
Maelstrom Of The Marvel Universe

After an accident that sends Naruto flying through dimensions into a new world, he gets found by a billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and alcoholic. With his help, Naruto makes a new life for himself. Guess that portal wasn't that bad, it also gave him some new powers. He'll need them because fate has a lot in store. Story written by choejhulk9 who is a great author with several great stories that you should check it out. Unfortunately this story was abandoned but maybe I can adopt it and continue his legacy? Stick around to find out

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime e quadrinhos
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Time to get to Work

Hey guys, here is the third chapter of Maelstrom of the Marvel Universe. Naruto continues to work with Tony on his project to help right the wrongs that have been done and to make the world a better place. Enjoy!

August 29th, 2010

After the blow out from the press conference where Tony shut down the weapon production of Stark's Industries. Obadiah worked overtime to mediate the damage and public backlash from Tony's announcement. Right now, Tony and Naruto were at Tony's house working on something in the basement while Pepper was upstairs, working on some paperwork and watching a news report on Stark Industries future. Pepper winced at the news reporter saying that the company was doomed and that Tony was an idiot.

She was brought out of her train of thought when she heard her phone go off and the caller ID was Tony. "Pepper. How big are your hands?" Tony asked as Pepper had to mute the TV.

"What?" Pepper asked, as she mute the TV.

"How big are your hands?" Tony asked.

"I don't—" "Come down here, I need you." Tony said as Pepper was confused. She put her stuff down and walked down to the garage. She put in her code and walked in to see Naruto standing next to some equipment and Tony leaning in a chair without his shirt on with some kind of thing in his chest and small device in his hands.

"Hey, how big? Show me. Put them up." Tony said as Pepper showed Tony. "Oh, they are petite. Perfect. Could you come here for a second, we need your help."

Pepper walked closer and saw the arc reactor in Tony's chest. "Oh my god. Is that the thing that's keeping you alive?"

"It was. It is now an antique. This is what will be keeping me alive for the foreseeable future. I'm trading it for an upgrading model, and we ran into little speed bump." Tony said.

"Speed bump? What does that mean?" Pepper asked.

"It's nothing. Just a little snag." Tony said as Naruto walked over to remove the device. He slowly rotated it out and then disconnected it and put it down. "There's an exposed wire under this device. I want you to reach in, and you're just gonna gently life the wire out."

"Is it safe?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah, it should be fine. It's like Operation. You just don't let it touch the socket wall or beep." Tony said.

"What do you mean, Operation?" Pepper asked.

"It's just a game, never mind." Tony said as Pepper looked at the socket wall and shook her head.

"You know, Tony, I don't think that I'm qualified to do this." Pepper said.

"No, you're fine. You are the most capable, qualified, trustworthy person I've ever met. You're gonna do great." Tony said.

"What about Naruto?" Pepper asked.

"Hands too big. And I'm not sure Tony would feel comfortable with my aura taking something out of his chest." Naruto said as Pepper nodded. She took a breath and steady herself as she reached into the socket wall and felt a gooey substance.

"Oh…it's pus." Pepper said, grossed out.

"It's not pus. It's an inorganic plasmic discharge from the device, not from my body." Tony said.

"Oh, it smells." Pepper said.

"Yeah, it does." Tony said as Pepper reached down.

"Now, you should have the copper wire." Naruto said, looking at the computers.

"I got it." Pepper said.

"Now, slowly pull it up." Naruto said as Pepper did but it touched the side of the socket wall and the screens buzzed, showing that Tony's heartbeat had risen and that Pepper was messing up.

"Ah, ah! It's when you come up, be careful." Tony said as Pepper nodded and slowly pulled out the wire.

"I'm sorry." Pepper said.

"Ok, now make sure that when you pull it out, you don't…there's a magnet at the end of it! That was it!" Tony said Pepper pulled out the electromagnet at the end of the wire causing the screens to go nuts and start beeping.

"Aw crap." Naruto said as he began to check on Tony. Tony told Pepper to put the magnet away.

"What's going on?" Pepper asked.

"He's going into cardiac arrest." Naruto said as Pepper freaked out.

"What?! I thought he said it was safe?!" Pepper said.

"We don't have much time. Take this." Tony said as he handed her the Arc reactor. "Now, install it to the base plate."

"Ok, Tony. Tony, it's going to be all right. I'll make sure of it." Pepper said as she took the arc reactor and plugged it in.

"YEOW!" Tony said in reflex as he then felt normal. "See, that wasn't so bad. No hang on, I got it." Tony said as he fixed the arc reactor into place.

"Are you ok?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah, I feel great. Are you ok?" Tony asked as he chuckled seeing Pepper's face.

"Don't…ever make me do something like that ever again." Pepper said.

"I don't have anyone else beside you and the kid." Tony said as he got up and removed the wires on his bodies as Pepper picked up the old reactor.

"What do you want me to do about this?" Pepper asked.

"That? Destroy it. Incinerate it." Tony said.

"You don't want to keep it?" Pepper asked.

"Pepper, I've been called a lot of things, nostalgic is not one of them." Tony said.

"Will that be all, Mr. Stark?" Pepper asked.

"That will be all, Ms. Potts." Tony said as she began to leave and he turned to Naruto. "All right, get everything set up. I'm going to see Rhodey really quick."

"Got it." Naruto said as he got to work.

Line Break xxxxx

At the military Air force hangar on the outskirts of San Diego were Rhodey was stationed, Rhodey was walking through the hangar with the recent Air Force recruits. He was showing them some F-22 fighter jets and giving them a talk.

"The future of air combat, is it manned or unmanned? I'll tell you, in my experience, no unmanned aerial vehicle will ever trump a pilot's instinct, his insight, that ability to look into a situation beyond the obvious and discern it's outcome, or a pilot's judgment." Rhodey said.

"Colonel? Why not a pilot without the plane?" They heard as they saw Tony walk up next to Rhodey.

"Look who fell out of the sky, Mr. Tony Stark." Rhodey said as Tony shook a recruits hand.

"Speaking of manned or unmanned, you got to get him to tell you about the time he guessed wrong at spring break. Just remember that, spring break, 1987. That lovely lady you woke up with, what was his name?" Tony said as they chuckled. "What was his name? Was is Ivan?"

"Don't do that. Don't do that. They'll believe that. Don't do that." Rhodey said. "Give us a second guys." Rhodey said as the recruits left.

"I'm surprised. I swear, I didn't expect to see you walking around so soon." Rhodey said.

"I'm doing a little better than walking." Tony replied.

"Really?" Rhodey asked.

"Rhodey, the kid and I are working on something big. I came to talk to you. I want you to be a part of it." Tony said as Rhodey smiled.

"You're about to make a whole lot of people around here real happy, 'cause that little stunt at the press conference, that was a doozy." Rhodey said.

"This…is not for the military. I'm not…it's different." Tony said.

"What? Are you a humanitarian now or something?" Rhodey asked.

"I need you to listen to me." Tony said.

"No. What you need is time to get your mind right. I'm serious." Rhodey said.

"Ok." Tony said.

"It's nice seeing you, Tony." Rhodey said as he left and Tony left for his house.

He drove into his garage and saw Naruto making some adjustments to his suit, which was on a mannequin. Tony got out of the car as Naruto tightened the forearm plate.

"Hey, kid." Tony said.

"Hey, Tony. Is Rhodey in?" Naruto asked as he then fixed the belt of the suit.

"No, he's not. Looks like it's just you and me." Tony said as he walked over to the suit as Naruto finished adjusting the belt and straps. "You with me on this?"

"Always, Tony." Naruto said as Tony smiled.

"I got to say, kid. Not bad with the suit." Tony said, looking it over.

"Thanks. I've been working on it for a while and when you were taken, what better time to use it. It helps improve my abilities more and helped keep my identity a secret when I rescued you." Naruto said as he put his tools down and walked over to the computer. "I got everything set up."

"Perfect. Jarvis you up, buddy?" Tony asked as Naruto brought up the holographic image of Tony's iron suit he made in that cave.

"For you sir, always." Jarvis said.

"I'd like to open a new project file, index it as Mark 2." Tony said as the image came up on the 3-D holographic worktable.

"Shall I store this on the Stark Industries Central Database?" Jarvis asked.

"Actually, I don't know who to trust right now. Until further notice, why don't we just keep everything on my private server." Tony said.

"Working on a secret project, are we sir?" Jarvis asked.

"I don't want this winding up in the wrong hands." Tony said as he removed the excess armor and bulk from his first design. "Maybe in mine it can actually do some good."

"All right, let's get started. So what should we work on first?" Naruto asked.

"I'm thinking we should work on the suit's flight capability. Something tells me there's more of my weapons out there in the hands of terrorists I'm going to need to fly to get there." Tony said as he then brought up a new blank image.

"The thrusters will be powered by the arc reactor so we'll just need to work on making a powerful enough system so that they won't overload." Tony said.

"All right, let's get to work." Naruto said as they started coming up with different ideas of the types of metal, and how they would weave the circuits in.

After about two days of getting the materials and of coming up with designs, they were now soldering circuits and screwing, wrenching and creating the metal boots that would be Tony's thrusters. There were moving circuits set on axels which would help Tony move the large boots made of metal and now they were just finishing making last minute adjustments on the last boot.

Tony was soldering circuits as Naruto held a magnifying class that helped him. "All right, up to the shin." Tony said as Naruto moved the magnifying glass and Tony soldered the circuits together.

"Now, down to the toe." Tony said as Naruto moved and Tony finished the last circuit. "All right, done."

