
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Doomsday 1

The party initiated their strategic retreat towards the great city of Uruk. The powerful and benevolent Goddess Quetzalcoatl imparted a grave warning to Fujimaru and their steadfast companions. She solemnly declared, "Even with Ishtar authority or any other powers remaining in Mesopotamia, we can't so much as leave a scratch on Tiamat." This ominous revelation weighed heavily on their minds as they made their way back to the safety of the city's protective walls.


Upon their arrival in Uruk, within the majestic confines of King Gilgamesh's opulent Palace, a messenger rushed in with disturbing news, stating, "Your majesty, the entire expanse of Laaga City had been engulfed by a malevolent tide of viscous mud, and the relentless sludge is inexorably inching its way towards Uruk's very gates." In response to this imminent threat, King Gilgamesh issued a decisive order to hastily bolster the city's defences by raising the formidable barriers, a crucial measure aimed at safeguarding the lives and livelihoods of his loyal subjects.


In a tense and harrowing turn of events, the primordial mud, embodying the wrath of a forgotten time, surged menacingly towards the sacred city of Uruk. The malevolent force of nature, driven by an ancient vendetta, threatened to lay waste to all in its path. However, as the mud thundered towards the city with unspeakable fury, it was rudely and abruptly halted in its tracks by the formidable protective barrier wielded by the indomitable King Gilgamesh. The city of Uruk stood on the brink of an unfathomable calamity.


While Fujimaru and his companions finally arrived at Uruk, their hearts heavy with the weight of the chaos that was unfolding before them. As they made their way directly to the King's Palace, the scene that greeted them was one of devastation and despair. King Gilgamesh, with a sombre expression, informed the group that only 500 humans remained standing after the Lahmu invasion, a stark reminder of the destruction wrought upon their once prosperous land.


Grief and guilt weighed heavily on Fujimaru as he blamed himself for not being able to protect the era from such catastrophic devastation. It was a moment of deep despair, where the reality of their dwindling numbers hit hard. However, amidst the despair, a glimmer of hope shone through as they realised that as long as their culture endured, others would rise to follow in their footsteps. It was a bittersweet realisation that fueled their determination to come up with a strategic plan to combat the impending crisis.


The wise professor, Romani Archaman, brought forth a crucial piece of information that shed new light on their situation. He revealed to King Gilgamesh and Fujimaru that the primordial goddess Tiamat was a being without the concept of death, and mortality held no sway over her. This revelation opened up a new realm of possibilities and challenges as they grappled with the implications of facing an immortal entity in the land of the living.


At that crucial moment, with a sense of urgency hanging heavy in the air, King Gilgamesh found himself turning to the formidable Goddess Jaguar warrior for guidance. His voice laced with worry, he inquired about the impending arrival of the primordial goddess Tiamat in the ancient city of Uruk. The Goddess, her expression tinged with sorrow, met his gaze and solemnly revealed that in a mere span of two days, the powerful entity would loom over the sacred city's walls.


Upon hearing this unsettling news, King Gilgamesh rallied his people, acknowledging the grim reality that awaited them. With a steely resolve in his voice, he emphasised the importance of unity and readiness as they braced themselves for the imminent confrontation with the primordial threat. The king somberly informed his subjects that the protective barriers shielding Uruk from the encroaching primordial Mud had been compromised, leaving them vulnerable in the face of impending danger.


As tension mounted and the weight of their impending struggle bore down upon them, a sudden and unexpected communication from the enigmatic goddess Ereshkigal reached King Gilgamesh. Her voice, echoing from the depths of the underworld, posed a cryptic question to the beleaguered ruler, stating, "Why are there thousands of souls flooding into the underworld at the same time?" She inquired. 


The valiant ruler of Uruk stood resolute in the face of impending doom as he confronted the goddess Ereshkigal with grave news. Tiamat, the formidable primordial force, was marching towards their beloved city, harbouring malevolent intentions to wreak havoc upon its citizens and soldiers. The souls that had descended to the Underworld were none other than the cherished denizens of Uruk, adding a layer of urgency to the looming threat.


In a moment of dire need, a spark of inspiration ignited within Fujimaru and King Gilgamesh, leading to the inception of a bold strategy. Recognising that Tiamat's overwhelming power might prove insurmountable in the realm of the living, they devised a daring plan to turn the tide in their favor. The notion of banishing Tiamat to the desolate confines of the Underworld emerged as a glimmer of hope amidst the encroaching darkness, offering a ray of light in a desperate hour.




King Gilgamesh braced himself for the unfolding mysteries that lay ahead, knowing that the impending clash with the primordial forces would shape the fate of Uruk and all who dwelled within its ancient walls. Fujimaru, with unwavering determination, approached the formidable Goddess Ereshkigal, unveiling the intricacies of their audacious plan to thwart Tiamat's destructive crusade. By entrusting the task of sending Tiamat to the haunting depths of the Underworld, they sought to confront the primordial threat on a battleground devoid of vitality, where her unfathomable might could potentially be subdued. Thus, amidst the throes of uncertainty and imminent danger, the alliance between Fujimaru, King Gilgamesh, and the divine forces of Ereshkigal stood as a beacon of hope in the face of annihilation, their resolve unyielding in the quest to safeguard the fate of Uruk and its imperilled inhabitants.


The king commanded, "Ereshkigal Goddess of Kur, as the king of Uruk, I command you. Open the gate of the underworld across all of Uruk and bind the beast of disaster that called its Tiamat down in the depths of the earth. That will be your penance for wreaking havoc with the Three Goddesses alliance. Consider this your atonement."



