
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Despair and hope

Kingu's heart pounded with anticipation as he made the final preparations to unleash his ultimate attack upon the ancient primordial goddess, Tiamat. Standing resolutely before her, he spoke with a voice filled with the echoes of destiny, declaring, "This body remembers what he was put in this world to do. Kingu, child of Tiamat, shall reveal to you the power of the chains of the heavens." The very atmosphere seemed to shudder with the weight of his words, heralding the imminent display of cosmic power.


In that pivotal moment, the tranquilly of the heavens was shattered as a monumental event unfolded. From the ethereal realm above, a spectacular sight greeted all who beheld it—massive golden chains cascaded down, connecting the divine with the earthly. Kingu, firmly resolved in his mission, allowed himself to merge seamlessly with these heavenly shackles, a profound metamorphosis signifying his alignment with the celestial forces. With a solemn vow, he declared, "I shall awaken the dormant essence of the stars."


As Kingu's consciousness intertwined with the timeless energy of the chains, a flood of memories surged through his being, weaving a tapestry of interwoven destinies. Within this vivid cascade of recollections, the essence of Enkidu, a figure of legends past, stirred and resonated within Kingu's very soul. Empowered by this convergence of fates, the divine chains descended with purpose, enacting a grand design that sealed Tiamat's fate. In a breathtaking display of supremacy, the celestial shackles bound the primal goddess, effectively immobilising her and tethering her essence to the sacred city of Uruk. 


As the dust began to settle down within the ancient city walls of Uruk, King Gilgamesh, with an air of solemnity, turned to Fujimaru, and with a commanding yet sombre voice, instructed him to direct their gaze towards the celestial being now bound by the unyielding chains of the heavens. Fujimaru and Mash stood in awe, their eyes wide with astonishment as they beheld the extraordinary spectacle unfolding before their very eyes. The king, with a mix of sadness and resolve in his voice, revealed to Fujimaru that the chains that constrained the primordial goddess were but a temporary measure, though to the goddess herself, each passing moment felt like an eternity of captivity. He went on to explain how even the supernatural strength of a God of creation succumbed to the overpowering force of the heavenly restraints. In a pivotal moment, the Goddess Ereshkigal made contact with Fujimaru, her voice resonating with an eerie calmness as she conveyed that she had successfully completed the task of opening the Gate to the underworld beneath Uruk, leaving only the simple yet crucial instruction to begin excavating a hole directly below them to facilitate their descent.


Fujimaru, leader of the heroic team tasked with saving humanity, issues a powerful command to the formidable Goddess Ishtar, calling upon her to unleash the full force of her attack towards the terrifying primordial Goddess who threatened the very existence of the world. In a stirring display of divine power, Ishtar readies herself to unleash the devastating attack, her form radiating with otherworldly energy as she intones the ancient words that will bring about the goddess's downfall. With a sense of urgency hanging in the air, she chants the incantation, "Gate Open. From the great heavens towards the great earth, the future is going to take care of itself. smash it down, bow of the heavens," as a surge of celestial energy gathers around her, building towards a climactic moment of reckoning. The ethereal energy coalesces into a dazzling beam that streaks towards the malevolent Tiamat, sending a shockwave of power hurtling towards the primordial deity. Sensing the impending clash of forces, the wise professor issues a grave warning to Fujimaru and the steadfast Mash, urging them to steel themselves for the inevitable impact that is sure to follow.



As the primordial goddess's ferocious attack left King Gilgamesh severely weakened, his once vibrant essence gradually dimmed. Despite the excruciating pain from his injuries and the loss of precious blood, a faint smile persisted on the king's lips as he felt his strength waning. With each reverberation of Ishtar's powerful strikes echoing through the ground, a sense of inevitable defeat washed over Gilgamesh, and he made his final descent into the unyielding primordial Mud, bidding a bittersweet farewell to Fujimaru and Mash. They prepared themselves to embark on their own perilous quest below. As they traversed the treacherous path leading to the realm of the underworld, a glimmer of hope ignited within their hearts. The reunion with Ereshkigal heralded a pivotal moment in their journey, as the benevolent Goddess extended her divine grace to Fujimaru and Mash, granting them a rare and ethereal existence in the Underworld through her unparalleled authority.


Standing in the presence of the all-powerful goddess, Fujimaru felt a profound sense of gratitude and reverence, knowing that their continued existence in the realm of shadows was made possible by Ereshkigal's benevolence. They were overwhelmed with gratitude towards the goddess, Ereshkigal, for her boundless generosity that knew no bounds. Their hearts swelled with thankfulness as they acknowledged the benevolence of this divine being. In that moment, a sense of awe enveloped them, for they witnessed the wondrous power that Ereshkigal possessed. The Goddess instructed Fujimaru to fix his gaze upon the once-mighty primordial goddess, Tiamat, who now found herself ensnared and tormented by bolts of lightning hurled by the underworld's defence mechanism. It was a sight that struck both fear and wonder into their hearts as they beheld the spectacle before them.


As they stood in the presence of Ereshkigal, the group found themselves captivated by the scene unfolding before them. The goddess's words resonated deeply within their souls as she revealed the reason behind Tiamat's plight. She elucidated, stating, "When the living comes to the underworld without my permission, its defence mechanism activates. This law was laid down universally in the world of Uruk; not even Tiamat is an exception to it." Ereshkigal's explanation shed light on the intricate workings of the underworld, leaving Fujimaru and Mash in a state of profound contemplation. The goddess's words carried a weight of truth that reverberated through the depths of their beings.