Tony put the soldering pen away as Naruto pressed the manual release on the boots and it opened up. Tony set up a power router that would power the boots and then set up some hand triggers, which would activate the thrusters. Naruto was filming and watching over the systems while the Dummy was on fire safety.

"All right. Let's do this right. Start mark, half and meter, then back and center. Dummy, look alive. You're on fire safety. Kid, roll it." Tony said.

"Rolling it." Naruto said as he hit record.

"Ok, activate hand controls. We're gonna start of nice and easy. We're gonna see if 10% thrust capacity can achieve lift. And three,…two…one." {BAMM} Tony used the hand controls but the 10% power was way too much as he was sent flying into the air and flipped backward, bashed into the wall and hit the ground with a loud thud.

Tony groaned as the Dummy sprayed Tony with the fire extinguisher as Naruto ran over to check if Tony was alive. "Tony?! You ok?" Naruto asked as Tony groaned.

"I'm good. Just sore." Tony said as Naruto smiled.

"Good,…because that was so funny!" Naruto said as he laughed and helped Tony to his feet. "You're going to need flight stabilizers."

"Yeah…and to use less power." Tony said.

They then got to work on using making flight stabilizers that Tony would have on his forearms and hands. It was a real basic design and that took about four days making sure they would work with the boot thrusters. They managed to create a rough prototype and they were going to test it. Naruto was adjusting some wires on the second flight stabilizer as Tony was putting the first one on. He clamped on the fore arm clasp and then the shoulder clasp and screwed it, to fix a bolt as Pepper walked down the garage. She was carrying some mail, a box and two cups of coffee.

She walked in as Tony hooked up the flight stabilizer to the arc reactor. "I've been busy you guys, didn't you hear the intercom?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah, everything's…what?" Tony said as he lifted the stabilizer up and pointed it forward.

"Obadiah's upstairs." Pepper said.

"Great, I'll be right up." Tony said. "Kid, monitor the power."

"On it." Naruto said as he walked over to the computer.

"I thought you said you were done making weapons." Pepper said as Tony grabbed the switch.

"It is. It's a flight stabilizer. It's completely harmless." Tony said as he pressed the button and the stabilizer charged up. It then fired a repulsive force that shot through the lab with enough force to send Tony off his feet and it accidently hit Naruto and knocked him to the ground. "I didn't expect that.

"Oh, that was too powerful as well." Naruto said getting up.

Line Break xxxxx September 6th, 2010

It turns out that Obadiah had come to tell Tony that the Board of Directors had filed an injunction against him and were trying to box him out. With the argument he was experiencing post traumatic stress disorder, he was unfit to lead the company but Tony wouldn't have it since he controlled majority control of the company. After that, he and Naruto kept working on the flight components of the suit. They were now ready for the next flight test. They had set up his hand stabilizers and thrusters, connected to his arc reactor and they set up another test area.

"Day 8, test 37, configuration 2.0. All right, nice an easy. Seriously, just going to start off with one percent thrust capacity. And three, two, one." Tony said as the thrusters activated and propelled him about a 18 inches in the air. He floated around, not moving far from the center start point and then deactivated his thrusters and landed.

"Ok, not bad. Let's bring it up to 2.5. In three, two, one." Tony said as he now floated in the air about 3 feet in the air. He then began to float around and fly around his garage and towards his cars. "Ok, this is where I don't want to be! Oh, not the cars." Tony said as floated above his cars.

He then began to hover near the computers and papers began to fly around. Tony then placed both his hands forward and floated backwards until he got back to the center of the room and then placed his hands at his side and stood straight so that he pretty much floated in air, still. Naruto then cut the power as Tony landed.

"Yeah, I can fly." Tony said.

"All right, let's build the rest of the armor." Naruto said as they got to work.

Over the next day, they and Naruto's clones assembled the rest of the armor and then one night it was time to test it out. They had machines attach the leg and lower half of the armor, as Naruto helped Tony with the chest armor as they screwed on the arms and the helmet. Tony put on the face shield as Naruto set up the connection between his helmet HUD and the systems at the house.

"Wireless uplink is set." Naruto said as Tony put on the face shield and his HUD came online.

"Jarvis, you there?" Tony asked as his HUD powered up.

"At your service sir." Jarvis said.

"Heads up display powering up. Import all preferences from home interface." Tony said.

"Will do, sir." Jarvis said as Tony walked around a bit as the HUD scanned his environment and a map of the area came up on the bottom right along with his power levels on the bottom.

"All right, what do you say?" Tony asked.

"I have indeed been uploaded, sir. We're online and ready." Jarvis said.

"Can we start the virtual walk-around?" Tony asked.

"Importing preferences and calibrating virtual environment." Jarvis responded.

"Do a check on control surfaces." Tony said.

"As you wish, sir." Jarvis said.

The suit then began to move it's outer plates as the armor began to adjust and troubleshoot any problems, making sure no armor points were jammed or not responding. All of the armor points on the suit moved outward and then back into place as the armor seemed fine.

"All right. Test is complete. Suit seems fine." Naruto said, looking at the suits condition on the computer.

"Preparing to power down and begin diagnostics." Jarvis said.

"Uh, yeah. Tell you what. Do a weather and ATC check. Start listening in on ground control." Tony said.

"Uh, Tony. I don't think that's a good idea." Naruto said.

"Sir, there are still terabytes of calculations needed before an actual flight is…" "Jarvis! Sometimes you got to run before you can walk." Tony said.

"In three, two, one." Tony said as the thrusters activated and Tony flew out of the garage entrance with incredible speed and immediately began flying through the air.

"WHOOHOO!" Tony shouted as he did some spins in the suit as he flew over the Pacific.

"How's it handle?" Naruto asked.

"Handles like a dream." Tony said as he flew towards the pier and tested out his HUD's features by zooming in on some kids on the Ferris wheel. Then the flew to the city and then flew straight up. "All right, let's see what this thing can do. What's SR-75's Mark?"

"That altitude for fixed winged flight is 85,00 feet." Jarvis said.

"Records were made to be broken, come on!" Tony said as he pushed the suit to go higher. But as he was going higher, at about 40,000 feet, his suit began to ice up with frost and ice slowly building around his armor.

"Tony, pull back! There's a lot of ice building up! It's interfering with the armor!" Naruto said over the comm.

"Keep going!" Tony said as he kept going higher. "Higher!"

Tony kept going higher but eventually the build up of ice short-circuited his boot thruster and his system shut down. "AAAAAHHHHH!" Tony shouted as he flailed his arms and began to fall back to the ground.

"We iced up Jarvis! Deploy flaps!" Tony shouted but his HUD had shut down and there was no response. "KID! JARVIS!" He shouted but no response.

"Come on, got to break the ice!" Tony shouted as he managed to break the ice over his kneecap armor where the manual release knob for the flight flaps was located. He managed to grip the knob and turned it, deploying the flaps, which slowed down his descent and broke off about 90% of the ice covering his suit, and rebooting his suits system and HUD and then his thrusters re-engaged just in time as Tony narrowly avoided hitting some cars on the highway.

"YEAH!" Tony shouted as he flew through the city.

"Tony, you ok?! Your system shut down for a few seconds!" Naruto shouted.

"I'm good!" Tony said as he flew back to the house. He flew to the top of his house and hovered above the roof. "Kill power." Tony said as the thrusters stopped and instead of landing on the roof, his weight sent him straight through the roof, through the main floor and crushed the piano and into the garage where he landed on top of one of his old hot rod cars and crushed it. And then all the car alarms went off as the Dummy sprayed Tony with the Fire extinguisher.

"{Groan}" Tony groaned as he laid on the car as Naruto walked over and pressed a button on his phone and the car alarms shut off.

"Was that fun?" Naruto asked.

"Fan…tastic." Tony said as Naruto helped him up and the two kept working on the armor.

Line Break xxxxx

September 8th, 2010

After the first test flight of the armor, Tony and Naruto got to work on the suit's exo-systems, and replacing the metal so the armor wouldn't freeze up at higher altitudes or going to fast and that it wouldn't be too heavy but just as durable. They also were working on the weapons of the suit. Tony was working on the suit and gave Naruto a break so Naruto was in the kitchen getting a snack. He was eating some ramen, drinking some soda and watching the news about some committee meeting in D.C. about this supposed Mutant emergence. Naruto was watching intently as Senator Kelly was making an announcement when his phone rang and it was Linda. He shut the T.V. off and answered.

"Hey, Linda." Naruto said.

"Hey…HEY?!" Linda shouted as Naruto moved his ear a bit from her loud shout. "It's been 2 weeks since Tony got back and I haven't hear from you once…at all! Worry about you and respecting your territory given what happened to Tony, but I was hoping for a phone call or text! But no, you've just pushed me aside!"

"Hello, Linda. Nice to see you too. And I'm sorry for not calling you in a while." Naruto said.

"You better be sorry!" Linda said.

"I know, and I'm sorry. It's just that Tony…is different after what happened to him. So it's sort of been a all hands on deck with me here." Naruto said as he heard Linda huff.

"I know…I'm just saying that it would have been nice to at least get a call or text from you." Linda said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. So did you just call me to tear me a new one or something else?" Naruto asked.

"Uh, have you forgotten what day is today?" Linda asked.

"Uh…it's not your birthday is it?" Naruto asked.

"No, it's the Stark Industries benefit for the Firefighter's family fund. We've gone together every single year, it's our tradition." Linda said.

"Right…the firefighter ball. It's tonight. Sorry, I guess I lost track of time." Naruto said.

"That's all right. But it's our tradition so we're going tonight. Get a car and pick me up at 7." Linda said.

