
Mage And Wolf

What is a Lycan to do when the world begins to end around her? Exactly as she pleases, turning life after the apocalypse into an adventure to make the world a more fun place. At least for her. When portals open to other worlds, an influx of mana crashes the grid and the monsters and cultivation techniques of fantasy novels become her new reality, she can either embrace change and stand atop the world as a hero or die in obscurity. It had been almost a month since the first portals opened, since mana spiked into the long dormant ley lines of Earth and blew out the majority of the world's power grid. Almost a month since humanity found out they weren't alone in the universe, that in fact they'd never been alone even on their own world. Since the handful of remaining Fae, the vampire and witch covens, the werewolf and Lycan packs had become public knowledge. Knowledge that many were not at all prepared to accept. The leaders of the various supernatural factions had convened and decided that hiding our presence was no longer in our best interests, that it was more important to control public opinions than to continue to exist in anonymity. And that's where our story starts

Aoki_Aku · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
310 Chs

Chapter 302

While the pack is getting to know their new Alpha and Leanne decides if she's going to keep the existing Commanders in their positions or choose new ones, I mind link Beta John and instruct him to bring her mate to the house so we can clean him up. 

Tonight once the moon rises there will be a swearing in ceremony of sorts, where Leanne officially takes over, and her mate needs to be there looking fabulous. It's as much for him as it is for her, celebrating their new ranks. 

Fortunately John understands, sneaking away still carrying the young man and I'm ready with a Rank 4 healing pill, removing all the scars, bruises and injuries for the Omega Lycan the moment they enter the house. Then I lead the pair up to the boy's room and close the door behind us. I presume he's a young man, since the mate bond doesn't activate until at minimum age seventeen, but he doesn't look very old in his human form now that I'm looking closely and all the damage to his skin is removed.