
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

The Lone Knight

Just as the valiant Knight, Sir Gawain, unleashed the divine might of Excalibur Galatine—a radiant force that struck fear in the hearts of those who witnessed its power—Mash, with unparalleled quickness and precision, summoned forth her shield, a manifestation of unwavering protection. Positioned strategically between Fujimaru and DaVinci, her defensive barrier thwarted the destructive blast that ruthlessly ravaged the once hopeful refugees, reducing them to mere ashes drifting in the wind. In the wake of the devastation, an ominous silence descended upon the battlefield, shattered only by the deliberate footsteps of Sir Gawain as he advanced towards Mash, his gaze fixed with unyielding resolve.


Despite the looming threat of imminent peril, Fujimaru seized the opportunity to question the knight's merciless judgment. With a voice filled with both curiosity and disbelief, Fujimaru demanded to know the rationale behind the senseless obliteration inflicted upon the vulnerable refugees, saying, "How could you do this? These people came here seeking salvation from you." In a chillingly detached tone that betrayed no hint of remorse, Sir Gawain proclaimed, "We are the guardians of the thousand-year kingdom, knights of the round table. The Holy Selection takes those the Lion King wants and destroys those not worthy of survival. That is all there is to it." 


In a revelation that sent shivers down Fujimaru's spine, the Knight elucidated the grim purpose behind the harrowing events unfolding before them. The Holy Selection, a concept shrouded in cruelty and divine decree, served as the merciless arbiter of fate, bestowing salvation upon the chosen while condemning the unworthy to death. A sombre truth laid bare by Sir Gawain, unapologetic in his adherence to a twisted sense of duty that demanded unwavering obedience to the whims of the Lion King. As the weight of Sir Gawain's words settled upon the beleaguered trio, Fujimaru found their voice a conduit for the collective anguish and despair that reverberated through the desolate landscape.


Sir Gawain's sword was fixed on Mash while he replied to Fujimaru, saying, "Hope within this forsaken desert is but a luxury, perhaps even arrogance. This is all for the continuation of humanity." His words held both determination and a hint of resignation, a testament to the weight of their quest. With a stern expression, he continued, "I will end this by asking for your name, foreign master." The moment hung heavy with tension as Fujimaru hesitated for just a moment before revealing his name, "Ritsuka Fujimaru," his voice steady despite the looming danger.


Mash, exhausted from the fierce battle, could barely keep her shield up. Sir Gawain's imposing figure loomed closer, his sword gleaming in the desert sun as he prepared to strike. In that critical moment, as despair threatened to take hold, a resounding clash echoed through the air. The lone knight, Sir Bedivere, had arrived just in time, his timely intervention halting Sir Gawain's lethal blow with a deft block.


With swift movements and unwavering resolve, Sir Bedivere positioned himself between his comrades and their formidable foe. His armour glistened with a sheen of sweat, a testament to the intensity of the battle. As the clash of steel reverberated around them, Sir Bedivere's presence infused a renewed sense of hope in the weary warriors.


While Fujimaru, Mash, and DaVinci stealthily infiltrated the sacred grounds of the Holy City under the cloak of darkness, unbeknownst to all, Sir Bedivere, with his own shroud of secrecy, had discreetly found his way inside the impenetrable walls. His silent movements masked by the echoes of the city's sombre whispers.

As fate would have it, Sir Bedivere found himself in the midst of a crucial moment as Gawain, a loyal knight but now turned adversary, poised to strike down Fujimaru in a swift and decisive blow. Witnessing this pivotal juncture, Sir Bedivere, the lone knight with a heart of valour, chose to step forward and intercede in an act of gallantry.


With a resolute stance, Sir Bedivere intercepted Gawain's deadly assault, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade. "That is enough, Sir Gawain," he declared, his words imbued with both authority and compassion. Gawain, taken aback by the unexpected interruption, struggled to comprehend the unfolding scene before him, his disbelief palpable in the quiver of his voice.


"Impossible! What treachery is this, Sir Bedivere? Are you prepared to defy your king and forsake your sworn allegiance to the Round Table?" Gawain's accusatory words hung heavy in the air, laden with a mix of confusion and betrayal. Undeterred by the accusations hurled his way, Sir Bedivere met Gawain's gaze with unwavering conviction, his unwavering commitment to justice and righteousness shining through the darkness that threatened to engulf them all.


"We do not serve an ideal, but a cause greater than ourselves," Sir Bedivere retorted, his voice steady with resolve. "The Round Table may have lost its way, but the true essence of knighthood lies in our unwavering dedication to the people, to peace, and to the eternal pursuit of justice. Even if it means standing alone against the tides of adversity, I shall not waver in my duty to uphold what is right."


Both Bedivere and Gawain, resolute in their determination to emerge victorious, found themselves locked in a fierce and intense clash on the battlefield. Their swords danced in a relentless exchange of blows, each strike echoing the determination of the knight wielding it. With skill and agility, Gawain managed to bring down Bedivere's sword, only to be met with a swift and unexpected block using Bedivere's bare hand—a testament to the lone knight's unyielding resolve.