"Yes, Ms. Park." Naruto said joking as he hung up and went to get ready. He took a shower, got dressed in a nice black suit with a dark red shirt and went down to the garage to use one of Tony's cars. Tony was working when he saw Naruto walk down into the lab in a fancy suit.

"Hey, kid. Looking good. You heading out, tonight?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, it's your benefit tonight for the Firefighter family fund. Remember?" Naruto asked as Tony thought for a moment.

"Jarvis, did you get an invite for that?" Tony asked.

"I have no record of an invitation." Jarvis said.

"Huh." Tony said.

"Well it's a reason for you to get out of the house." Naruto said.

"Yeah. Jarvis, how's the render?" Tony asked as Jarvis put the finished render of the Mark 3 armor on the screen and it had new features with better armor and a gold color scheme.

"The render is complete, sir." Jarvis said.

"A little ostentatious, don't you think?" Tony asked.

"What was I thinking? You're usually so discreet." Jarvis said as Tony looked over to his hotrod car.

"Not a fan of the gold color scheme." Naruto added.

"Tell you what. Throw a little hot-rod red in there." Tony said as he took a sip of his green juice.

"Yeah, that'll help you keep a low profile." Naruto joked as Jarvis did it so the chest, greaves, gauntlets and parts of the head were red.

"The render is complete." Jarvis said.

"Yeah, I like it. Fabricate it. Paint it." Tony said.

"Commencing automated assembly. Estimate completion time is five hours." Jarvis said.

"Don't wait up for me honey." Tony said as he left to get changed and Naruto took Tony's corvette and left to pick up Linda.

Naruto drove to her house and parked outside. He walked to the door and knocked as Linda walked out wearing a nice black dress. Naruto drove to the Disney concert hall where the event was being held and parked at the front as the valets opened the doors. "Good evening, Mr. Uzumaki." The valet said as he opened the car door and gave Naruto a ticket. Naruto and Linda then linked arms and walked in as the VIP's of the event had their pictures taken or interviewed. Naruto walked in as he saw Obadiah talking with some newspaper.

Naruto and Linda walked in and saw many of the people mingling and talking with each other, having drinks and hor d'oeuvres. Naruto and Linda walked over to the bar to get two sodas as a man in a suit walked over to them. "Mr. Uzumaki." The man said as Naruto looked at him and recognized him as the agent he and Pepper talked to at the press conference two weeks back.

"Yes? Oh, you're that agent…uh." Naruto said as he tried to remember.

"Agent Coulson, with the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division." Coulson said.

"{Sigh} Wow, you need a new name for that." Linda said as she sipped her Sprite.

"Yeah, I hear that a lot." Coulson said.

"So, how can I help you Agent Coulson?" Naruto asked.

"I was hoping that if you had some free time in the near future, to answer some questions. My organization still needs some answers." Agent Coulson said.

"Sure, but Tony hasn't really talked about what happened so I'm not sure what help I can be." Naruto said as he sipped his coke.

"Thank you, but while we want to talk to Mr. Stark, we'd also like to talk to you about where you were when he was missing." Coulson said as Naruto looked at him.

"I was traveling. Some time to get my head together." Naruto said.

"Of course. Either way, we'd like to talk to you." Agent Coulson said as he handed Naruto his card. "Feel free to give us a call when it's available to you. Have a nice evening, Mr. Uzumaki. Ms. Park." Coulson said as he left.

"How did he know who I am?" Linda asked.

"I don't know." Naruto said as he looked at the card that Coulson gave him. "Something's odd with that guy."

"Yeah, but why does he want to talk to you?" Linda asked.

"No idea." Naruto said as he took a sip of his drink.

Naruto then saw Pepper talking with some other people. Pepper turned and saw Naruto and Linda and smiled. She bid goodbye to the people she was talking to and walked over to Naruto and Linda. "Naruto, I'm glad you came." Pepper said as she hugged Naruto and Naruto hugged back.

"Wouldn't miss it." Naruto said as Pepper then hugged Linda.

"Glad he listened to you." Pepper said as she kissed Linda's cheek.

"I know how to guilt trip him." Linda joked as Naruto looked at them.

"Wait, what?" Naruto asked.

"Well, with how shut in you've been lately and since Tony got back. We figured you needed a nice night out." Pepper said.

"We put this little plan together and it worked perfectly. Now enjoy yourself, whiskers." Linda said.

"Oh ha ha." Naruto said as Linda and Pepper chuckled.

"So, Linda, are you excited for New York?" Pepper asked.

"Beyond. It's going to be amazing. My mom is happy but she's also sad. She'll be alone." Linda said as Naruto nodded. Linda's mom was a single mom ever since her dad left when she was young.

"Well, don't worry. You're mom's a tough cookie. Besides, you'll still be able to see here whenever you want. I'm sure I can get Tony's private jet to shuttle you back and forth." Naruto joked.

"I'm sure that'll be fine, right Pepper?" Linda asked.

"Sure…" Pepper said as the three laughed.

The three kept talking until Pepper was pulled away by from work friends so Naruto and Linda enjoyed themselves. They walked with some friends of Tony's that Naruto knew well enough, some newspaper people and enjoyed some dancing. Naruto noticed Tony walk in, about an hour later and talked with the agent guy. He also then danced with Pepper which was kind of weird but also really nice to see. Naruto and Linda were slow dancing to the music as Linda took a deep breath.

"I'm going to miss you when I leave tomorrow, whiskers." Linda said.

"Hey, it's not like you're leaving forever. Besides, with today's technology, it'll be like I never left. But I'll miss you too. I'll try and visit as much as I can." Naruto said as Linda smiled and hugged Naruto as Naruto hugged back. He then saw Naruto talking to some reporter as she handed him some images and Naruto noticed Tony's face was a mix of shock, anger and determination. He then noticed Tony walk outside.

"Linda, I'll be right back." Naruto said as Linda nodded and followed Tony outside. He walked out the doors and Tony and Obadiah posing for photos, and it seemed like Obadiah was saying something and then he left as Tony just stood there. Naruto walked up to Tony.

"Tony?" Naruto asked as Tony handed him the photos. "Oh my god."

"When the armor's ready. I'm going in." Tony said.

Line Break xxxxx September 9th, 2010

Naruto dropped off Linda at home and promised he'd help her finish packing and go with her to the airport. Naruto returned home and got some rest and in the morning, he made a chakra enforced clone to go see Linda, while he went to the basement and saw Tony in some tight flight suit, probably for the armor.

"I'm ready, Tony." Naruto said.

"I thought you were going to see Linda?" Tony asked.

"I am. Well, I sent a clone but it's me. Besides, you may need my help." Naruto said as Tony nodded.

"Jarvis, let's do it." Tony said as Naruto and Tony stepped forward to a area where Tony had conducted the flight test. Tony stepped forward as the ground opened up to reveal the assembly robots that would put his armor on him. He put his feet in the boots as the rest of the leg armor was placed on. Naruto stepped forward and strapped on his boots and leg armor. Then his pants and buckle as he forearm braces and gloves were the next part.

While Tony's bottom half was finished, mechanical arms came down from the ceiling holding his chest armor and arm pieces. He extended his arms out and put his hands into the gauntlets as the mechanical arms then began to attach the rest of his arm armor and his chest armor strapped to his back and front. Naruto buckled his chest armor around his shoulders and moved his chest around a bit as the armor plates moved around a bit. Tony then put on his helmet as the facemask closed down and his eye slits glowed bright, like his arc reactor. Naruto then activated his mask as it came around and covered his face and the eyes glowed bright blue.

"Let's get to work." Tony said as Naruto nodded and both flew out of the house and to the Middle East with Tony using his thrusters and Naruto used his powers.

Near Gulmeria, in a village close by, the Ten Rings were currently raiding, and taking over the small town. A town that wasn't affiliated with the extremists or the United States government, a normal small town with people living ordinary lives was being sacked and people were being killed. One of the leaders was ordering his men to round of the men of the village, putting the women and children in a truck and stacking and storing weapons in the village.

When one boy tried to stay with his father, the leader grabbed the boy, tossed him away and began to kick and beat the father. Then he ordered his man to shoot the father in the head. The wife, and children shouted in protest and terror and just as the man was about to pull the trigger, they all stopped and froze when they heard two loud noises coming from the sky and closing in fast. They looked to the sky to all of sudden see two figures fly from the sky and land on the ground with a crouch. One figure was a metal man while the other was a blue glowing figure. Tony and Naruto stood up and looked at the insurgents as the one who was about to shoot the father fired his assault rifle at the two but the bullets either deflected off the metal armor, plates or the glowing man's skin.

Tony then stepped forward and socked the insurgent in the gut, knocking him 20 feet into the sky and he flew through the air until he hit a building. Naruto then stepped forward and fired an energy blast and knocked one of the insurgents away, as Tony turned and fired a repulsor blast and knocked an insurgent into a wall and then fired another, blasting another insurgent away and then fired another and hit an insurgent into a crate of weapons. Naruto fired another blast and hit another insurgent and then shot out an energy claw, grabbed a weapon's crate and tossed it at the sniper on the roof and nailed him right in the face.

Both turned to blast the insurgents near the truck where the women and children were but stopped as they saw the insurgents holding the families at gunpoint, shouting in Arabic, ready to kill them all. Naruto and Tony lowered their arms, while Tony's HUD locked on to the 6 insurgents holding the civilians hostage. When the computer locked onto all 6 of them, his shoulder plates moved apart to reveal two mini anti-personnel launchers and the launchers fired special anti-personnel rounds and nailed all the insurgents in the face and they fell to the ground.

