
Mafia Goddess

I want a clean fight , parker said Good luck, he said, you'll need it more, I replied . I lingered to punch him but he held me and punched me straight in the nose and I groaned. read to find out the rest.

Roxy_Belle · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 14

It's been a week and Izzy and Lex have been hanging out.

It's 12 midnight and I saw Lex in the kitchen.

Can't sleep, I asked, Yh, she replied.

I'm sorry, she said, I'm sorry too, I replied and we hugged.

So when did you find out that you were bi, I asked.

When you left I got drunk and I fucked a girl and liked it, to confirm I decided to do it again and I liked it, she said.

You like Izzy, I asked, I like fucking her, she said, Izzy know, I asked.

Yh told her, she said.

You know it's funny how we let a boy come between us, I said.

I know and I'm sorry, she said.

so you got back with your family, Luke asked, Yh, I replied.

You never really told me about yourself, I said, well I'm an orphan, my birth mother dumped me when I was one the image I have of her is kinda blurry don't have a dad, been to different foster homes and orphanage, he said and I gasped.

I'm sorry, I said, no it's okay, he replied.

So why did you join the mafia, I asked.

The imperials killed my last foster parents, I was 18 and they were moving here, I was to join them but I had final exams and all so they left to go prepare the house for me and has they were going they called me then I heard screaming and gunshots, I wanted to go there and help them but I just couldn't, the last thing I heard was I love you for my foster parents and in the news it said the imperials strike again, they killed them, and I couldn't protect them, I hate them, they took everything from me, he said and I hugged h

it's not your fault, I comforted him, then why do I feel like it is, he said, cause our brain messes with us,let me make you feel better, I suggested.

And how do you purpose that, he grinned and I smirked at him then started grinding my hip on him.

That doesn't involve sex, he said, bummer, ice ice cream 🍨 🍦, it makes people feel better, I said.

ok, he said so if your dad was alive would things be different, he asked and I signed.

I wanted to work in the Mafia too, I'm pretty sure if he was here I'll still be a virgin and a lot of guys would have died cause of they touched me, I said and he laughed.

So how did you lose your dad I mean I know the imperials killed him but when, he asked.

It was my six year old birthday we were celebrating and then he received a stupid call and he left and never came back, I said.

Damn I'm feeling horny, then an idea popped up and I poured ice cream on my cleavage using the spoon to spread it and I let out a low moan and I saw Luke staring at me and I know he's getting hard and he walked over to me and licked it off and I let out a moan.

You are one horny girl, he said and I moved my hands to his crotch, he was hard. Fuck, he said and I kissed him and he kissed back.

You want me to take you in my kitchen, he said, I don't mind, I replied stroking him through his pants.

soon we were naked I'm kneeling in front of him with him deep in my throat playing with his balls and sucking him as he moans my name I feel him twitch in my mouth and I increase my pace and he cum all over my mouth and I spat it in the sink and he pulled me to himself.

Entering his dick in me and he starts pumping me in and out as I moan his name and he increases at an ungodly pace the we switched position and I was bouncing on his dick.

Tell me what you want, he said, faster and harder, I moaned.

You won't be able to walk when I'm done with you, he said and I moan then he hit the spot and I moaned louder then he got the message and kept up his pace and I moaned louder.

I'm gonna Cum, I said, hold it baby, he said.

then he began thrusting faster then his thrust got sloppy then we came together me screaming his name and him screaming mine.