
Arc 1: The Beginning - Chapter 6

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1: The Beginning - Chapter 6

The next day*

"You ready, Rias?" Zheng asks his lover as he is waiting for their first date outside together.

"Ready." Rias walk out of the bathroom, wearing a one-piece red dress, that reaches down to her shins and with a split at the left side of her dress. Revealing her long bare legs and wearing dark red high heels.

Zheng opens his mouth to say something before something caught his attention, causing him to narrow his eyes.

Reaching forward with his right hand to touch Rias in her crotch area under her dress, causing Rias to moan.

"Zheng-kun! If you're in the mood, just let me know." Rias lean into Zheng's arms, ready to undress in the next second if it wasn't for Zheng to remove his hand, much to her disappointment and going by the sound of him sighing. She got found out, much to her amusement.

"Put some pantie on." Zheng let out a sigh, making him forget that Rias is technically a nudist. And also make him wonder how in the world she wasn't caught by now during her time at school.

"But, I don't want to~!" Rias giggle, then put on a smirk again. "Besides, I'm willing to go outside and I've already thought up of something for us to do instead of just walking around before coming back home." She honestly forgot there are many exciting things to do outside, but that doesn't mean she will let her guards down. Well, more like she will rely on Zheng not to let his guards down completely.

"Were you always such a pervert before meeting me?" Zheng still can't understand how perverted and horny Rias is compared to the Rias in the canon he knows. Who is mainly seems like someone who is a prideful person along with being very biased towards her own family over others. Maybe it's due to experiencing sex for the first time.

"Closet pervert really and mainly suppressed most of the time. Besides, I only become this open thanks to you. So, just enjoy having a perverted girlfriend who is willing to suck you off in public secretly." Rias pat Zheng on the cheek before grabbing his hand to drag him out of the apartment. Completely different from her previous attitude of not wanting to leave now, where she is eager to leave now.

Zheng feels like he is blessed and cursed at the same time. Mainly due to his lust always thinking for him when it's related to Rias or maybe his brain is already being so strained by the near non-stop training with Letter Magic that the moment Rias appears. It would focus on Rias simply to have a break from studying further into the Letter Magic.

Either way, Zheng will just have to train while taking some time off to spend time with Rias. Maybe he should just go all out and specialize in one area to the extreme with Letter Magic before branching out to another.

30 minutes later*

"Damn, Rias is your brother or someone from your family here?" Zheng whisper to Rias, where both of them are hiding behind a large brush while still being undetected by any means of detecting them other than maybe by touch. He still hasn't quite figured out the right combination of Magic Words to turn one into a somewhat ghost-state to bypass physical matter.

"I have no idea. But, it's a good thing you held me back. Otherwise, I would have killed that bitch." Rias growl as she was still being held back by her darling.

Not too far away from the two is Akeno, the former Queen of Rias's former peerage. Standing around and looking for mostly Rias. Not to mention, there are a couple of men in black suits walking in the area as well.

"Man, now they're just not bothering to hide to the public that they are trying to look for you." Zheng said to Rias, with a frown. As he points to their right, where on a wooden fence, there is a paper attached to it with Rias's face on it. Printed out that anyone has a hint of Rias' whereabouts is to contact with this numbers; furthermore, a small brief mention about how Rias is 'missing' and her griefing family is trying to find her, wanting her to come back home. As they miss her dearly. "I'm willing to bet, soon this will be on the news. Your family and Devils are not that smart, huh? To reveal to the world you're missing. That's just asking for more problems for us and them. Mainly us now that there are more people coming to hunt you down."

"I'm more astonished they are willing to go this far." Rias had a surprised look on her face for a seconds before it went blank. "But, knowing this might be Sirzechs doing. I'm not surprised."

"Dang, your brother has it bad for you." Zheng comments, causing Rias to smirk before scowl afterward in a second.

"If anything, I rather just have him stick with his deadbeat, cold-hearted wife than coming after me." Rias said coldly.

"The hell did she do to you?" Zheng looks at Rias, surprised at the cold tone from Rias.

Rias look dead into Zheng's eyes, "She literally told me quietly when no one was around, for me to stop acting so spoil and do my job as a lowly spoil brat and just go fuck Riser to breed the new generation of powerful Devils to help the Devil Faction become stronger."

Okay, he did not expect that and he had used the History Reading Spell, then again, he wasn't looking around clearly and just the important ones to help him decide if Rias was worth trusting or not. He might have skipped this part by accident. After all, the History Reading Spell still has some flaws here and there.

"Do you want me to do something to her? I might not be able to match Sirzechs, but I should have a way to deal with her if I prepare myself with enough time. Also, I got to ask this, but how come you Devils don't just make a deal with a God with a domain of fertile or something similar to that line, to increase the Devils' rate of birth. Even if not Devil as a whole, but for certain people would be fine." Zheng pause for a minute to recall his canon knowledge for anything to help him. Nope, got nothing else.

