
Mafia King's precious arrogant wife

" EVEN IF YOU ARE MARRIED TO ANOTHER MAN. EVEN IF YOU GAVE BIRTH TO ANOTHER MAN'S CHILD. I DON'T CARE. EVEN ANYTHING COMES IN BETWEEN OUR LIFE AND DISTURB US. I DON'T CARE. I WILL JUST DESTROY IT WHOEVER MAY BE IT. WHO DESTROY OUR HAPPINESS WILL MEET THE HELL. YOU ARE MEANT TO BE MINE, BABYGIRL. AND I MEANT TO BE YOURS." he roared as he looked at his baby girl whose hands were handcuffed and was locked in the cage. " L-leave me. I j-just don't know who are you." the woman sobbed. "DON'T KNOW WHO AM I. YOU FORGOT OUR TWO YEARS LOVE. YOU MADE ME SEARCH FOR YOU FOR FOUR YEARS LIKE A PSYCHO. YOU STILL DON'T KNOW WHO AM I " he roared as he pushed everything to the ground. He stopped and looked at his baby girl who got scared by his action. He relaxed and bend down and caressed her. " HEREAFTER WE CAN LIVE OUR LIFE TOGETHER. I KILLED EVERYONE WHO PLANNED TO DESTROY OUR HAPPINESS. IT'S JUST YOU AND ME" He spoke as softly as he could. But she avoids him and his touch. Before he lost his temper. He went out of the cage. ______ Alex Walter, A ruthless monster, who is hungry for power. No fear for anyone. Even he is not fear of his own death. He is the king of the underground world. He is a womanizer. But just use them once and throw them out. Suddenly she appeared in front of him, taking his breath, making his metal heart to beat again and filling his heart with warmth. The moment she appeared, making him get trapped in the desire of getting her, made him crave for her and made his mind go mad at the thought of conquering her.

CuteCat0405 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
260 Chs

A buffalo snatched my kiss

I said to my Secretary". don't announce the result of the meeting. understood? "

" ok "

while I was walking towards the elevator. I took my phone to check if it was working again. when the elevator door was about to close. a hand came and stopped it from closing.

I looked up it was Mr. Walter.

I didn't think much and moved aside.

I heard someone saying " you did well."

" Thanks, uncle. "

after saying I can tell his face was in blue and black. I was laughing in my mind.

" am I old?" asked Alex.

I said " no. you are not old " he looked happy but his happiness was broken within a second after he heard my words " but you are a little old "

I again looked down and started to see what wrong with my broken phone.

A hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me. I looked up. The next moment his cold lips brushed my lips. At that moment I don't know what to do. I pushed him but he was so stronger than me. I felt like keeping my gunpoint in his mouth. I didn't allow him to enter my mouth. He bit my lower lips which made me open my mouth. before I could close my mouth. he started to explore my mouth. while he was deepening the kiss. the elevator door opened. I pushed him and ran towards my office. I heard him saying " really am I old or you want to test it again that I am old or not?"

I didn't turn back or give him an acknowledgment.

I sat in front of my desk and started to rub my lips harshly. Disgusting!!! when I was rubbing I heard a knocking sound on my office door. I said, " come in ". I looked towards the doorway it was Mr. Walter.

" what do you want, Mr. Walter?"

" I just want to discuss some more details about the contract "

" ok "

we began to discuss more details about the contract. I asked him" do you like to have any drinks?"


I called my secretary. I turned my face to Mr. Walter " tea or coffee? "

" black coffee "

I suddenly got an idea after hearing his answer.

I again turned my face to Mr. Edmin " a cup of black coffee and a cup of coffee "

when he went out. I took my office phone from the drawer and texted my secretary.


- make the black coffee spicier and hot and get a bowl of cube salts instead of sugar .ok?

after a few minutes...

- yes, ma'am.


you kissed me without my permission. I will make you suffer.

I turned my face when I heard a voice. " are you ok? "

"ya "

we again continued our discussion.


when we heard a knocking sound on the door. I said " come in "

My secretary brought what we asked. he kept the tray on the table. He gave me an eye signal. I just nodded. My Secretary went out. I took my cup and started to drink while discussing. but he didn't take a single sip from the cup. did he found out what I thought? I was so sad that my plan was failed. After a while, he took a cube of sugar ( salt ) from the bowl. He dropped the cube into and cup and swirl the black coffee with the spoon. he took a sip and looked shocked. I was so happy. you deserve it * haha *.

He took another sip and stood up from his seat and came forward. I looked up to meet his face. I was so confused as, why he came forward. he bends down to my level and he kept his face inclined in front of my face without leaving an inch gap. in the next moment, I again felt the same disgusting sensation. what this idiot was thinking about me. I felt something was flowing through my mouth. the taste was spicy and salty as well as hot. I came to know that he gave me the sip of black coffee which he took into his mouth. After he made me taste the black coffee. He moved away from me. I started to cough due to the spiciness. I called Mr. Edmin to get me cold water. After drinking the water. I felt better and the next moment I frowned at him. I saw his face was full of satisfaction with my reaction. buffalo, idiot, shameless bastard. he saw me and smirked and said " do you like your own medicine? "

" you..."

he took the water from me and drank the whole.

I glared at him.

I felt a little bit spicy in my mouth. so I asked for a cup of ice cream from my Secretary.

after a few minutes, my ice cream came. while digging my ice cream. I felt some eyes were on me I looked up and saw Mr. Walter was staring at me.

I asked "Mr. Walter, if you don't have any work here. then you can show off yourself out. "

He didn't say anything but still stared at me. I didn't waste my time on him. so I started to eat. I heard some noise. I looked up and saw Mr. Walter stood up from his seat. Is he going out? well and good but why he coming towards me. I blinked at him. he lower himself and pinched my chin and licked my nose and lips.

I felt disgusted. I pushed him. but he didn't move an inch.

" Are you a dog? "

He placed a soft kiss on my lips and moved away. I took my handkerchief and started to rub...

Again he came towards me and grab my hand. he sealed my lips again.

After he pushed me into a black hole, he left my lips.

he walked back and went towards the door.

" You will soon become mine, baby. "

He continued.

" see you soon, baby ."

I suddenly returned to reality.

" I won't see you again and don't call me baby."

he smirks and went out. I want to say something but I don't want to lose the contract.