The launchers then moved back into the armor as Naruto scanned the area and saw the leader who tried to get away, he was hiding behind a wall. He walked up to the wall as the insurgent leader was trying to call for backup but then a fist smashed through the wall, grabbed him and pulled him through the concrete wall and tossed him onto the ground hard.

"He's all yours." Naruto said as he floated up and Tony activated his thrusters and both flew out of the town, leaving the leader to his deserved fate. Tony and Naruto flew about a few miles away from the town as Jarvis had found the Jericho missile city on the other side of the village. Both were flying to the city but then Tony got hit by a tank missile and was knocked out of the air and fell to the ground.

Naruto slowly flew to the ground and saw that Tony was fine, just a dent and some scratches on the armor, as Tony crawled out of the crater he created and stood up. Naruto looked at the tank that then tried to blast him with a rocket but Naruto moved his head as it zoomed past him. He then held out his palm and his chakra and energy began to form into a rasengan but it was glowing dark blue. Naruto then charged it up so it was about the size of a softball and then threw it at the tank as it hit the armor and drilled right through into the tank. Naruto and Tony walked away as the tank then exploded.

They walked into a square as the rest of the insurgents started firing on the two but their bullets didn't do anything but annoy them. They saw the two Jericho missile launchers. Tony charged his repulsor blast and fired at the one at the left and Naruto fired at the one on the right and blew both of them to hell, causing a massive explosion that took out the insurgents near them. Tony then flew out as Naruto flew through the city and began blasting the weapon cashes and stockpiles, making a huge trail of destroyed weapons and parts and then came across some trucks as he then barreled through them and picked up one and tossed it up in the air as Tony blasted it to pieces, causing an even bigger explosion as the two then left, with the job done.

The two flew away and were on their way home but unfortunately their mission had caught the attention of the United States military. Tony and Naruto were flying when Jarvis intercepted a call to Tony's phone. "Mr. Stark, you have a call coming from Mr. Rhodes." Jarvis said.

"Put him through." Tony said as the call went through.

"Tony?" Rhodes said.

"Hey, Rhodey." Tony replied.

"What the hell is that noise?" Rhodes asked as he heard some loud noise through the phone.

"Oh I'm with the kid, we're driving with the top down." Tony said.

"Hey, Rhodey." Naruto said.

"Hey, Naruto. Look, Tony I need your help right now." Rhodey said.

"It's funny how that works, huh?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, speaking of funny, we've got a weapons depot that was just blown up a few clicks from where you were being held." Rhodey said.

"Well, that's a hot spot. Sounds like someone stepped in and did your job, huh?" Tony asked.

"Do you got any tech in that area I should know about?" Rhodey asked.

"Nope." Tony replied.

"What about that thing that saved you a few weeks ago? Have you seen that thing at all?" Rhodey asked.

"Sorry, no." Tony said.

"Well good, because I'm staring at something right now and it's about to be blown to kingdom come." Rhodey said as he hung up.

Tony and Naruto saw two F-22 fighter jets fly up behind them. "That's our exit." Naruto said as the two split up with Naruto going left and Tony going right as they each had a fighter jet on their tail.

"Ballroom, this is Whiplash One. I've got the bogeys in my sights. Confirmation that it is two bogey's, not one." One of the pilots said.

"Whiplash One, what are they?" Rhodey asked.

"I've got no idea sir. I think one of them is glowing." The pilot said.

"Glowing. It's the same person who saved Tony Stark. He said he was a friend. Do you have any radio contact?" Rhodey asked.

"Non-responsive, sir." The pilot said.

"Then you are clear to engage." Major Allen said as the pilots lined up their sights on the two bogeys.

"Hit it." Tony said as they two of them hit supersonic speed and flew away, causing a large sonic boom.

"Bogeys just went supersonic!" Whiplash one said.

"I've got a lock!" Whiplash two said as he fired a missile as it closed in on them.

"Inbound missiles." Jarvis said as Naruto turned his head to see the missile getting closer and fired an energy blast and destroyed the missile but it was a bit close and shockwave knocked Tony out of flight mode.

"Bogey destroyed the missile." Whiplash one said as Naruto flew up to avoid the fighters while Tony's systems re-engaged and he flew away. The two fighters were focused on Naruto as Tony was getting away.

"Tony go! I got this!" Naruto said as he began to do loops and rolls to lose the fighters. One of the fighters fired his guns at Naruto as they nicked Naruto in the shoulder and tore off his shoulder armor. Naruto then stopped glowing, which caused him to stop flying as he did a flip through the air as the fighter jets zoomed right past him.

"Holy!" Whiplash two said as they zoomed past the bogey. "No way that thing is a UAV."

"What is it?" Major Allen asked.

"I can see anything." Whiplash one said as they looked around but couldn't see the glowing man. Rhodey looked at the screens back at the command center as his phone rang and it was Naruto and Tony on a group call.

"Hello?" Rhodey answered.

"Hi Rhodey, it's me." Tony said.

"Who?" Rhodey asked.

"Or more accurately, it's us. You asked. You were asking, what you're asking about is us." Tony said.

"No, see, this isn't a game. You do not send civilian equipment into my active war zone. You understand that?" Rhodey asked.

"It's not a piece of equipment or suit. It's me! I'm on the jet! IT'S ME!" Naruto shouted as he used as much chakra as he could to stick onto the bottom of the jet as Rhodey went wide-eyed.

"Mark your position and return to base." Major Allen said. As Whiplash two turned his plane and Whiplash one saw a man stuck to the bottom of the plane.

"On your belly! It looks like a man! Shake him off!" Whiplash one said as the jet did one barrel roll after another as Naruto used as much chakra as he could to stay on with the jet. It was moving so much and going really fast that the jet couldn't take the force and Naruto ripped off the bottom part of the jet at mach 2 sending him flying away as the Jet began to malfunction and the bottom was now smoking and on fire.

"I'm hit! I'm hit! My avionics are failing!" Whiplash two said he tried to steer hid plane. All the people at the command center were worried, including Rhodey who was worried about his pilot but also for Naruto.

"Punch out!" Whiplash One shouted as Whiplash two hit the eject and flew out of the plan and fell to the ground fast. "Whiplash two is down!"

"My chute's jammed!" Whiplash two shouted as he was getting closer and closer to the ground. Naruto regained his composure and saw the pilot falling to the ground without a parachute and flew straight after him.

"Sir, I've got a visual on the bogey!" Whiplash one said.

"Whiplash one re-engage. If you get a clear shot you take it!" Major Allen shouted.

"Major, we don't even know what we're shooting at. Call off the Raptor." Rhodey said.

"That thing just took out an F-22 inside a legal no fly zone! Whiplash one, if you have a clear shot take it!" Major Allen ordered as the fighter flew right after Naruto as Naruto was just about to reach the falling pilot.

"Sir, you've been reengaged. Execute evasive maneuvers." Jarvis said.

"I'm almost there." Naruto shouted as he flew next to the pilot and punched the parachute release lever, causing the chute to deploy.

"Good chute! Good chute!" Whiplash two shouted as the men back in the command center cheered. Whiplash one disengaged as Naruto flew away.

"Naruto, you still there?" Rhodey said on his phone.

"I'm here. Thanks for trying to get that guy to stop." Naruto replied.

"Was cutting it close there." Tony said.

"Oh my god, guys. {Chuckles} You guys owe me a plane, you know that, right?" Rhodey joked.

"{Chuckles} Yeah, well technically he tossed me off, so." Naruto joked.

"Now you going to come by and see what we're working on?" Tony asked.

"No, no, no, no, no. The less I know the better. Now, what am I suppose to tell the press?" Rhodey asked.

"Uh, training exercise. Isn't that the usual bs?" Tony asked.

"It's not that simple." Rhodey replied as he ended up using that excuse.

Line Break xxxxx September 10th, 2010

Tony and Naruto returned to the mansion after the long flight back to the states. They flew back through the garage entrance and landed in the lab. Naruto's HUD came down and he unbuckled his chest armor as his right shoulder and arm armor fell off from the damage he got from the F-22 machine gun. He undid the rest of his upper armor and stretched his arms, not feeling any pain from the impact of the bullets as he had healed. He undid his belt and lower parts of the armor and put it on the mannequin, needing to fix it all later.

"You all right, kid? You bit the bullet back there dealing with the airforce." Tony said.

"I'm fine. Let's get you out of that armor before someone finds us." Naruto said as he went to a computer and activated the robot assembly arms to take Tony's armor off as he tried to stay still.

"Ok,…ow! Take it easy, would you?!" Tony said as he tried to stay still.

"It won't hurt if you stay still." Naruto said as he grabbed Tony's helmet and put it down.

"Ah…Ah!" Tony said as the machines tried to get hold of the armor.

"It is a tight fit, sir." Jarvis said as Tony continued to struggle. "Sir, the more you struggle, the more this is going to hurt."

"Be gentile. This is my first time." Tony said.

"Quit being a baby." Naruto said as he tried to hold Tony still.

"I designed this to come off—{Groan} Ow!" Tony said as Naruto and the crane managed to remove the gauntlet.

"Please try not to move, sir." Tony said as the arms tried to keep his feet from kicking and moving.

"What's going on here?" Tony and Naruto heard as they turned to see Pepper walk in and stand there with a look of shock, disbelief and amazement. Tony and Naruto froze for a few seconds of awkwardness.

"Let's face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing." Tony said.

"And I have a very good excuse for all of this." Naruto said.

"Are those bullet holes?" Pepper asked worried.

"Uh…no. They're…holes from…fast moving…projectiles…" Naruto tried to say as Tony looked at him. "Well, cat's out of the bag."

