you can receive tasks from the Guild. The summoner receives a reward for completing these tasks. Minus ten percent of the tax. The rewards are decent, averaging at least a thousand gold coins.

The summoner is saving up mastery and funds. Saving up to purchase a summoner portal. The portal costs ten thousand gold coins.

The novice is entitled to the benefits of the Guild. This is a modest help to the novice summoner. In the Guild building, you can get a room to live in. In this room, you can get modest food and feed your pet.

I said enough. Pete, pick the bowl up off the floor."

The young man saw that the baby had already eaten and the bowl was empty. He got up from his chair and walked over to his wonder. As he bent down for the bowl dracat jumped upon his shoulder.

Pete didn't know where to take the dirty bowl. The woman's voice helped him,

"Put it on the table in the corner. That's the place for dirty dishes. It goes in the kitchen. They'll wash it there."

The town was surprising with its new aspects of the magical way of life. Pete put the bowl in the place for the dirty dishes and walked over to the masters' table. He wanted to ask some important questions.

"Thank you for your help. I want to ask some personal questions."

The man raised the goblet and invited the newcomer to continue,

"That's what we're here on duty for. Older colleagues are always happy to help young talent."

"I apologize for my possible rudeness and stupidity. Question one. How do I learn literacy quickly? Alphabet. Reading. Writing."

The man grimaced his face and grumbled,

"It's free. And the literacy book is free, too. It's on the shelf. I'll show you where it belongs. What's your other question?"

Pete Harrison knew this was a delicate subject, but it needed clarity,

"When I arrived at Ark I met a girl. She invited me to keep her company. We will go to the crypt. I will help her to the best of my ability. Please tell me, what is the usual fee for an Assistant Adventurer?"

The experienced Summoners looked at each other. A smile appeared on the man's face of a man who understands what this is all about. The woman shook her head and coughed with obvious disapproval of the young man's behavior.

Pete realized that his situation was not simple. A strange thought flashed through his mind,

"How much is a portion of blood worth to the artifact master?"

Hi there. This story is for WPC#168. If you like the novel, please add it to your library! Your comment or review is the motivation for my creation.

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