
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Grand Order

The valiant warrior Fujimaru, with unwavering determination, strode forth directly into the reality sphere, the realm where the primordial goddess Tiamat resided. With his sword raised high, he unleashed the final decisive strike that shattered the looming threat. As the dust settled, a moment of unexpected consequence unfolded as Goddess Ereshkigal, weakened by the immense struggle, faltered and collapsed.


In her final moments, she mustered the strength to explain to the watching Goddess Ishtar the toll the battle had taken on her essence. Ereshkigal, her voice tinged with fading power, spoke of using her authority beyond its limits, a sacrifice she made to ensure victory for the others. Through weakened breaths, the departing goddess managed to convey a heartfelt message to Ishtar, asking her to bid a fond farewell to Fujimaru on her behalf. 

A solemn pause in the celestial realm marked the passing of Ereshkigal, her presence dissipating into the ether, leaving a poignant silence in her wake. The finality of her sacrifice echoed through the divine plane, a reminder of the price paid in the eternal struggle against unimaginable forces. Ishtar, bearing the words of farewell from the fallen goddess, approached Mash and Merlin with reverence and gratitude, the echoes of Ereshkigal's selfless act reverberating in the hearts of all who witnessed the epic clash of deities.


While inside the reality sphere, Fujimaru found himself confronting Tiamat in a heartbreaking conversation. As the valiant hero stood before the awe-inspiring figure of Tiamat, his mind overflowed with a multitude of questions, each one reflecting the weight of the world resting upon his shoulders. With courage and determination etched into his very being, he gazed into the eyes of the enigmatic deity and dared to ask the question that had lingered in the depths of his soul: why would she, Tiamat, a being of such immense power and primordial essence, seek to bring destruction and chaos upon the world that had so long been her domain?


The answer that unfolded from the lips of the Primordial Goddess reverberated through the very fabric of reality, carrying with it the echoes of a lifetime of devotion and sacrifice. "I have nurtured a countless number of lives," she began, her voice carrying the weight of millennia of existence. "So many living beings have loved me and have looked upon me as a source of hope and salvation in a world plagued by uncertainty and darkness." Her words held a sorrowful resonance, a lament for the children she had watched over with tender care, only to see them stray from her embrace.


"My children," she spoke, her voice tinged with both love and longing, "have used me like a ladder, a means to ascend to heights beyond their reach, to traverse distances so vast that I, in all my infinite power, could not follow." The realisation dawned upon Fujimaru that Tiamat's actions, however destructive they may seem, were rooted not in malice but in a deep-seated desire for connection and eternal companionship. The Primordial Goddess yearned to bestow upon her children a love that would transcend the boundaries of time and space, a love that would bind them together for all eternity.


As the essence of the primordial goddess began to fade, a sense of profound loss swept over Fujimaru, a realisation that the forces at play in the universe were far more complex than he could ever have imagined. In that fleeting moment, as Tiamat's presence waned and the echoes of her words lingered in the air, Fujimaru understood that the line between love and destruction, between creation and annihilation, was a thin and fragile one, a line that those who wielded great power, such as the Primordial Goddess herself, walked upon with trepidation and sorrow. And as he watched the essence of Tiamat slip away into the void, he carried with him a newfound understanding of the intricate dance of existence, a dance in which even the most powerful beings were but players in a cosmic tapestry woven from threads of love and longing, of loss and redemption.


At that pivotal moment in the battle, the reality sphere was violently shattered, the shards of its demise reflecting the determination shining in the valiant hero Fujimaru's eyes. Standing before the legendary King Gilgamesh, Fujimaru knew the crucial juncture had arrived—it was time for the king to unleash the full extent of his power, the ultimate attack that would shatter the formidable body of Tiamat once and for all. Though the essence of Tiamat had started to fade, the lingering remnants of her physical form pulsated with latent powers, a daunting reminder of the threat she still posed. Feeling the weight of that urgent moment pressing down upon him, King Gilgamesh invoked the timeless magic of his sword of rupture, the ancient blade quivering with otherworldly energy as he began the intricate incantation that would seal Tiamat's fate. With resolute determination etched on his face, he intoned the primordial words that echoed through the battlefield, the very fabric of reality seemingly trembling at the potency of his declaration: "I will recount the tale of genesis, where heaven and earth first parted ways, where emptiness embraced the dawn of creation. Behold my sword of rupture, the mighty cleaver that rends worlds asunder. O harbinger of destinies, the heavens themselves tremble at the threshold of creation's grand genesis. Perish in silence... Enuma Elish" In a cataclysmic eruption of crimson light, a devastating torrent of destruction surged forth from the blade, a maelstrom of power that crashed into Tiamat with unstoppable force, obliterating her once-mighty form into nothingness.