"So this explains everything. What Naruto's been up to ever since Tony was gone, how Tony got back, why you two have been so secretive and busy the past few weeks." Pepper said as she looked at them.

"Pepper, we can explain. Look, I had to do something when Tony was taken. I had the power to get him back and I did. As for Tony, you can yell at him." Naruto said as Tony looked at him, just throwing him under the bridge.

"I need a drink. Lots of drinks." Pepper said as she left.

"That went better than I thought." Naruto said.

"Wait till she comes back and rips us a new one." Tony said.

"Rip you a new one. I'm telling her this was all your idea." Naruto said with a chuckle.

Tony and Naruto fixed their armor and began to plan out their next step and prepare for the fallout of what Pepper would do to them. While he was doing that, in the desert of Nevada, miles and miles from a U.S. town, a small armed compound was set up, with tents and lights as the vehicles in the camp were army colored humvee's, but the people in the compound were not U.S. military. They were dressed in ragged, desert like clothes and as a group passed by a tent, carrying some AK-47's, the symbol on the tent was of the 10 Rings, the terrorist group that took Tony.

It explains how they were able to get Tony's weapons, whoever was supplying them with weapons, got them into the country. The leader of the 10 rings was waiting outside his tent as he and his men seemed to be expecting someone. A few minutes passed as some lights came in from the distance and got brighter to show a caravan of 5 black Chevrolet Suburban that pulled into the compound and then stopped.

The doors to the cars opened to reveal American men, dressed in black and seemed to be either military or private security, armed with guns and earpieces. In the lead car, the side door opened and a man stepped out in a business suit…it was Obadiah Stane. Tony's partner at Stark Industries was the one who was funneling weapons to the terrorists and the one who got them past national security and into the country for this meeting.

Stane walked forward to the leader of the 10 rings. "Welcome." The leader said as Stane saw the burn scar on the side of his face. "Compliments of Tony Stark."

"Well, if you'd killed him like you were supposed to, you'd still have a face." Stane said, revealing he was the one who gave the terrorists the information to kidnap Tony.

"You paid us trinkets to kill a prince." The leader replied.

"Show me the weapon." Stane said.

"Come. Leave your guards outside." The leader said as they walked into his tent.

Stane walked past the tent flap to see what he came for,…the armor that Tony made that helped him escape. It was broken up a bit, some parts were missing and it wasn't whole, but it was 75% there.

"His escape bore unexpected fruit." The leader said as he moved to a table with some papers.

"So this is how he did it." Stane said.

"This is only a first, crude effort. Stark has perfected his design. He has made a masterpiece of death. I should know, I saw it in action…along with his bodyguard." The leader said.

"Bodyguard?" Stane asked.

"Yes. The glowing man who helped Stark escape and who destroyed my weapons. He is working with Stark." The leader said.

"Who is he?" Stane asked.

"I was going to ask you the same question. I captured Stark and Stark alone. Whoever this man is, he came to get him…surely he must come from your company." The leader said.

"Stark Industries has never dabbled in human experimentations to create super soldiers. What did he look like?" Stane asked.

"My men tell me that he descended from the heavens like a god. Glowing blue like the sky, with the strength of 50 men, able to shoot energy from his arms and claws from his body." The leader said as Stane exhaled.

"I meant a description. Hair color, eye color, what he fucking looked like." Stane said.

"My men tell me that he had golden hair, from what they could see. And a symbol on his chest, like a leaf." The leader said.

"A leaf?" Stane said as something inside his head began to click.

"Whoever this man is, he's Stark's lapdog. And will defend Stark and his company. Something you seek to take from him. We have a common enemy. If we are still in business, I will give you these designs as a gift." The leader said as he poured a cup of tea. "And in turn, I'll hope you'll repay with a gift of iron soldiers."

Stane chuckled as he took the cup of tea and pat the leader on the shoulder. He then undid his fist to reveal and small device, slipped the cover off as a high-pitch buzzing emanated from the device, causing the leader to shake and then freeze. The device froze the leader, making him shudder occasionally as his eyes turned red and the blood vessels near his ears and eyes turned dark, dark enough to be seen on the skin. Stane was fine as he had small ear plugs that protected him.

"This is the only gift you shall receive." Stane said in Arabic as he turned the device off. "Technology. It's always been your Achilles heel in this part of the world. Don't worry, it'll only last 15 minutes. That's the least of your problems." He said as he walked out of the tent to see his private security team had rounded up all the insurgents and had them at gunpoint.

"Crate up the armor and the rest of it. All right, let's finish up here." Stane said as his men opened fired, and killed all the insurgents. After they crated up the armor and everything else, the torched and blew the camp and left back for Stark Industries. "Set up Sector 16 underneath the Arc reactor, and I'm going to want this data masked. Recruit our top engineers. I want a prototype right away, and bring in the special weapon from the restricted file AT1. Let's put that thing to use."

Line Break xxxxx September 13th, 2010

It's been about three days since Pepper had found out about Naruto and Tony's adventure and she had been relatively quiet. She returned later that day for some answers, and Tony told her what they had done. After that, she was distant for a bit and Tony let her. Tony and Naruto worked on their armor, to get them ready for the next mission. Tony was working on some calculations while Naruto screwed in the last armor plate on the left arm.

They heard some noise and saw Pepper walk in. "Hey. You busy? You mind if I send you on an errand? I need you to go to my office. You're going to hack into the mainframe and you're going to retrieve all the recent shipping manifests. This is a lock chip." Tony said as he handed her a fancy looking USB drive. "This'll get you in. It's probably under Executive Files. If not, they put it in a ghost drive, in which case you need to look for the lowest numeric heading."

"And what do you plan to do with this information when I get it?" Pepper asked.

"Same as before. We're going to find my weapons and destroy them." Tony said.

"Tony,…you know that I would help you with anything, but I cannot help you if you're going to start all of this again." Pepper said.

"There's nothing except this. There's not art opening. There's no benefit. There's nothing to sign! There is the next mission and nothing else." Tony said.

"Is that so? Well, then I quit." Pepper said as she was about to leave.

"You've stood by my side while I reaped the benefits of destruction. And now that I'm trying to protect the people I put in harms way, you're going to walk out?" Tony asked.

"You're going to kill yourself, Tony. I'm not going to be apart of it. It's bad enough you convinced Naruto to join you on your mission." Pepper said.

"He didn't need to convince me of anything. I'm doing this because I want to." Naruto said.

"Naruto, I understand you wanting to use your powers to save Tony,…but trying to kill yourself out there. You have your future ahead of you." Pepper said.

"This is my future. Someone like me, with my powers and my background…using my powers to do some good is the only way my life can go. I was sent here for reason, this must be it." Naruto said.

"You both are going to get yourselves killed doing this. And for what?" Pepper asked.

"I'm not crazy, Pepper. I should have died in that cave but I'm alive. And it was for a reason. I just finally know what I have to do. And I know in my heart that it's right." Tony said as Pepper exhaled.

"Look Pepper, you don't have to do it. I can." Naruto said as he crossed his fingers and in a puff of smoke he turned into Pepper. "Because Pepper Potts will handle it."

Naruto/Pepper walked up to take the lock chip but Pepper grabbed it. "You would never pass off being me. Besides, you don't have the credentials." Pepper said with a small smile as Naruto/Pepper smirked and puffed into smoke and turned back into Naruto.

"All right, I'll drive." Naruto said as he and Pepper left.

"You two are all I have, too, you know." Pepper said as Tony smiled and saw them leave.

Naruto drove Pepper's Audi to Stark Industries and parked in the executive parking lot. He and Pepper walked in as Naruto chilled out in the lobby while Pepper passed through the security desk and up to Tony's office. Naruto chilled, keeping up appearances as no one really gave him a second glance. Smiling and waving as they passed by as Naruto did the same. Naruto then got up to get a drink of water from the water fountain.

"Mr. Uzumaki." Naruto heard as he wiped his mouth and turned to see Agent Coulson.

"Agent Coulson." Naruto said.

"Nice to see you here." Agent Coulson said as he shook his hand and Naruto was polite and shook back.

"You too. You and the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division following me now?" Naruto asked as Coulson chuckled.

"No. I have an appointment here scheduled and I'm just waiting. Happy accident I see you here as well." Coulson said.

"Well, I'm here waiting for someone." Naruto said as the two walked back to the lobby. "So, can I ask what you guys do? I mean, like the CIA, FBI stuff like that? I've never heard of your organization."

"That's the point. Our organization is meant to remain hidden. Most people aren't aware of our existent. But we're the good guys. We protect the world and people from threats and knowledge that they aren't ready for." Coulson said as Naruto looked at him.

"To protect people from threats they aren't ready for. So you're not just a U.S. designated organization?" Naruto asked.

"No. We're a globally recognized organization, but first and foremost an American intelligence agency." Coulson said.

"Ah, an American Intelligence Agency. Spies and such. I'm surprised that you're so forthcoming with all of this. Why tell me so much?" Naruto asked.

"Well, I'm hoping that if I'm more forthcoming with who I am and what I do, you'd be more forthcoming about certain events." Coulson said.

"You mean what happened to Tony during his capture?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, and the time you spent while he was away as well as other things concerning yourself." Coulson said as Naruto looked at him.

"I spent that time, grieving and traveling to clear my head, I told you." Naruto said.

"I know. And believe that that is part of it, but video recordings of a glowing blonde man entering military bases and acquiring military frequencies and recordings of Mr. Stark's capture attracts attention as well. That and the matter of your adoption." Coulson said as he showed Naruto his phone and it showed a still image from one of the military bases and showed the image and Naruto saw it was him.