"No idea. But, I'm willing to bet it's something about most Devil having too much pride to make that kind of deal." Rias replied, then a dark grin appears on her face. "Hey, Zheng-kun. How do you feel about having your own sex slave?"

The fuck is going on now?

Zheng looks at Rias in disbelief that she would say such a thing.

"What? Too much?" Rias asks with an awkward look on her face, realizing that she might have snapped a bit from remembering that time with Grayfia.

"Rias. I love you and all." That got a blush from Rias. "But, I don't need a sex slave at all. You alone kind of make my hips very sore by the end of round 5 and that's without having to rely on my Letter Magic to help me keep on moving. Adding another girl would just make it nearly impossible for me to have any spare times to train and before you say training shouldn't be my main focus. Remember that neither of us even on the list of the top 10 strongest existence, not even considered those godlike being in other universes." Zheng had to point this out to Rias before she tries to get him a sex slave or two, maybe more. He can easily see this happening at this point, where she is now taking more into her Devil nature.

And if Rias somehow got other girls from the Devil Faction, then he will have to deal with more moody girls, where they have all kinds of major sins they have as a Devil. Yeah, it's better to just stick with Rias. Luckily she is very sexy and hot. This is bad in some way, but he can't see himself sticking with Rias otherwise. Meh, he ain't no saint.

"Come on, we need to go back home." Zheng can tell something bad is about to happen and he needs to either engrave more Dragon Words onto his bones to speed things up or he has to put himself straight into the project of developing a Spell for universal traveling.

A month later*

Zheng slams his forehead against the wooden surface of his desk, where it has been a month since he pushed himself into experimenting with all words under the Dragon Language to help him and Rias leave this universe safely without the need of going through the Dimensional Gaps. Since Great Red is in there and would detect them the very moment they enter the Dimensional Gaps.

In fact, he got an idea to use based on the Whirlwind Sprint. A Dragon Shout, which grants the ability to dash rapidly forward. The distance depends on how many words of the shout are used. This is kind of limited, which is why it's being used as a reference to make a new Dragon Shout or into a Letter Magic's Spell. Okay, mainly into a Spell since it's still impossible for him to use Dragon Shout.

"Zheng-kun. You need to take a break." Rias said to her darling with concern in her voice. She didn't even care that they didn't have sex for nearly an entire month. She knew how important this whole this for them; therefore, she suppressed her lust with an iron-like will aka use some toys to help relieve her sexual frustration, to make sure Zheng doesn't become more stressed than he already is by getting on his case for not touching her.

Also, she feels very guilty about this whole thing. Since this is her fault, which is why she made sure to train herself to the bone unlike she had done in the past. So during this month, they've stayed indoors most of the time and only order for delivery.

"I'm close, Rias. Just a bit more and I'll get us out of this universe." Zheng knew his limit, but he cheated by placing down many Magic Words related to the concept of Insight, Comprehension, and even using the word: Enlightenment to give him all the advantage he could get to create this Universal Travel Spell. Sadly, these Magic Words cost too much Magic Power and won't last that long; therefore, making him set back more than time already to recover back the Magic Power he used up.

However, it seems like this wasn't close enough to help him develop a stabilized working Universal Travel Spell. Yes, he manages to create a prototype version, but it is highly unstable and dangerous to use. Especially, how it takes 99% of his Magic Power at peak condition for just casting this Universal Travel Spell once. Only to find out it 70% of the time leads to the Dimensional Gaps and turns into a black hole that sucks in anything for just a second. And a second alone is plenty enough to cause major damage to the surrounding.

And this is him using special words that cost more compare to other Magic Words used in the past. Therefore, it's reasonable for using up to 99% of his Magic Power with this prototype Universal Travel Spell.

Though, on the side. To make sure he doesn't become too frustrated. Zheng reworks his fighting style, which was the bare minimum of just trapping the target and ending them with a couple of highly costed Magic Words to something else that won't require trapping the target, and straight to killing them on the spot. Though, maybe he can still continue using this fighting pattern if he can just find something to improve the trapping part.

Anyway, it's only due to Zheng preparing an experimental room beforehand. Otherwise, the first experiment alone would have drawn the attention of all the supernatural beings in town over to this very apartment. Overall, he made some breakthroughs here and there, but he just can't reach that one last step of avoiding using the Dimensional Gaps as a gateway.

Zheng feels a pair of arms wrap around his chest from behind, along with the feeling of heavenly orbs pressed onto his back.

"Come on, darling. How about I show you a good time to relax. I bet you'll have something tomorrow. Come on. Please, for me?" Rias whisper into Zheng's left ear, knowing that she shouldn't do this and just let Zheng work. But, her heart can't handle how Zheng running himself down with barely any breaks. If anything, she kind of wishes she could help him in his experiments.

"Alright, I can take a break now." Zheng let out a sigh. Wondering how long it will take for him to completes this Spell before it's too late. Hopefully, not too long.