
Mafia Goddess

I want a clean fight , parker said Good luck, he said, you'll need it more, I replied . I lingered to punch him but he held me and punched me straight in the nose and I groaned. read to find out the rest.

Roxy_Belle · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 10

So did you fuck him, I asked, Yh, she replied, you, she asked, Yh, I replied, so like we were whispering at the table.

Was he big, she asked, Yh, really big, I said.

So the men's clothing is out and opening tomorrow and I want you to post it on your page so people can come and you have to be there, she said.

Ok, I said and she screamed.

What now, Drake said, I have told you many times no screaming in the house, Copper said.

Ok so I need you all to bring. out your phone and tweet about it on your page about my boys line opening tomorrow, Lex said.

Whatever, Liam said, Now, I said and they all brought out their phones and started tweeting.

Thanks, she said and I nodded

Frank and Liam you are gonna test some clothes and model for me, she said.

No, Frank said, I'll pay you, she said

Deal, he said

So how was it, mom asked, fine until Em stole my shot, Lex said.

I didn't steal your shot he liked me better, I defended.

What's wrong, Lilly asked

So like this hot guy walked in the store and I called dibs then we talked and gave me his number then Lex demanded to fuck him because it's her shop and I say it's not fair now she's angry with me, I said showing them his pic.

He is hot, my mum said exactly, Lex said let's vote who get to have him, I said.

we have a draw, but it's only fair I have him first, I said just have a threesome, Noah said gross, I said like you haven't done it before, she said.

I haven't done it to my best friend and I'm not looking forward to it, I said.

okay I'm sorry now you know bitch, she said which made me angry but let's be honest they always like me better cause I fuck well, I said.

oh tell me when, she asked well your ex boyfriend everybody knows he liked me and after the day you broke up it came to fuck me, I said and I heard gasps but I'm to angry to even care

you schemming little bitch, she said, and after that I killed him, I said and I heard another gasp.

you monster, she said punching me oh you don't want to start what you can finish, I said

What you going to kill me to, you're such a whore, she said and I punched out without question and we started fighting as our parents screamed for us to stop but I'm not even having with.

Stop, my mum screamed then Copper hanked me off his daughter and hugged her Parker and Drake held me back.

typical, I scoffed.

Look at you fighting over a boy that's messed up Em,I raised you better than this, my mum said pretty disappointed in me I hate when they look at me like I'm a disappointment

she started it she was the one who called me whore, I defended

Cause you slept with my boyfriend and killed him, Lex said and I tried to punch again but Parker and Drake held me back.

why did you sleep with her boyfriend, my mum asked

first he wasn't her boyfriend secondly it took advantage of me technically then broke rule 5 and I killed him.

you are a monster, Lex screamed

okay somebody shut her up, i said

I mean how did he even lead to this, Frank asked

cause Lex don't want to accept the fact that Mr hottie, wants to fuck me not her, I said

no he doesn't, she said

Em just Apologize, Lily said.

why should I everyone is clearly defending her I mean she was the one who started this in the first place, I said.

cause you're a monster a whore Lex screamed.

okay that's it I will show you how much of a whore I can be, I said as I release myself from them and walked towards her as copper stood in front of her and Lex cleaned her injuries and I walked past him.

Be careful what you wish for bestie, I said as I walked back and my mum tried to call me but I escaped from her grip

you are bleeding let me help you, my mum said

oh now you care, I said with so much rage,hurt and pain and anger

of course I do, she said.

why doesn't everyone just stick to Lex and leave me alone I mean she never does anything wrong and I'm a monster I won't want to hurt you all, I mimicked

Em, Parker tried to talk but I cut him off

No I'm leaving this shit hole anyways so stick to your only daughter left cause I'm out of here, I said.

Emily, Frank said standing in front of me and I hugged him

I'll miss you little bro, I said pecking his head

Gross 🤢🤢 he said and I chuckled

bye everyone, I said and I looked at my mum one last time she look like she was about to break down but I don't care and I left my favourite car.