
Mafia Goddess

I want a clean fight , parker said Good luck, he said, you'll need it more, I replied . I lingered to punch him but he held me and punched me straight in the nose and I groaned. read to find out the rest.

Roxy_Belle · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 7

As you all know every leader needs a right hand man, which is the strongest fighter so that means Emily's right hand man is also her P.A at the company, Copper said.

Any complaint, Parker asked, No they all answered and Luke smirked.

Emily, Drake asked, Not like I have a choice, I answered.

Get the rod, Copper said, what for, I asked, signature mark, Drake said.

Where's yours, Frank asked and Copper showed us an F on his shoulder.

F, I asked, Frank, Copper said, so he has an E, Frank asked.

Yh, Parker replied, I wanna do it and I wanna do it on his chest, I said.

Don't I have a say in this, Luke asked, not at all little boy, I said.

Can I at least decide who does it for me, he asked, Fine, boys who wants to do it, I asked and they all said No.

Nobody wants to do it, I guess I have to, I said, why does everyone have to be scared of you, he asked.

Cause I'm pretty, you scared little boy, I asked, Not even the slightest, he said.

Don't worry I promise not to make it hurt, a lot, I said with a smirk.

she's doing it, Drake said, you might want to hold on to something strong bro, Frank said and I laughed.

I found a glass of water and I kept the rod in it then kept it in the fire I could here the sound of the water burning and I kept it straight on his chest fast that he couldn't expect it so it burned well.

Betrayal me and you will feel more pain, I said with a glint of wickedness then I smiled at him.

Bipolar alert, Frank said, ooh really, I said walking closer to him, don't get me wrong I can't hurt my little brother but I can punish him.

Emily cut it up, Copper said and I smiled.

oh well