
Mafia women

Manika_demelo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

one night stand (part 2)

I was walking fast to reach aiden's office. As was almost about to reach his office I heard a voice really familiar to my dad. Yes he was in his office telling him to find me as soon possible. To not get into his sight i took a u turn and ran as fast as possible as my life depended on it. As I was about to get out of his hotel i felt a hand on my shoulder "IT WAS MY DAD". That dickhead sold me out. "UGH", sometimes i think why do i even like a person like him who always gives in to my dad. I just feel like I'm not my dad's daughter he is! I smiled at him and said " hi dad, it's nice to see you here; now bye i gotta go" he grabbed me by my collar as i was a cat or something. Without thinking i stepped on my dad's feet and as i saw the change i ran. Looking back i remember i gave Aiden the look of disappointment but I knew i was going to kill him when i see him again. Shit what am i supposed to do, i thought to myself. As i was driving i came across my other bestfriend which i forgot to mention, I'm a little forgetful sometimes her name is callopi she is my soultwin, i feel like she was made for me. If i had any intrest in girls i would have definitely dated her because i love her so much. But she doesn't even like me like that she just loves me for who I am and I'm grateful for it. She asked me have i lost my mind, running from a mafia boss isn't easy she said to me. I told her that she knows how I am if i don't want something i just leave it behind and go ahead with life. But at this point how am I supposed to run when my dad was in danger all this time and i didn't even knew a single strand of it.....