Naruto clenched his fist. "Don't worry, we're not here to take you in or anything. Just want to talk." Coulson said.

"Really?" Naruto asked.

"Oh yes. 8 years ago Mr. Stark adopts a young man and is set up as his legal guardian, while our satellites managed to pick up a large energy surge near Mr. Stark's mansion. Wasn't that hard to piece together that Mr. Stark had acquired whatever was the source of that energy surge. Imagine our surprise to find out that he didn't create a new weapon but was taking care of a young man." Coulson said.

"Tony is a good guy." Naruto said.

"He is. And we just wanted to make sure everything would be ok. So we've stayed at a distance and kept other interested parties off your trail." Coulson said as Naruto rubbed his head.

"So you've guys have known for a long time?" Naruto asked, knowing lying would just make it worse instead of accepting the truth.

"We have, but we've respected your privacy and seeing that you just wanted to live as normal of a life as you could, my boss felt that we didn't need to make your life anymore stressful. We've kept our eye on you, of course, just to make sure that you adjust well and no real incidents occurred. And he was right, you were fine. We then spent the rest of our time making sure that no one else was the wiser." Coulson said.

"Well…it's nice to think that the government isn't afraid of me." Naruto said as Coulson chuckled.

"You seemed more than psychologically sound with your unique abilities. It wasn't until you spent two months going to every military base and outpost in the country and stole encryption data on their satellite and soldier feeds did we have to step in." Coulson said.

"Well, I didn't steal anything…I borrowed it. I gave it right back." Naruto said.

"We know. It was funny, the military outposts receiving all their data back by encrypted email." Coulson said.

"I borrowed it all for a good reason…" Naruto stopped as he saw Pepper walked down in a hurry.

"Ah, here's my appointment. Ms. Potts, I hope our appointment is still set?" Coulson asked.

"Yep, our appointment is right now. Come with me. Naruto, you too." Pepper said, as if she was in a big hurry.

"Right now?" Coulson asked.

"Right now. Let's go!" Pepper said.

"Ok." Coulson said as he and Naruto walked with her.

"I'm going to give you the meeting of your life, in your office." Pepper said as they left as Obadiah watched them leave.

Stane watched them leave and then left for the Arc Reactor as he saw a whole team of engineers working. The lead engineer was on the phone but when he saw Stane walk in, he quickly hung up.

"Mr. Stane? Sir, we explored what you've asked us, and it seems as though there's a little hiccup. Actually…" The scientist said.

"A hiccup?" Stane asked.

"Yes. To power the suit…sir, the technology doesn't actually exist. So. it's—its…" The scientist was then cut off as Stane stopped him and pulled him close.

"The technology doesn't exist? William, here is the technology. I've asked you to simply make it smaller." Stane said, pointing to the Arc Reactor.

"Ok, sir, and that's what we're trying to do, but honestly, it's impossible." The engineer said.


"Well, I'm sorry. I'm not Tony Stark." The engineer said as Stane realized that was the issue.

Pepper dragged Naruto and Coulson out of Stark Industries in a hurry, saying that the meeting they were about to have would be something that Coulson would want to here. Naruto drove them to an office building that Coulson said is where they would talk. They parked in the parking lot, and Coulson escorted them into the building. When they walked in, another group of guards walked Coulson as they walked into a small office room.

"Pepper, what is going on?" Naruto asked.

"You will not believe what I found." Pepper said.

"What did you find?" Coulson asked.

"I'll tell you if you and your group are able to arrest people. Do you people do that?" Pepper asked.

"I think they can, Pepper." Naruto said.

"Yes, we can. Now would you please tell us what is going on?" Coulson asked.

"I was on the Stark Servers…looking up some information for Tony and you won't believe what I found." Pepper said as she pulled out the hard drive and handed it to Coulson and he plugged it into a computer.

"What? Jeez, the suspense is killing me." Naruto said.

"Obadiah Stane is responsible for Tony's capture two months ago. He's been secretly selling Stark Industry weapons to terrorists and guerrilla groups. He's been profiting from Stark Industries and he ordered the hit on Tony." Pepper said as Naruto was in shock and Coulson was surprised. Coulson had uploaded the information and saw that Pepper was right. Their were shipping invoices of Stark Industries weapons were sold to terrorist or mercenary groups, under the command of Stane.

"Wait, Stane ordered the hit?! He tried to kill Tony?!" Naruto said in shock as Coulson pressed a button and played a video on the flash drive.

"She's right." Coulson said as Naruto looked at the video of the 10 rings, with the leader speaking in Arabic and one of his men removed the sack of the prisoner who was Tony.

"Translate." Naruto said as Coulson pressed a few buttons and video translated into English.

"You did not tell us that the target you paid us to kill was the great Tony Stark. As you can see, Obadiah Stane…your deception and lies will cost you dearly. The price to kill Tony Stark has just gone up—" {SMASH} The video stopped as Naruto punched the screen so hard that the monitor flew across the room.

"RAGH!" Naruto shouted in rage as he then punched the wall and left a dent as Coulson signaled his men to stand down, seeing them reach for their guns. "Stane's a dead man."

"Naruto, calm down." Pepper said.

"NO! Stane tried to kill Tony and he's been selling weapons to terrorists for years! I'm going to Stark Industries, taking Stane up to 35,00 feet and then dropping him!" Naruto shouted.

"Naruto, calm down. With Pepper's information, we can put Stane away for good. Him and the other members of the board who profited off of his sales." Coulson said as Pepper walked up to Naruto and calmed him down.

Naruto took a deep breath and relaxed. "Fine. But I'm coming with." Naruto said.

"Deal." Coulson said.

"There's something else you should know. Stane has set up a secret section of Stark Industries to make a new weapon. Tony managed to escape from being captured by making a suit and Obadiah is trying to make his own." Pepper said.

"The 10 rings. They must have survived and scavenged the armor. Dammit, I should have destroyed it." Naruto said, kicking himself for not destroying it when he had the chance.

"You should have destroyed it?! Naruto, what are you talking about?" Pepper asked.

"We can talk about that later. We've got to stop Obadiah." Naruto said.

"You heard him, men. Let's move." Coulson said as he and his men left.

"I'll tell you later." Naruto said as Pepper nodded and used her phone to call Tony but he didn't pick up and he wasn't answered so Naruto called Rhodey.

"Naruto." Rhodey answered.

"Rhodey. Listen to me. I need you to check up on Tony. He's not answering his phone." Naruto said as he followed Coulson to the car.

"What's wrong?" Rhodey asked.

"Pepper did some digging at Stark Industries and found out that Obadiah is the man responsible for Tony's disappearance. He paid the 10 Rings to kill Tony, and he gave them information on that military convoy that was escorting him." Naruto said as Rhodey just couldn't believe it.

"Why would Obadiah kill Tony?" Rhodey asked.

"Because without Tony in the way, he get's full control of Stark Industries. He's been selling weapons under the net for years, to terrorists groups, dictators and with Tony gone, he's got complete control. He's even trying to make his own version of Tony's suit and sell it." Naruto said as Rhodey knew this was serious.

"Well, where is Tony now?" Rhodey asked.

"I don't know. He's not answering his phone. Go check up on him. See if he's ok. I'm heading to Stark Industries now with Pepper and some agents. He's going to pay." Naruto said as he hung up and went to the car.

"Get in." Naruto said as he, Coulson and Pepper got in the car and sped over to Stark Industries.

Rhodey quickly drove over to Tony's mansion. He parked outside and ran in. "Tony?! Tony?!" Rhodey shouted as he then checked in the garage.

He walked down to see the glass doors were shattered. "Tony?!" Rhodey called out as he saw Tony on the ground, not moving. "Tony?!" Rhodey shouted as he ran over to check on him. "Tony?! You ok?!" Rhodey asked as he turned him over to see that Tony looked pale but was still alive, with his first mark of his arc reactor design in his chest.

"Where's Pepper and Naruto?" Tony asked.

"They're fine. They're with five agents. They're about to arrest Obadiah." Rhodey said.

"That's not going to be enough." Tony said.

"I'm sure Naruto can handle it. You need to rest." Rhodey said.

"Stane knows about Naruto. He's got a new weapon, just for him. They need help." Tony said as Rhodey helped Tony up and into his armor.

Line Break xxxxx

Naruto, Pepper, Coulson and his agents drove to Stark Industries, to the Arc reactor building where Pepper said Section 16 was located. She saw on the files from the computer that Section 16 was located at the Arc reactor building. They parked outside and walked into the building, seeing all the staff had gone home.

"Section 16. Section 16. There is it." Pepper said, seeing the door at the far wall that said restricted access. She walked up to the door and swiped her card to open the door but it wouldn't open. She swiped again but nothing. "My key won't open it."

"Stand back, Pepper." Naruto said as he moved her to the side and then looked at Coulson. "Do you mind?"

"Go ahead." Coulson said as Naruto nodded and walked forward. He then grunted as he kicked the security door open and knocked it right off it's hinges. "Nice." Coulson said as he and his men drew their guns and walked forward.

Coulson led them pass the door as they walked down the stairs to the next door to Section 16. He walked in as the area was very dark lit, only a few lights to keep the place visible. Wires and cables ran around the room that were tied to the Arc Reactor above. Computers, monitors and data storage banks were everywhere as they looked around for Stane.

Coulson led them through as they saw the iron armor that Stane must have taken, the armor that Tony used to escape. "Looks like you were right. He was building a suit." Coulson said.

"This isn't it. This is Tony's suit, the one he made in the cave. Stane must have had it scavenged. His suit is still here." Naruto said.