As the chaos settled down and the dust began to clear, Merlin the mage, with his unparalleled mastery of magecraft, skillfully guided Fujimaru, Mash, and Ishtar on their ascent to the world above ground. The descent of the ruler of the underworld, Ereshkigal, had left the underworld in a state of disarray, its very foundations trembling as it threatened to crumble around them.


The next dawn brought with it a new encounter for Mash and Fujimaru, as they found themselves warmly greeted by the radiant Goddess Quetzalcoatl and the formidable Jaguar warrior. Side by side, they embarked on a leisurely stroll, the warm sun casting a gentle glow over their surroundings. It was during this tranquil walk that the Goddess Quetzalcoatl, with a serene smile gracing her features, revealed to Fujimaru and Mash that the time had come for her and the Jaguar warrior to bid farewell and return to their own world.


With bittersweet expressions, the goddess and the warrior gradually began to fade from view, their forms slowly dissolving into the ether as they bid an emotional farewell to Fujimaru and Mash. The air was tinged with a sense of parting as the ephemeral figures of Quetzalcoatl and Jaguar Warrior slipped away, leaving behind memories of their brief but impactful time together.


Fujimaru and Mash, with a sense of urgency in their hearts, made the unanimous decision to journey to the ancient city of Uruk. They knew they had to reach it before the professor could successfully activate the teleportation device and send them back to their original timeline. As they traversed through the desolate ruins of what was once a vibrant metropolis, they were greeted by two extraordinary beings—the Goddess Ishtar and the enigmatic Merlin, the mage of flowers.


Taking a moment to catch their breath, the group engaged in a deep discussion. Fujimaru, the inquisitive soul that he was, could not resist inquiring about the whereabouts of another deity, the Goddess Ereshkigal. Ishtar, with a serene smile on her lips, assured them that Ereshkigal was safe and well, offering words of gratitude for their concern.


With a twinkle in her eyes, Ishtar revealed her intentions to stay in the era, the age of gods. Meanwhile, Merlin, with a hint of melancholy in his voice, informed them of his return to the mystical realm of Avalon. There, he would dutifully watch over humanity until the end of days, a task he embraced with a solemn sense of duty and purpose.


As the party prepared to leave, Merlin the mage approached Fujimaru with a reassuring promise to watch over him from Avalon. His words carried a sense of mystical protection that calmed Fujimaru's soul. With a gentle smile, the party bid their farewells, their hearts touched by the mage's ethereal presence. As Merlin vanished into the wind, a trail of delicate blooms seemed to follow his departure, a symbol of his magical essence. 


Their path towards King Gilgamesh Palace was met with a warm welcome. His words to Fujimaru resonated with a sense of legacy and continuation, indicating that the tales of their adventures would endure beyond their time in Uruk. Just as the weight of their imminent departure settled upon them, a message came through from the professor, signalling that the preparations for their teleportation were complete. The anticipation filled the air as Fujimaru's team braced themselves for their journey home. 


In a moment of solemn exchange, King Gilgamesh presented Fujimaru with the Holy Grail, a token of their shared triumph in retrieving it from Tiamat's clutches. The gravity of the gift was palpable, a tangible reminder of the bond forged through their trials and victories. With a mixture of joy and nostalgia, they offered their final goodbyes, gratitude shining brightly in their eyes. As the teleportation device hummed to life, a sense of exhilaration tinged with bittersweet farewell enveloped them. With a collective smile, they embraced the unknown that lay ahead, trusting in the magic of their bond as they embarked on a journey through time and space, their hearts set on returning to their original timeline.


The renowned professor, Romani Archaman, along with the brilliant Leonardo DaVinci, graciously welcomed them back with genuine smiles that lit up the room. Following three days of much-needed respite, Fujimaru and Mash found themselves called upon by the professor once again. Upon their gathering, the professor imparted news that a new singularity had been detected and they required immediate readiness to depart for the ancient city of Camelot. Anticipation and tension filled the air as the heroes mentally prepared themselves for the enigmatic challenges awaiting them in this unfamiliar era. Each of them understood the gravity of the situation and the weight of the responsibility that fell upon their shoulders as they braced for the impending journey into the unknown, steeling themselves for whatever trials lay ahead in the mystical land of Camelot.


 The saga continues...