
Mafia King vs Mafia queen

"For the first time in my life, I myself do not know what I want ", said Lucy. Lucy Anderson, the CEO of Coco Styles one of the biggest clothing companies in the country. But behind the mask of a hard working and workaholic CEO, lies the most dangerous mafia queen of the underworld. Extremely capable and cold hearted, she has no emotions, guilt and regret and the worst for her is not death but failure. Will she be able to achieve her life's motive and retain her fiercome mafia queen image or get entangled in a trap with a famed dark CEO who has a big secret from her? "She is my wife. This is my duty and in Adrian Smith's life duty always comes before life ", he said. I am Adrian Smith. With a rather complicated past, I grew up burning in the fire of vengeance. A cold and dangerous CEO, I can scare the living hell out of anyone with my demanuring personality. What will happen when the mafia queen will enter the life of the mafia king? Will they be able to sort their priorities or fall in love. Keep reading 'Mafia king vs Mafia queen' to find more about the love hate relationship between them.

Anshu_Anand_7820 · Adolescente
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38 Chs

The condition

"What?",she asked.

"You will not interfere in my private matters. We will both respect each other's privacy and try to stay away from each other's secrets. There are many things about me that you do not know and I do not intend to tell you. We will try to remain as far as possible from each other's private lives", said he, firmly.

"You really think I want to know how many girlfriends you have, or you many relationships you are in? I want to remind you that I have no whatsoever interest in you, and I am not bothered even if you're having an affair".

"There are many things which cannot pass through your thick skull and abnormally slow brain. There is no woman in this world who has the capability to find a place in my heart".

"You are one arrogant brat", said Lucy," And I will be more than happy with this condition. I really don't appreciate nosy husbands".

"Stop calling me husband ", said he, in a dangerous voice.

"You should have thought about that before marrying me", said Lucy, in the same tone.

Adrian bent towards her and looked at her with a dangerous glare. He looked undoubtedly handsome but even more menacing. He knew that even the bravehearts recoiled under his gaze. But she did not even blink, and stared back into his eyes.

"She is something", he thought, in his mind.

"Stop staring at me like that. I am not going to fall for you", said she, blushing.

"She looks pretty when she blushes", he thought, in his mind.

"You can go and do your precious work, now" said Lucy," I have my own work to do".

"Thank you, no need to remind", said he, angrily. For some reason, he looked very cute while furious.

Lucy looked at him cutely pouting and going towards his laptop. She , suddenly, had a fleeting desire to kiss him back on the lips. She drew towards him, slowly unable to resist.