The Goddess Ereshkigal, her voice filled with determination and power, turned towards Fujimaru to convey her resolute decision to finally deal with the primordial Goddess, Tiamat. With an authoritative tone, she began her incantations, to aid her in executing her divine judgement proudly declaring, "Hear me, gallu spirits," she intoned, the very air crackling with the weight of her invocation, "the spirits of rotten flesh and death... make her feel the wrath of the iron hammer of kul." In response to her potent words, a colossal crimson lightning bolt descended from above, striking Tiamat with unrelenting force.


Undeterred by the ongoing assault, Ereshkigal continued to unleash a relentless barrage of attacks upon the primordial goddess, her resolve unyielding in the face of Tiamat's defensive maneuvers. Seeing Tiamat shrouding herself in protective mud, the professor urgently urged Fujimaru to take action before the corruptive influence took over the underworld. Time was of the essence as the primal essence of Tiamat threatened to seep into the very fabric of the underworld, endangering its delicate balance and harmony. The group was utterly astonished by the surprising turn of events unravelling before their eyes. The renowned professor, with a tone of urgency in his voice, disclosed to Fujimaru and his companions the alarming news that Tiamat's spirit origin was regressing back to the prehistoric Jurassic age. Additionally, he emphasised the rapid and astonishing healing process of the grievous wound she had sustained during her descent to the Underworld.


As the professor continued to elucidate, he described how Tiamat was undergoing a profound transformation into a dragon form. This revelation left the group in a state of profound shock and disbelief as they struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what was unfolding in front of them. Suddenly, with a thunderous roar that reverberated through the depths of the Underworld, Tiamat completed her metamorphosis into the majestic dragon form. Her piercing scream echoed ominously, sending shivers down the spines of everyone present, a tangible manifestation of the immense power she now possessed.


The professor delivered an urgent message to Fujimaru and Mash, emphasising the critical nature of the situation. He conveyed his belief that the Goddess Tiamat, in a rare twist of fate, was now possibly in a state of vulnerability, imbuing the team with a renewed sense of hope and determination. However, as he shared this crucial insight, a sudden and ominous development unfolded before their eyes—the primordial goddess, Tiamat, unleashed a torrent of dark, viscous mud in their direction, a menacing display of her power. Yet, in a miraculous turn of events, before the murky substance could reach its intended target, a wondrous transformation took place as the mud blossomed into a myriad of vibrant, ethereal flowers, a breathtaking sight that left the group awestruck.


Their eyes widened in wonder and disbelief, a kaleidoscope of emotions playing out in their expressions as they tried to comprehend the beauty of the unexpected spectacle. And then, a figure materialised amidst the blooming flowers, radiating an aura of enchantment and power—it was Merlin, the legendary mage of flowers. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, stating, "I look like I am on time, my highly original plan," a sense of hope washed over the party as the welcome Merlin. In a moment of profound connection, Merlin shared a rare glimpse into his heart, expressing his distaste for sombre, parting moments, and his defiance against the constraints of fate and rules. With a wave of his hand and a gentle incantation, the mage of flowers wove his magic once more, transforming the lingering traces of mud into a breathtaking carpet of blossoms, a living testament to the power of his craft.



Merlin revealed that he had chosen to reveal his true form and grace them with his presence, having arrived from the mystical realm of Avalon to join their cause. The professor, his voice tinged with urgency, warned Fujimaru of the next impending threat—the deployment of Tiamat's formidable wings, a chilling reminder of the Goddess's vast power and relentless determination. 


The mage explained to Fujimaru and Mash, while gazing at the primordial goddess, "History repented her sadness in grief, conveniently abandoned, and from that act, the eco system grew, a tented joy becoming the mother of all once again. This being her true nature, it is clear what her class is—the Goddess of Creation is a fictional title. This is the great catastrophe most denied by human history, left behind by humans, one of the seven evils of humanity, the beast embracing the natural law of aggression, Beast 2." At that moment, the professor told them that should Tiamat ascend once more to the surface realm, she would be imbued with an invincibility that defied mortal comprehension, an immortal spectre that would defy the very laws of life and death. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, a chilling premonition of the cataclysmic consequences that awaited should the dreaded beast of legend reclaim her dominion over the world above. 


The mage of flowers, Merlin, gazed upon the assembled group with a solemn expression, his words carrying weight as he spoke. "Fujimaru, Mash, the journey that you have both embarked upon in this singularity is unlike any other. The beast that stands before you now is the fiercest adversary you have encountered so far. Two goddesses trying to ground her, a pit fall into the underworld with Uruk as bait. The chains of the heavens binding her, the punishment of the underworld, and my flowers, beautiful if no else. All of us have attempted every tactic under the sun to even reach this place; it's still not enough. She knows no fear and has no natural enemies; she's never meant the one known as death. It wasn't king Gilgamesh nor the mage king Holy Grail; the one that called him forth was none other than you, Ritsuka Fujimaru. The evil of humanity is a beast; you see, the conditions have been set for him to appear in this land, a weapon fit to stand against the beast of the counterforces, in other words, a grand-class servant. So Fujimaru, every battle you faced had a purpose."

With a solemn gesture, Merlin brought their attention to the sky above, whispering, "Now look up at the sky, primordial sea; there you will behold the face of your own death." The atmosphere in the underworld was thick with a sense of excitement and curiosity as the group gathered around, eagerly anticipating the appearance of the enigmatic figure that had materialised above them. Each member of the group could feel their heartbeats quicken with nervous energy, their minds racing with questions about the identity and intentions of the mysterious being. The flickering shadows cast by the dim torchlight added an aura of mystery to the scene, heightening the tension in the air. As they waited in breathless silence, the anticipation grew palpable, making the moment feel almost surreal. Every sound and every movement was amplified in the hushed stillness, enhancing the sense of expectancy that enveloped the group.