"You heard him men. Spread out." Coulson said as they looked around. Coulson's men spread out and searched the room as Naruto and Pepper looked around. Naruto then noticed that near some large computers were large chains and hooks along with power cords that were sparking…because they were ripped off.

Naruto and Pepper then heard some chains jingling and walked over to see what was going on. Pepper walked over to a wall of chains, seeing them move but saw only darkness behind them. Then all of a sudden, two dark blue glowing eyes appeared in the darkness and rose up as it also showed the glow of the arc reactor. It was Stane in his suit.

"AH!" Pepper shouted in fright as Naruto grabbed her and run.

"Pepper! Coulson, run!" Naruto shouted as he grabbed Pepper and they ran for the exit. Coulson's men opened fire but their bullets just bounced off. Stane knocked two of Coulson's men away and them smashed the computers, causing a shower of sparks and metal to fly everywhere. Pepper and Naruto ran through the door as Stane tried to grab them.

They ran for the door and the car as Pepper got a call on her phone. "Pepper!" She heard and it was Tony.

"Tony! Tony, are you ok?" Pepper asked. "Obadiah! He's gone insane!"

"I know. Listen, you've got to get out of there—" {Crack/Rumble} Pepper stopped as the ground next to them cracked open and Stane in his suit punched through the ground and crawled up.

"Where do you think you're going?!"" Stane said as Naruto got infront of Pepper to protect her. Stane walked towards them as Naruto and Pepper backed up. Naruto's hands glowed blue as he was ready to fight.

Stane flexed his right arm and next to the chain gun on his arm, a new type of weapon came out of the armor. It was a new plasma rail gun and it glowed dark blue as the plasma charged up and he pointed it straight at Naruto and Pepper. "Your services are no longer required."

"STANE!" They heard as they saw Tony in his suit fly by. Stane turned and fired a plasma bolt at Tony but it missed and Tony tackled Stane through the pavement and down into the lab and then out to the adjacent highway.

"Oh my god! Tony!" Pepper shouted as Naruto heard some cars crash.

"Pepper, go help Agent Coulson! And get to safety!" Naruto shouted as he activated his powers and glowed blue as he jumped in the air to the highway and saw a car fly through the air so he flew forward and grabbed the car. He then flew down to the ground and put the car down. "Get to safety!" Naruto shouted as the car sped away. Naruto turned to see Stane grab an Audi filled with a family.

"I love this suit!" Stane shouted.

"Put them down!" Tony shouted.

"Collateral Damage, Tony." Stane said.

"Divert power to Chest RT." Tony shouted as his hand repulsors powers down and his chest reactor glowed brighter and then fired a powerful repuslor blast that blasted Stane away. Tony was about to catch the car but Naruto flew by and caught it and then put it down as the car sped away.

"You good?" Naruto asked as Tony nodded.

"I'm good." Tony said as the two heard rumbling and saw Stane get back up. Stane then picked up one of the abandoned cars on the highway and chucked it at Tony and Naruto as Naruto caught it but then two were caught in an explosion as Stane fired a missile at the car. The explosion knocked Tony away and into a car as Naruto flew back and smashed into the highway divider.

"Ugh." Naruto said as he shook his head to get his mind cleared. He then stood up as Stane charged and jumped forward, hell bent to squish Naruto. Naruto rolled to the side to avoid being squished, then grabbed Stane's robot arm, and threw him into an empty bus. Tony got up and fired a rocket at the bus and blew it up.

"You think that did it?" Tony asked as he and Naruto heard some kind of device charge up. Then Tony was blasted with a beam of pure plasma energy that tore through his chest armor and knocked him back all the way to the arc reactor. Naruto then got blasted by the blue laser and knocked through the concrete divider and into the Section 16 lab.

Naruto groaned and gasped in pain that he hadn't felt in years, probably not since he was back in his home dimension. Naruto got to his knees and used his hands to support himself as he was on all fours. He gasped in pain as he saw blood dripping from his noise. He reached up to touch it and gasped as he grabbed his side and saw he was bleeding pretty badly. That laser tore through his energy barrier, and took off a chunk of his flesh causing a really bad wound.

"Damn." Naruto said as he saw the wound was starting to stitch itself together and the flesh was growing back and he was healing. (Think like Wolverine's healing, that's Naruto's healing ability)

He was so focused on his wound that he missed Stane jump through the hole Naruto made and blasted him again with the laser beam and this time, it had enough force to blast Naruto through the walls of the lab and into the arc reactor room. He looked up and saw Pepper and Coulson helping some of the wounded agents into a car.

"Naruto!" Pepper shouted as Naruto looked at his leg and saw it was just as bad as his side wound but it was healing, yet he was in immense pain. Stane then walked through the hole and stomped on Naruto's chest hard.

"ARGH!" Naruto shouted in pain as Stane stomped on him again.

"I always wondered why Tony had taken you in, boy. But now I know why." Stane shouted as he stomped on Naruto's chest again and then his boot's heel released a huge volt of electricity and zapped Naruto.

"ARGH!" Naruto shouted in pain as he tried to get Stane's foot off of him. Stane then socked Naruto across the face, picked him up and then fired the blue laser, point blank at Naruto, knocking him into some computers and into the wall. "Gah!" Naruto shouted as he gasped in pain, feeling horrible as his body healed another wound, this time it was his left shoulder.

"Concentrated plasma rail gun. A little gift from our restricted weapons section. After hearing how you saved Tony, I knew I needed a better weapon to deal with you. And once I kill you, Stark Industries will make a fortune on exploring what makes you tick. Human weapons is the next step." Stane shouted as he prepared to fire another plasma blast.

"Over our dead body." Naruto said with a smirk as Tony jumped on Stane's back and began wrestled with him, getting him away from Naruto.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Tony shouted as he punched Stane's helmet and ripped out some wires.

"Fine, let's take this elsewhere!" Stane shouted as he activated his thrusters and flew up through the ceiling, taking Tony with him.

Pepper and Coulson ran over to Naruto and helped him to his feet. "Naruto, oh my god are you ok?!" Pepper asked as Coulson helped support him but Naruto got back to his feet as his wounds had all healed.

"I'm good. Thanks. We've got to stop him soon before this gets even more out of hand." Naruto said as he looked at the arc reactor and got an idea. "And I think I know how. I need you two to set the Arc reactor and get it to go critical. I'll get Stane back here and then I'll fry his ass." Naruto said as he activated his powers and his energy barrier.

"Be careful." Coulson said.

"I'll be fine." Naruto shouted as he flew up through the ceiling and after Tony and Stane as Pepper and Coulson were at the Arc reactor panels.

Naruto flew up to the ceiling and saw Stane bear-hugging Tony and cracking his armor. Naruto ran forward, slid under Tony and Stane, then kicked out Stane's left leg, causing him to fall to his knees and to let go of Tony. Tony then socked Stane across the face and fired a repulsor blast, point blank knocking him back. Naruto then capitalized on this and grabbed two of the large pistons on Stane's back that helped increase his power, he yanked them off and then threw Stane over and onto the ground.

Stane leaned up as Naruto ran and kneed him right in the helmet with enough force to send him flying in the air. Naruto then sent out a chakra claw and grabbed Stane and threw him back onto the roof. Naruto ran forward and did a jumping punch and socked Stane across the face and then punched him in the upper body, destroying the armor that was there. Stane managed to grab Naruto by the leg and toss him across the roof and fired his chain gun, blasting him and part of the roof but the bullets deflected off of Naruto's body. Tony then flew forward and punched him in the face and then ripped off the chain gun.

Tony threw the gun away as Stane grabbed Tony and tossed him away but then was greeted with a double flying kick to the chest by Naruto that sent him crashing along the rooftop.

"Naruto! It's Ready!" Pepper shouted.

"Get clear!" Naruto shouted as he then looked at Tony. "Tony, remember what we did to that truck?!" Naruto asked as Tony remembered.

"After you!" Tony shouted as Naruto ran forward and ducked as Stane fired another plasma bolt. He then kicked Stane up into the air as Tony fired his unibeam and knocked Stane even higher in the air.

"Shadow Clone jutsu!" Naruto shouted as he created five clones. "GO!" Naruto shouted as the first clone charged and punched Stane even higher.

"NA!" The clone shouted as the 2nd clone then kicked him in the side.

"RU!" The third kicked Stane again.

"TO!" The fourth Clone grabbed Stane, punched him in the gut and then tossed him up even higher.

"UZUMAKI!" The Five clone then blasted Stane in the chest with an energy blast and knocked him as high as the Empire State Building. The real Naruto then crouched and jumped up super high in the air. He jumped up and charged a giant rasengan in his hand and when he was at the top he hit Stane.

"BARRAGE!" Naruto shouted as his rasengan hit Stane and tore through the armor and destroyed the arc reactor core and sent Stane plummeting down at a high velocity and smashed straight into the arc reactor, causing a huge explosion. Pepper and Coulson took cover and Tony watched as Stane was killed in the arc reactor explosion.

Naruto flew back down to the ground as Tony flew down as well to Pepper and Coulson. "That's how it's done. Believe it." Naruto said as Pepper hugged Naruto and Naruto hugged back and then Pepper hugged Tony.

"Nicely done, Kid." Tony said.

"Couldn't have done it without you." Naruto said.

"Well. I think that takes care of things rather nicely." Agent Coulson said. "Not all that's left is to deal with the aftermath."

"Oh. Joy." Naruto said sarcastically.

