
Mafia women

Manika_demelo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

The beginning

As I'm telling you my story im recalling how naive i was to trust someone under my nose to do something like this . let's go back 7 years .First let's start with introduction, my name is Miraya I'm a mafia boss's daughter. When I was 6 years old my mother died while saving me . Did I mention, my mother was the leader of the clan . From generations it's the women of our house who managed our business by hiding the fact that they are in mafia or they are the one leading it . My dad had a business of technology ( his company made new technology like phones , laptops etc.)which he handed to my mother so that she can run the company and also the mafia business side by side . In simple world's he never wanted my mother to be the leader of the clan beacuse he was scared for her getting hurt by other enemies , so my mother's identity was never disclosed, they all knew her as the director of our company "Go tech. enterprises". She handled both very well . She was like the secret mafia boss like in dramas. "Cliche right" but my father told me that during the formation of our gang my grandmother was betrayed by my grandfather. He sold out the information of the gang to the Mexican mafia just so he can marry the love of his life , the mexican's daughter . My grandmother was pregnant at that time with my mother when she found out that she was betrayed she was heartbroken and in that rage , betrayed she faced she shot my grandfather , yeah she really did it for the clan i guess . But after that she became cold hearted and she handled everything during her pregnancy. I still remember asking my grandmother did she love someone because she never talked about grandfather but she always told me i have to wait for someone true, not to fall for lies in life because it was very difficult , i presumed by her expression . She always had that expression on her , like she wanted that love but never got that . I always find my eyes teary thinking about her expression. So the moral of the story is love doesn't exist or i don't believe in it (exept my parents) . I felt bad for my father because at a very young age my mother was made the gang leader because grandmother wanted her only daughter to handle the group. I always thought that he loved her too much for her to be the dangerous mafia leader which can take her away from him. I remember my father told me he asked her to leave the gang and go away with him but she refused by saying that it was grandmother's work and she didn't want it to go to waste , as it was the last thing my grandma left for her . As I can recall when I was around 5, I heard mother asking grandmother why did she made her the leader rather than my father but I never got to listen the answer. In my opinion i guess grandmother didn't want her daughter to go through the same fate as her . My mother was a great leader as I hear people talking about her . They always say we lost a great leader . i guess she wasn't a fighter after all as ahe left me at a young age. I always think was it because of me that she died, if i died instead of her my dad would be very happy right ? but as I look at my dad now i think he is greatful to my mother for saving me . He always tells me that he is greatful to have a daughter like me in his life . He always told me that I have eyes like my mother which reminded him of her . Now I'm 22 being the careless daughter running from his father because she doesn't want to handle the clan . But who knew this escape would change my life completely.....