
Mafia Vs Billionaire (BL)

Noah Reece is an Asian-American living in a rundown apartment in Chinatown. He is an office worker who has a side business which his colleagues often refer to as Scraps collector. One night he accidently meets with Lucas Trevillion in a slum area where he lives in, which Noah didn't know at that time Lucas was having a mental breakdown. He brought Lucas back to his house, served him cheap food and lent him his tattered clothes which he later regretted after finding out that Lucas was actually the youngest son of the owner of the company where he worked. When Lucas finds out that Noah actually works at the branch company he manages, he starts sticking around Noah. Whether it's visiting his apartment on the weekends or doing everything he could just to get Noah's attention. One day, Lucas has a panic attack during a meeting which Noah also attends. Noah tries his best to calm him down by letting him grab onto his body, hugging him tightly. Afterward, Lucas confesses his love to Noah, in which Noah only reply with, “Would you still want me if I'm telling you I'm an ex-mafia?"

Yeo_ja · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Submission 1

"So we have reached our agreement," said Lucas.

The children nodded their heads in unison.

Four of them were sitting on the floor of Noah's apartment. Lucas sat cross-legged across from the three children. The children were led by Emma as their representative in that meeting.

Emma looked at Lucas intently and told him, "It's a deal. Don't you dare break it or Andrew's gonna break your legs." She threatened.

"Yes. Yes." Lucas answered slightly annoyed.

"Who's breaking who?" Noah suddenly appeared from their back, making them all flinch.

Emma immediately rose up while smiling at Noah. "Nothing, Noah. Are we ready to go?" Emma spoke sweetly toward Noah..

"Yeah. We'll just have to set out. Are you guys ready?" Noah asks.

"Ready !" said Michael excitedly while Andrew raised his fist in the air.

"And you?" Noah asked Lucas dryly. He's still sulking about what happened at the company this week.

"Me too." Lucas got up from the floor.

"Let's Go…" Michael yelled at Andrew then dash out together.

Because it had rained this afternoon, the streets in the selling area were a little wet. The children ran trampling the watery ground happily wearing their boots.

"You take really good care of them. They even have boots to wear when it rains." Lucas said.

"I just raised them the way my parents raised me. That's very common. They have the right to request for what they need."

"Really? That means you have a good parent."

"Why? You didn't have one when you were a kid?" Noah asks.

Lucas laughed amusedly. "If I had one, I wouldn't have the chance to wear one either."

"You want one now? I can buy it for you." Noah chuckles.

"No. Thanks. I'm just happy that these kids have everything they need when they're growing up. Children are supposed to be happy." After saying that, Lucas suddenly stopped. "Noah. Look."

"What?" Noah immediately looked forward.

There are a bunch of men hanging around the stalls of people doing business. From their appearance and the way they spoke, it seemed that they did not come with good intentions.

Noah didn't say anything looking at the group, instead telling Lucas, "Let's go to our section."

They pushed the trolley over there and laid the carpet, started putting things together.

"This one's the broken chair we found last week?" Lucas asked in awe.

"Yeah. I asked our neighbor who is a carpenter to fix it up a bit. Now it looks like a brand new one, doesn't it?" Noah smiled widely.

"Indeed. Didn't know that something broken could be fixed like this, it doesn't even look like it was ever broken in the first place." Lucas saluted the carpenter.

"Either way, if it's in the hands of the right people, anything can be fixed or renewed," said Noah.


"We won't pay you even a cent. We have been doing business around here for a long time. Never heard of anything about profit interest." an old Asian uncle insisted.

"That's why we are telling you, it is from today on that you all have to pay profit interest to us every month." said one of me with a tattoo on his hands.

"I'm not gonna pay." he said it angrily.

"Then you can't do business here." that men smile at him. "Destroy his stall." he commanded his men.


Those men who had just been ordered to carry out their leader's command, suddenly stopped.

Lucas suddenly widened his eyes when he saw Noah was already standing between them before he realized.

"You kids, stay here. Don't go anywhere, understand? I'll help Noah." Lucas rushed over to Noah.

"What's a young master like you doing here?" Their leader made fun of Noah. His men all laughed after hearing it.

"Stop what you are doing right now and leave immediately!" Noah demands.

"You actually have such a pretty face. Do you want to go back with me?" The leader reached out his hand trying to touch Noah's face but Lucas appeared and brushed it off.

The leader's face suddenly darkened. He waved his hand at his men. "Teach him a lesson."

"You dare!" Noah challenges him.

In a split second, one of his men screamed hysterically while lying on the ground, making the rest of the people not dare to come forward.

"What just happened??" The leader panicked.

"I dislocated his arm." stated Noah.

Lucas gaped at the situation. He looked back and forth at Noah and the person lying in pain on the ground.

"How dare you!!" The leader comes after Noah.

Just like his men, he was immediately laid on the ground by Noah with one arm behind his back. Noah tightened his grip.

"If you dare to move, I will break your arm!" Noah threatened him. "Now tell me who sent you here?"

The leader was in pain but remained stubborn. He laughed. "You will regret this! Our boss is this regional owner."

Noah put on a surprised face but suddenly chuckled. He whispered to the leader, "You may not know it, but this area is ruled by the Whitlock Family. As an additional information for you, their subordinates are now prohibited from tattooing."

The leader broke out in cold sweat while listening to Noah. "How do you know?" he asked carefully.

"How?" Noah might have looked like he was grinning, but in fact his face displayed a ruthlessness which was enough to frighten the leader.

Ring Rings !

Lucas' phone suddenly rang at that crucial moment. He took out his phone and rejected it. But soon his phone rang again, so he couldn't help but have to answer that.


Everyone who was observing the incident, including Noah, fell silent, subconsciously waiting for Lucas to finish his conversation on his phone to continue again.

After a while, Lucas yelled at his phone. "Then buried them all." He hastily hung up the call. Lucas put his phone in his pocket, meant to continue but now everyone's eyes were on him. Especially the leader and his men.

"I'm sorry, Sir. We don't want to die. We just want to scare those business owners and get some money. We really don't know you are the ruler of this area. Please, let us go." the leader cried.

Noah releases him. They then ran away from the night market.

But all the people there were still looking at Noah curiously, as if they wanted Noah to explain something.

Noah looked at Lucas. "What was that just now?"

"What?" Lucas was confused.

"Buried them all. What's that supposed to be mean?" Noah asked earnestly.

"Oh that. My goldfish died. My butler asks what they should do with them. So I ask them to bury it."

Noah's eyes suddenly went blank. Meanwhile, the business owners breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Lucas' explanation and then returned to their respective stalls.

"Thank you Noah for helping us. Here, some fried fish skin. Have some with this young man and the kids." said the old uncle.

"It's nothing, Uncle. We are all like family here. You don't have to." said Noah.

Lucas accepted the food as soon as the old uncle offered it. "Thanks old man."

Noah stared at Lucas with big eyes. "You.." Making the old uncle laugh seeing them both.

"Let's go back. I left the kids alone. They must be worry." said Lucas.

"Thanks again, uncle." Noah bowed at him then followed Lucas back to their stall.

"Now you can tell how you do it to that bunch of thugs just now," said Lucas calmly.

Now it was Noah's turn to break out in a cold sweat while being asked by Lucas.