Line Break xxxxx September 14th, 2010

After the fight at Stark Industries, Coulson and his agents worked on the cover story and covering up what had happened. They confiscated all of Stane's research and prototypes and disposed of them and buried Stane's body as well, and arrested the people who helped him, the scientists and people on the board who profited from Stane's dealings. Even though Coulson and his agents did their best, witnesses to what happened had told the press and the media had run with it, calling the man in the armor, Iron Man and the glowing Man,…as the Glowing Man or Glow. Not original or good for that matter.

There was a press conference going on about what had transpired and Rhodey was addressing the journalists and reporters while Naruto, Pepper and Tony were in his office getting ready. Naruto and Tony were dressed up in suits and Pepper was fixing up Tony's face so no bruises or cuts were shown. As she was doing that, he war reading the paper with the headline, Who is Iron Man?

"Iron Man. That's kind of catchy. It's got a nice ring to it. I mean, it's not technically accurate. The suits a gold titanium-alloy, but it's kind of evocative, the imagery, anyway." Tony said as Pepper finished and Coulson walked up to him with some cards.

"Here's your alibi." Coulson said.

"Ok." Tony replied.

"You were on your yacht. We have port papers that put you in Avalon all night, and with sworn statements from 50 of your guests." Coulson said.

"See, I was thinking that we could say it was just Pepper, the kid and Me. On that island." Tony said as Pepper looked at him and smiled.

"That's what happened." Coulson said.

"All right." Tony replied.

"Just read it word for word." Coulson said as Tony looked it over.

"There's nothing about Stane here." Tony said.

"That's being handled. He's on vacation. Small aircraft has such a poor safety record." Coulson said.

"But what about the whole cover story about them being bodyguards? They're my bodyguards. I mean, is that…that's kind of flimsy, don't you think?" Tony asked.

"This isn't my first rodeo, Mr. Stark. Just stick to the official statement and soon this will all be behind you. You've got 90 seconds." Coulson said as he was about to walk out when Naruto walked up to him.

"Agent Coulson. I just wanted to say thank you. For everything that you've done, for me and this. Thank you. It means a lot." Naruto said as he shook Coulson's hand and Coulson smiled.

"Our pleasure. It's what we do. You'll be hearing from us." Coulson said.

"From the Strategic Homeland Intervention—" "Just call us S.H.I.E.L.D." Coulson said as Naruto nodded.

"Nice." Naruto said as Coulson left.

"All right. Let's get this show on the road." Pepper said.

"You know, it's actually not that bad. I kind of like the name and the whole idea of being a hero." Tony said.

"Speak for yourself. I love being a hero but seriously…the Glowing Man. I need a publicist." Naruto joked as Pepper and Tony chuckled.

"Well you're not the Glowing man. And you're not Iron man." Pepper said to Tony.

"You know if I were Iron Man, I'd have this girlfriend who knew my true identity. She'd be a wreck, cause she would always be worrying, that I was going to die yet be so proud of the man I'd become." Tony said. "She's be wildly conflict, which would make her even more crazy about me. Tell me you never think about that night."

"What night?" Pepper asked.

"You know." Tony replied as Pepper looked at him.

"Are you talking about the night that we danced and went up to the roof, and then you went downstairs to get me a drink, and you left me there, by myself? Is that the night you were talking about?" Pepper asked as Naruto chuckled and Tony cleared his throat.

"Mmm-hmm." Tony said, realizing that it was not going to be a romantic moment.

"Well as fun as that was to watch…shall we get started?" Naruto said as they walked out to the press conference as Naruto nodded to Rhodey.

"And now, Mr. Stark has prepared a statement. He will not be taking any questions. Thank you." Rhodey said as he stepped down from the podium and Tony walked up. Flashes and lights went on as cameras took pictures as Tony got his cards out and Rhodey and Naruto stood at his side.

"Uh, been a while since I've been in front of you. I figure I'll stick to the cards this time." Tony joked as some people chuckled.

"{Clears Throat} There's been speculation that I was involved in the events that occurred on the freeway and the rooftop…" Tony was then cut off by the Vanity fair interviewer.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, but do you honestly expect us to believe that those were body guards. One in a suit and the other one obviously the result of human experimentation, that conveniently appeared, despite the fact that you…" "I know that it's confusing." Tony stopper her.

"It is one thing to question the official story, and another thing entirely to make wild accusations like Stark Industries subjected a person to experiments to make a glowing man or insinuate that I'm a superhero." Tony said.

"I never said you were a superhero." The reporter said.

"Didn't?" Tony said as Naruto looked at him as Tony had kind of dug himself into a whole. "Well good. Because those statements would be outlandish…and fantastic. {Sighs} I'm just not the hero type. Clearly. With this laundry list of character defects, all the mistakes I've made, largely public." Tony rambled as Naruto shook his head and Rhodey went up and whispered in his ear.

"Just stick to the cards, man." Rhodey whispered.

"Yeah." Tony said as he cleared his throat.

"The truth is…" Tony said as he read the card but then decided to make his own decision. "I am Iron Man." Tony said as all the reporters stood up and shouted to get quotes and answers.

"That's all I'll say for now." Tony said as he looked at Naruto. Naruto thought for a second and then nodded. "And I'm not alone. You know the blue person who saved lives as well…the one the media has coined as the Glowing Man,…that is none other than my young friend, Naruto Uzumaki." Tony said as the reporters wanted even more answers and on the east coast, Linda was watching the online coverage of the press conference and fainted after hearing what Tony said.

Naruto then walked up to the podium. "To the reporters who will try to slander Tony and I in the newspapers and call us menaces or vigilantes, just remember this. We saved lives that night. We did. We stopped a madman and a murderer who would have killed a lot of innocent people and despite what people may say about us, we did good. And we will continue to do so. And FYI, I am not calling myself that stupid name the newspapers have decided to call me. From now on…." Naruto thought for a second as he remembered what his name meant when translated into English. "Call me Maelstrom. The coming months will explain why." Naruto said as he and Tony left the press conference with a smile on their face.

"That was…very fun." Naruto said as Tony smirked.

"That it was, kid. You ready for all the possible backlash that will come?" Tony asked.

"Oh, I'll be ready. Coulson probably won't be too happy but it's Linda that I'm worried about. She's going to kill me for keeping a secret like this from here." Naruto said.

"That she is. But maybe you should go talk to here?" Tony asked.

"To New York?" Naruto asked.

"For that reason, and for another. I can kill two birds with one stone. I've been thinking about setting up a Stark Tower in New York, for R&D and for new projects. A tower for new projects and a place for me to stay when in New York." Tony said.

"Stark Tower?" Naruto asked.

"Too presumptuous?" Tony asked.

"A bit." Naruto said.

"Well, we can name it later, but the idea's been in the works for a while and I want to put it into action. So why don't you head to New York, check out the zoning and get some capable scientists who would like to be onboard with the idea for new projects." Tony said.

"Ok. Something tells me I'm going to want to be away from here for awhile." Naruto said as they left to get some dinner. They then returned home late and walked in to notice the lights were off, which was unusual since Pepper was suppose to be here and the house alarm was going on. Naruto clenched his fist and it glowed blue as he walked forward with Tony right behind him.

"Jarvis!" Tony shouted.

"Welcome home, sir—ZZTT" Jarvis shut down and the alarm turned off as they saw some guy standing near the windows. He had his back turned to them but they could tell he was an African American male, with a large black trench coat on.

"I am Iron Man. Announcing who you two are to the world, funny. But do you think you two are the only superheroes in the world? Mr. Stark, Mr. Uzumaki, you've become part of a bigger universe. You just don't know it yet." The man said as Naruto pointed his hand at him, ready to blast him.

"Step into the light." Naruto said as the man did to show his face and they saw he was a tall African American man with a cloak on and had an eye patch on his left eye.

"Who the hell are you?" Tony asked.

"Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D." Fury said.

"Ah." Tony replied.

"I'm here to talk to you two about the Avenger Initiative." Fury said.

End of Chapter 3

Hoped you guys liked the second Chapter of Maelstrom of the Marvel Universe. This chapter concludes the Iron Man 1 arc and now Tony and Naruto have come out as heroes. The new few months will be important for them. Tony deals with the bigger issues and tries to make sure this doesn't completely kill him while Naruto is off to New York to see Linda and to do some good.

This story will encompass all of the Marvel Cinematic universe movies, but also some marvel T.V. shows and include the other Marvel Properties that Marvel hasn't included like Spider-man, the X-men, Blade, Ghost Rider, and maybe the Fantastic Four. Naruto will have a huge role to play in this universe so lets see how this goes.

For those who think that Naruto hasn't been as badass or strong as he should be, remember this is only the beginning and the only real trouble he faced were terrorists and the Iron Monger. I made the fight entertaining but it's kind of hard to make it seem epic when Naruto could easily beat them. So please be patient, Naruto hasn't gotten any weaker, he just has to hold back a bit when he fights or he could kill.

Next Chapter, Naruto heads to New York to see Linda and start making a difference as a hero. Also while he's there, he meets some new friends, some allies, some potential villains and a guy with an obsession with Spiders. Look forward to the next chapter.

Naruto's Abilities

Alter Ego Name: Maelstrom

Powers: Enhance speed. Enhance strength. Accelerated healing. Superior intelligence. Enhance senses. Excellent fighting skills and combat adaptability. Chakra system and Jutsu's from home world. Superhuman durability and resistance to stimuli. Chakra aura cloak, which increases strength, speed, durability and reflexes. Energy projection blasts, capable of stunning and destroying. Capable of aura constructs. Capable of absorbing energy. Capable of Flight.

Weaknesses: Concentrated plasma weapons, magic.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any Marvel products. Both belong to their respective owners, I'm just a big fan.