Feeling the surge of power within him, Bedivere invoked his divine ability, speaking the sacred words, "switch on Agateram," channelling the very essence of his strength and purpose into a dazzling display of light and energy. In response, Gawain called forth the powers of his legendary sword, Galatine, enveloping himself in the fierce aura of ancient magic and valor. The clash of their abilities created a spectacle of dazzling brilliance, the divine light of Bedivere meeting the erupting forces of Gawain in a swirling maelstrom of power and determination.


As the battlefield became illuminated by the radiant clash of energies, the air crackled with the intensity of their confrontation, each knight pushing themselves to the limit in a bid for supremacy. The ground trembled beneath the weight of their battle, echoing the fierce determination that fueled their every strike and parry. Sir Bedivere, bearing the light of his divine spirit, summoned forth a blade of ethereal radiance that gleamed in his grasp, its power a testament to his unwavering faith. With this transcendental weapon, he faced Gawain, the valiant Knight of the Sun, and, in a clash of divine forces, overwhelmed his opponent with a display of unmatched prowess and valor. As Sir Gawain fell, defeated, the tide of battle shifted in favour of our heroes.


Seizing the opportunity presented by the chaotic aftermath of the duel, Da Vinci, the brilliant inventor and artist, unleashed a devastating assault upon the city gate with calculated precision. Guided by her genius and ingenuity, a cascade of destructive energy surged forth, shattering obstacles and creating a path for their strategic retreat. The brilliance of her attack illuminated the darkness of their predicament, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos of conflict.


Meanwhile, amidst the turmoil of battle, Mash and Fujimaru rallied to Sir Bedivere's side, offering their unwavering support and aid to the valiant knight who had expended his energy in the intense combat. As the group began their tactical retreat, a shadowy figure emerged from the periphery, revealing himself to be Arash, the enigmatic archer whose skill with a bow was unparalleled. Silent and swift, he dispatched the enemy soldiers that sought to impede the terms progress, his arrows finding their marks with unerring accuracy. In a moment of dire need, Arash's timely intervention proved to be a saving grace, ensuring the safety of the Fujimaru escape route and paving the way for their successful withdrawal from the battlefield.


After the chaotic aftermath settled, Sir Gawain, who had been defeated in the fierce battle, composed himself and solemnly made his way towards the grand Lion King's Palace, a majestic structure that exuded power and authority, to present his account of the turbulent events that had transpired. Within the regal walls of the palace, amidst a gathering of distinguished knights, stood Mordred, the infamous knight of treachery; Agravin, known for his unsettling reputation of madness; and the valiant Sir Tristan, whose presence added an aura of chivalry to the solemn occasion. As the revered Lion King prepared to mete out justice, his piercing gaze fell upon Sir Gawain, the fallen knight, whose resilience had defied death itself. 


Addressing the assembly with a voice that resonated with both power and compassion, the Lion King spoke solemnly, emphasising the gravity of the situation. "Listen, knights of the Round Table," he intoned, his words carrying the weight of royal decree. "The blow that Sir Gawain received from me was intended to be fatal, yet his improbable survival shall serve as his absolution." With these words, a sense of profound forgiveness and understanding permeated the chamber as the Lion King, a symbol of justice and honour, departed, leaving the knights to contemplate the weight of his mercy and the lessons learned from the day's events.


After the meeting concluded with the knights of the Round Table, Sir Agravin swiftly reached out to Sir Lanslot, tasking him with the crucial mission of intercepting those who managed to escape the Holy City. Meanwhile, escaping the confines of the Holy City with determination, Fujimaru and his loyal companions embarked on a treacherous journey through the unforgiving desert, their hearts filled with hope and uncertainty. As they navigated the vast expanse of sand dunes, DaVinci took it upon herself to enlighten Fujimaru and Mash about the valiant Sir Bedivere, imparting the tale of his presence during the King Arthur final moments and revealing his pivotal role in returning Excalibur to the mysterious lady of the lake. 

Fujimaru, whose curiosity about Bedivere was piqued, decided to inquire about the reason why Sir Bedivere was not found among the group of knights. Sensing an air of mystery surrounding the lone knight, he felt compelled to seek an explanation. In response to Fujimaru's question, the solemn knight proceeded to shed light on his unusual circumstances. 


With a tone of resignation, he revealed, "I am a knight who arrived late. Unlike my comrades from the round table, I was summoned separately." His words carried a weight of regret as he acknowledged the disarray within the round table and his determination to rectify it. Staring out into the unforgiving desert landscape that stretched before them, the knight's resolve only seemed to strengthen. "I cannot idly stand by as the Lion King's tyranny reigns unchecked. It is my duty to confront this peril, whatever the cost may be," he declared, his voice tinged with defiance.  

As they pressed on through the treacherous terrain, a distant sound began to echo through the barren expanse. The approaching footfalls heralded the arrival of an ominous presence, sending a chill down their spines. It was then that Sir Bedivere, with a grave expression, revealed the identity of the approaching figure—none other than Sir Lancelot, the knight of the lake, a formidable force in his own right. The unfolding events only served to deepen the intrigue and urgency of their quest, as Fujimaru and his companions braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead.