
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Decisive Battle

The Goddess of the Underworld, Ereshkigal, stood poised, a sense of imminent power swirling around her as she readied herself to unleash her ultimate attack upon Fujimaru, Mash, and King Gilgamesh. Fujimaru's voice cut through the tense anticipation, issuing a decisive command spell to Mash, instructing her, "Now Mash, with a command spell, I am giving you a direct order; take Ereshkigal dignity, her choice, her will." In response, Mash braced herself, channelling her energy for the upcoming battle, matching the intensity of the goddess, who also prepared her devastating assault.


With a resolute expression, the Goddess began to atone for the name of her impending attack, the words resonating with ancient power and ominous purpose, stating, "Nammu... Abzu... Gugalanna!" Suddenly, the air crackled with energy as a massive crimson spear of lightning, charged with the souls of the departed, surged towards her foes. Sensing the looming threat, Mash called forth her inner strength, unleashing a fusion of defence and offence in her ultimate technique. Reciting the incantation, she declared, "World Camelot" In that critical moment, a breathtaking transformation occurred as the legendary city of Camelot materialised, its towering walls shielding Mash and her companions with formidable protection. The city's mystical barrier intercepted the goddess's devastating attack, absorbing its power into the ancient stone and marble. The clash of forces created a dazzling spectacle, a testament to the strength and resolve of those engaged in the fierce confrontation.


The Goddess of the Underworld stood in shock as her powerful attack was absorbed by Mash's defense. In that critical moment, Mash calmly spoke to the Goddess, revealing the deep sense of loyalty and duty that compelled her to protect her allies. "It is my master's wish," Mash declared with unwavering resolve, "and I truly believe it is the right thing to do. This is the pact I have chosen to honor." With a swift motion, the energy that had been taken in by Mash's World Camelot was redirected back towards the Goddess with incredible force. The underworld deity could not withstand the overwhelming power and was swiftly defeated, forcing her to reveal her true form.


As Fujimaru cautiously advanced towards the Goddess Ereshkigal, he felt a sense of trepidation mingled with determination. Without a second thought, he spoke to her, his words laced with a peculiar blend of reverence and inquiry, noting how the goddess harboured a deep affection for humanity, manifesting her affection through frequent visits to him. The goddess herself appeared taken aback by his revelation, her expression reflecting a mix of surprise and contemplation. Sensing the weight of the moment, Fujimaru wasted no time in relaying the recent events to his loyal companion Mash and the rest of his intrepid band, recounting the surreal encounter he had with Ereshkigal while he was asleep.


In an abrupt turn of events, the serene ambiance was shattered by the sudden appearance of a mysterious figure wielding a massive sword, seemingly targeting the very essence of the goddess, Ereshkigal. At that moment, the goddess fell to the ground. Fujimaru's heart skipped a beat as he recognised the enigmatic figure from the bustling streets of Uruk, named Ziusudra. A shiver of uncertainty ran down his spine as he realised the gravity of the situation unfolding before him. As tension ignited in the air, prompting the party to prepare themselves for a possible confrontation, the mysterious intruder intervened with an air of authority, commanding a halt to their impending assault.


With an air of cryptographic wisdom, the stranger silenced the group, his words resonating with a profound sense of insight and purpose. "Be still, wait, and watch. It was not her bound to life that was severed by this sword, rather it was her connection to that ill-fated alliance," his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere like a clarion call, compelling them to pause and observe. His cryptic declaration stirred a whirlwind of confusion and curiosity as the true nature of the unfolding events unravelled before their startled eyes. The Goddess Ereshkigal's consciousness gradually returned amidst the whirlwind of chaos that had transpired. Bewildered and disoriented, she sought to grasp the meaning behind the tumultuous turn of events that had just transpired.


King Gilgamesh stood in awe as he gazed upon the mysterious figure who stood before him. With curiosity burning in his eyes, he mustered the courage to inquire about the stranger's identity. However, to his surprise, the figure shifted his attention towards Fujimaru. As the pieces of the intricate puzzle began to fall into place, the mysterious figure turned towards Fujimaru, acknowledging the invisible threads of destiny that bound them together. With a tone filled with ancient wisdom, he revealed to Fujimaru the profound connection that intertwined their fates, transcending time and space.


Meanwhile, Ereshkigal, the Mistress of the Underworld, was not immune to the enigma that surrounded the figure's actions. Her voice echoed through the cavernous chambers as she questioned him about his motivations for freeing her from the shackles of the three goddess alliance. The stranger's response was cryptic yet laden with purpose, stating, "I have come from the abyss to set invent in motion. I appear here as a friend from another land," the continued "Mistress of the underworld, you are the goddess who loves all humans. Each was fated to die; death was gentle and not a terrible thing when left in your gentle hands. You gave yourself the duty of safeguarding the souls in your care. You cast your loot with the alliance, meaning to safeguard as many souls as you could, protected here under your watchful eyes. All of this you undertook knowing none may comprehend your true motives. Even as you stand alone in the sea of lost souls, still you give shelter to the fallen."

After the mysterious figure informed Ereshkigal that the alliance with the Three Goddesses had been severed, the world seemed to hold its breath as the figure vanished into the swirling winds. Hearing this revelation, Fujimaru turned to the Goddess Ereshkigal with a glimmer of hope, assuring her that there was still time to rescue the beleaguered people of Uruk from their impending fate. In response, Ereshkigal beckoned Fujimaru closer, her eyes filled with a mix of determination and sorrow as she shared her plan to release the trapped souls of Uruk, including that of the king. 


As the party readied themselves to depart the shadowy underworld, a miraculous event unfolded—the soul of King Gilgamesh was seamlessly returned to his physical body in Uruk, causing gasps of amazement and disbelief from all those present, especially the Priestess of Uruk, Citri, who had thought the king lost forever, now witnessing his awakening with a sense of wonder and relief that rippled through the assembled spectators. It was a moment of unexpected joy and reunion, a beacon of hope illuminating the path forward for the land of Uruk and its people.


Fujimaru, Mash, and Ishtar successfully made their way back to the grand city of Uruk after a long and arduous journey. Upon reaching their awaited destination, a sense of relief washed over them as they were warmly welcomed not only by the esteemed Merlin, the powerful mage, but also by the ever-warmhearted Anna, who greeted them with genuine smiles and open arms.


As the day progressed and the weariness of their travels gradually ebbed away, King Gilgamesh called upon Fujimaru and his faithful companions to convene and strategize in preparation for the impending invasion by the formidable Goddess Gorgon. With solemn gravity in his voice, the king entrusted a crucial mission to Fujimaru and his valiant comrades—to penetrate the menacing lair of Gorgon, "the blood fold," and confront the goddess herself in a bold and daring move to thwart her menacing plans.


The pivotal objective outlined by the wise king was clear: to dismantle the source of Gorgon's divine power, the infamous blood fold, in a calculated move that would significantly weaken her invulnerability and pave the way for an audacious strike at the very heart of Gorgon.


King Gilgamesh's command rang out with authority as he instructed the revered Goddess Quetzalcoatl that she was to wield the formidable Giant Axe of Marduk and hurl it towards the blood fold in order to obliterate the ominous threat looming before them. The Goddess, though willing and capable, hesitated as she informed the gathered assembly of the strict rules governing their divine alliance, stating, "The alliance rules still kept me from doing it; members can't directly attack each other. Any goddess who breaks the pact will be completely annihilated."


In that pivotal moment, Merlin, renowned for his arcane wisdom, interjected with a proposal that ignited a spark of hope amidst the cloud of uncertainty. He suggested a daring plan: Quetzalcoatl would launch the Giant Axe towards him and, with his mystical prowess, redirect its trajectory towards the heart of the blood fold, where the malevolent power of Gorgon resided. The intricate plan was set in motion, aiming for the twofold objective of dismantling the blood fold and thwarting the formidable Goddess Gorgon's sinister ambitions. 


The weight of their mission hung heavy in the air as the assembled party braced themselves for the arduous journey that lay ahead. Each member steeled themselves for the challenges that awaited. As they embarked on their perilous journey, Merlin, the wise mage, shared a crucial message with Fujimaru and their companions. In order to retrieve the Grail and safeguard the era from impending collapse, they needed to emerge victorious by defeating the formidable Gorgon. Meanwhile, at the northern fortress where chaos reigned, the soldiers fiercely battled against the relentless onslaught of Demonic Beasts. Leading the defence were the valiant Goddess Quetzalcoatl and the skilled Jaguar Warrior, who courageously stood their ground to hold back the hordes of beasts. Amidst the chaos and turmoil, Fujimaru and Mash, accompanied by the mystical guidance of Merlin and the stalwart support of Anna, readied themselves to undertake a daring mission to infiltrate The Blood Fold, a place shrouded in mystery and danger, where secrets awaited to be uncovered and challenges awaited to be overcome.


As the intense battle unfolded, Kingu arrived at the scene, clashing fiercely with Quetzalcoatl while stating, "Well, I was curious, but it's you, Quetzalcoatl. The fact that you are here means that the three goddesses alliance has been dissolved; how unfortunate." Their conflict echoed with tumultuous energy as they struggled for dominance. Fujimaru and his loyal companions, amidst the chaos, strategically infiltrated the blood fold, determined to turn the tide in their favor. The very earth trembled under the weight of their cosmic clash, each blow reverberating with destructive force.


With each passing moment, Quetzalcoatl's power surged, her divine essence overwhelming the once formidable Kingu. Sensing the shift in power, Quetzalcoatl's winged beast hastened to deliver the legendary Axe of Marduk into the Goddess's outstretched hand. With a mighty heave, Quetzalcoatl hurled the colossal weapon in the direction of the cunning Merlin, who, with unparalleled skill, deftly redirected the axe towards the heart of the blood fold, shattering its malevolent core.


In a moment of realisation, Kingu understood the diversionary tactic employed against him, a ploy to draw him away from the formidable Goddess Gorgon. With steely resolve, Kingu prepared to retreat back to the blood fold, his commitment unwavering as he sought to shield Gorgon from impending danger. The battlefield hummed with tension as the fate of worlds hung in the balance, each decision and action shaping the unfolding drama of gods and mortals locked in a struggle for supremacy.


Back at the blood fold, Fujimaru and his companions press onward towards the pulsing heart of the menacing fold, their determination unwavering despite the daunting challenges that lay ahead. It is here that the enigmatic Goddess Ishtar, on the precipice of revealing a truth shrouded in darkness, stops them in their tracks with a revelation of chilling proportions: the vile Demonic Beasts, which have wrought havoc and despair across the lands, have been created through the desecration of human beings, turning the once innocent into vessels of terror and bloodlust.


The weight of this revelation hangs heavy in the air as they finally reach the boundary of the Gorgon's layer, its atmosphere thick with foreboding and dread. Unfurling from the depths of her primordial sea, the goddess emerges with an aura of ancient power, her eyes ablaze with the knowledge of aeons past, a testament to the vastness of her being and the weight of her existence.


Fujimaru and his loyal companions steel themselves for the impending clash, their hearts resolute and their spirits unyielding in the face of the looming confrontation with the formidable goddess, Gorgon. As they stand on the threshold of battle, the air crackling with tension and anticipation, they knew that victory was far from assured, but their resolve remains steadfast, their bond unbreakable, as they prepare to risk everything in a struggle that will determine the fate of all they hold dear.