Upon receiving the order from King Gilgamesh, Ereshkigal acknowledged the command and expressed that she required three days to execute the task in its entirety. With a sense of urgency looming over them, Fujimaru informed the group about the critical need to impede the primordial goddess's progress, emphasising the significance of granting Ereshkigal the essential time frame to successfully unlock the gate to the underworld below Uruk. Aware of the immense responsibility bestowed upon them, the group strategized and coordinated their efforts to thwart the advances of the powerful deity, understanding that their actions would directly impact the pivotal outcome of Ereshkigal's mission.


The King, feeling a deep sense of responsibility resting on his shoulders, made a decisive declaration to the weary group that they must halt for the night to gather their strength. With a firm resolve in his voice, he asserted that by daybreak, a strategic plan to confront the formidable Tiamat would be meticulously devised. Observing the fatigue etched on the faces of Fujimaru and his dedicated companions, the King directed them to retire to the solace of their designated quarters for a much-needed respite. 


Meanwhile, King Gilgamesh, bearing the weight of his kingly duties with unwavering dignity, began a solitary ascent towards the pinnacle of the grand palace. It was during this solemn journey that he encountered Kingu, a once formidable figure now reduced to faltering despair in the absence of the protective Grail. Witnessing the gradual disintegration of Kingu, a sombre plea resonated in the air as the fallen figure implored King Gilgamesh not to bear witness to his diminishing state. 


Moved by a sense of empathy for the fallen warrior and perhaps an echo of Enkidu's memory, King Gilgamesh, with a noble gesture of compassion, summoned forth his sacred holy Grail. With a solemn grace, he bestowed this vessel of magical energy upon Kingu, offering him a chance at rekindling his lost strength and reclaiming his former power.


At that pivotal moment of vulnerability, Kingu found himself overcome with emotion as he beseeched King Gilgamesh, questioning the reasoning behind the king's decision to rescue him. Tears welling in his eyes, Kingu emphasised that he was not Enkidu, the king's cherished companion. In response, King Gilgamesh, with unwavering resolve, assured Kingu that he deemed him deserving of his protection, regardless of their different relationship than that shared with Enkidu.


As King Gilgamesh prepared to depart, his departing words carried a profound message, stating, "No matter who your mother is or how you were born, follow your own desires just like we used to, him and me." The weight of the king's advice lingered in the air as the following morning arrived, marking the gathering of Fujimaru and the companions within the grand halls of King Gilgamesh's royal palace. A sense of urgency filled the room as the group mulled over strategies to combat the imminent threat posed by the primordial goddess.


The wise counsel of the professor, Romani Archaman, resonated within the group, shedding light on the goddess's utilisation of the enigmatic Black Mud as a means of movement. Understanding the key to halting the goddess's relentless progress lay in eliminating the source of her power, the group united in purpose, ready to confront this formidable foe.


While they gathered to deliberate on their next course of action, the powerful Goddess Quetzalcoatl revealed to Fujimaru and the esteemed King Gilgamesh her daring plan to utilise the formidable energy of her sunstone to obliterate the sinister black Mud, thereby halting the monstrous Tiamat in her tracks. However, in order to reach their destination and execute this crucial plan, they realised they would first have to navigate through the treacherous inhabitants of Lahmu creatures, engaging in fierce battles along the way, all while Fujimaru would need to contribute his own reserve of magical energy to empower the Goddess. 



Undeterred by the perilous nature of their mission, Fujimaru expressed his unwavering resolve to King Gilgamesh, affirming his readiness to embrace the risks involved in confronting Tiamat and restoring peace to their beleaguered world. With the strategy firmly established and each member of the group fully committed to their roles, they made meticulous preparations to embark once more on their daunting quest, bracing themselves for the perils that awaited them on their path to victory.


Fujimaru, renowned for his courageous spirit, leads his loyal companions on a direct path towards the primordial goddess, Tiamat. Together, they rode upon the magnificent wing beasts of Quetzalcoatl, their resolve unwavering despite the looming presence of danger. Suddenly, Quetzalcoatl, the vigilant deity, takes notice of the menacing swarm of flying Lahmu encircling the formidable goddess, Tiamat. In a swift response to the imminent threat, the Goddess Ishtar, with strategic precision, launches a relentless assault aimed at disrupting the Lahmu ranks and creating an opening for Quetzalcoatl to strike.


As chaos unfurls around them, Mash and Fujimaru find themselves ambushed by none other than the indomitable duplicates of Ushiwakamaru. The swift and deadly blades of Ushiwakamaru's sword were poised for the attack, threatening to overwhelm the valiant heroes. Just as the clash seems inevitable, a figure emerges from the shadows of the wilderness, a figure known to be Benkei—once tormented by the grief of losing Ushiwakamaru. Benkei, with a newfound resolve, rushes to the aid of Fujimaru and Mash. Standing firm against the onslaught of Ushiwakamaru's duplicates, he declares, "My lord has committed many crimes. I accept responsibility for her actions." In response, Ushiwakamaru replied, "Now you decided to show up, Benkei, now leave," she demanded. With unwavering determination, the warrior replied, "To think that you harbour so much anger that you rage like a storm, I can't bear seeing you this way."



With unwavering determination, Benkei readied himself to confront his former esteemed companion, a warrior whom he had once held in high regard, now engaged in a fierce battle of wills and strength. Despite the lingering memories of their shared past and the admiration he once harboured for his friend, Benkei steeled himself for the inevitable clash, fully aware of the grim reality that now lay before them as foes on opposing sides of the battlefield.


In the heat of battle, the convergence of fates intertwines as each member of the valiant party fights with unwavering determination. Their alliance strengthened with each challenging moment they faced. With their collective strength and unwavering bond, they brace themselves for the trials ahead, ready to face whatever challenges may come their way on their treacherous journey towards victory.