
Chapter 103- I’m getting married

Capone's voice was as steady and pleasing as ever, sounding even stronger than the last time they met.

It seemed his injuries had healed considerably; he even had the energy to come all this way to bother her.

A show? What kind of show?

Once Capone was sure she wouldn't scream, he took her hand and led her out through the back door of the small shop. The back exit opened onto a narrow street, leading to an even narrower alleyway.

This area was like that—bustling shopping districts nearby, yet further in, hidden among the quiet alleys, lay the local life. Crisscrossed roads and winding paths created a maze of city streets.

Capone's hand was warm. They weren't interlacing fingers, but his palm touching hers was enough to make her feel dizzy.

"Where exactly are you taking me?" she asked.

"Shh, we're here! Just watch and don't say anything."